Can we heal the divide?

People are largely sheep being led by the message. The message and messengers have been completely co-opted by the demmunist party.
If we can get honest messengers back, the sheeple of the left will respond accordingly and the divide will be minimized.
ignorant OX. Its called riding the Trump hangover. It took Obiden time to destroy things completely. Some still had hope 3 mo in. My IRA peak occurred back then. Never reached it again since.

Trump took over the greatest economy recovery in American history, and took credit for it, before he crashed it.

The Trump “hangover” was a crashed economy, a stagnant stock market, record setting deficits, supply chain shortages, and record inflation. Biden fixed ALL of these problems.

Your exports, which grew by $100 million under Trump because of his trade wars, in the first 3 years of the his Administration and his trade wars, has grown by $500 million under Biden.

Just like he took credit for the Obama Recovery, Trump is already trying to take credit for Biden’s recovery.

What’s laughable is how quickly you’re embracing Trump’s lie.
People are largely sheep being led by the message. The message and messengers have been completely co-opted by the demmunist party.
If we can get honest messengers back, the sheeple of the left will respond accordingly and the divide will be minimized.

You’re projecting. It wasn’t the MSM that is now paying out hundreds of millions of dollars for lying to Americans.

FOX News has now paid out over $1 billion dollars in lawsuits for slander and lying to the American people about Democrats.

But here you are, claiming the LEFT is lying. During the same time frame, how much has the MSM paid out for lying. $0. Zip.

Every accusation by a Republican is a confession. .
Trump took over the greatest economy recovery in American history, and took credit for it, before he crashed it.

The Trump “hangover” was a crashed economy, a stagnant stock market, record setting deficits, supply chain shortages, and record inflation. Biden fixed ALL of these problems.

Your exports, which grew by $100 million under Trump because of his trade wars, in the first 3 years of the his Administration and his trade wars, has grown by $500 million under Biden.

Just like he took credit for the Obama Recovery, Trump is already trying to take credit for Biden’s recovery.

What’s laughable is how quickly you’re embracing Trump’s lie.

sigh. Trump policy (pre Virus launch) was generating real & steady growth. Obiden is more of GOVT spending, distortion, smoke and mirrors.

You’re suffering? Really? Explain.

As soon as MAGA can return to living in reality and not one of they are substituting....the nation can return to the comparatively civil days of the early 2000’s. Until then...keep suffering.
The RWingers cry. It's because their dear leader is facing law and order for fraud and corruption.
Horseshit. The basics of whatever platforms you're hawking are now indecipherable. The GOP only gives lip service to those platforms anymore. Magaturds elected their useless populist 'strongman', thus these platforms have taken a backseat.

So, quit with the gaslighting. :rolleyes:
You’re just mad that Conservatives no longer want you libs to have ‘heads I win, Tales you lose’ deal with it.
Balkanization is our only hope.....No leftist population center should be able to ruin a whole state.

Take Virginia, there should be at least two state governments.....One for NOtVA down to the Tidewater area. I'd say I-95 might be a good dividing point. Federal laws should be ignored.

I'd sooner drive on gravel roads than be under the thumb of leftists.
Yeh, you would settle for a new pig farm next to your house.
Two distinct countries wouldn't be any more united than the one currently is.
yeah when you have one side that doesnt know the difference between a women and a man, wants to murder children for no reason or allow them to be used as sex toys and allow unlimited invasion of people we dont know who they are or their intentions into the country,,

yeah how do you unite with those sick mother fuckers
sigh. Trump policy (pre Virus launch) was generating real & steady growth. Obiden is more of GOVT spending, distortion, smoke and mirrors.
Don’t forget that Biden, immediately upon taking office, drove up the cost of energy which exacerbated the increased cost of everything else.
From Jan 27, 2021…
Was not trying to be negative, You work hard, You are one of us working people.
I just know its totally unrealistic & unfair to put the blame on one Political party.
But do admit give lots of blame for our divided nation on the MAGA group.
The so-called MAGA group and we otherwise Americans are only bringing focus to the divide and destruction of America and its culture being brought about by the left. The left who have co-opted the democrat party.
Only enemies of America even suggest such a thing as tearing the nation into fragments. The fringe extremists who can't see this country's place in the world and history must be ignored, for they are in the thrall of Putin, Xi and like agents.
No, I really don't think we can. The left doesn't compromise on anything. It's their way or the highway, it's groupthink, it's party first. They all repeat the same talking points on every single issue, and if you step out of line - you pay for it, either financially, or with you life in extreme cases.

Break up the country, peacefully. It's not working any longer.
More like the pot calling out the kettle.

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