Can We Stop The January 6 Witchhunt Circus???

It wasn’t a coup attempt. Normal people don’t believe that lie, and pushing forward on this ridiculous witch-hunt will just drive moderates over to Republicans, more so than they are already.

You MIGHT have gotten away with it if this sole riot from the right hadn‘t been preceded by hundreds of more more damaging riots from the left, for months on end. The double standards are blinding.
Trump trying to get his VP to declare him the winner of the election he lost was the coup attempt.
No, what it does is show how the Democrats have a history of fabricating stories to make Trump look bad.

Trump isn’t even president. It just shows how scared the Dems are of him, should he decide to run. All polls show Trump beating Biden by miles, should the latter decide to run. If it’s Cackles, she loses by an even wider margin.

Yeah, sure... next time, Trump's gonna get more votes than his opponent. Just you wait, you'll see!
Which, of course, has nothing to do with Jan 6.

You can try to deflect and deny all you want. Enjoy.
Of course it has to do with Jan 6. You leftists want to focus in on ONE single riot by the right while ignoring, or actually enabling, the hundreds of much more damaging riots by the left.
It's the Bread and Circuses to replace the Russian Collusion narrative.

They'll ride this pony until another comes along...
No, needs to make the orange, traitor look bad, Trump does a fine job, all by himself.
The only people scared of Trump is his cult.

I am scared of them, stupid people are dangerous.
Whatever you’re smoking, you need to put it down. You’ve turned into a member of the deranged leftist cult.
Of course it has to do with Jan 6. You leftists want to focus in on ONE single riot by the right while ignoring, or actually enabling, the hundreds of much more damaging riots by the left.
Awesome job.....

The witch hunt" is in......there is no "witch hunt."
Santa is in......there is no Santa.
Witch hunt is a reasonable term. But what is really going on is a Stalinist Show Trial. You staged your Reichstag Fire, and with the smattering of released video, we KNOW it was staged, then follow up with show trials and execute pawns.

Under your mentor, Josef Stalin, the Checca would ask for volunteers for the show trials. They would tell men that if they would confess to whatever the party needed. they would be shot in the head but their families, wives and children, would be cared for and no longer starve.

Now I don't know if Reichminister Wray is asking for volunteers to spend decades in the Gulag to promote the political agenda of the Nazi democrats, but your Fuhrer, George Soros, is an OG Nazi. part of Hitler's crew, so there is nothing you wouldn't stoop to.
Nah. If anything else, we need more investigations. What we don't need is Congress to run them though.

What about loyalty tests with public executions?

You can stop random people on the streets and question them about loyalty to the Reich. If they don't have the jab, or the question Dr. Mengele, or they think Xi's man is senile, shoot them on the spot. Just like your mentos, the SS deaths' head squads did in Germany.

There are so many things you have planned.

Have those ovens come in from China yet?
It's not a witch hunt, because their not looking for witches.

It's a select committee investigating a republic coup attempt.

Otto, you are jaw droppingly stupid. The depth of your knowledge couldn't be measured with an electron microscope.

I think you may actually be as dumb as Faun. I know standard IQ tests can't measure as low as either of you.

Remember, if Farouk has one more IQ point, he's doubling you...
Sounds like you can feel some heat coming on.

Someone asked me today, "What will be Trumps last dying words?"
Any idea?

Have you polished your Swastika today?

We see your Reich engaged in civil war against the United States Republic. We have not yet responded in the manner that we MUST respond. As Death-Ninja pointed out, we didn't defeat the Hitler Nazis by voting them out, and we won't defeat you Soros Nazis with votes. You've rigged and corrupted elections for 150 years, but the level of fraud in 2020 makes the prospect of free and fair elections laughable.

1944 is coming for you. You won't be the first Nazis America has put down.
Otto, you are jaw droppingly stupid. The depth of your knowledge couldn't be measured with an electron microscope.

I think you may actually be as dumb as Faun. I know standard IQ tests can't measure as low as either of you.

Remember, if Farouk has one more IQ point, he's doubling you...

Thanks for letting me know I get under your skin, Fruitcake.
This whole Jan 6th thing has become a blessing. The more time, effort, and focus Democrats dump into this non event the less time, effort, and focus Democrats have to attack America with. Imagine all the things Democrats would have done more by now if not so tied to Jan 6th.

The Reichstag Fire is a seminal moment in this nation. I didn't realize it until the videos that the Gestapo have suppressed started appearing.

There are over 1400 hours of video from the Reichstag Fire. The Capitol grounds are blanketed with hundreds of cameras.

Of the 1400 hours, 13 minutes of video have been released, the rest sealed by Reichminister Wray and the Gestapo, The 13 minutes we've seen we ordered released by the courts.

In those 13 minutes what I saw shocked me beyond anything I've ever seen.

Yes, the Capitol police held the doors open for protesters and took selfies with them.

But the most chilling was the video of Capitol Police herding protesters into a tunnel and then savagely attacking them with clubs and metal whips.

This is right out of North Korea.

We must take our nation back from the Nazis, using any means necessary.

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