Can We Stop The January 6 Witchhunt Circus???

No. Zuckerberg funded, to the tune of half a billion dollars, Democratic activists to go to areas where they vote 90% for the Dem - and too incompetent or lazy to vote on their own - and walk them through where to check the box to keep all the Democrat handouts flowing.

I say if people are too stupid to vote without assistance, we shouldn’t allow others to “help” them pick which box to select.
Sure, tell yourself that while ignoring the fact of the propaganda on the right.

I vote Democratic because the party best represents my views. Also, I now want to protect Democracy.
No, the US doesn't "have a mix of that" at all.

The US has FPTP. In the House every seat is contested on a FPTP basis, not on a Proportional Representation basis.

That's not true.

We have a nomination and primary system that leaves first past the post only in the general.

I think the biggest problem is people don't realize what systems are out there and how they function, how are they supposed to know what is then the best system?

Misrepresentation by those who seek to undermine and destroy our Constitutional Republic is a far greater problem.
Like you and FOX?
1987? Almost 40 years ago.
You had to go back?

Trump has never released his academic record.
And threatened to sue whoever did.

During his 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump threatened schools he attended with legal consequences if they released his academic records, according to his former personal lawyer.

Attorney Michael Cohen spoke to House committee members on Wednesday in wide-ranging testimony that covered his former boss’ misdeeds. At one point, Cohen claimed that Trump directed him to threaten various institutions in an effort to keep Trump’s school records from being made public.

Xi's finger puppet is a liar and a plagiarist - has been for 50 years. He's the most corrupt president in history, as well as the most incompetent. His divisive demagoguery inflames and incites. His is just a meat puppet for the real Fuhrer, George Soros and a lacky of Xi Jinping.

Fuck Joe Biden and any traitorous pile of shit who supports him.
Xi's finger puppet is a liar and a plagiarist - has been for 50 years. He's the most corrupt president in history, as well as the most incompetent. His divisive demagoguery inflames and incites. His is just a meat puppet for the real Fuhrer, George Soros and a lacky of Xi Jinping.

Fuck Joe Biden and any traitorous pile of shit who supports him.
Don't Look Up!
And you think Democrats aren’t in it for the money? But with them, it’s even worse. They bribe the low-info voters with giveaways paid for by other people.

I think both sides are corrupt. That's why I want PR
You use semantics in a civilization that is destroying itself. There is a lot more than someone spouting to live one way and does the other behind the scenes as for social justice. Progs are anti unalienable rights. Which logically means that social justice gains will be on the table also at some point.

I don't even get what this has to do with what I said.
The odd 1/6 obsession by the left is about trying to get Trump ineligible to run in 24.

Amazing the number of lives they are ruining in the process.

Lefties are soulless ghouls.
Conservatives are the fascist tools.

And why the continued use of the NAZIs?

You jelly over them?

The ones that you think are NOT Conservatives. They are Fascists on their way to have their leader self appoint himself as King.
Conservatives are the fascist tools.

In what way, dumbfuck?

  • democrats have a scapegoat based on race. Whites are the new "Juden."
    • Conservatives don't do this
  • democrats are collectivist, seeking control of the means of production by their Reich.
    • Conservatives support freedom, where individuals own the means of production
  • democrats are totalitarian. Well duh.
    • Conservatives believe in individual liberty and civil rights, including the right to protest, which Nazi democrats put people in gulags for
  • democrats supplant civil rights with group privilege
    • Rights depend on whether you are a preferred race or sexual preference
  • democrats eradicate the rule of law and create dictatorship based on the party
    • Conservatives support equal justice and the same law for all
  • democrats forcibly suppress religion
    • Conservatives support freedom to believe how ever you choose. No Kim Jong Newsom attacking churches.
  • democrats crush freedom of speech - violently
    • Conservatives protect the right to have opposing views
  • democrats create a police state and "Roger Stone" enemies for even minor process crimes in order to create terror
    • Let's face it, Nazi democrats are terrorists.

And why the continued use of the NAZIs?

You jelly over them?

You are Nazis. Everything democrats do today is what Hitler did in the 1930's. Those who fail to learn from history will be prey for Nazi democrats.

Your 1944 is coming.

Bank on it.

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