Can We Tax The Rich Enough To Get Out Of Debt?

exactly, so I'm wondering why you keep claiming that someone somewhere is claiming that taxing the rich WILL FIX the debt. The only thing ppl are saying is that it will HELP repair the debt faster. Are you disputing that? You have a link that shows ANYONE ANYWHERE is saying raising taxes WILL FIX the debt?

Do you honestly think it will help fix the debt? Honestly? We are so deep in debt that it wouldn't do squat even if you confiscated all of their wealth. We've got to quit spending. When you've maxed your credit card, you don't just move onto the next one in your wallet. Spending across the board needs to be cut from defense to welfare......and when I say cut, I mean cut. Deep. That is what individual people have to do and it is what governments need to do.

Yes, more money in and less money spent is how you get out of debt, right?

For an individual, yes. If needed, you go get a second job while cutting your expenses to get your finances under control. For a government, there isn't a second have to live within your means under the revenue you do get. So your first line of defense is cutting spending deeply and sorting out what is the top priority in your spending. It is pure bullshit to say that people who have busted their ass to get ahead have some sort of obligation to just hand it over to the government when we have 5th generation welfare receipients sitting on their asses thinking they are somehow entitled to a portion of that persons wealth.

How about this. Put your money where your mouth is. I'm sure you have a spare bedroom or some sort of room that can be converted to a bedroom in your house. Maybe your garage. Obviously, you have more rooms than you need you lucky greedy bastard. Go down to the area of town where the homeless live and bring one home to live in your spare room. Don't be greedy with your house. Give up that extra room you don't use to someone who really needs it. Share the sacrifice. Spread the wealth. That is the argument for taxing people more who make over a certain dollar amount isn't it? Do your part. Let us know about your new family member. Post some pictures for us. While you're at it, make sure you provide them with groceries too. It's the right thing to do.
Can We Tax The Rich Enough To Get Out Of Debt?


Not unless we ALSO cut off corporate pork spending, no.

But if we did THAT, the superrich really wouldn't have to pay so much in taxes because their government pork gravytrain wouldn't stop at their stations anymore, either.

We ALL know what the solution is.

Stop wasterful spending which includes in large part the cost of advancing the US corporate empire.

If things are as bad as everyone says they are, just spending less isn't going to make a dent at all. You've got to up taxes too.

Understand it by picturing a table with a glass placed inside a bucket. The glass is the yearly budget and the bucket is the national debt. You pour water (money) in the glass from taxes. If there's more money coming in than the glass can hold - not only do you have a budget surplus...but the rest spills into the bucket...and helps to pay off the debt. Each year we pour into the glass and hope that over decades the bucket gets filled.

The first thing you need to do is use a smaller glass - i.e. cut the budget size. At that point the same pour puts more in the bucket.

The second thing you need to do is get a second pour ... and that's a tax increase. The bucket's going to get filled even faster right? It might actually make a real difference in filling the bucket.

Why is it that almost all democrats will concede that cuts need to be made...but the majority of conservatives wont budge on taxes? I really makes conservatives look like they don't want to fix the situation at all.
If things are as bad as everyone says they are, just spending less isn't going to make a dent at all. You've got to up taxes too.

Understand it by picturing a table with a glass placed inside a bucket. The glass is the yearly budget and the bucket is the national debt. You pour water (money) in the glass from taxes. If there's more money coming in than the glass can hold - not only do you have a budget surplus...but the rest spills into the bucket...and helps to pay off the debt. Each year we pour into the glass and hope that over decades the bucket gets filled.

The first thing you need to do is use a smaller glass - i.e. cut the budget size. At that point the same pour puts more in the bucket.

The second thing you need to do is get a second pour ... and that's a tax increase. The bucket's going to get filled even faster right? It might actually make a real difference in filling the bucket.

Why is it that almost all democrats will concede that cuts need to be made...but the majority of conservatives wont budge on taxes? I really makes conservatives look like they don't want to fix the situation at all.

If politicians get serious about spending cuts....deep spending cuts....I will get serious about raising's that? But, I'm not going to hold my breath on it.
That's all I'm asking to hear. I feel the exact same way. I'm having to pay taxes again this year and I don't relish the thought. I dont want to give away my hard-earned money...especially to people who are going to waste it.

It's just that I can do the math...and know what has to be done.
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If things are as bad as everyone says they are, just spending less isn't going to make a dent at all. You've got to up taxes too.

Understand it by picturing a table with a glass placed inside a bucket. The glass is the yearly budget and the bucket is the national debt. You pour water (money) in the glass from taxes. If there's more money coming in than the glass can hold - not only do you have a budget surplus...but the rest spills into the bucket...and helps to pay off the debt. Each year we pour into the glass and hope that over decades the bucket gets filled.

The first thing you need to do is use a smaller glass - i.e. cut the budget size. At that point the same pour puts more in the bucket.

The second thing you need to do is get a second pour ... and that's a tax increase. The bucket's going to get filled even faster right? It might actually make a real difference in filling the bucket.

Why is it that almost all democrats will concede that cuts need to be made...but the majority of conservatives wont budge on taxes? I really makes conservatives look like they don't want to fix the situation at all.

I am all for raising taxes

on the ~48% that currently pay zero federal income taxes

And how much of a rate is enough for the 'progressives'?? 40%? 50%? 60%?

Those who have worked hard and made a success of themselves now pay upwards of 50% or more in taxes in some way, shape, or form... federal, state, county, local, sales, property, luxury, gas, cigarette, alcohol, dog license, capital gains, airport, and the list goes on... it is utterly disgusting to think that people must give up that much of their income for big mommy government
Seeing as the budget shortfall is 1.5 Trillion just this year alone, how much more should we tax the "evil rich" so that government can balance the books?
Can We Tax The Rich Enough To Get Out Of Debt? | Tarheel Red
First, the deficit is $1.5 trillion dollars. Can the folks who make more than $200,000 make that up? There are 4,359,936 filers who make that amount of money. Simple math says that if we take 1,500,000,000,000 and divide it by 4,359,936 we get $344,041.7. That means we would have to bill each of those people who earn more than $200,000 a year $344,042 a year. Just to break even.
If confiscating all of their money won't balance the books, then why do some say just raising their taxes would do it? :confused:

and not cut spending ? taxing others too ? NO ! but the rich were going to support the health bill not end deficit . get real .
If things are as bad as everyone says they are, just spending less isn't going to make a dent at all. You've got to up taxes too.

Understand it by picturing a table with a glass placed inside a bucket. The glass is the yearly budget and the bucket is the national debt. You pour water (money) in the glass from taxes. If there's more money coming in than the glass can hold - not only do you have a budget surplus...but the rest spills into the bucket...and helps to pay off the debt. Each year we pour into the glass and hope that over decades the bucket gets filled.

The first thing you need to do is use a smaller glass - i.e. cut the budget size. At that point the same pour puts more in the bucket.

The second thing you need to do is get a second pour ... and that's a tax increase. The bucket's going to get filled even faster right? It might actually make a real difference in filling the bucket.

Why is it that almost all democrats will concede that cuts need to be made...but the majority of conservatives wont budge on taxes? I really makes conservatives look like they don't want to fix the situation at all.

I am all for raising taxes

on the ~48% that currently pay zero federal income taxes

And how much of a rate is enough for the 'progressives'?? 40%? 50%? 60%?

Those who have worked hard and made a success of themselves now pay upwards of 50% or more in taxes in some way, shape, or form... federal, state, county, local, sales, property, luxury, gas, cigarette, alcohol, dog license, capital gains, airport, and the list goes on... it is utterly disgusting to think that people must give up that much of their income for big mommy government

Your post is full of sound and fury but only signifies partisan shrillness.

Go educate yourself on who that 48% actually are, brain trust.

You seem to be in that group that thinks "if we just got the lazy people off their asses, everything would suddenly go back to apple pie and 1949." God, what a laugh.

Taxation is at historical lows, still you try to pull the "poor rich people" card. That's nauseating. You really do need to educate yourself.
Do you honestly think it will help fix the debt? Honestly? We are so deep in debt that it wouldn't do squat even if you confiscated all of their wealth. We've got to quit spending. When you've maxed your credit card, you don't just move onto the next one in your wallet. Spending across the board needs to be cut from defense to welfare......and when I say cut, I mean cut. Deep. That is what individual people have to do and it is what governments need to do.

Yes, more money in and less money spent is how you get out of debt, right?

For an individual, yes. If needed, you go get a second job while cutting your expenses to get your finances under control. For a government, there isn't a second have to live within your means under the revenue you do get. So your first line of defense is cutting spending deeply and sorting out what is the top priority in your spending. It is pure bullshit to say that people who have busted their ass to get ahead have some sort of obligation to just hand it over to the government when we have 5th generation welfare receipients sitting on their asses thinking they are somehow entitled to a portion of that persons wealth.

How about this. Put your money where your mouth is. I'm sure you have a spare bedroom or some sort of room that can be converted to a bedroom in your house. Maybe your garage. Obviously, you have more rooms than you need you lucky greedy bastard. Go down to the area of town where the homeless live and bring one home to live in your spare room. Don't be greedy with your house. Give up that extra room you don't use to someone who really needs it. Share the sacrifice. Spread the wealth. That is the argument for taxing people more who make over a certain dollar amount isn't it? Do your part. Let us know about your new family member. Post some pictures for us. While you're at it, make sure you provide them with groceries too. It's the right thing to do.

Exactley. Put up or shut up libs. If you folks want government to have more money, give them more money. Like I said, let's just make a simple change to the tax code that allows peope to give government their money if they feel like it. Problem solved.
If things are as bad as everyone says they are, just spending less isn't going to make a dent at all. You've got to up taxes too.

Understand it by picturing a table with a glass placed inside a bucket. The glass is the yearly budget and the bucket is the national debt. You pour water (money) in the glass from taxes. If there's more money coming in than the glass can hold - not only do you have a budget surplus...but the rest spills into the bucket...and helps to pay off the debt. Each year we pour into the glass and hope that over decades the bucket gets filled.

The first thing you need to do is use a smaller glass - i.e. cut the budget size. At that point the same pour puts more in the bucket.

The second thing you need to do is get a second pour ... and that's a tax increase. The bucket's going to get filled even faster right? It might actually make a real difference in filling the bucket.

Why is it that almost all democrats will concede that cuts need to be made...but the majority of conservatives wont budge on taxes? I really makes conservatives look like they don't want to fix the situation at all.

I am all for raising taxes

on the ~48% that currently pay zero federal income taxes

And how much of a rate is enough for the 'progressives'?? 40%? 50%? 60%?

Those who have worked hard and made a success of themselves now pay upwards of 50% or more in taxes in some way, shape, or form... federal, state, county, local, sales, property, luxury, gas, cigarette, alcohol, dog license, capital gains, airport, and the list goes on... it is utterly disgusting to think that people must give up that much of their income for big mommy government

Your post is full of sound and fury but only signifies partisan shrillness.

Go educate yourself on who that 48% actually are, brain trust.

You seem to be in that group that thinks "if we just got the lazy people off their asses, everything would suddenly go back to apple pie and 1949." God, what a laugh.

Taxation is at historical lows, still you try to pull the "poor rich people" card. That's nauseating. You really do need to educate yourself.

What is nauseating is this notion that the rich don't pay their share. That is a complete mathematical falsehood. There is no way to spin the numbers to show the rich aren't paying their share. So you libs need to stop with this bullshit that you care about the tax code being fair.
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Can We Tax The Rich Enough To Get Out Of Debt?


Not unless we ALSO cut off corporate pork spending, no.

But if we did THAT, the superrich really wouldn't have to pay so much in taxes because their government pork gravytrain wouldn't stop at their stations anymore, either.

We ALL know what the solution is.

Stop wasterful spending which includes in large part the cost of advancing the US corporate empire.

I absolutely agree with that.
If things are as bad as everyone says they are, just spending less isn't going to make a dent at all. You've got to up taxes too.

Understand it by picturing a table with a glass placed inside a bucket. The glass is the yearly budget and the bucket is the national debt. You pour water (money) in the glass from taxes. If there's more money coming in than the glass can hold - not only do you have a budget surplus...but the rest spills into the bucket...and helps to pay off the debt. Each year we pour into the glass and hope that over decades the bucket gets filled.

The first thing you need to do is use a smaller glass - i.e. cut the budget size. At that point the same pour puts more in the bucket.

The second thing you need to do is get a second pour ... and that's a tax increase. The bucket's going to get filled even faster right? It might actually make a real difference in filling the bucket.

Are you talking an increase in the tax rate or an increase in the total amount of taxes collected?

Why is it that almost all democrats will concede that cuts need to be made...but the majority of conservatives wont budge on taxes?

1. Almost all democrats (and almost all republicans too) will concede that cuts need to be made and then will call reductions in the rate of increases "cuts."

2. Fiscal conservatives will not budge on tax rate increases because it has never worked.

I really makes conservatives look like they don't want to fix the situation at all.

And that seems to be the justification to blame the republicans and all fiscal conservatives for making the situation much much worse when there haven't been any in charge during the worst period in decades.
That's all I'm asking to hear. I feel the exact same way. I'm having to pay taxes again this year and I don't relish the thought. I dont want to give away my hard-earned money...especially to people who are going to waste it.

It's just that I can do the math...and know what has to be done.

Why did the government have to temporarily get so big that now it's impossible to do anything but grow it more? TARP and the Stimulus were supposed to be temporary. Why is spending at those increased levels now permanent?
If things are as bad as everyone says they are, just spending less isn't going to make a dent at all. You've got to up taxes too.

Understand it by picturing a table with a glass placed inside a bucket. The glass is the yearly budget and the bucket is the national debt. You pour water (money) in the glass from taxes. If there's more money coming in than the glass can hold - not only do you have a budget surplus...but the rest spills into the bucket...and helps to pay off the debt. Each year we pour into the glass and hope that over decades the bucket gets filled.

The first thing you need to do is use a smaller glass - i.e. cut the budget size. At that point the same pour puts more in the bucket.

The second thing you need to do is get a second pour ... and that's a tax increase. The bucket's going to get filled even faster right? It might actually make a real difference in filling the bucket.

Why is it that almost all democrats will concede that cuts need to be made...but the majority of conservatives wont budge on taxes? I really makes conservatives look like they don't want to fix the situation at all.

I am all for raising taxes

on the ~48% that currently pay zero federal income taxes

And how much of a rate is enough for the 'progressives'?? 40%? 50%? 60%?

Those who have worked hard and made a success of themselves now pay upwards of 50% or more in taxes in some way, shape, or form... federal, state, county, local, sales, property, luxury, gas, cigarette, alcohol, dog license, capital gains, airport, and the list goes on... it is utterly disgusting to think that people must give up that much of their income for big mommy government

Your post is full of sound and fury but only signifies partisan shrillness.

Go educate yourself on who that 48% actually are, brain trust.

You seem to be in that group that thinks "if we just got the lazy people off their asses, everything would suddenly go back to apple pie and 1949." God, what a laugh.

Taxation is at historical lows, still you try to pull the "poor rich people" card. That's nauseating. You really do need to educate yourself.

Taxation is not at historical lows and the tax code is not conducive to effectively funding the government now.
Seeing as the budget shortfall is 1.5 Trillion just this year alone, how much more should we tax the "evil rich" so that government can balance the books?
Can We Tax The Rich Enough To Get Out Of Debt? | Tarheel Red
First, the deficit is $1.5 trillion dollars. Can the folks who make more than $200,000 make that up? There are 4,359,936 filers who make that amount of money. Simple math says that if we take 1,500,000,000,000 and divide it by 4,359,936 we get $344,041.7. That means we would have to bill each of those people who earn more than $200,000 a year $344,042 a year. Just to break even.
If confiscating all of their money won't balance the books, then why do some say just raising their taxes would do it? :confused:

The goal of the socialist, Marxist, liberal, leftists is not redistribution of the wealth per se, it is to destroy the capitalist system of America completely, and in the ensuing havoc, grab control of the government and create a totalitarian-leftist dominated government.
I think if we just made GE pay some Taxes,our Debt problem would be solved. And for God's sake can we please boot GE Exec Jeffrey Immelt from his "Jobs Czar" position? This would be a nice start in my opinion. ;)
Seeing as the budget shortfall is 1.5 Trillion just this year alone, how much more should we tax the "evil rich" so that government can balance the books?
Can We Tax The Rich Enough To Get Out Of Debt? | Tarheel Red
First, the deficit is $1.5 trillion dollars. Can the folks who make more than $200,000 make that up? There are 4,359,936 filers who make that amount of money. Simple math says that if we take 1,500,000,000,000 and divide it by 4,359,936 we get $344,041.7. That means we would have to bill each of those people who earn more than $200,000 a year $344,042 a year. Just to break even.
If confiscating all of their money won't balance the books, then why do some say just raising their taxes would do it? :confused:

The goal of the socialist, Marxist, liberal, leftists is not redistribution of the wealth per se, it is to destroy the capitalist system of America completely, and in the ensuing havoc, grab control of the government and create a totalitarian-leftist dominated government.

Complete and utter horsehockey. God the drivel that people soak up and respew.

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