Can We Stop The January 6 Witchhunt Circus???

I have a suggestion that might work. Send this to your representative in the House of Representatives.

"When will you people stop wasting our taxpayer dollars on your January 6 witchhunt Committee?"

You can use Twitter or go to their website and send it as an email.
There are a few things that are constantly perpetuated by the right that are patently and provably incorrect ignorance. The first nonsense, written here, is the insinuation that naziism is left wing, accusing Pelosi of naziism. According to the founding fundamental definition(s) of PoliSci (political science), fascism and consequently its most extreme form naziism are, by political definition, right wing phenomena.

The right's old hackneyed reiterations of LIES are knowingly and deliberately spread as basic BS propaganda (presented as information) by the right to complete yet another form of LIES known as DSP (deflect, spin, project). The odd thing is that even though most of us have been and are taught as youngsters that facts, empirical evidence and truth are the highest status of humanity, the right consistently chooses to ignore those principles. Their presentation of LIES such as the aforementioned patently incorrect statements are just that and are not to be believed.

I have personally witnessed the private acknowledgement of the proofs of those LIES by right wing zealots and yet they persist in issuing and reissuing them. My final conclusion is that even though some right wingers may possibly sometimes use facts and empirical proof(s), that each and every statement by ANY of them must be construed, evidenced by the sheer preponderance of constant LIES, as extremely suspect to the point of presumed disbelief.
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Nobody but those on the extreme left are falling for that. It pales in comparison to the hundreds of riots - both in terms of damage to property and life - that leftists subjected the country to.

What it tells me is that leftists are fine with arson, assaults, looting, and murder, done in riot after riot after riot after rioter…..and month after month after month after month….as long as it’s by the left….but that not ONE SINGLE riot will be tolerated by those on the right.

The message is clear: those on the right need to stfu, or the Dems will sic the FBI on you, call you domestic terrorists, claim you are an insurrectionist, etc., while those on the left with be bailed out by the VP to continue their riots “as they should” (according to her).
You're wrong. Either you've been a brainwashed citizen or you are an enemy of the United States.
Exactly. Talk about the Democrat vote manufacturing drive success, even Democrats didn't give a shit about Biden to show up
I think Democratic voters were more motivated and voted.
When you Nazis breached the Senate in 2018 to stop the peaceful transfer of Judicial power is was more of a coup attempt than the Reichstag Fire.

The REAL coup attempt was the treason of the Russian Collusion conspiracy theory. You fuckers attempted to overthrow the government of the United States.
WTF are trying to deflect with here maga fuckup?

Can you explain why paul manafort gave internal polling from the campaign of the former 1-term president to Russian operatives?

Why did first fuckup son don jr. take a meeting in the former 1-term president's tower with a Russian operative?

Why was twice fired and current racist michael flynn meeting with Russian operatives?

Ya know, since you maga fuckups kiss the ring so much you must have the answers.
When you Nazis breached the Senate in 2018 to stop the peaceful transfer of Judicial power is was more of a coup attempt than the Reichstag Fire.

The REAL coup attempt was the treason of the Russian Collusion conspiracy theory. You fuckers attempted to overthrow the government of the United States.
….yes, indeed.…THAT was the true coup attempt. They manufactured an elaborate Russia hoax in order overthrow Trump, who WAS duly elected, unlike the fraudulent “president” the Dems dragged over the finish line.
….yes, indeed.…THAT was the true coup attempt. They manufactured an elaborate Russia hoax in order overthrow Trump, who WAS duly elected, unlike the fraudulent “president” the Dems dragged over the finish line.

Sure sounds like you believe President Biden was fairly elected.

Sure sounds like you believe President Biden was fairly elected.
Not sure where you got that idea. I said the Dems “dragged him over the finish line.” That required billionaires to pay activists to go into low-info neighborhoods and help semi-literate people, who are either too incompetent or lazy to vote without assistance, check the box labeled Biden, and by telling them they would get more of other people’s money if they did. You call that fair?

Or, when even that wasn’t enough, they screamed HAAAAAALT!! in the middle of the night, in five swing states, and simultaneously. Come up with the most ridiculous of excuses, and keep Republican observers too far away, or simply send them home while a couple of Democrats stay behind to keep counting.

But it got the job done, and Dems are ready to do it again.
Not sure where you got that idea. I said the Dems “dragged him over the finish line.” That required billionaires to pay activists to go into low-info neighborhoods and help semi-literate people, who are either too incompetent or lazy to vote without assistance, check the box labeled Biden, and by telling them they would get more of other people’s money if they did. You call that fair?

Or, when even that wasn’t enough, they screamed HAAAAAALT!! in the middle of the night, in five swing states, and simultaneously. Come up with the most ridiculous of excuses, and keep Republican observers too far away, or simply send them home while a couple of Democrats stay behind to keep counting.

But it got the job done, and Dems are ready to do it again.
Sure liesa558

Did President ever claim to love the lesser educated like the former 1-term president?

Has President Biden ever had to use a Sharpie to help inform people?

Is that cyber ninjas company still in business?
Not sure where you got that idea. I said the Dems “dragged him over the finish line.” That required billionaires to pay activists to go into low-info neighborhoods and help semi-literate people, who are either too incompetent or lazy to vote without assistance, check the box labeled Biden, and by telling them they would get more of other people’s money if they did. You call that fair?

Or, when even that wasn’t enough, they screamed HAAAAAALT!! in the middle of the night, in five swing states, and simultaneously. Come up with the most ridiculous of excuses, and keep Republican observers too far away, or simply send them home while a couple of Democrats stay behind to keep counting.

But it got the job done, and Dems are ready to do it again.
You're demented to think 5 states stopped counting in the middle of the night. That nonsense was debunked long ago.

Liesa558 is still crying over the loss....
Mmmmm mmm... delicious...


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