Can we take Ray Epps off the list now?

Whoops! Try again, loser.
Keep floating your misinformation.....he never mentioned 'peacefully' the night prior or until after he said to go in to the capitol.
What difference does the order make?

”Go into the Capitol peacefully“ and “Peacefully go into the Capitol” mean the same thing.

There’s no rule, legal or academic, that says those are different.

You’re just embarrassing yourself now.
What difference does the order make?

”Go into the Capitol peacefully“ and “Peacefully go into the Capitol” mean the same thing.

There’s no rule, legal or academic, that says those are different.

You’re just embarrassing yourself now.

Go in to is legally different than go into.

You're the one having to resort to personal attacks due to your failings here. Says loads about you.
You’re so bad at this. Go ahead and post another link so that I can use it against you.

meets the legal definition.....waa haa haa.
meets the legal definition.....waa haa haa.
You mean the legal definition that says it’s illegal to incite someone to do something that will represent an immediate danger to people? That legal definition?

Kinda hard to incite someone to do something violent when he specifically said they need to be peaceful.

You mean the legal definition that says it’s illegal to incite someone to do something that will represent an immediate danger to people? That legal definition?

Kinda hard to incite someone to do something violent when he specifically said they need to be peaceful.


I was just watching Tucker a few minutes ago. He showed video of Epps yelling for people to break "into" the Capital. He yelled it several times.
I was just watching Tucker a few minutes ago. He showed video of Epps yelling for people to break "into" the Capital. He yelled it several times.
Yea...he's an asshole.

There were thousands just like him

Fucking MAGArats
So.........that would be a no to, "Now you nitwits can focus all your attention on the other remaining baseless conspiracy theories about the FBI and ANTIFA and leave Ray out of it."

Ray spoke for himself, and clearly he was a provocateur.
It can not be denied.
Which federal law? Post the statute.

You won’t. You have nothing and you can’t back up anything you say.


18 U.S. Code § 2101 - Riots​

(a)Whoever travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses any facility of interstate or foreign commerce, including, but not limited to, the mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, or television, with intent—
to incite a riot; or
to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot; or
to commit any act of violence in furtherance of a riot; or
to aid or abet any person in inciting or participating in or carrying on a riot or committing any act of violence in furtherance of a riot;
and who either during the course of any such travel or use or thereafter performs or attempts to perform any other overt act for any purpose specified in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), or (D) of this paragraph— [1]
Shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

Right. I’m sure that would convince all the conspiracy theorist lunatics that he’s not with the FBI, especially when you already believe the FBI is lying about him.

Clearly he’s just trying to hide from you idiots and I can’t blame him. It’s funny watching you guys destroy one of your own.

I'm telling you what would convince me. He would have to tell the truth or face consequences for lying under oath to Congress once the Republicans take leadership in just a few months. It wouldn't matter if they found he did work for the FBI, lying to Congress is lying to Congress no matter who you are. And again, besides his testimony, I'd like to see Wray do the same thing. Then I would be 90% convinced.

Were ALL of those people arrested?


Only the most egregious or blatant law breakers?


The fact that Epps is on video saying "peacefully" means it would be VERY hard to get a conviction
What difference does the order make?

”Go into the Capitol peacefully“ and “Peacefully go into the Capitol” mean the same thing.

There’s no rule, legal or academic, that says those are different.

You’re just embarrassing yourself now.

He ONLY said "peacefully" AFTER they started chanting that he was "fed".
So he did not intend or stress "peacefully",
It was a 2nd attempt at being a provocateur only AFTER his mission had failed the first time around.
Clearly the crowd did not think it was a good idea to go "into the capital", and Ray Epps was trying to get them to do it, without taking part himself.

18 U.S. Code § 2101 - Riots​

(a)Whoever travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses any facility of interstate or foreign commerce, including, but not limited to, the mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, or television, with intent—
to incite a riot; or
to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot; or
to commit any act of violence in furtherance of a riot; or
to aid or abet any person in inciting or participating in or carrying on a riot or committing any act of violence in furtherance of a riot;
and who either during the course of any such travel or use or thereafter performs or attempts to perform any other overt act for any purpose specified in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), or (D) of this paragraph— [1]
Shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

From your own link:


(a) As used in this chapter, the term “riot” means a public disturbance involving (1) an act or acts of violence by one or more persons part of an assemblage of three or more persons, which act or acts shall constitute a clear and present danger of, or shall result in, damage or injury to the property of any other person or to the person of any other individual or (2) a threat or threats of the commission of an act or acts of violence by one or more persons part of an assemblage of three or more persons having, individually or collectively, the ability of immediate execution of such threat or threats, where the performance of the threatened act or acts of violence would constitute a clear and present danger of, or would result in, damage or injury to the property of any other person or to the person of any other individual.


He’s not inciting them to be violent by telling them to be peaceful. Not complicated and it came from your own source.
Hell no!

Just that Epps didn't have that kind of power over anyone.

Trump called them to DC, TRUMP riled them up at the rally, and Trump illegally sent them marching down to the capitol, without permit....

Those people were there for Trump....and acted the way they did, and rioted, for Trump.....Epps was a jerk, but he was just a peon in the whole picture..... Imo.

What do you mean illegally marching them to the Capital? What was illegal about it? It's called walking, and perfectly legal in this country.

Trump never told anybody to break into the Capital. Epps did. If I yell something repeatedly over and over again in a crowd, I guarantee you each time I yell, at least a dozen people will hear me.
From your own link:


(a) As used in this chapter, the term “riot” means a public disturbance involving (1) an act or acts of violence by one or more persons part of an assemblage of three or more persons, which act or acts shall constitute a clear and present danger of, or shall result in, damage or injury to the property of any other person or to the person of any other individual or (2) a threat or threats of the commission of an act or acts of violence by one or more persons part of an assemblage of three or more persons having, individually or collectively, the ability of immediate execution of such threat or threats, where the performance of the threatened act or acts of violence would constitute a clear and present danger of, or would result in, damage or injury to the property of any other person or to the person of any other individual.


He’s not inciting them to be violent by telling them to be peaceful. Not complicated and it came from your own source.

I never heard him say peaceful in the clips I watched tonight. You can't get "into" the Capital until you clear the guards which does involve violence.
I'm telling you what would convince me.
And I’m telling you that wouldn’t convince all of the conspiracy theorist lunatics who are being spoon-fed ridiculous nonsense by Tucker Carlson, himself.

It’s perfectly understandable that he would want to lay low when he knows first-hand how crazy these people are.
He ONLY said "peacefully" AFTER they started chanting that he was "fed".
So he did not intend or stress "peacefully",
It was a 2nd attempt at being a provocateur only AFTER his mission had failed the first time around.
Clearly the crowd did not think it was a good idea to go "into the capital", and Ray Epps was trying to get them to do it, without taking part himself.
Regardless...he said it and that would have made convicting him almost impossible

But thanks for the Russian troll take on this

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