Can we all admit the Tea Party was a massive failure?

Obama got re-elected, the country has largely tuned out the fanatical elements of the right wing and this astroturf fake political arm of the Republican party has been useless and is now a punchline. I think it's safe to say the Tea Party was a massive failure and alienated the majority of Americans from the Right Wing.

And they are still failing. They thought they found a way to steal the election for Bishop Willard, only problem is they know nothing about the Constitution or the difference between the Electoral College and the House of Representatives! :rofl::lmao:
Judson Philips is the founder of Tea Party Nation.

How Obama can be stopped in Electoral College

Exclusive: Judson Phillips offers constitutional means to put Romney in office Jan. 21
Published: 2 days ago

Barack Obama has not yet been re-elected president.
Yes, the election is over – but remember, a presidential election in America is not by popular vote. We vote for the candidate, but what we are really doing is voting for the electors who will meet on the Monday after the second Wednesday in December.
That is when the actual re-election of the president occurs.
Is there a way to stop this?
Yes, there is.
And the best part – this is totally constitutional.

According to the 12th Amendment, for the Electoral College to be able to select the president, it must have a quorum of two-thirds of the states voting. If enough states refuse to participate, the Electoral College will not have a quorum. If the Electoral College does not have a quorum or otherwise cannot vote or decide, then the responsibility for selecting the president and vice president devolves to the Congress.
The House of Representatives selects the president and the Senate selects the vice president.
Since the Republicans hold a majority in the House, presumably they would vote for Mitt Romney, and the Democrats in the Senate would vote for Joe Biden for vice president.[...]
Mitt Romney carried 24 states. We need to have conservative activists from all over the nation contact the electors, the Republican Party and the secretary of state in all of these states and tell them not to participate in the Electoral College when it meets on Dec. 17.
If we can get 17 of those states (just over one-third) to refuse to participate, the Electoral College will have no quorum. Then, as the Constitution directs, the election goes to the House of Representatives.

However the editorial was just scrubbed as I am posting and this was posted in its place:

Editor’s note, Nov. 20, 2012: Since this column was posted it has been discovered that the premise presented about the Electoral College and the Constitution is in error. According to the 12th Amendment, a two-thirds quorum is required in the House of Representatives, not the Electoral College.
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Until 2014 when they are facing a historic slaughter because they are too ideologically bound to read the writing on the wall. I guess you will applaud them as the go down with the ship.

Tell me the writing on the wall. I can't wait. Please tell me.

Easily, we have spent the last thirty years running the country solely for the benefit of the wealthy and the mega-corprations and they have done pretty awesome while everything else has stagnated or declined. We have just went through four years of economic terrorism from them and you know what? I do not think their anger at us rabble is nearly as scary as it once was. Trickle down is an unqualified failure and is just not a selling point most Americans are willing to accept anymore. Add to that the shifting demographics and the entire republican corporate socialism agenda is as dead as Elvis.

And your solution is...?
In a higher phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labor, and therewith also the antithesis between mental and physical labor, has vanished; after labor has become not only a means of life but life's prime want; after the productive forces have also increased with the all-around development of the individual, and all the springs of co-operative wealth flow more abundantly—only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs![

Karl Marx
The Tea Baggers are a great success....for Democrats.

Still hold House. The peoples house. I understand this.


Yeah, but you lost two low hanging Senate seats because the tea baggers were batshit. Did I mention that West lost? No problem. Obama gets to name the next Supreme Court justices. Not sure if you caught the liberal news, but Romney lost too.
The tea party was astroturf paid for by people like Dick Army and the Koch Brothers who thought that they could buy elections.

Only problem is.................the teabaggers ended up picking lots of far right wing radicals who in their primaries actually beat the Republican who would have had a fighting chance at winning over the Democrat. Wanna talk about Sharon Angle? Christine O'donnell?

Face it GOP, the tea party is the reason you're going to go the way of the Whigs.

And the far left is a bunch of crazies who have appointed enough nutbags to cover their asses for the time being. Don't count on it being that way for long. Rationality always rights the ship, so to speak. And it's always a sad and tumultious time for the liberals when that happens.

Projection, rationality is righting the ship as we speak.

The ship has been sinking for the last four years, nowhere do I see a rational solution to the record setting 42.2 Million people who are currently receiving Food Stamps, or positive Unemployment numbers which have gotten worse even with the Holidays, and all that temporary retail employment... What fantasy world are you living in?
And the far left is a bunch of crazies who have appointed enough nutbags to cover their asses for the time being. Don't count on it being that way for long. Rationality always rights the ship, so to speak. And it's always a sad and tumultious time for the liberals when that happens.

Projection, rationality is righting the ship as we speak.

The ship has been sinking for the last four years, nowhere do I see a rational solution to the record setting 42.2 Million people who are currently receiving Food Stamps, or positive Unemployment numbers which have gotten worse even with the Holidays, and all that temporary retail employment... What fantasy world are you living in?
Yeah, things are going to get better while the chicken littles sit on their little gold hoard predicting doomsday, too bad for you that the republican house was not able make your phantom fears a reality, the future belongs to the bold as it always has and conservatives are going to continue to wallow in their own personal great depression. You are welcome to cower in your corner while your political superiors fix the reckless mistakes of the republican party once again.
Obama got re-elected, the country has largely tuned out the fanatical elements of the right wing and this astroturf fake political arm of the Republican party has been useless and is now a punchline. I think it's safe to say the Tea Party was a massive failure and alienated the majority of Americans from the Right Wing.


The real question is why the left hates and fears the Tea Party so much but admires rapists and drug abusers and criminals in the OWS. Anger, hatred and bigotry seems to be a big part of the left wing base these days.

No kidding, but they have to have people to HATE the people in Tea party wasn't Citizens of the country too.
Obama got re-elected, the country has largely tuned out the fanatical elements of the right wing and this astroturf fake political arm of the Republican party has been useless and is now a punchline. I think it's safe to say the Tea Party was a massive failure and alienated the majority of Americans from the Right Wing.


from what i hear, boehner is doubling down on stupid.

Want to have some fun Jillian?

Christie first to go for what he did to stabbing Romney in the back.

Do you know who Billy is? Cunningham?

Boehner is down for the count. Next on target. He promised Billy if he didn't live up to his promises, he'd nuke him.

Would you like more?
Christie's popularity is at an all time high. He will easily win re-election.

You really should stop doing drugs.
Obama got re-elected, the country has largely tuned out the fanatical elements of the right wing and this astroturf fake political arm of the Republican party has been useless and is now a punchline. I think it's safe to say the Tea Party was a massive failure and alienated the majority of Americans from the Right Wing.

And they are still failing. They thought they found a way to steal the election for Bishop Willard, only problem is they know nothing about the Constitution or the difference between the Electoral College and the House of Representatives! :rofl::lmao:
Judson Philips is the founder of Tea Party Nation.

How Obama can be stopped in Electoral College

Exclusive: Judson Phillips offers constitutional means to put Romney in office Jan. 21
Published: 2 days ago

Barack Obama has not yet been re-elected president.
Yes, the election is over – but remember, a presidential election in America is not by popular vote. We vote for the candidate, but what we are really doing is voting for the electors who will meet on the Monday after the second Wednesday in December.
That is when the actual re-election of the president occurs.
Is there a way to stop this?
Yes, there is.
And the best part – this is totally constitutional.

According to the 12th Amendment, for the Electoral College to be able to select the president, it must have a quorum of two-thirds of the states voting. If enough states refuse to participate, the Electoral College will not have a quorum. If the Electoral College does not have a quorum or otherwise cannot vote or decide, then the responsibility for selecting the president and vice president devolves to the Congress.
The House of Representatives selects the president and the Senate selects the vice president.
Since the Republicans hold a majority in the House, presumably they would vote for Mitt Romney, and the Democrats in the Senate would vote for Joe Biden for vice president.[...]
Mitt Romney carried 24 states. We need to have conservative activists from all over the nation contact the electors, the Republican Party and the secretary of state in all of these states and tell them not to participate in the Electoral College when it meets on Dec. 17.
If we can get 17 of those states (just over one-third) to refuse to participate, the Electoral College will have no quorum. Then, as the Constitution directs, the election goes to the House of Representatives.

However the editorial was just scrubbed as I am posting and this was posted in its place:

Editor’s note, Nov. 20, 2012: Since this column was posted it has been discovered that the premise presented about the Electoral College and the Constitution is in error. According to the 12th Amendment, a two-thirds quorum is required in the House of Representatives, not the Electoral College.

What a fucking idiot. He didn't actually read the text of the Twelfth Amendment before coming up with his dumb plan?
The tea party was astroturf paid for by people like Dick Army and the Koch Brothers who thought that they could buy elections.

Only problem is.................the teabaggers ended up picking lots of far right wing radicals who in their primaries actually beat the Republican who would have had a fighting chance at winning over the Democrat. Wanna talk about Sharon Angle? Christine O'donnell?

Face it GOP, the tea party is the reason you're going to go the way of the Whigs.

No back to the beginning. It's urban versus rural. And it's a whole batch of people taking handouts.

Come on we know this. When you give people things for free they take it. And they will vote for you.

Tell ya what...............we'll take cuts in people welfare, if the "job creators" would take a cut on corporate welfare.

BTW...........................what about the military? Are those people "freeloaders"?

I'm an old lib from way back, when it meant something.

You get back to me when you can scream about Bobby Kennedy Jr. getting mega bucks for a failed so called green project.


You see this is why it's all bullshit. How many houses could one have built for the homeless with 1.4 Billion?

How many could we have fed and sheltered? No. All that money went to a Kennedy?

Solargate: $1.4 billion in stimulus money sent to a “green” company owned by Robert Kennedy Jr « America's Watchtower

Solargate: $1.4 billion in stimulus money sent to a “green” company owned by Robert Kennedy Jr
from what i hear, boehner is doubling down on stupid.

Want to have some fun Jillian?

Christie first to go for what he did to stabbing Romney in the back.

Do you know who Billy is? Cunningham?

Boehner is down for the count. Next on target. He promised Billy if he didn't live up to his promises, he'd nuke him.

Would you like more?
Christie's popularity is at an all time high. He will easily win re-election.

You really should stop doing drugs.


We're in a pay back zone. I've not even started. I would rather see a Democrat win his seat.

And you bet. That will be the game. :D

I thought the Tea Party had potential the first couple of weeks there, before the crazies took over.

It may still have some viability going forward, in more localized elections, where small groups of energized activists can have influence.

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It starts with localized elections such as electing representatives to obstruct obama.
Obama got re-elected, the country has largely tuned out the fanatical elements of the right wing and this astroturf fake political arm of the Republican party has been useless and is now a punchline. I think it's safe to say the Tea Party was a massive failure and alienated the majority of Americans from the Right Wing.


The House is held.

How has the Tea Party failed? Tea Party wasn't even involved in this massive failure by the likes of Karl Rove.

And don't get me wrong. I think Rove has a brilliant mind. The RNC just gave him too much power.

Now I've not gotten involved in your shit, but trust me. I know how to make a conservative movement work.

You better get ready. :eusa_angel:
Can we all admit the Tea Party was a massive failure?
It wasn’t so much a ‘failure’ as it never really existed to begin with.

The TPM’s subjective and partisan opposition to Obama from before he took office is evidence of that.
They kept the GOP from taking the Senate two cycles in a row. I'd call that a big success.

Idiot the GOP elite lost the election not the TEA Party. The GOP elite thought a mirror image of obama would do it.
I can't wait for the war to come.
You asshat liberals have a day of reckoning to pay for what you have done too this country.
Obama got re-elected, the country has largely tuned out the fanatical elements of the right wing and this astroturf fake political arm of the Republican party has been useless and is now a punchline. I think it's safe to say the Tea Party was a massive failure and alienated the majority of Americans from the Right Wing.


The House is held.

How has the Tea Party failed? Tea Party wasn't even involved in this massive failure by the likes of Karl Rove.

And don't get me wrong. I think Rove has a brilliant mind. The RNC just gave him too much power.

Now I've not gotten involved in your shit, but trust me. I know how to make a conservative movement work.

You better get ready. :eusa_angel:

Democrats can't blame themselves so they'll blame others for their failures

I thought the Tea Party had potential the first couple of weeks there, before the crazies took over.

It may still have some viability going forward, in more localized elections, where small groups of energized activists can have influence.


What part of the RNC shut every one down didn't you get Mac? The crazies? They took the House in 2010.

I'm up here and I get it.
Obama got re-elected, the country has largely tuned out the fanatical elements of the right wing and this astroturf fake political arm of the Republican party has been useless and is now a punchline. I think it's safe to say the Tea Party was a massive failure and alienated the majority of Americans from the Right Wing.


The House is held.

How has the Tea Party failed? Tea Party wasn't even involved in this massive failure by the likes of Karl Rove.

And don't get me wrong. I think Rove has a brilliant mind. The RNC just gave him too much power.

Now I've not gotten involved in your shit, but trust me. I know how to make a conservative movement work.

You better get ready. :eusa_angel:

Democrats can't blame themselves so they'll blame others for their failures

You should track Howard Dean. Oh bazooka barforama.

He's saying lets go over the fiscal cliff and we can blame it on republicans.

What a champ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought the Tea Party had potential the first couple of weeks there, before the crazies took over.

It may still have some viability going forward, in more localized elections, where small groups of energized activists can have influence.


What part of the RNC shut every one down didn't you get Mac? The crazies? They took the House in 2010.

I'm up here and I get it.

Yes, that's my point. The Tea Party can have influence in more localized elections.

We've seen that being a crazy gives one great energy. It doesn't mean, however, that it either has staying power or that it can be sold on a larger basis. The question going forward is whether the absolutists are a net positive or a net negative for the GOP, especially on a national basis. My guess would be the latter.

The House is held.

How has the Tea Party failed? Tea Party wasn't even involved in this massive failure by the likes of Karl Rove.

And don't get me wrong. I think Rove has a brilliant mind. The RNC just gave him too much power.

Now I've not gotten involved in your shit, but trust me. I know how to make a conservative movement work.

You better get ready. :eusa_angel:

Democrats can't blame themselves so they'll blame others for their failures

You should track Howard Dean. Oh bazooka barforama.

He's saying lets go over the fiscal cliff and we can blame it on republicans.

What a champ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Democrats have been taking us over the cliff for almost 70 years with control in part or whole of the government. and blame the Republicans for it. Do you really expect anything new coming from that worn out racist party?

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