can we make a thread for currently listen to for Christian music

lol says the loon raised by racist Chasidics.

I think there is a song about The Inquisition' by Monty Python Rosie would enjoy; it might be online somewhere.

Ah, here's one by a Jew even, so it's bound to please Rosie; it mocks Da Evul Xians and helps perpetuate the myths.

yet another sunday school **** sucker ARISES
first of all i am not from the highlands i live in the city and am in the lowlands of Scotland , fighting just make you both look like idiots and like children , but if you want to fight go somewhere else or make another thread in the forums where you can both fight to your heart content . This thread is about music not to score points
first of all i am not from the highlands i live in the city and am in the lowlands of Scotland , fighting just make you both look like idiots and like children , but if you want to fight go somewhere else or make another thread in the forums where you can both fight to your heart content . This thread is about music not to score points
your choice of words - like idiots.

those posters have their own reasons for their responses, seemed to have played out without your help.
i love sister act its one of my favorate films i havent seen it in such a long time ... maybe i should look out for it on line both films are amazing
Prior to Sister Act and Ghost, I didn't know much about Goopi, After them, I went and saw just about every movie she made:rofl:. SHE'S INCREDIBLE. I adore that woman:thewave:. Yeah, Woopi Rocks and Rocks Big:5_1_12024:. Yeah, now you make me wanna do the same thing:th_BlackHelicopter:.

one of my most loved song , had a lot of memories this song of my friend who passed away 1 year ago

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