Can we reasonably discuss Trump?

my concern with Trump is he doesn't fight for what he believes in on certain issues. for example, he believes in the death penalty. why not call for the death penalty to all those folks who burned limousines and the rest? why not lock Hillary up for her crimes? why not lock up Madonna for sayin she wants to "blow up the white house"???

You really are a nut, aren't you?
The Future Is Disappearing: Trump Administration Deletes WhiteHouse.Gov References to Climate Change, Civil Rights, Healthcare, LGBT Issues


President-elect Donald Trump has only just stepped into office today, and already, the effects of his administration can be seen on the official White House websites. Apparently those effects are, “delete all reference to the issues that this administration intends to ignore.”

According to Vice, the Trump administration has just deleted all references to climate change on the White House website. I’m pretty sure that if you delete all reference to it, climate change will just disappear! Cool! Except: no.

Also missing: the Department of Labor’s report on Advancing LGBT Workplace Rights, which now leads to a 404 error if you click on it.

Speaking of LGBT rights, or the lack thereof, the entire page for is now gone. If you click on that link, it’ll just take you to the homepage. All mentions of the term “LGBT” have been removed from the website entirely, and so have all mentions of the word “gay,” except for one sentence in which the word “gay” is used to mean “happy.”

What’s more, references to healthcare and civil rights have also disappeared from the website, according to The Daily Beast. The page on civil rights has been replaced with a page titled “Standing Up For Our Law Enforcement Community,” which advocates for an increase in police forces. This page includes false information, such as “In our nation’s capital, killings have risen by 50 percent,” which–again–is false. Murder rates, and crime rates, have been steadily decreasing.

Based on these website updates, the future looks… uncaring, and bleak.

So this President starts his administration by attempting to silence the voices of climate change, civil rights, gay rights, women's rights and every other issue this administration choose to marginalize.
Most Americans knew these type of authoritarian refusal to represent all Americans.
Explain this to people that see Trump as someone to fear as the representative of America...
Regarding President Trump, I believe he should be given at least 100 days to SHOW that he is going to be a good President.

I think he should be given that too. However, that'll be 100 days more than the right gave Obama. I doubt the left are going to forget.
You generalize so well. However, your grammar is deplorable.
Well no, you haven't shown any evidence, that's the whole problem here. You seem to be making an irrational judgement of the man without evidence. I'm going to defend him against false allegations until you present some evidence.

I can disrespect someone who's son died in service if they disrespect me. Your son dying in service doesn't make you immune from being disrespected when you're disrespecting others. The same goes for war heroes and civil rights icons. Your past deeds don't insulate you from criticism.

I gave plenty of evidence.
No, he is a politician. Politicians need to be above the fray. They are supposed to be dignified. Don't get me wrong. I don't expect that from Trump. After all, he is nothing more than dressed up trailer trash.

I gave plenty of evidence.
No. You haven't given any evidence, again, that IS the problem here. What you keep calling "evidence" is apparently your opinions and conjecture. Like I said in the OP, all you have are opinions and conjecture based on emotional reactions to things you've misinterpreted or misunderstood. Everything that has been presented so far, from the "pussy grabbing" comments to "cheating contractors" (which I don't know how that has to do with racism, homophobia, misogyny or Hitler), is the product of some degree of prejudiced perception driven by your emotions. There is no objective, analytical, falsifiable evidence to support your claims.

No, he is a politician. Politicians need to be above the fray. They are supposed to be dignified.
Really? Well, while I can appreciate your newfound hypocritical notion of this completely naive and unwritten rule of politics, it amounts you disliking Trump because he presumably defies convention. I believe one of the main reasons he was able to steamroller everyone in the GOP primary and go on to defeat the Democrats was precisely BECAUSE he refused to be "above the fray" and wasn't afraid to take the gloves off and get down in the mud. He defies politics in every way and you don't know how to deal with that..... Therefore, you are forced to make these outrageous personal claims you can't support with evidence in a desperate attempt to smear him.

I gave plenty of evidence.
No. You haven't given any evidence, again, that IS the problem here. What you keep calling "evidence" is apparently your opinions and conjecture. Like I said in the OP, all you have are opinions and conjecture based on emotional reactions to things you've misinterpreted or misunderstood. Everything that has been presented so far, from the "pussy grabbing" comments to "cheating contractors" (which I don't know how that has to do with racism, homophobia, misogyny or Hitler), is the product of some degree of prejudiced perception driven by your emotions. There is no objective, analytical, falsifiable evidence to support your claims.

No, he is a politician. Politicians need to be above the fray. They are supposed to be dignified.
Really? Well, while I can appreciate your newfound hypocritical notion of this completely naive and unwritten rule of politics, it amounts you disliking Trump because he presumably defies convention. I believe one of the main reasons he was able to steamroller everyone in the GOP primary and go on to defeat the Democrats was precisely BECAUSE he refused to be "above the fray" and wasn't afraid to take the gloves off and get down in the mud. He defies politics in every way and you don't know how to deal with that..... Therefore, you are forced to make these outrageous personal claims you can't support with evidence in a desperate attempt to smear him.

Nope. Evidence. I saw him mock the disabled reporters. I have seen him in literally hundreds of other interviews and speeches. I have never seen him do that action before. Ever. So no you lie.

I heard him say what he said about women's pussies. He said it. It wasn't a ventriloquist. It wasn't a body double. It wasn't an impersonator. It was him. Or about Meghan Kelly 'bleeding'.

Not currently, but back in the day under his father's watch they didn't rent to blacks. That is a fact. Somebody on here, not even a week ago, pointed out that he didn't like renting to those on welfare. It just so happened that a lot of black people are on welfare was the poster's excuse. Except for the link I sent showing he refused to rent to a black nurse and a black accountant. He settled out of court.

I have posted on these boards plenty of times and stories from people with first-hand experience who have shown him to have stiffed them. He is a bully. Nothing more, nothing less.

As for being above the fray. That is the least of his problems. He constantly lies, tells half truths and bullshits. And you know what, if you like that kind of guy. So be it. You can. But don't sell me the BS.

My dislike for him stems from him being a pig of a man. That is not my take on him due to what others have said about it. It is what I have seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears. I don't need to smear him. I have no need to. He does a brilliant job of it himself.
sure? what do you wanna know specifically? I'm guessing your looking for info you can't find on google alone right?

No, I am honestly trying to get to the bottom of what is causing all this overblown emotional anguish with some in our society. I don't understand it. This man has been in the public eye for 50 years and has never shown any indication of racism as far as I know, but suddenly he's a flaming racist. Same with women... yeah, he's been married a few times but so what? Homophobia? He's the most pro-LGBT candidate to ever win an election. So what is the root of all this? Where is it coming from? Is it simply about politics and nothing else? Is it because he's pro-life? Supports the 2nd Amendment? Wants to stop illegal immigration?

I think he is being falsely and irrationally judged based on hyperbole and rhetoric... nothing more. You've chosen to attack him personally because you don't agree with him politically. That's what I think.

The media is working overtime to make him look bad. From the false claims that there weren't big crowds at the inauguration to just reporting selective things to fit their narrative, I fear this is what we're in for from here on out.

The Future Is Disappearing: Trump Administration Deletes WhiteHouse.Gov References to Climate Change, Civil Rights, Healthcare, LGBT Issues


President-elect Donald Trump has only just stepped into office today, and already, the effects of his administration can be seen on the official White House websites. Apparently those effects are, “delete all reference to the issues that this administration intends to ignore.”

According to Vice, the Trump administration has just deleted all references to climate change on the White House website. I’m pretty sure that if you delete all reference to it, climate change will just disappear! Cool! Except: no.

Also missing: the Department of Labor’s report on Advancing LGBT Workplace Rights, which now leads to a 404 error if you click on it.

Speaking of LGBT rights, or the lack thereof, the entire page for is now gone. If you click on that link, it’ll just take you to the homepage. All mentions of the term “LGBT” have been removed from the website entirely, and so have all mentions of the word “gay,” except for one sentence in which the word “gay” is used to mean “happy.”

What’s more, references to healthcare and civil rights have also disappeared from the website, according to The Daily Beast. The page on civil rights has been replaced with a page titled “Standing Up For Our Law Enforcement Community,” which advocates for an increase in police forces. This page includes false information, such as “In our nation’s capital, killings have risen by 50 percent,” which–again–is false. Murder rates, and crime rates, have been steadily decreasing.

Based on these website updates, the future looks… uncaring, and bleak.

So this President starts his administration by attempting to silence the voices of climate change, civil rights, gay rights, women's rights and every other issue this administration choose to marginalize.
Most Americans knew these type of authoritarian refusal to represent all Americans.
Explain this to people that see Trump as someone to fear as the representative of America...

I imagine it's fairly common for any incoming administration to delete policy position pages of the former administration upon taking office. Trump doesn't agree with Obama's position on these issues so why would he leave them on the website? I fail to see where this action silences ANY voices on ANYTHING. That's more hyperbolic, emotive and over-the-top rhetoric.
Okay, so the election happened and the transition is over. Donald John Trump is officially our 45th President of the United States of America. Some of us supported him enthusiastically, some of us held our noses and voted for him, some of us couldn't vote for him, some of us opposed him strongly and some probably didn't care one way or another. But he's now the president and he'll be the president unless he dies or gets impeached. Love him or hate him, that's now a fact of life.

I've been patient with those who supported Clinton and had to work through the shock of losing the election because I know how this feels. It takes you a while to work through the emotions and come to terms with things. In the meantime, you might say things that aren't very reasonable. I think we've all had time to let this soak in now and it's time we get on with the business of life.

I keep seeing these comments on social media and elsewhere about Trump being a racist, homophobe, misogynist, Hitler-like, etc. Whenever you question someone about such allegations, they just emote nonsense. They never can really tell me what the man said that supports such a charge. It's always a gross misinterpretation of something he said or did or an outright lie about something he never said or did. You have to twist things out of context and make false assumptions to reach this conclusion. When you have to do that, it's not reasonable. You're not making a reasoned argument.

Look, I totally get that a lot of people don't like his policy ideas. I understand an objection to things he has proposed doing or positions he has taken. I don't agree with Trump on everything, in fact, I couldn't actually cast my vote for him in the general. He said too many things that contradict my conservative principles and he just didn't meet my criteria to earn my vote. But he's not a racist. He's not a homophobe or misogynist. I see no comparison whatsoever to Hitler. I don't even think he is a narcissist. He's very confident in himself, I'll give you that. He can be very cocky and abrasively arrogant, and sometimes that can be construed as narcissism.

So now, if you have calmed down emotionally enough to reasonably discuss Trump, I am willing to entertain your thoughts on these allegations of whatever. This isn't a flame-fest or thread for you to emotively vent your frustration with the outcome of the elections. It's not about policies or politics in general, I realize many people disagree on his policies and politics. This is specifically for the reasoned discussion of Trump's personal views on race, gender, lifestyle, etc. It's time to put your evidence on the table and let's have a reasoned evaluation based on the facts.

Well unfortunately, a large segment of society, hasn't been able to discuss anything in a reasonable way, for 5 years or more.

I can't even begin to count the number of times, that I have been accused of being racists, for just questioning the position of Obama's policies. Just for saying maybe X policy isn't working, has the reaction of "bigot" and "racist" and "sexist" and "homophobe".

So to ask if people can discuss Trump rationally now, when they haven't been logical, rational, moral, or ethical to till now, seems like a pretty tall order.

That said, I disagree on Trump on several issues, which I've mentioned many times. That doesn't seem to matter to the left-wingers, who would rather have an emotional melt down, and spit accusations.

I think the damage to the unity of the country by Obama, is likely not to fix itself any time soon.

And to be honest, I'm not entirely sure of what Obama did, to cause the damage. Perhaps simply not making it clear to people that accusing everyone who disagrees with you of racism, is counter productive, is the problem. After all Obama did play the race card several times, which his supporters ran all over screaming it.

But whether this is fixable or not, I don't know. For some odd reason, I get the feeling that the left-wing followers are not likely to end their divisive ways.
Nope. Evidence. I saw him mock the disabled reporters.

Well there was only ONE reporter and he didn't mock his disability... that's already been proven. What you saw was his "go-to" gesture for anyone he happens to be mocking, including himself. This charge actually shows YOUR disrespect for the reporter in question who has no similar attribute conducive with his particular disability. Apparently, you all believe that ANY disabled person flails their arms about and talks funny. Just like you think that ANY 10-year-old child who is stoic-looking must have autism or Asperger's and might end up being a school shooter. You people are the most hypocritical and disgusting individuals among us if this is indicative of your thought process.

I heard him say what he said about women's pussies. He said it. It wasn't a ventriloquist. It wasn't a body double. It wasn't an impersonator. It was him. Or about Meghan Kelly 'bleeding'.

And we've covered this one as well. What he said wasn't untrue. He made an observational statement that you don't like. Earlier, NYCarbineer made the statement that rich and powerful people can get away with murdering someone... does that mean he advocates murdering people or he is a murderer himself? No-- it's an observational statement.

The Megyn Kelly comments were a response to her attacking him. "Blood shooting out of her eyes or somewhere" doesn't make him a misogynist. Again, it's an emotive stretch based on a false perception you created. That's all any of your "evidence" really amounts to.

Not currently, but back in the day under his father's watch they didn't rent to blacks. That is a fact.
Yeah, back before we had laws against this, that was the standard practice everywhere. But what does Trump's FATHER have to do with Trump? If people are racist because their fathers were racist, that literally means we can never overcome racism. It's impossible. I really do hope you don't honestly believe this.

That is a fact. Somebody on here, not even a week ago, pointed out that he didn't like renting to those on welfare. It just so happened that a lot of black people are on welfare...
Well as it turns out, most people who have rental property don't like to rent to people on welfare. That's why we have Section 8. But here again... while some black people are on welfare, most welfare recipients are white... so how does this make Trump a racist?

I have posted on these boards plenty of times and stories from people with first-hand experience who have shown him to have stiffed them.
Again, this has absolutely nothing to do with the charges of racism, homophobia, misogyny or being Hitler. Those are the specific charges we are supposed to be discussing here. You keep bringing up these contractual disputes and that's a part of business. I'm sorry that you don't like the fact that Trump believes in holding people to their word and what they agree to in contracts. But that simply doesn't make him evil or immoral.

As for being above the fray. That is the least of his problems. He constantly lies, tells half truths and bullshits. And you know what, if you like that kind of guy. So be it. You can. But don't sell me the BS.
And you don't think Obama and Hillary ever told lies or half-truths? They never bullshitted anyone? Really? That's what you believe?

I'm not trying to sell you anything here. I am simply trying to get to the bottom of all this over-blown emotive hype and rhetoric. These absurd and baseless allegations you all keep making without any real evidence to support them. I understand you don't like him or his politics... it's a free country, you're entitled to your opinion of the man. But he's not fucking Hitler and he's not a racist, sexist, homophobic bigot... not by any standard of actual evidence.
Nope. Evidence. I saw him mock the disabled reporters.

Well there was only ONE reporter and he didn't mock his disability... that's already been proven. What you saw was his "go-to" gesture for anyone he happens to be mocking, including himself. This charge actually shows YOUR disrespect for the reporter in question who has no similar attribute conducive with his particular disability. Apparently, you all believe that ANY disabled person flails their arms about and talks funny. Just like you think that ANY 10-year-old child who is stoic-looking must have autism or Asperger's and might end up being a school shooter. You people are the most hypocritical and disgusting individuals among us if this is indicative of your thought process.

I heard him say what he said about women's pussies. He said it. It wasn't a ventriloquist. It wasn't a body double. It wasn't an impersonator. It was him. Or about Meghan Kelly 'bleeding'.

And we've covered this one as well. What he said wasn't untrue. He made an observational statement that you don't like. Earlier, NYCarbineer made the statement that rich and powerful people can get away with murdering someone... does that mean he advocates murdering people or he is a murderer himself? No-- it's an observational statement.

The Megyn Kelly comments were a response to her attacking him. "Blood shooting out of her eyes or somewhere" doesn't make him a misogynist. Again, it's an emotive stretch based on a false perception you created. That's all any of your "evidence" really amounts to.

Not currently, but back in the day under his father's watch they didn't rent to blacks. That is a fact.
Yeah, back before we had laws against this, that was the standard practice everywhere. But what does Trump's FATHER have to do with Trump? If people are racist because their fathers were racist, that literally means we can never overcome racism. It's impossible. I really do hope you don't honestly believe this.

That is a fact. Somebody on here, not even a week ago, pointed out that he didn't like renting to those on welfare. It just so happened that a lot of black people are on welfare...
Well as it turns out, most people who have rental property don't like to rent to people on welfare. That's why we have Section 8. But here again... while some black people are on welfare, most welfare recipients are white... so how does this make Trump a racist?

I have posted on these boards plenty of times and stories from people with first-hand experience who have shown him to have stiffed them.
Again, this has absolutely nothing to do with the charges of racism, homophobia, misogyny or being Hitler. Those are the specific charges we are supposed to be discussing here. You keep bringing up these contractual disputes and that's a part of business. I'm sorry that you don't like the fact that Trump believes in holding people to their word and what they agree to in contracts. But that simply doesn't make him evil or immoral.

As for being above the fray. That is the least of his problems. He constantly lies, tells half truths and bullshits. And you know what, if you like that kind of guy. So be it. You can. But don't sell me the BS.
And you don't think Obama and Hillary ever told lies or half-truths? They never bullshitted anyone? Really? That's what you believe?

I'm not trying to sell you anything here. I am simply trying to get to the bottom of all this over-blown emotive hype and rhetoric. These absurd and baseless allegations you all keep making without any real evidence to support them. I understand you don't like him or his politics... it's a free country, you're entitled to your opinion of the man. But he's not fucking Hitler and he's not a racist, sexist, homophobic bigot... not by any standard of actual evidence.

You haven't established anything. You've given me your opinion on what he has said and done. That's fine. You're allowed to.

As for being emotive, you're the one writing massive posts trying to excuse his deplorable behaviour. One doth think you protest too much.
If pussy grabbing and similar such acts are now a legitimate privilege of the rich, there are apparently a whole lot of women in the world who are not familiar with this new 'law'.

Well no one said it was a law or privilege. Trump just said you could get away with it and he was right. You CAN get away with it if you have wealth and power. That's just a TRUTH... nothing more.

Actually, he said they LET YOU do it.

That's consent.

Before long I suppose these 'bots will be endorsing Trump's exercise of droit du seigneur.

Jesus Christ on a donkey, these people are truly unbelievable.

ARE you claiming that "let" does not equal consent?

Or have you gone completely insane, and are just raving?
Okay, so the election happened and the transition is over. Donald John Trump is officially our 45th President of the United States of America. Some of us supported him enthusiastically, some of us held our noses and voted for him, some of us couldn't vote for him, some of us opposed him strongly and some probably didn't care one way or another. But he's now the president and he'll be the president unless he dies or gets impeached. Love him or hate him, that's now a fact of life.

I've been patient with those who supported Clinton and had to work through the shock of losing the election because I know how this feels. It takes you a while to work through the emotions and come to terms with things. In the meantime, you might say things that aren't very reasonable. I think we've all had time to let this soak in now and it's time we get on with the business of life.

I keep seeing these comments on social media and elsewhere about Trump being a racist, homophobe, misogynist, Hitler-like, etc. Whenever you question someone about such allegations, they just emote nonsense. They never can really tell me what the man said that supports such a charge. It's always a gross misinterpretation of something he said or did or an outright lie about something he never said or did. You have to twist things out of context and make false assumptions to reach this conclusion. When you have to do that, it's not reasonable. You're not making a reasoned argument.

Look, I totally get that a lot of people don't like his policy ideas. I understand an objection to things he has proposed doing or positions he has taken. I don't agree with Trump on everything, in fact, I couldn't actually cast my vote for him in the general. He said too many things that contradict my conservative principles and he just didn't meet my criteria to earn my vote. But he's not a racist. He's not a homophobe or misogynist. I see no comparison whatsoever to Hitler. I don't even think he is a narcissist. He's very confident in himself, I'll give you that. He can be very cocky and abrasively arrogant, and sometimes that can be construed as narcissism.

So now, if you have calmed down emotionally enough to reasonably discuss Trump, I am willing to entertain your thoughts on these allegations of whatever. This isn't a flame-fest or thread for you to emotively vent your frustration with the outcome of the elections. It's not about policies or politics in general, I realize many people disagree on his policies and politics. This is specifically for the reasoned discussion of Trump's personal views on race, gender, lifestyle, etc. It's time to put your evidence on the table and let's have a reasoned evaluation based on the facts.
Women and hippies stay hysterical for a long time.

They will need months to get used to DJ Trump beating Hillary.

If a woman had beaten Hillary it would have been no big deal.

But since a man beat her we are going to see suffragetts out everywhere in protests for a while.
Do these people realize that when they defend Trump on this, they're repudiating every criticism of Bill Clinton ever made on the subject of women?

Well no, it's actually quite the other way around. Bill Clinton was guilty of getting blow jobs in the oval office from an intern half his age. He has a long and storied history of sexual misconduct with women who have accused him of everything from inappropriate touching to outright rape. Trump has NO SUCH HISTORY. He simply made a comment to Billy Bush that was a true observation about how women behave with powerful wealthy men.

Trump confessed.

btw, you just claimed that what Clinton did was okay, because wealth and power make it okay.

Your complete inability to read what cons actually say is incredible.
The Future Is Disappearing: Trump Administration Deletes WhiteHouse.Gov References to Climate Change, Civil Rights, Healthcare, LGBT Issues


President-elect Donald Trump has only just stepped into office today, and already, the effects of his administration can be seen on the official White House websites. Apparently those effects are, “delete all reference to the issues that this administration intends to ignore.”

According to Vice, the Trump administration has just deleted all references to climate change on the White House website. I’m pretty sure that if you delete all reference to it, climate change will just disappear! Cool! Except: no.

Also missing: the Department of Labor’s report on Advancing LGBT Workplace Rights, which now leads to a 404 error if you click on it.

Speaking of LGBT rights, or the lack thereof, the entire page for is now gone. If you click on that link, it’ll just take you to the homepage. All mentions of the term “LGBT” have been removed from the website entirely, and so have all mentions of the word “gay,” except for one sentence in which the word “gay” is used to mean “happy.”

What’s more, references to healthcare and civil rights have also disappeared from the website, according to The Daily Beast. The page on civil rights has been replaced with a page titled “Standing Up For Our Law Enforcement Community,” which advocates for an increase in police forces. This page includes false information, such as “In our nation’s capital, killings have risen by 50 percent,” which–again–is false. Murder rates, and crime rates, have been steadily decreasing.

Based on these website updates, the future looks… uncaring, and bleak.

So this President starts his administration by attempting to silence the voices of climate change, civil rights, gay rights, women's rights and every other issue this administration choose to marginalize.
Most Americans knew these type of authoritarian refusal to represent all Americans.
Explain this to people that see Trump as someone to fear as the representative of America...

I imagine it's fairly common for any incoming administration to delete policy position pages of the former administration upon taking office. Trump doesn't agree with Obama's position on these issues so why would he leave them on the website? I fail to see where this action silences ANY voices on ANYTHING. That's more hyperbolic, emotive and over-the-top rhetoric.
I thought he was the most pro-LGBT president ever elected? what happened? seems like your full of shit and will say anything to defend your orange fuhrer your a pathetic hack nothing more
Wow, television ratings just out: 31 million people watched the Inauguration, 11 million more than the very good ratings from 8 years ago!

discuss THAT!
You haven't established anything.

Well.. Yes, I did. Every opinion and conjecture you've raised, I've refuted and addressed with facts.

ARE you claiming that "let" does not equal consent?

Last time I looked in the dictionary they had two different meanings.

Did Trump say something that wasn't true?

I thought he was the most pro-LGBT president ever elected? what happened?

Well, I imagine the new administration hasn't had time to update the website yet. Just because they pulled down the last administration's bullshit doesn't mean they aren't going to ever replace it with their own policy statements. You're reading WAY too much into standard procedure here.

The fact that Trump didn't keep Obama's policy statement online means he's a homophobe? That's a pretty weak argument, especially since that just happened day before yesterday.

In summary.... All I have heard here are emotive opinions based on misinterpretations and intentional misunderstandings of things he has said. No real evidence of racism, homophobia, sexism and certainly nothing that would liken him to Hitler in any way. Yet you're all rolling and writhing in the streets in agony like it's the end times. I don't get it... you lost an election, someone you don't agree with politically won the election. That's all. No big deal.
You haven't established anything.

Well.. Yes, I did. Every opinion and conjecture you've raised, I've refuted and addressed with facts.

ARE you claiming that "let" does not equal consent?

Last time I looked in the dictionary they had two different meanings.

Did Trump say something that wasn't true?

I thought he was the most pro-LGBT president ever elected? what happened?

Well, I imagine the new administration hasn't had time to update the website yet. Just because they pulled down the last administration's bullshit doesn't mean they aren't going to ever replace it with their own policy statements. You're reading WAY too much into standard procedure here.

The fact that Trump didn't keep Obama's policy statement online means he's a homophobe? That's a pretty weak argument, especially since that just happened day before yesterday.

In summary.... All I have heard here are emotive opinions based on misinterpretations and intentional misunderstandings of things he has said. No real evidence of racism, homophobia, sexism and certainly nothing that would liken him to Hitler in any way. Yet you're all rolling and writhing in the streets in agony like it's the end times. I don't get it... you lost an election, someone you don't agree with politically won the election. That's all. No big deal.
I dont give a shit what you think we are not here to prove if trump is a racist... to another fucking racist. Why dont you try proving how much trump loves black people or muslims or gays or mexicans show me a picture of him eating a taco atleast instead of this garbage

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