can we make a thread for currently listen to for Christian music

I love this song too, especially with the bag pipes and militant musical sounds toward the end. Love you Michael W. Smith:
what is christian music?
There is no such thing as Christian music. Only Christian lyrics.

Or not ... the eldest Christian music are Gregorian chorals. It was the first time in history of all mankind that music was written down - so it was able to be played everywhere from everyone who had been educated to do so. With this step somehow music became a kind of lyrics on its own - and also a kind of universal language.

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Or not ... the eldest Christian music are Gregorian chorals. It was the first time in history of all mankind that music was written down - so it was able to be played everywhere from everyone who had been educated to do so. With this step somehow music became a kind of lyrics on its own - and also a kind of universal language.

I await you identifying which notes played are the Christian notes. :laugh:

There is no such thing as Christian music, just Christian lyrics.
I like Jessye Norman too:

I shall check out Jackie Eancho as I am not familiar with that name and thanks for the mention.

She sings by the way not only very beautiful - she sings also an astonishingly perfect German.

Thank you again:thanks:. Great Song. I love Francis of Assissi. One of my favorite probably top 3 Saints.
do you know that she converted to Islam?

Sinnead O'Connor? Thought she liked to be a Catholic priest?

I don't know if that was a just publicity stun or she actually did do that.

Sinnead is Sinnead. I'm sure god loves her.

And to all other Christians. The Sign of peace shown in the vid is actually an upsidedown Christian Cross with broken arms. In other words, it isn't. Beware.
To anybody who would be prompted to think "what a luny, she thinks Christianity is a religion of peace, huh." you might be right to an extent. But Not About Christ. Few years back I had an absolutely stunning experience with him which showed to me that he indeed is the Prince of Peace and Prisoner of love that he is. Go ahead and have a stupid laugh, I don't give shit. I Know what I Know.

I often heard "prince of peace" (German: 'Friedensfürst') but I never heard "prisoner of love". God is love.


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