Can we heal the divide?

suffering = open borders, out of control inflation, world at war, all because of the stupid acts of senile joe. There is no reason for our nation to decline into third world misery, the socialist dems have caused this mess, remove them from power and the country returns to normal.
The borders aren’t “open”
Inflation has come under control
The world is always at war somewhere
And the nation has suffered far worse than any of this . Does the Depression ring a bell?
Do you remember the divide that existed in the 60s?

You’re delusional
The so-called MAGA group and we otherwise Americans are only bringing focus to the divide and destruction of America and its culture being brought about by the left. The left who have co-opted the democrat party.
Magaturds take no blame whatsoever for the division, then? Innocent magaturds simply blindsided by filthy leftist agenda, correct? No antagonism at all from your tribe towards the other tribe?

Why do you expect anyone to believe that horseshit? :dunno:
Serious question: our nation is so divided right now that nothing positive is getting done. We, the citizens, are suffering like never before and our media has become the propaganda arm or one side or the other.

Can our nation survive this or is the only solution some sort of revolution or secession making us into two distinct countries?

comments welcome.
The only way we can heal the divide is to destroy the dimocrap scum party. Completely, totally, without mercy or sympathy.
The only way we can heal the divide is to destroy the dimocrap scum party. Completely, totally, without mercy or sympathy.
We are talking about a Dem party that architects an invasion of 10 million illegals to CANCEL out their opponents and RIG elections. Already the illegals account for 22 seats in the House of Representatives because Dems decided to include them in the census.
Only enemies of America even suggest such a thing as tearing the nation into fragments. The fringe extremists who can't see this country's place in the world and history must be ignored, for they are in the thrall of Putin, Xi and like agents.

soon enough there will be nothing worth “tearing” apart. It will be chaos, martial law, little food, no power, worthless paper money with the Elites emptying Fort Knox and off to a private island unnamed secured location.
Then you should be for Trump, no war under his watch…
Still fighting in Afghanistan under Trump but Joe Biden has navigated a tough world with finesse. Trump capitulated to our enemies. Love letters, I dont know why Putin would interfere, praise. You were there you heard it. Biden strengthened NATO. Trump purposely made it weaker.
Yes. I went from a dispatcher at 40hrs a week to a truck driver, 70hrs a week. I make far less per hour than I did before when all hours are taken into account.
That was a mistake. They pay you better to be an asshole in this country. No union either, I'd wager.
That says alot about the democrat party right there. Someone who is working for a living is a loser. I never said I made less money, I said I HAVE LESS TAKEHOME PAY. Do you fucking liberals not know what the fuck that means? Stupid fucking liberals.

I drive a truck. Our workweek is 70 hours on duty. I'm not a loser. I didn't vote for a fucking senile child molester. THAT'S a fucking loser.

You've truly drunk ALL of the right wing Kool Aid around being an employee. It's ILLEGAL to work more than 60 hours in most civilized nations in the world.

Someone who is working 70 hours a week at minimum wages, just to provide food and shelter for themselves or their families is a LOSER - big time. His family is losing as well. The only winner is the employer who is making BIG BUCKS, because the wages are so artificially low.

YOU ARE A LOSER! Working 70 hours a week to make someone else RICH, is the very definition of a loser. It's so harmful to a person to work 70 hours a week, that it's ILLEGAL in most western countries.

American workers, work longer hours, for less money, than ANY first world employees, and your bosses have convinced, that to do otherwise, is "lazy". Talk about dumb Sheeple.

No, I really don't think we can. The left doesn't compromise on anything. It's their way or the highway, it's groupthink, it's party first. They all repeat the same talking points on every single issue, and if you step out of line - you pay for it, either financially, or with you life in extreme cases.

Break up the country, peacefully. It's not working any longer.

Really???? Is this the hill you want to die on? That lie is so easy to debunk all I have to say is "Immigration and border secutity". Democrats gave Republicans EVERYTHING they were asking for, and the Donald Trump said "Don't pass it.".

The Affordable Care Act: The Democrats struck a bi-partisan Committee to write the bill. Republicans negotiated for a year, Democrats gave them nearly all of what they asked for. Not a single Republican voted for the bill.

Republicans don't want to give Democrats "anything to run on" so they vote against EVERYTHING Democrats propose. Even when Democrats give them everything they're asking for.

Republicans are making ALL of their decisions based on what harms Democrats the most. Democrats make their decisions based on what the American people want and need.
Serious question: our nation is so divided right now that nothing positive is getting done. We, the citizens, are suffering like never before and our media has become the propaganda arm or one side or the other.

Can our nation survive this or is the only solution some sort of revolution or secession making us into two distinct countries?

comments welcome.
No, because neither side is willing to compromise.

You are right though, all of this is largely the fault of media.
You just don't get it, The presidents of the UNITED states do Not set the price of OREO cookies.
Many things set in motion do not show results for years. Factor in your thinking, how many years did it take too grow this homeless population, how many years did it take to acquire the incredible addition of billionaires and multi millionaires.
IT sure wasn't one President who has not even completed his term.
Having a preference for one party Sure,
but how about taking responsibility for the more than equal times your party has had the reigns.
There just has too be some decent honest PEOPLE in BOTH PARTYS willing to work for the majority OF US.
The YEAH we fucked over Ameruca BUT SO DID YOU SPEACH.

Anyone got a Barf Bag?
You must kill the Christians to do what we see as normal. And that is the tough nut to crack.
lol, someone finally said it! Why don’t you just amend your statement to say what you really mean, that is you need to kill all Christian’s and republicans..

Go ahead…get to killing…
My evil plan to destroy America is working....
Was not trying to be negative, You work hard, You are one of us working people.
I just know its totally unrealistic & unfair to put the blame on one Political party.
But do admit give lots of blame for our divided nation on the MAGA group.
And give blame to your woke ass perverted Agenda.

Your crazy ass side dont fing Negotiate but demand we do.

Screw that.

Now to that POS who flooded 10 million into our country I wouldnt piss on him if he were on fire.
The borders aren’t “open”
Inflation has come under control
The world is always at war somewhere
And the nation has suffered far worse than any of this . Does the Depression ring a bell?
Do you remember the divide that existed in the 60s?

You’re delusional

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