Can We Stop The January 6 Witchhunt Circus???

I have a suggestion that might work. Send this to your representative in the House of Representatives.

"When will you people stop wasting our taxpayer dollars on your January 6 witchhunt Committee?"

You can use Twitter or go to their website and send it as an email.

Over 700 Rioters arrested.

A lot of them didn't even do jail time.

Yeah, but BLM are Brown Shirts for your Reich, so they don't count.
That is true, for an entire year. Where is all that righteous indignation from the left. The only fatality that came from Jan. 6 was when a Piglosi gestapo summarily executed an unarmed protestor who was trespassing in a PUBLIC building. How about that? She wasn't a thug and she wasn't ODd on fentanyl either. You morons pick some real winners to follow.

BLM and ANTIFA were and are following orders from the democrat party. Nothing they do is without the knowledge and approval of the Reich, all the way to Fuhrer Soros.
I think it had more to do with the 20 million dead people and illegals who sent in unrequested and unverified mail-in ballots.
Good point. If you guys had gotten more dead people to vote for Trump, you might have won. The dead people who voted for Trump weren’t enough to put him ahead.
Most likely the GOP will end the committee in January 2023 after winning in 2022. They want it shut down quickly, too.

But by that time, the Justice Department will have it, and there's not much you can do about that.

So if laws have indeed been broken, it's going to come out, and people are going to be exposed. Sorry.

I wonder if they will create a select committee to investigate the clear treason of the Russia Collusion hoax and attempted coup?
Got news for you folks. Most have already forgotten 1/6. They are more concerned with high gas prices, empty shelves and the ability to get what they need at the grocery store. Oh and lets not forget another million illegals in the country and a mess the walking, talking disaster has made of the border

Illegals cost we tax payers billions every year. 1/6 is the least thing they are worried about.

You lefty loons are good for a laugh though.
You would think any good, real American would want to know about, for example, seditious conspiracy against our country.

Weird that they don't, huh?

Seditious conspiracy like the attempted coup by Pelosi, Schiff, and Strzok?

Oh, but you don't want to know about that, Nazi Mac.

You just want to bullshit your Reichstag Fire to gain power for your filthy party.

Because the ONLY thing you care about is your Reich.
I wonder if the Nazi Pelousy Clown Show Commission will find out why Trump offered to send the National Guard to surround the Capital days before 1/6 if he was planning to send his goons down there to take over the country with zip ties and a toy gallows.
Seig Heil indeed.

Donald Trump says it never occurred to him that his so-called “loyalty pledge” — in which the Republican frontrunner asks attendees at his rallies to raise their right hands and repeat an oath to vote for him — would draw comparisons to Nazi Germany.

“Honestly, until this phone call, I didn’t know it was a problem,” Trump said on NBC’s “Today” show Tuesday when asked about the similarities between his pledge and World War II-era imagery. “I’m very surprised to hear it.”

Over the weekend, comedian Louis C.K. and conservative radio talk show host Glenn Beck both compared Trump to Hitler.

Donald Trump says it never occurred to him that his so-called “loyalty pledge” — in which the Republican frontrunner asks attendees at his rallies to raise their right hands and repeat an oath to vote for him — would draw comparisons to Nazi Germany.

“Honestly, until this phone call, I didn’t know it was a problem,” Trump said on NBC’s “Today” show Tuesday when asked about the similarities between his pledge and World War II-era imagery. “I’m very surprised to hear it.”

Over the weekend, comedian Louis C.K. and conservative radio talk show host Glenn Beck both compared Trump to Hitler.


Oh come on ... It's not a decent party until someone drags Hitler out of the closet nowadays.
When people start throwing around the Hitler lines, you just know some folks are going to get ignorant.


Oh come on ... It's not a decent party until someone drags Hitler out of the closet nowadays.
When people start throwing around the Hitler lines, you just know some folks are going to get ignorant.

I agree, they're the idiots raising their right hand to pledge to Trump.
Then that orange moron, doesn't know the similarity to Hitler?

A 12-year-old kid in Botswana knows that.

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