Can we heal the divide?

You've truly drunk ALL of the right wing Kool Aid around being an employee. It's ILLEGAL to work more than 60 hours in most civilized nations in the world.

Someone who is working 70 hours a week at minimum wages, just to provide food and shelter for themselves or their families is a LOSER - big time. His family is losing as well. The only winner is the employer who is making BIG BUCKS, because the wages are so artificially low.

YOU ARE A LOSER! Working 70 hours a week to make someone else RICH, is the very definition of a loser. It's so harmful to a person to work 70 hours a week, that it's ILLEGAL in most western countries.

American workers, work longer hours, for less money, than ANY first world employees, and your bosses have convinced, that to do otherwise, is "lazy". Talk about dumb Sheeple.

Really???? Is this the hill you want to die on? That lie is so easy to debunk all I have to say is "Immigration and border secutity". Democrats gave Republicans EVERYTHING they were asking for, and the Donald Trump said "Don't pass it.".

The Affordable Care Act: The Democrats struck a bi-partisan Committee to write the bill. Republicans negotiated for a year, Democrats gave them nearly all of what they asked for. Not a single Republican voted for the bill.

Republicans don't want to give Democrats "anything to run on" so they vote against EVERYTHING Democrats propose. Even when Democrats give them everything they're asking for.

Republicans are making ALL of their decisions based on what harms Democrats the most. Democrats make their decisions based on what the American people want and need.

Republicans don't want to give Democrats "anything to run on" so they vote against EVERYTHING Democrats propose. Even when Democrats give them everything they're asking for.

Republicans are making ALL of their decisions based on what harms Democrats the most. Democrats make their decisions based on what the American people want and need.[/Quite]

Do you really think that is a one way street? That’s just how American politics is
The political divide is the same as it ever was. It's today's cornucopia of media outlets that makes it seem bigger. Especially the proliferation of social media, where even dummies can make news.
sigh. Trump policy (pre Virus launch) was generating real & steady growth. Obiden is more of GOVT spending, distortion, smoke and mirrors.

Trump's policies pre-covid, had your manufacturing sector already in recession. Trump's trade wars had stiffled production because with no trade deals, neither supply lines nor export markets could be adequately assessed. Sound fiscal management says you negotiate one trade deal and then move on to dealing with the next deal.

Trump tore up 7 trade deals, slapped tarriffs on key imports, and threw American manufacturing into chaos which it still hasn't fully recovered from. Even worse, the new trade deals he did manage to complete, ended up INCREASING the USA trade deficits, not wiping them out.

Let's look at Trump's reworking of the NAFTA Agreement which was "screwing over" American workers. Incidentally, Canada would be MORE than happy to let Trump renegotiate your trade deal with us ANY day of the week.

Canada - USA trade deficit went from under $11 billion in 2016, to more than $25 billion in 2019.

Mexico: USA trade deficit went from under $64 billion in 2016, to just under $100 billion in 2019.

China - Trump was VERY TOUGH ON CHINA. The Trade numbers sure don't show it.

It looks to me like the Chinese boycotts of American rice and soybeanss had a DRAMATIC impact on American exports to China.

If you can't predict raw material costs, or emport and import tariff's, you can't project whether the business you want to expand will be profitable since you can't anticipate your material costs or suppliers without trade deals, nor can you predict what tariffs will apply to the export markets. Donald Trump's trade wars KILLED American manufacturing.

You don’t compromise the constitution. Applying the old adage about sacrificing freedom for security resulting in neither.
The message and messenger are in desperate need of recouping.

Yeah, not where I was going with this. I meant that compromise is going to have to me made in politics and social issues.
so much for Dems caring about the common man ..the left is no longer the party of the working man ... they are the party of rich elites that depend on the uninformed for power .
Yeah, right.


DEMS are selling DJT

Life in America seems okay to me. I owe it to God-fearing believers who bless the nation with hard work, honoring the laws of the land, and voting for those who respect voters. The nation deals with providing good things, not bad. I love America.
America ain't MAGAT and MAGATS ain't American.
Trump tore up 7 trade deals, slapped tarriffs on key imports, and threw American manufacturing into chaos which it still hasn't fully recovered from.

Pure 100% hogwash. He did what he should. Force China to play fair. I work in industry. Nothing ever as good as 2019 World Wide. Thats why you Commeee had to kill it and steal the vote. You would never get back in power Legitimately. Now? You created an internal War.
Pure 100% hogwash. He did what he should. Force China to play fair. I work in industry. Nothing ever as good as 2019 World Wide. Thats why you Commeee had to kill it and steal the vote. You would never get back in power Legitimately. Now? You created an internal War.
These leftist fucks always root for the other team.
Balkanization is our only hope.....No leftist population center should be able to ruin a whole state.

Take Virginia, there should be at least two state governments.....One for NOtVA down to the Tidewater area. I'd say I-95 might be a good dividing point. Federal laws should be ignored.

I'd sooner drive on gravel roads than be under the thumb of leftists.
You use a word you don't know., Balkanization was a horrible reality before it became a cool word
"The Balkans have a tragic history that includes territorial disputes, nationalistic aspirations, and the decline of the Ottoman Empire's control over the region. The Balkan Wars, which took place in 1912 and 1913, were aprelude to World War I."
The divide can not be healed without complete exposure of true facts in the Housing bust, Russuan Collusion, man-made Flu launch and spread, 2020 - 2022 Election Fraud and the Police State false persecution of J6 + Trump and associates.

It’s been too much to ignore or forget. Not even mentioing Trannie, gay, black or border issues caused by Marxist scum.
  • The 70’s this place was burning down with social change and war protests and growing drug problem.
  • The 60’s this place was burning down with racial strife and class warfare
  • The 80s and 90s this place was a crime infested drug den of poverty and daily near war moves from Russia
  • The 50’s were race oppressive and a gender subservient culture where women couldn’t buy stuff without their husbands permission and blacks could not drink from the clean fountain.

Our country is built to challenge its thinking and evolve and that is always messy. The biggest strife happens just before and during major progress.
All of those issues were solved (or rather kicked down the road) through regression. The 70's drug problem got worse. The war machine got bigger. Racial and class strife are worse than ever. The sexual divide is worse than ever. Poor people are still drinking dirty water and even the middle class are drinking water with discarded medications in them.
You use a word you don't know., Balkanization was a horrible reality before it became a cool word
"The Balkans have a tragic history that includes territorial disputes, nationalistic aspirations, and the decline of the Ottoman Empire's control over the region. The Balkan Wars, which took place in 1912 and 1913, were aprelude to World War I."
Pure 100% hogwash. He did what he should. Force China to play fair. I work in industry. Nothing ever as good as 2019 World Wide. Thats why you Commeee had to kill it and steal the vote. You would never get back in power Legitimately. Now? You created an internal War.

Trump did NOTHING of the kind. China still isn't playing fair, and you still have no trade Agreeemt with China. But hundreds of small mid-western farmers went bankrupt every year Trump was in office, being "tough on China".

Nothing was ever as good as 2019???? Exports: $1.645 billion - down from $1.665 billion in 2018. Your imports were down too. I already posted links to all of the financial papers talking about the downturn in manufacturiing and how Trump's trade wars were driving it.

But then look at the numbers since Joe has been President. 2023 Exports were OVER $2 billion. That's more than a 20% increase over Trump's BEST year. That's because Joe Biden provides steady stewardship of the economy. Business needs stability and orderly actions by government, to thrive. Trump woke up, saw the headlines about Stormy Daniels, and started a trade war with China.

Trump did NOTHING of the kind. China still isn't playing fair, and you still have no trade Agreeemt with China. But hundreds of small mid-western farmers went bankrupt every year Trump was in office, being "tough on China".

Nothing was ever as good as 2019???? Exports: $1.645 billion - down from $1.665 billion in 2018. Your imports were down too. I already posted links to all of the financial papers talking about the downturn in manufacturiing and how Trump's trade wars were driving it.

But then look at the numbers since Joe has been President. 2023 Exports were OVER $2 billion. That's more than a 20% increase over Trump's BEST year. That's because Joe Biden provides steady stewardship of the economy. Business needs stability and orderly actions by government, to thrive. Trump woke up, saw the headlines about Stormy Daniels, and started a trade war with China.

there is no way to make accept see the truth because the truth is your enemy ..
I just linked to the facts and figures which showed that Trump was lying about his "greatest economy ever", and you call it lies. You people are hopeless.
like I said ... the insane left has no concept of reality ... you were in the socialist shithole of Can'tada in 2019 not enjoying the booming economy of the US ..
suffering = open borders, out of control inflation, world at war, all because of the stupid acts of senile joe. There is no reason for our nation to decline into third world misery, the socialist dems have caused this mess, remove them from power and the country returns to normal.
Hysterical nonsense. None of that is happening. :cuckoo:

It’s your own need to believe this is true that makes you miserable.

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