Can we take Ray Epps off the list now?

Democrats hate EVERYONE who even marched on january 6th, let alone the few rioters. For some weird fucking reason that i cant explain, Ray Epps, the one guy seen on camera telling people to go to the capital, is the ONLY guy that democrats support and defend.

Would you care to explain this weird shit?
He’s a retarded conspiracy theorist Trump supporter and it’s kind of funny that his life if being destroyed by other retarded conspiracy theorist Trump supporters.

It’s pretty obvious that he didn‘t do anything wrong. I don’t know why you guys feel the need to come up with ridiculous conspiracy theories for everything.
Funded by the dems, of course.

Not to worry, he will get his 10 minutes of fame during upcoming house investigations next spring.
Do you have evidence that his trailer was funded by dems?

Conspiracy theories on top of conspiracy theories on top of conspiracy theories.
You may want to rethink your asshole comment.

Inciting to Riot, Violence, or Insurrection
From your link:

“Certain speech or acts receive limited or no First Amendment protections, such as obscenity, child pornography, threats of violence, and speech that incites riots, violence, or insurrection.”

He didn’t incite violence. He specifically said that they need to go into the Capital PEACEFULLY.

It’s not complicated. Not sure why you guys always overlook this.
He’s a retarded conspiracy theorist Trump supporter and it’s kind of funny that his life if being destroyed by other retarded conspiracy theorist Trump supporters.

It’s pretty obvious that he didn‘t do anything wrong. I don’t know why you guys feel the need to come up with ridiculous conspiracy theories for everything.

Don't you think that if he really was a Trump supporter he would have gladly came on any nightly Fox show to declare his support for DJT? Any host would have loved to have him.
Don't you think that if he really was a Trump supporter he would have gladly came on any nightly Fox show to declare his support for DJT? Any host would have loved to have him.
No. You conspiracy theorist Trump supporters turned on him. He probably doesn’t want to face a mob of violent lunatics.

He’s clearly a Trump supporter.
No. You conspiracy theorist Trump supporters turned on him. He probably doesn’t want to face a mob of violent lunatics.

He’s clearly a Trump supporter.

Nobody would even know he would be appearing, and all the Fox shows I watch, the guest is Skyping or Zooming from their home or office half of the time. If I were getting threats to the point I had to move and abandon my business, that's the first thing I would have done. But the reason he doesn't is because it's likely he's a phony and does work or have some connection with the FBI.
Do you have evidence that his trailer was funded by dems?

Conspiracy theories on top of conspiracy theories on top of conspiracy theories.
J6 is now a conspiracy theory, ask AOC. Suddenly Ray gets a fluff piece in NYT....poor baby.

From your link:

“Certain speech or acts receive limited or no First Amendment protections, such as obscenity, child pornography, threats of violence, and speech that incites riots, violence, or insurrection.”

He didn’t incite violence. He specifically said that they need to go into the Capital PEACEFULLY.

It’s not complicated. Not sure why you guys always overlook this.
He was in violation of US law......yet not indicted.....why is that? He also made his violent claims well before saying 'peacefully'.


No. You conspiracy theorist Trump supporters turned on him. He probably doesn’t want to face a mob of violent lunatics.

He’s clearly a Trump supporter.

Do you have evidence Epp's was/is a Trump supporter?
He traveled all the way from Az to hear the Trump speech, yet never attended it.
Nobody would even know he would be appearing, and all the Fox shows I watch, the guest is Skyping or Zooming from their home or office half of the time. If I were getting threats to the point I had to move and abandon my business, that's the first thing I would have done. But the reason he doesn't is because it's likely he's a phony and does work or have some connection with the FBI.

If he shows up on Fox, you will guys will claim he’s an FBI agent. If he doesn’t show up on Fox, you guys will claim he’s an FBI agent.There’s no reasoning with you conspiracy theorist idiots. There’s nothing he can say that will convince you guys that he’s not an FBI agent.

He probably just wants to keep his head down and wait for the violent tinfoil hat lunatic morons to forget about him. He knows first-hand how crazy these people are.
So.........that would be a no to, "Now you nitwits can focus all your attention on the other remaining baseless conspiracy theories about the FBI and ANTIFA and leave Ray out of it."

Yeah, the commies will leave him out of it, but he should be expecting a congressional subpoena early next year.

If he shows up on Fox, you will guys will claim he’s an FBI agent. If he doesn’t show up on Fox, you guys will claim he’s an FBI agent.There’s no reasoning with you conspiracy theorist idiots. There’s nothing he can say that will convince you guys that he’s not an FBI agent.

He probably just wants to keep his head down and wait for the violent tinfoil hat lunatic morons to forget about him. He knows first-hand how crazy these people are.
LOL....ends up 15th on the FBI 'who dat' list and never charged....LOL
LOL....ends up 15th on the FBI 'who dat' list and never charged....LOL
Yea he looked suspicious and then they saw that he didn’t do anything wrong.

Pretty simple. Doesn’t have to be an elaborate conspiracy theory for you morons.
Interesting comment. So you're saying that the rioters acted on their own and couldn't be coerced by anybody else, is that correct?
Epps only spoke to maybe a dozen people.

THOUSANDS raided the Capitol

Who spoke to thousands that day ?

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