Can We Stop The January 6 Witchhunt Circus???

Sure liesa558

Did President ever claim to love the lesser educated like the former 1-term president?

Has President Biden ever had to use a Sharpie to help inform people?

Is that cyber ninjas company still in business?
i don’t have the time nor energy to list the numerous idiotic things that your dementia patient has said.

Amazing that leftists who voted in a ”president” who can barely recite pre-scripted remarks, and is too demented to answer off-the-cuff questions, actually complain about Trump’s mental ability. That’s not even the pot calling the kettle black. That’s like the Ford Pinto complaining about the lack of accoutrements in a Lexus!
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The reason the Democrats are doing all of this is not because they believe they will win a fair and honest election. It’s because they know they will overwhelmingly LOSE one.

Remember, I am not the one trying to undermine American Democracy—I am the one trying to SAVE American Democracy.

Today, I am more confident than ever in the strength and common sense of the American People. They are counting the days until we will no longer have to be constantly lectured, lied to, and dictated to by corrupt politicians and their media partners. When we will no longer have to put up with this broken establishment’s hoaxes and its manufactured media narratives—And as Biden and his radical handlers know, that day is coming fast. Because in the months and years ahead, the American People are going to speak up, take action, and VOTE in massive numbers, and we are going to TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY.


Liesa558 is still crying over the loss....
The fact that the Dems weren’t able to cheat their way to a win for Maculiffe tells me we are prepared for the shady games the DEMS will play, as long as they don’t push through “ballot harvesting in inner-city welfare neighborhoods,” like the 8th District of DC.
i don’t have the time nor energy to list the numerous idiotic things that your dementia patient has said.

Amazing that leftists who voted in a ”president” who can barely recite pre-scripted remarks, and is too demented to answer off-the-cuff questions, actually complain about Trump’s mental ability. That’s not even the pot calling the kettle black. That’s like the Ford Pinto complaining about the lack of accoutrements in a Lexus!
You post like an angry Karen.

Bet you're a ball fun in your neighborhood.
The fact that the Dems weren’t able to cheat their way to a win for Maculiffe tells me we are prepared for the shady games the DEMS will play, as long as they don’t push through “ballot harvesting in inner-city welfare neighborhoods,” like the 8th District of DC.
And a racist Karen too.
You post like an angry Karen.

Bet you're a ball fun in your neighborhood.
Not sure what a ball fun is, but yes…. I’m friends with a few of my neighbors. Most of my friends are within a half-hour drive, though. Thanks for your interest.
WTF are trying to deflect with here maga fuckup?

Can you explain why paul manafort gave internal polling from the campaign of the former 1-term president to Russian operatives?

Why did first fuckup son don jr. take a meeting in the former 1-term president's tower with a Russian operative?

Why was twice fired and current racist michael flynn meeting with Russian operatives?

Ya know, since you maga fuckups kiss the ring so much you must have the answers.
Can you explain why Mueller, after 2 years and $32 million, found no Trump/Russia collusion?
And a racist Karen too.
To a Democrat, that means someone who is opposed to the anti-white racism the liberals are pushing. I believe in color-blind policies. Thus, to leftists, that means I am racist.

P.S. Your playing that racism card has been so overused that nobody’s buying it.
And a racist Karen too.
Oh, wait…..I get it. Because I complained about ballot harvesting among semi-literate welfare recipients, that means I am racist against blacks. It sounds like YOU are the racist one. Why assume that welfare recipients who can barely read are black?
I have a suggestion that might work. Send this to your representative in the House of Representatives.

"When will you people stop wasting our taxpayer dollars on your January 6 witchhunt Committee?"

You can use Twitter or go to their website and send it as an email.
There's no witch hunt.
The fact that the Dems weren’t able to cheat their way to a win for Maculiffe tells me we are prepared for the shady games the DEMS will play, as long as they don’t push through “ballot harvesting in inner-city welfare neighborhoods,” like the 8th District of DC.
So you think we can cheat but chose not to with Manulife??

Seems you may have exaggerated just a tad about your IQ.

Show me a conservative here who's not racist...
I'm a conservative and not racist.

Feel free to prove me wrong by quoting a racist post by me.

This is where you should just admit you are a lying sack of shit Dimtard race card playing dumbass.
I'm a conservative and not racist.

Feel free to prove me wrong by quoting a racist post by me.

This is where you should just admit you are a lying sack of shit Dimtard race card playing dumbass.

You're such a dumbfuck, you crack me up. Now what lie do you think I told?
To a Democrat, that means someone who is opposed to the anti-white racism the liberals are pushing. I believe in color-blind policies. Thus, to leftists, that means I am racist.

P.S. Your playing that racism card has been so overused that nobody’s buying it.
That seems to be the new conservative message to hide their pro-white policies.
That seems to be the new conservative message to hide their pro-white policies.
There are no pro-white policies.….only pro-black policies, codified in higher education admissions.

To racists like you, any policy that doesn’t give special advantages to blacks is racist.

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