Can We Stop The January 6 Witchhunt Circus???

There's that "I know you are but what am I " response you Nazis are so famous for...
I guess you haven’t heard of the dead Trump voters.

Here’s a refresher:
The latest example involves a man in Nevada who said someone had voted in the name of his dead wife, Rosemarie Hartle. This was hailed widely on conservative media. It was the case the Nevada GOP said showed the “concrete” evidence of irregularities. We learned late last week that there might have been fraud involved, but the alleged fraud was perpetrated by a Republican with ties to the Trump campaign. The man, Donald Kirk Hartle, has been charged with voting in his dead wife’s name.

The situation was much that same with another name the Trump campaign cited in Pennsylvania, Elizabeth Bartman. Not long after it lifted that case up, Bartman’s son Bruce admitted he had registered and voted in his long-dead mother’s name to help Trump. He pleaded guilty.
Two others follow the pattern. Also in Pennsylvania, registered Republican Francis Fiore Presto was charged with requesting and casting a ballot for his dead wife, Judy Presto. Also in that state, the family of Denise Ondick said her ballot was filled out shortly before she died close to the election. A family member said their mother intended to vote for Trump.

Of course I can figure it up out. I have an IQ in the top 2% (which explains why I voted for Trump rather than a man who should be in the memory care wing of my mother’s ALF instead of the presidency).

My point was that using a term such as “trumptard” is the type of thing one would expect from an 11-year-old.
WOW, an IQ top 2%?
Of course, you're a 'genius' like Trump.
“Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart,” Trump tweeted from Camp David.
He said his journey from “VERY successful businessman,” to reality TV star to president on his first try “would qualify as not smart, but genius .... and a very stable genius at that!”

That puts you right up there with the percentage of Trump's retarded cult members who got their GED.
The rest are in remedial special-ed courses.
I guess you haven’t heard of the dead Trump voters.

Here’s a refresher:
The latest example involves a man in Nevada who said someone had voted in the name of his dead wife, Rosemarie Hartle. This was hailed widely on conservative media. It was the case the Nevada GOP said showed the “concrete” evidence of irregularities. We learned late last week that there might have been fraud involved, but the alleged fraud was perpetrated by a Republican with ties to the Trump campaign. The man, Donald Kirk Hartle, has been charged with voting in his dead wife’s name.

The situation was much that same with another name the Trump campaign cited in Pennsylvania, Elizabeth Bartman. Not long after it lifted that case up, Bartman’s son Bruce admitted he had registered and voted in his long-dead mother’s name to help Trump. He pleaded guilty.
Two others follow the pattern. Also in Pennsylvania, registered Republican Francis Fiore Presto was charged with requesting and casting a ballot for his dead wife, Judy Presto. Also in that state, the family of Denise Ondick said her ballot was filled out shortly before she died close to the election. A family member said their mother intended to vote for Trump.

September 27 2021
It's not clear which party's candidates benefited from three of these four ballots, the (Atlanta) Journal-Constitution pointed to Sharon Nelson, a 74-year-old widow who submitted an absentee ballot on behalf of her husband, who died in September 2020, just a couple of months before the election.

Her lawyer conceded that she carried out her late husband's wishes, and voted Republican, though Nelson "now realizes that was not the thing to do."
Donald Trump is smart enough to graduate from the Wharton School of Finance, one of the toughest schools in the country.

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania is the business school of the University of Pennsylvania, a private Ivy League research university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Wikipedia
Acceptance rate: 9% (2016)
Hmmmm, so why isn't the serial litigator suing his niece?

Mary claimed, dumb Donnie had someone take his entrance exam.
Do you consider the New York Times to be a reliable source? Did you noticed the New York Times verified the Revolver News report?

An editorial? LOL.
Gateway pundit?
So, that's why Trumptards are in a hissy fit over Ray Epps?

Was he a ring leader who led the charge?
Trump and his dupes wanting to stop the January 6 investigation remind me of a dog who has shit on the floor and doesn't want to look at it when being held accountable.
The Trumpsters can rest easy, knowing that the GOP will probably win in November and will shut down the committee post haste.

It will then be with the DoJ, of course, but at least there won't be a witch hunt committee to complain about.

So they can relax.
WOW, an IQ top 2%?
Of course, you're a 'genius' like Trump.
“Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart,” Trump tweeted from Camp David.
He said his journey from “VERY successful businessman,” to reality TV star to president on his first try “would qualify as not smart, but genius .... and a very stable genius at that!”

That puts you right up there with the percentage of Trump's retarded cult members who got their GED.
The rest are in remedial special-ed courses.
What Trump has said about his own mental acuity is in no way related to my own IQ.

And really, do you think that someone who voted for a senile old man with dementia has standing to criticize others’ intelligence levels?

P.S. Don’t feel bad that your IQ is nowhere near mine. While it can be nurtured to some degree, it is largely innate. Among my Trump-voting friends are a scientist, an MBA, a dentist, and a lawyer - all obviously with advanced educations and, based on my conversations with them, highly intelligent.
The Trumpsters can rest easy, knowing that the GOP will probably win in November and will shut down the committee post haste.

It will then be with the DoJ, of course, but at least there won't be a witch hunt committee to complain about.

So they can relax.
Actually, Pelosi’s threat to continue the false “insurrection narrative” over one single riot, while her side enabled hundreds on the left, will just emphasize how vindictive the Demorats are, and the extent to which they will go to divide the country and demonize all dissenters. This latest gambit will drive more indies to the Republican side.
Trump and his dupes wanting to stop the January 6 investigation remind me of a dog who has shit on the floor and doesn't want to look at it when being held accountable.

Herr Nazi - would you demand that all 1400 hours of video be released by the FBI so the public can see everything that really happened?

The 13 minutes the courts FORCED Oberfuhrer Garland and his Gestapo to release so far have been devastating to your Reich.

An actual investigation rather than your Stalinist show trial would be welcome.
What Trump has said about his own mental acuity is in no way related to my own IQ.
Sure it is, you can't be that smart to vote for, support and defend a moron, that borders on stupidity.
And really, do you think that someone who voted for a senile old man with dementia has standing to criticize others’ intelligence levels?
Yes, I do, well actually anyone does, they realized Trump was a lying, idiot, when he was a candidate.

P.S. Don’t feel bad that your IQ is nowhere near mine.
Sure what no smart person has ever said.

Like Trump who is SO smart but can't prove it.
While it can be nurtured to some degree, it is largely innate. Among my Trump-voting friends are a scientist, an MBA, a dentist, and a lawyer - all obviously with advanced educations and, based on my conversations with them, highly intelligent.
After 4 years of Trump, if they still support that moron, they are none too smart, unless they're 'smart', like Trump.
Sure it is, you can't be that smart to vote for, support and defend a moron, that borders on stupidity.
Your sentence structure is grammatically incorrect. I offer my tutoring services to you at half my usual price.
Yes, I do, well actually anyone does, they realized Trump was a lying, idiot, when he was a candidate.

Goodness! I see you have a problem with the correct usage of a comma, as well. My fee just went up.

Sure what no smart person has ever said.

Like Trump who is SO smart but can't prove it.

After 4 years of Trump, if they still support that moron, they are none too smart, unless they're 'smart', like Trump.
Yikes! Even worse. Not only is your sentence structure incorrect, but you don’t know what a quote mark is. This work will be harder than I anticipated, and par for the effort required when I tutor high school graduates. My fee will have to be double the usual.
I guess you haven’t heard of the dead Trump voters.

Here’s a refresher:
The latest example involves a man in Nevada who said someone had voted in the name of his dead wife, Rosemarie Hartle. This was hailed widely on conservative media. It was the case the Nevada GOP said showed the “concrete” evidence of irregularities. We learned late last week that there might have been fraud involved, but the alleged fraud was perpetrated by a Republican with ties to the Trump campaign. The man, Donald Kirk Hartle, has been charged with voting in his dead wife’s name.

The situation was much that same with another name the Trump campaign cited in Pennsylvania, Elizabeth Bartman. Not long after it lifted that case up, Bartman’s son Bruce admitted he had registered and voted in his long-dead mother’s name to help Trump. He pleaded guilty.
Two others follow the pattern. Also in Pennsylvania, registered Republican Francis Fiore Presto was charged with requesting and casting a ballot for his dead wife, Judy Presto. Also in that state, the family of Denise Ondick said her ballot was filled out shortly before she died close to the election. A family member said their mother intended to vote for Trump.


Back in the last millennium there used to be journalists, Back in those days reporters - as opposed the Reich Stenographers who work at WaPo and other Reich propaganda, were cautioned to never build a story around anecdotal incidents. Anecdotes personalize larger stories, but to base a story on an anecdote is propaganda, not reporting.

Propaganda is all the putrid cesspool of WaPo is, ditto the NY Times and the rest of the Reich cheerleading squad.

Tens of millions of dead and ineligible voter registrations remain active across the nation - documented by the Reich Stenographers themselves.

Couple that with unrequested mail in ballots (queue Nazi lie in 3.2.1...)

These two combined provide the opportunity for 30 million plus fraudulent votes, particularly in the battleground states China and the democrat Reich needed to put Bidin in as place holder.

Fraud in 2020 was pervasive and overwhelming

I have a suggestion that might work. Send this to your representative in the House of Representatives.

"When will you people stop wasting our taxpayer dollars on your January 6 witchhunt Committee?"

You can use Twitter or go to their website and send it as an email.
WOW, an IQ top 2%?
And to think, you have an IQ of 2....

Maybe she'll date you since you have so much in common..

Of course, you're a 'genius' like Trump.
“Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart,” Trump tweeted from Camp David.
He said his journey from “VERY successful businessman,” to reality TV star to president on his first try “would qualify as not smart, but genius .... and a very stable genius at that!”

That puts you right up there with the percentage of Trump's retarded cult members who got their GED.
The rest are in remedial special-ed courses.

Lisa558 does seem very smart.

You, well not so much..
Your sentence structure is grammatically incorrect. I offer my tutoring services to you at half my usual price.
The comma for are a pause, "genius".
Like you should have done.

"I offer my tutoring services to you, at half my usual price".

Goodness! I see you have a problem with the correct usage of a comma, as well. My fee just went up.
Good luck, grammar police.

Yikes! Even worse. Not only is your sentence structure incorrect, but you don’t know what a quote mark is. This work will be harder than I anticipated, and par for the effort required when I tutor high school graduates. My fee will have to be double the usual.
Known as air quotes, sneer quotes, or shudder quotes, scare quotes are put around a word or phrase to note atypical usage or disapproval. Oftentimes, scare quotes are used with a negative or sarcastic tone that distances the person using the scare quotes from the person (real or hypothetical) that they’re quoting.
  • Example: Calvin claims that only “real” Prince fans understand the brilliance of his earlier, less acclaimed work.
Better try kindergartners first.
And to think, you have an IQ of 2....
Soooooo, twice as smart as you.
Maybe she'll date you since you have so much in common..
You're the one who thinks she's 'smart'.
She a moron.
She learn you things like the meaning covfefe.
Lisa558 does seem very smart.
To a moron.
You, well not so much..
Look who you support, a 'genius' who won't release his grades.
Lindsey Graham (R) calls for prosecution of rioters
"Those who made this attack on our government need to be identified
and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Their actions are repugnant to democracy."

Can We Stop The January 6 Witchhunt Circus???

The zany attempts to transfer blame to blm, antifa, fbi agents, and/or unruly tourists has largely fizzled, although there may be some of the Cry Baby Loser's pathetic worshipers who still entertain such delusions.

Meanwhile, like our Congress, under the auspices of the then Vice President, that certified the results of the free and secure democratic elections in all 50 states and dc that withstood copious challenges, the American system of jurisprudence is properly assigning culpability where the evidence places it - hundreds of Trump goons being apprehended, indicted, prosecuted, convicted, or confessing.

Needless to say, the Cry Baby Loser's lickspittles just hate when that happens.

Screen Shot 2021-10-10 at 8.16.42 AM.png

"I'm extremely distraught."
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