Can We Stop The January 6 Witchhunt Circus???

It wasnā€™t a coup attempt. Normal people donā€™t believe that lie, and pushing forward on this ridiculous witch-hunt will just drive moderates over to Republicans, more so than they are already.

You MIGHT have gotten away with it if this sole riot from the right hadnā€˜t been preceded by hundreds of more more damaging riots from the left, for months on end. The double standards are blinding.
The protests in response to the murder of George Fyold weren't coup attempts.

The former 1-term president's on 1/6/2021 was.

Move On with the revisionist history liesa.
Dude, admit reality of the 1/6/2021 coup attempt and Move On.

Your lies are boring.
Nobody but those on the extreme left are falling for that. It pales in comparison to the hundreds of riots - both in terms of damage to property and life - that leftists subjected the country to.

What it tells me is that leftists are fine with arson, assaults, looting, and murder, done in riot after riot after riot after rioterā€¦..and month after month after month after monthā€¦.as long as itā€™s by the leftā€¦.but that not ONE SINGLE riot will be tolerated by those on the right.

The message is clear: those on the right need to stfu, or the Dems will sic the FBI on you, call you domestic terrorists, claim you are an insurrectionist, etc., while those on the left with be bailed out by the VP to continue their riots ā€œas they shouldā€ (according to her).
I personally support peaceful demonstrations but oppose riots. Jan. 6th was a riot therefore I oppose it. People who participated in that riot and damaged property or attacked the police should be arrested and prosecuted. The same should apply to the BLM and Antifa riots.

However to call the Jan. 6th riot an insurrection is in my opinion a stretch. No firearms were found on the protestors and few even bothered to disguise their faces. Once in the Capitol building the protestors largely wandered around without any plan of attack. There obviously was no preplanning involved. If the protestors had cornered the Congress critters the armed police could have stopped them quickly with their firearms.

Yes it is a select committee. A very select committee. A bunch of Democrats and a couple of ā€œNever Trumpā€ Republicans. To me it is a kangaroo committee much like a kangaroo court.

Perhaps when the Republicans regain control of the House after the Midterms they will have a real investigation and address the evidence that the FBI was involved in inciting the mob.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines ā€œinsurrectionā€ as: ā€œan organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violenceā€

By that definition, there was no ā€œinsurrectionā€ at the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, according to the FBI. Reuters reports:

In mid June, Revolver News published a groundbreaking investigative report arguing that certain elements of the federal government not only had foreknowledge of the events of 1/6, but that some senior members of the major militia groups blamed for the so-called ā€œinsurrectionā€ were actually federal informants or undercover operatives themselves.

Scarcely three months after this report, the New York Times took the occasion of a sleepy Saturday morning to quietly confirm that there were indeed FBI informants among those militia members who ā€œstormed the Capitol.ā€

We learn that this particular informant, affiliated with a Midwest chapter of the Proud Boys militia group, provided the FBI advance warning that he would be traveling to DC along with other Proud Boys. The informant also kept his FBI handler in the loop as the ā€œstorming of the Capitolā€ unfolded throughout the day on the 6th.The piece goes on to reference an ā€œadditional informant from another Proud Boys chapter that took part in the sacking of the Capitol.ā€

Your apology tour is a pathetic attempt to justify violence by the right.
The protests in response to the murder of George Fyold weren't coup attempts.

The former 1-term president's on 1/6/2021 was.

Move On with the revisionist history liesa.
You have no sense of perspective. One riot on the right vs hundreds of much more damaging riots on the left.

There was no coup attempt, and nobody believes that except brainwashed lefties.
You have no sense of perspective. One riot on the right vs hundreds of much more damaging riots on the left.

There was no coup attempt, and nobody believes that except brainwashed lefties.
Was not the point of the 1/6 insurrection to stop the certification of the electoral college vote?

Was it not to throw the election back to the house of representatives?

Come on liesa, nobody believes your shit.
You have no sense of perspective. One riot on the right vs hundreds of much more damaging riots on the left.

There was no coup attempt, and nobody believes that except brainwashed lefties.
Are you a lemming liesa?
Sounds like you can feel some heat coming on.

Someone asked me today, "What will be Trumps last dying words?"
Any idea?
"I'm not dying, that I can tell you. This will pass, like a miracle, it will pass. Bleev me. Gaaaack-ack-ack-ack..."
Was not the point of the 1/6 insurrection to stop the certification of the electoral college vote?

Was it not to throw the election back to the house of representatives?

Come on liesa, nobody believes your shit.
No, it was to delay the certification until the fraud could be presented in court, rather than just railroad through an election result despite unexplained anomalies - like five swing states simultaneously calling HALT!!! when Trump was ahead, only to restart hours later with the opposite result.

And are you such an arrogant leftist that you think the whole country, other than me, thinks this was a coup attempt? Even the FBI said it was not an insurrection. You are desperately trying to convince people that there WAS a coup attempt, but normal people know it wasnā€™t the case.
No, it was to delay the certification until the fraud could be presented in court, rather than just railroad through an election result despite unexplained anomalies - like five swing states simultaneously calling HALT!!! when Trump was ahead, only to restart hours later with the opposite result.

And are you such an arrogant leftist that you think the whole country, other than me, thinks this was a coup attempt? Even the FBI said it was not an insurrection. You are desperately trying to convince people that there WAS a coup attempt, but normal people know it wasnā€™t the case.
Trump's lawyers had their days in court. Several times. They echoed Trump's Big Lie and were roundly and rightly rejected.

Every single one of their hoaxes has been debunked multiple times. But the magical thinking dipshit rube herd suffers from magical thinking, bleeving the more they repeat a Big Lie the truer it becomes. They are completely detached from reality.

In the end, Trump resorted to an outright attempt to overthrow the duly elected government. He will always and forever be remembered as fomenting an insurrection carried out by low IQ dupes, and for being the Worst. Sore. Loser. Ever.
The protests in response to the murder of George Fyold weren't coup attempts.

The former 1-term president's on 1/6/2021 was.

Move On with the revisionist history liesa.
Yeah...they were armed to the teeth and had nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. And we let the Chinese put a dagger in our economy with the help of the elites and politicians using a Biological Weapon on us. Oh thats right. It was racist that we called it the Chinese Flu as Prog media/elites/entertainers/politicians destroyed anyone who dared to mention it was. There are people who are not forgetting the crap you guys do.
Trump's lawyers had their days in court. Several times. They echoed Trump's Big Lie and were roundly and rightly rejected.

Every single one of their hoaxes has been debunked multiple times. But the magical thinking dipshit rube herd suffers from magical thinking, bleeving the more they repeat a Big Lie the truer it becomes. They are completely detached from reality.

In the end, Trump resorted to an outright attempt to overthrow the duly elected government. He will always and forever be remembered as fomenting an insurrection carried out by low IQ dupes, and for being the Worst. Sore. Loser. Ever.
No they didnā€™t. It never went to a court case. Everyone was afraid to take on something with this degree of importance.
So long as there are Trump dupes who deny Biden won, and so long as there are Trump dupes who claim 1/6 was an Antifa/FBI false flag operation, then it will be necessary to rub their faces in the facts and the truth until it hurts.
Yeah...they were armed to the teeth and had nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. And we let the Chinese put a dagger in our economy with the help of the elites and politicians using a Biological Weapon on us. Oh thats right. It was racist that we called it the Chinese Flu as Prog media/elites/entertainers/politicians destroyed anyone who dared to mention it was. There are people who are not forgetting the crap you guys do.
Patrick....back under your rock.
I have a suggestion that might work. Send this to your representative in the House of Representatives.

"When will you people stop wasting our taxpayer dollars on your January 6 witchhunt Committee?"

You can use Twitter or go to their website and send it as an email.
You can riot and threaten to hang people............................. again.
It's not a witch hunt, because their not looking for witches.

It's a select committee investigating a republic coup attempt.

LOL, sure thing, Maga boy, that's what people thought, they are looking for witches. It takes a true moron like you to get people to say no shit, everyone knew that's what we meant, LOL. Jackass
Biden won the election because Trump was the most hated President in history.

The attempted Jan. 6 2021 coup just threw more gasoline on that fire.

The Jan. 6 Commission is going public with their evidence, and will recommend criminal charges against Trump (and many others). Expect the AG to act quickly - Trump is going to prison.

The Republicans will get slaughtered in the 2022 elections.

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