Can we take Ray Epps off the list now?

Look at the Trump hat you have circled you moron. prima facie evidence......LOL

Yea he looked suspicious and then they saw that he didn’t do anything wrong.

Pretty simple. Doesn’t have to be an elaborate conspiracy theory for you morons.

Except he violated federal law by inciting people to riot.
I certainly don't support or defend what he did. I don't see other Dems doing that either. The point is he was falsely accused of being an undercover agent goading on the crowd. The latter is a fact, the former is a lie.

Prove it's a lie, no alphabet agency will say he wasn't working for them. Hell he could have been working for the commiecrats, you can bet he'll answering in front of congress early next year.

You mean other than encouraging people to protest the stolen election and wearing a Trump hat?

He is on record telling people to go in to the capitol......which was closed that day.

Epps only spoke to maybe a dozen people.

THOUSANDS raided the Capitol

Who spoke to thousands that day ?

Yet your boy Epp's ended up #15 on the FBI list right after the riot......
If he shows up on Fox, you will guys will claim he’s an FBI agent. If he doesn’t show up on Fox, you guys will claim he’s an FBI agent.There’s no reasoning with you conspiracy theorist idiots. There’s nothing he can say that will convince you guys that he’s not an FBI agent.

He probably just wants to keep his head down and wait for the violent tinfoil hat lunatic morons to forget about him. He knows first-hand how crazy these people are.

Sure, that must be it. But as a Fox news watcher, I can tell you they've been questioning Epps motivations for over a year now. He could have appeared at any time.

What would convince me he's a loyal Trump follower? If he appeared before Congress and swore under oath he has no connection with the FBI, and Wray to do the same. If he has some history of working outside of the government. He's 61 years old, certainly he has some sort of trade or company he worked for that could verify he's just your average Joe. The OP said he had a business. What business? As I stated earlier, I don't know of any business owner that lives in a trailer.

So there are several things he could have done to prove he is truly on our side, but hasn't done one of them as of yet.
Already posted here....get with the program.
I used your own link to show that he didn’t break that law.

“Certain speech or acts receive limited or no First Amendment protections, such as obscenity, child pornography, threats of violence, and speech that incites riots, violence, or insurrection.”

You can’t post the statute for the crime he committed and now you’re just flailing. It’s not hard to expose you guys as morons. I just ask you to back up your claims with facts and watch you spin in circles like fools.
Telling people to peacefully protest isn’t against federal law.

Post the statute. Don’t be scared.
LOL.....try looking for it here......don't be a stooge.
Post the statute that says that’s illegal.
His comments claiming to peacefully protest came after he violated federal law.

Bet you didn't see the video piece of him advising protestors to leave certain items behind, prior to breaching the capitol, as the might get shot, did you?
Interesting comment. So you're saying that the rioters acted on their own and couldn't be coerced by anybody else, is that correct?
Hell no!

Just that Epps didn't have that kind of power over anyone.

Trump called them to DC, TRUMP riled them up at the rally, and Trump illegally sent them marching down to the capitol, without permit....

Those people were there for Trump....and acted the way they did, and rioted, for Trump.....Epps was a jerk, but he was just a peon in the whole picture..... Imo.
What would convince me he's a loyal Trump follower? If he appeared before Congress and swore under oath he has no connection with the FBI
Right. I’m sure that would convince all the conspiracy theorist lunatics that he’s not with the FBI, especially when you already believe the FBI is lying about him.

Clearly he’s just trying to hide from you idiots and I can’t blame him. It’s funny watching you guys destroy one of your own.
You’re stalling. We both know you don’t have federal law that he broke.

I’ve looked into this. I know. You’re just embarrassing yourself and we both know it.
Which federal law? Post the statute.

You won’t. You have nothing and you can’t back up anything you say.


You should have read further, you clown.

Federal Anti-Riot Act​

In response to times of civil unrest in the 1960s, Congress enacted the Federal Anti-Riot Act. This law makes it a five-year felony to travel between states or use a type of interstate commerce (such as mail, phone, wireless communications, or broadcast), intending to:

  • incite a riot
  • participate in or carry on a riot, or
  • commit an act of violence in furtherance of a riot.

A riot means a public disturbance involving three or more persons whose actions or threats represent an immediate danger to persons or property. (18 U.S.C. §§ 2101, 2102 (2020).)

Inciting Insurrection or Rebellion Against the U.S. Government​

Federal law also prohibits inciting, assisting, or engaging in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority, laws, or operations of the U.S. Government. To convict, the prosecutor must show the defendant knowingly committed an overt act to further insurrection. A conviction carries up to 10 years in federal prison. (18 U.S.C. § 2383 (2020); Yates v. U.S., 354 U.S. 298 (1957).)
You should have read further, you clown.
From your link:

“A riot means a public disturbance involving three or more persons whose actions or threats represent an immediate danger to persons or property.”

Encouraging people to PEACEFULLY protest is not an action that represent an immediate danger to persons or property.

Whoops! Try again, loser.
From your link:

“A riot means a public disturbance involving three or more persons whose actions or threats represent an immediate danger to persons or property.”

Encouraging people to PEACEFULLY protest is not an action that represent an immediate danger to persons or property.

Whoops! Try again, loser.

Keep floating your misinformation.....he never mentioned 'peacefully' the night prior or until after he said to go in to the capitol.

He broke the law....Once again, you missed another crucial part of the link:

Federal law also prohibits inciting, assisting, or engaging in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority, laws, or operations of the U.S. Government. To convict, the prosecutor must show the defendant knowingly committed an overt act to further insurrection. A conviction carries up to 10 years in federal prison. (18 U.S.C. § 2383 (2020); Yates v. U.S., 354 U.S. 298 (1957).)
He neither attacked LEOs nor entered the Capitol. I know of no one else who fits that criteria and was arrested

They NEVER answer that question for very good reasons

He's on video urging people to go into the Capitol. That's all. He doesn't say he didn't do that.

You need to stop.

Oath Keepers and Proud Boys and 3 per centers PLANNED the attack on the Capitol. They have been charged and there is evidence proving it.

And you would be WRONG.


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