Can We Stop The January 6 Witchhunt Circus???

So long as there are Trump dupes who deny Biden won, and so long as there are Trump dupes who claim 1/6 was an Antifa/FBI false flag operation, then it will be necessary to rub their faces in the facts and the truth until it hurts.

Dups believe Biden won. You know, you, sucker ...
Biden won the election because Trump was the most hated President in history.

The attempted Jan. 6 2021 coup just threw more gasoline on that fire.

The Jan. 6 Commission is going public with their evidence, and will recommend criminal charges against Trump (and many others). Expect the AG to act quickly - Trump is going to prison.

The Republicans will get slaughtered in the 2022 elections.

Good point. Trump's opposition has mental issues, severe ones ...
Your apology tour is a pathetic attempt to justify violence by the right.
I have said a number of times on this forum that I support PEACEFUL demonstrations and oppose violent riots. That means I feel the people who entered the Capitol Building and fought with police or damaged property deserve to be arrested and punished. However I also believe BLM and Antifa rioters who
attacked police or looted and burned stores and vehicles also should be arrested, prosecuted and incarcerated.

I favor one rule of law that applies equally to all.
I have said a number of times on this forum that I support PEACEFUL demonstrations and oppose violent riots. That means I feel the people who entered the Capitol Building and fought with police or damaged property deserve to be arrested and punished. However I also believe BLM and Antifa rioters who
attacked police or looted and burned stores and vehicles also should be arrested, prosecuted and incarcerated.

I favor one rule of law that applies equally to all.
I agree.
Nobody but those on the extreme left are falling for that. It pales in comparison to the hundreds of riots - both in terms of damage to property and life - that leftists subjected the country to.

What it tells me is that leftists are fine with arson, assaults, looting, and murder, done in riot after riot after riot after rioter…..and month after month after month after month….as long as it’s by the left….but that not ONE SINGLE riot will be tolerated by those on the right.

The message is clear: those on the right need to stfu, or the Dems will sic the FBI on you, call you domestic terrorists, claim you are an insurrectionist, etc., while those on the left with be bailed out by the VP to continue their riots “as they should” (according to her).
No, it was to delay the certification until the fraud could be presented in court, rather than just railroad through an election result despite unexplained anomalies - like five swing states simultaneously calling HALT!!! when Trump was ahead, only to restart hours later with the opposite result.

And are you such an arrogant leftist that you think the whole country, other than me, thinks this was a coup attempt? Even the FBI said it was not an insurrection. You are desperately trying to convince people that there WAS a coup attempt, but normal people know it wasn’t the case.

You're fucking deranged. The domestic terrorists stormed the Capitol until fraud could be presented in court???

There still hasn't been any fraud presented in any court. According to your bullshit, the domestic terrorists planned on still being camped out inside the Capitol till today and indefinitely.

By over 7.1 million votes….

Yes, not people, votes added by Democrats who kept voting in six corrupt Democrat cities until you won. Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Las Vegas and Phoenix. Democrats showed how to steal an election
Yes, not people, votes added by Democrats who kept voting in six corrupt Democrat cities until you won. Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Las Vegas and Phoenix. Democrats showed how to steal an election
Oh? How were those votes "added?"
Do you consider the New York Times to be a reliable source? Did you noticed the New York Times verified the Revolver News report?

never happened.
I have a suggestion that might work. Send this to your representative in the House of Representatives.

"When will you people stop wasting our taxpayer dollars on your January 6 witchhunt Committee?"

You can use Twitter or go to their website and send it as an email.
January 6th is about protecting this Republic.
Trump and his dupes wanting to stop the January 6 investigation remind me of a dog who has shit on the floor and doesn't want to look at it when being held accountable.
When did leftists attack congress in an insurrection to overturn an election, or a riot? And don't call me a leftist unless you want to exchange insults. And I don't mind doing that.

When did leftists attack congress in an insurrection to overturn an election, or a riot? And don't call me a leftist unless you want to exchange insults. And I don't mind doing that.



But that was TOTALLY different, because Uber Alles Democrat.
The protests in response to the murder of George Fyold weren't coup attempts.

The former 1-term president's on 1/6/2021 was.

Move On with the revisionist history liesa.

When you Nazis breached the Senate in 2018 to stop the peaceful transfer of Judicial power is was more of a coup attempt than the Reichstag Fire.

The REAL coup attempt was the treason of the Russian Collusion conspiracy theory. You fuckers attempted to overthrow the government of the United States.

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