Can we take Ray Epps off the list now?

Good article.

From the article:

The bottom line here is that Ray Epps is the smoking gun of the Fedsurrection narrative, as studiously documented in Revolver News’ now classic two part series on Epps. If it turns out Epps was acting on behalf of some government agency on January 6, the entire official narrative collapses in one fell swoop.

Brings to question, the article states he had a business that he had to close down. What business? What was the name of it? It then went on to say he lives in a trailer. I don't know about anybody else here, but I have yet to meet a business owner that lives in a trailer.

Fed! Fed! Fed!


It appears he was trying to instigate the riot.
It appears he was trying to instigate the riot.
yep, the videos have been floating around over a year. No way to discount his involvement. No fking con man can con this guy. They can all choke their chickens.
There is also the video of him trying to incite Trump supporters to go to the capital and then quickly changing it to "peacefully," when they outed him.

There is also the FBI's refusal to comment on it, which they certainly would if their honest answer would be, "We did not and would not send paid operatives to incite violence at the Capital. That is absurd and insulting."

Cruz and others missed an opportunity. They should ask preliminary questions like, "Was Sergeant Derrick Chauvin working undercover for the FBI, when George Floyd died in his custody? Is the current Secretary of Transportation an FBI plant? Does the FBI secretly operate Planned Parenthood?" The FBI would deny those of course. Then ask the question about Epps and other riot inciters and see how they dodge it.

The left would not care if they found out for certain that Epps and others were paid by the FBI to start a riot. They finally found a riot they didn't like, and they will try to pin it on Trump, not matter the truth.

The “FBI refusal to deny” is standard. They NEVER COMMENT ON THAT
Brings to question, the article states he had a business that he had to close down. What business? What was the name of it? It then went on to say he lives in a trailer. I don't know about anybody else here, but I have yet to meet a business owner that lives in a trailer.
Try to follow along retard
That's an absurd stance if they want to be a respected law enforcement agency.

The KGB also never commented on its work.
Horse shit

The minute they comment on “this” subject they risk exposing “ that” subject
Horse shit

The minute they comment on “this” subject they risk exposing “ that” subject

They can make a general statement: "Of course we did not have any agents, or sources, or anyone under our supervision, who was inciting rioters at the United States Capital building or anywhere else. That isn't what the greatest law enforcement agency in the world does!"

Other than being under oath, why could they not have said that?
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No, he's an FBI mole.
And the "evidence" of that is what?

That a crowd chanted that at him?
He didn't get arrested (like hundreds of others who did the same thing)
That the FBI wouldn't comment (which they NEVER do)


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