Can we reasonably discuss Trump?

No, you've posted opinions and conjecture. I've posted facts. You claimed Trump mocked a reporter's disability and I pointed out the disability the reporter had was not indicative of the mannerisms Trump mimicked. So he couldn't have been mocking THAT reporter's disability. You mentioned him not wanting to rent to welfare recipients and I pointed out most welfare recipients are white. You mentioned the "pussy grabbing" comment and I pointed out that nothing he said was inaccurate. So we see that you are posting conjectures and I am refuting those with facts.

Now you can sit here and be a troll and just keep repeating that you've presented facts and I've presented my opinions but anyone who reads this thread will see it's the other way around.
I'm reasonably confident that Trump-lovers will agree with your opinion, and Trump haters will agree with my facts.
Poor dump, doesn't know what a fact is.

And Grumpsie says he's not a Democrat. It's just that the Democrat leaders are honorable, trustworthy, caring and Republicans are racist, misogynistic narcissists. No bias in there, huh?

Anthony Weiner is a narcissist. Although a different type to Trumpie....
From the Dr. Grump dictionary.

Narcissist. Republican

Not really. Just Trump. I don't think Dumbya was a narcissist. Nor Raygun. Nor Bush senior, McCain, Dole, Romney. So no. You're wrong.

Of course not, they're not here now. Every time a Republican leaves office then you start changing what you say about them to make it sound like you ... made it sound.

Hillary is completely self consumed, she thinks she's above the law. It just doesn't apply to her.

And after all the tinkling down their legs, the media convinced Obama he's a rock start.

Two completely and utterly self absorbed people, completely narcissistic. What did either of them ever do to give a shit about anyone but themselves
No, you've posted opinions and conjecture. I've posted facts. You claimed Trump mocked a reporter's disability and I pointed out the disability the reporter had was not indicative of the mannerisms Trump mimicked. So he couldn't have been mocking THAT reporter's disability. You mentioned him not wanting to rent to welfare recipients and I pointed out most welfare recipients are white. You mentioned the "pussy grabbing" comment and I pointed out that nothing he said was inaccurate. So we see that you are posting conjectures and I am refuting those with facts.

Now you can sit here and be a troll and just keep repeating that you've presented facts and I've presented my opinions but anyone who reads this thread will see it's the other way around.
I'm reasonably confident that Trump-lovers will agree with your opinion, and Trump haters will agree with my facts.
Poor dump, doesn't know what a fact is.

And Grumpsie says he's not a Democrat. It's just that the Democrat leaders are honorable, trustworthy, caring and Republicans are racist, misogynistic narcissists. No bias in there, huh?

Anthony Weiner is a narcissist. Although a different type to Trumpie....

McConnell, Pelosi, Reid. DC leadership is full of them
Of course not, they're not here now. Every time a Republican leaves office then you start changing what you say about them to make it sound like you ... made it sound.

Hillary is completely self consumed, she thinks she's above the law. It just doesn't apply to her.

And after all the tinkling down their legs, the media convinced Obama he's a rock start.

Two completely and utterly self absorbed people, completely narcissistic. What did either of them ever do to give a shit about anyone but themselves

Um, the last time a repub was in office was in 2008. And you weren't even on, no, you're wrong.

Anybody in the public eye has to be a little self absorbed. Obama and Clinton have done plenty for other people. I'm not going to post them yet again.

The only thing Trump cares about is Trump...
Of course not, they're not here now. Every time a Republican leaves office then you start changing what you say about them to make it sound like you ... made it sound.

Hillary is completely self consumed, she thinks she's above the law. It just doesn't apply to her.

And after all the tinkling down their legs, the media convinced Obama he's a rock start.

Two completely and utterly self absorbed people, completely narcissistic. What did either of them ever do to give a shit about anyone but themselves

Um, the last time a repub was in office was in 2008. And you weren't even on, no, you're wrong.

Anybody in the public eye has to be a little self absorbed. Obama and Clinton have done plenty for other people. I'm not going to post them yet again.

The only thing Trump cares about is Trump...

Hillary and Obama combined haven't done shit for anyone but themselves. Everything they ever did was in their own interest. International Democrats are as full of shit as the ones we have here.

Though the one difference is you're an obedient lot doing as your American masters tell you to do and thinking what they tell you to think. Then again, looking at America's record of success no wonder Kiwis would obey.

Who is not a narcissist? I'll go with Rand Paul. There aren't many you've heard of. The narcissists go into leadership. What is government but taking other people's stuff and buying power. It's a pursuit that attracts narcissists

Hillary and Obama combined haven't done shit for anyone but themselves. Everything they ever did was in their own interest. International Democrats are as full of shit as the ones we have here.

Though the one difference is you're an obedient lot doing as your American masters tell you to do and thinking what they tell you to think. Then again, looking at America's record of success no wonder Kiwis would obey.

Who is not a narcissist? I'll go with Rand Paul. There aren't many you've heard of. The narcissists go into leadership. What is government but taking other people's stuff and buying power. It's a pursuit that attracts narcissists

Huh? NZ is kinda the opposite of the US. We don't do anything you say. In fact you suspended the ANZUS agreement because we refused to let your nuke ships in our ports.

So, you just don't like politicians. Whoopty fucking do. Instead of moaning, put your hand up and do something about it. I'm reasonably happy with our political system and most politicians. You're the guys bitching 24/7 about yours - not just the right, but the left, and in the case of you, everything in between.

I'm a centrist. Always have been. It's just this time around, the GoP choice is soooo bad. I mean beyond belief.

Hillary and Obama combined haven't done shit for anyone but themselves. Everything they ever did was in their own interest. International Democrats are as full of shit as the ones we have here.

Though the one difference is you're an obedient lot doing as your American masters tell you to do and thinking what they tell you to think. Then again, looking at America's record of success no wonder Kiwis would obey.

Who is not a narcissist? I'll go with Rand Paul. There aren't many you've heard of. The narcissists go into leadership. What is government but taking other people's stuff and buying power. It's a pursuit that attracts narcissists

Huh? NZ is kinda the opposite of the US. We don't do anything you say. In fact you suspended the ANZUS agreement because we refused to let your nuke ships in our ports.

So, you just don't like politicians. Whoopty fucking do. Instead of moaning, put your hand up and do something about it. I'm reasonably happy with our political system and most politicians. You're the guys bitching 24/7 about yours - not just the right, but the left, and in the case of you, everything in between.

I'm a centrist. Always have been. It's just this time around, the GoP choice is soooo bad. I mean beyond belief.

Oh, what's your immigration policy like? Or your trade policy?

Well you can SAY any damn thing you want to here. Nobody can stop you. But point by point, I have addressed all your conjecture and hyperbole with reason

As i say i have posted facts. You're entitled to your opinions. And please, don't lie. You're not interested in reasonably discussing drumpf. You're only interested in shoving your misguided opinion down everybody's throat.

Boss was one of the few anti-trump people during the campaign who was anti-trump without being hysterical about it.

He has complete credibility regarding his op.

I say that as someone who strongly disagreed with him and voted for TRump.
There ain't no "can be construed" about it, at all. He's the MODEL of classic Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Medical News Today:
Narcissistic personality disorder, also known as NPD, is a personality disorder in which the individual has a distorted self image, unstable and intense emotions, is overly preoccupied with vanity, prestige, power and personal adequacy, lacks empathy, and has an exaggerated sense of superiority.

Please, it has everything but Hillary's picture on it

Please. It describes Trump to a T. Actually, it's been rather kind to him.

Hillary was too upset to give her concession speech.
sure? what do you wanna know specifically? I'm guessing your looking for info you can't find on google alone right?

No, I am honestly trying to get to the bottom of what is causing all this overblown emotional anguish with some in our society. I don't understand it. This man has been in the public eye for 50 years and has never shown any indication of racism as far as I know, but suddenly he's a flaming racist. Same with women... yeah, he's been married a few times but so what? Homophobia? He's the most pro-LGBT candidate to ever win an election. So what is the root of all this? Where is it coming from? Is it simply about politics and nothing else? Is it because he's pro-life? Supports the 2nd Amendment? Wants to stop illegal immigration?

I think he is being falsely and irrationally judged based on hyperbole and rhetoric... nothing more. You've chosen to attack him personally because you don't agree with him politically. That's what I think.

You missed the part where Obama was attacked for over eight years? The outrageousness of many of those attacks?

You missed the part where Bush was attacked for over eight years? The outrageousness of many of those attacks?
You missed the part where Clinton was attacked for over eight years? The outrageousness of many of those attacks?
You missed the part where Reagan was attacked for over eight years? The outrageousness of many of those attacks?

If you press you can get a liberal to admit that conservatives have treated Obama the same way we treated Bill and would have treated Hillary.

BUT, they CAN'T bring themselves to admit that that means that Obama's treatment, or HIllary's is not thus racism or sexism.

They are bat shit crazy.
McConnell, Pelosi, Reid. DC leadership is full of them

Possibly. I don't know them that well. Is there any politician that you DON'T think is a narcissist?

Rand Paul would be one. I'm sure if you get out of the leaderships it's not as bad.

Hillary was worse than Trump though, the world revolved around her. Trump talked about other people, she was just about herself and shallowly so. Did you see her scowl every time she was on TV on the inauguration? She's still stewing that apparently she didn't know about the electoral college. You give people points for agreeing with your leftist ideology

Hillary and Obama combined haven't done shit for anyone but themselves. Everything they ever did was in their own interest. International Democrats are as full of shit as the ones we have here.

Though the one difference is you're an obedient lot doing as your American masters tell you to do and thinking what they tell you to think. Then again, looking at America's record of success no wonder Kiwis would obey.

Who is not a narcissist? I'll go with Rand Paul. There aren't many you've heard of. The narcissists go into leadership. What is government but taking other people's stuff and buying power. It's a pursuit that attracts narcissists

Huh? NZ is kinda the opposite of the US. We don't do anything you say. In fact you suspended the ANZUS agreement because we refused to let your nuke ships in our ports.

So, you just don't like politicians. Whoopty fucking do. Instead of moaning, put your hand up and do something about it. I'm reasonably happy with our political system and most politicians. You're the guys bitching 24/7 about yours - not just the right, but the left, and in the case of you, everything in between.

I'm a centrist. Always have been. It's just this time around, the GoP choice is soooo bad. I mean beyond belief.

Ouch, got under your skin! Another crying Democrat, bulls eye.

And you come on the site every day and think what Americans tell you to think. Democrats love your not letting nuke ships in your ports. Good job, Americans told you what to think and you thought it
I can reasonably discuss Trump, I doubt that the left can. The left cannot reason anything.

Unfortunately the OP already answered his own question. The answer was "no". He'll just move goalposts, declare fraud is ethical, or go "but... but... Clinton".

Or as here --- no answer at all:
Wow, television ratings just out: 31 million people watched the Inauguration, 11 million more than the very good ratings from 8 years ago!

discuss THAT!

What's to "discuss"? How a ratings fallacy works?
:rofl: :lol: :lmao: *hilarity ensues*

He's completely unprepared for his own challenge.

We move on.

What the hell are you talking about? I didn't move any goal posts, I just didn't let bullshit stand as irrefutable fact.

No answer to what? Your silly retort about the ratings? First of all, it has nothing to do with the thread topic. Second, it's laughable that you deem it "ratings fallacy" for some bizarre reason. This is typical of you scum-maggots, you'll simply DENY FACT when it doesn't suit your agenda.

See what I mean? QED. You can't even help yourself.
"lots of people make plenty of non-reasonable arguments."

Well to prove you wrong, these people seem to have invaded the thread and made as many unreasonable arguments as possible.
Of course not, they're not here now. Every time a Republican leaves office then you start changing what you say about them to make it sound like you ... made it sound.

Hillary is completely self consumed, she thinks she's above the law. It just doesn't apply to her.

And after all the tinkling down their legs, the media convinced Obama he's a rock start.

Two completely and utterly self absorbed people, completely narcissistic. What did either of them ever do to give a shit about anyone but themselves

Um, the last time a repub was in office was in 2008. And you weren't even on, no, you're wrong.

Anybody in the public eye has to be a little self absorbed. Obama and Clinton have done plenty for other people. I'm not going to post them yet again.

The only thing Trump cares about is Trump...

Hillary and Obama combined haven't done shit for anyone but themselves. Everything they ever did was in their own interest. International Democrats are as full of shit as the ones we have here.

Though the one difference is you're an obedient lot doing as your American masters tell you to do and thinking what they tell you to think. Then again, looking at America's record of success no wonder Kiwis would obey.

Who is not a narcissist? I'll go with Rand Paul. There aren't many you've heard of. The narcissists go into leadership. What is government but taking other people's stuff and buying power. It's a pursuit that attracts narcissists

You're completely ignoring the meaning of "narcissist".

NONE of those people mentioned display signs of NPD. Not one of them is known to brag that they're simultaneously the world's foremost authority on everything or stay up all night throwing hissyfits at a slight or declare themselves to be "the greatest _____ that god ever created".

Those characteristics were listed early in the thread. Go read them.

Well you can SAY any damn thing you want to here. Nobody can stop you. But point by point, I have addressed all your conjecture and hyperbole with reason

As i say i have posted facts. You're entitled to your opinions. And please, don't lie. You're not interested in reasonably discussing drumpf. You're only interested in shoving your misguided opinion down everybody's throat.

Boss was one of the few anti-trump people during the campaign who was anti-trump without being hysterical about it.

He has complete credibility regarding his op.

I say that as someone who strongly disagreed with him and voted for TRump.

Oh fucking horseshit. He wets his pants if anyone so much as sighs in Hair Furor's direction. He can't hack any critical analysis even after starting this thread supposedly asking for exactly that.

Poster please.
I don't think Trump's a racist or homophobe. But a narcissist? Oh yes.

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