Can win Obama win a debate Against Newt ??

Unemployment was already over 9% when the stimulus passed, how could it keep unemployment below 8%?

Funny stuff. You seriously don't remember Obama saying that? Liberal memories. You remember that which helps the Democrats even if it never happened, but you can't remember what doesn't serve the cause of Democrats even if it did.

I don't recall being alone with Monica. Seriously, when she was blowing you in the Oval office, you can't remember being alone with her? Nope, can't recall.

His economic team did say that. Of course, it was a projection. To beat him up over a missed projection is pretty ridiculous. The fact is, the stimulus helped. And I suspect that's why the GOP's got their collective panties in a wad over it.

My point was mocking rw for not remembering it. You just agreed with that. I am ignoring your attempt to derail the point. We agree, rw is just flat out wrong.
Unemployment was already over 9% when the stimulus passed, how could it keep unemployment below 8%?

That's a good question, why did the Obama administration make that claim?

They didn't

Funny stuff. You seriously don't remember Obama saying that? Liberal memories. You remember that which helps the Democrats even if it never happened, but you can't remember what doesn't serve the cause of Democrats even if it did.

I don't recall being alone with Monica. Seriously, when she was blowing you in the Oval office, you can't remember being alone with her? Nope, can't recall.

His economic team did say that. Of course, it was a projection. To beat him up over a missed projection is pretty ridiculous. The fact is, the stimulus helped. And I suspect that's why the GOP's got their collective panties in a wad over it.

My point was mocking rw for not remembering it. You just agreed with that. I am ignoring your attempt to derail the point. We agree, rw is just flat out wrong.

Trust me, I was up to speed. You folks are too funny.

I was backing up your claim, even though I don't like you, and I do like Rightwinger. Yes, I recognized your obvious sarcasm. I backed you up in the interest of a good discussion. Try it yourself sometime.
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Unemployment was already over 9% when the stimulus passed, how could it keep unemployment below 8%?

Funny stuff. You seriously don't remember Obama saying that? Liberal memories. You remember that which helps the Democrats even if it never happened, but you can't remember what doesn't serve the cause of Democrats even if it did.

I don't recall being alone with Monica. Seriously, when she was blowing you in the Oval office, you can't remember being alone with her? Nope, can't recall.

His economic team did say that. Of course, it was a projection. To beat him up over a missed projection is pretty ridiculous. The fact is, the stimulus helped. And I suspect that's why the GOP's got their collective panties in a wad over it.

To beat him up over a missed projection is pretty ridiculous.

A projection he used to waste $787 billion, yeah, we can beat him up over that.
Unemployment was already over 9% when the stimulus passed, how could it keep unemployment below 8%?

Funny stuff. You seriously don't remember Obama saying that? Liberal memories. You remember that which helps the Democrats even if it never happened, but you can't remember what doesn't serve the cause of Democrats even if it did.

I don't recall being alone with Monica. Seriously, when she was blowing you in the Oval office, you can't remember being alone with her? Nope, can't recall.

His economic team did say that. Of course, it was a projection. To beat him up over a missed projection is pretty ridiculous. The fact is, the stimulus helped. And I suspect that's why the GOP's got their collective panties in a wad over it.

They also missed the fact that the Bush administration basically lied about how big the problem was. It was probably one of the most deceptive administrations in history. They seem to have forgotten George W. Bush's favorite fag prostitute reporter, Jeff Gannon. Or the fact that the Bush administration was paying journalists to do phony stories in the media. Or that they took out part of the 9/11 report that pointed to the Saudis.

So many deceptions..sheesh..hard to keep track! :D
Funny stuff. You seriously don't remember Obama saying that? Liberal memories. You remember that which helps the Democrats even if it never happened, but you can't remember what doesn't serve the cause of Democrats even if it did.

I don't recall being alone with Monica. Seriously, when she was blowing you in the Oval office, you can't remember being alone with her? Nope, can't recall.

His economic team did say that. Of course, it was a projection. To beat him up over a missed projection is pretty ridiculous. The fact is, the stimulus helped. And I suspect that's why the GOP's got their collective panties in a wad over it.

To beat him up over a missed projection is pretty ridiculous.

A projection he used to waste $787 billion, yeah, we can beat him up over that.

Ah cuts do figure into cost now?

His economic team did say that. Of course, it was a projection. To beat him up over a missed projection is pretty ridiculous. The fact is, the stimulus helped. And I suspect that's why the GOP's got their collective panties in a wad over it.

To beat him up over a missed projection is pretty ridiculous.

A projection he used to waste $787 billion, yeah, we can beat him up over that.

Ah cuts do figure into cost now?


Wasteful temporary tax credits, sure. Why not?
His economic team did say that. Of course, it was a projection. To beat him up over a missed projection is pretty ridiculous. The fact is, the stimulus helped. And I suspect that's why the GOP's got their collective panties in a wad over it.

My point was mocking rw for not remembering it. You just agreed with that. I am ignoring your attempt to derail the point. We agree, rw is just flat out wrong.

Trust me, I was up to speed. You folks are too funny.

I was backing up your claim, even though I don't like you, and I do like Rightwinger. Yes, I recognized your obvious sarcasm. I backed you up in the interest of a good discussion. Try it yourself sometime.

I like how you chastise me while you act like a dick. Looks like I read you right the first time, didn't I?
A projection he used to waste $787 billion, yeah, we can beat him up over that.

Except it wasn't wasted. You're being ridiculous, pretending that because they missed a projection, the stimulus did no good.

They also missed the fact that the Bush administration basically lied about how big the problem was. It was probably one of the most deceptive administrations in history. They seem to have forgotten George W. Bush's favorite fag prostitute reporter, Jeff Gannon. Or the fact that the Bush administration was paying journalists to do phony stories in the media. Or that they took out part of the 9/11 report that pointed to the Saudis.

So many deceptions..sheesh..hard to keep track! :D

No kidding. One of the most amazing con jobs ever, in a serious of con jobs by the Bush team, and it's forgotten.
My point was mocking rw for not remembering it. You just agreed with that. I am ignoring your attempt to derail the point. We agree, rw is just flat out wrong.

Trust me, I was up to speed. You folks are too funny.

I was backing up your claim, even though I don't like you, and I do like Rightwinger. Yes, I recognized your obvious sarcasm. I backed you up in the interest of a good discussion. Try it yourself sometime.

I like how you chastise me while you act like a dick. Looks like I read you right the first time, didn't I?

I chastised you for acting like a dick. You were right, Rightwinger was mistaken, and I backed you up. But you're such a dick, you can't even handle having a liberal agree with you. :cuckoo:
Trust me, I was up to speed. You folks are too funny.

I was backing up your claim, even though I don't like you, and I do like Rightwinger. Yes, I recognized your obvious sarcasm. I backed you up in the interest of a good discussion. Try it yourself sometime.

I like how you chastise me while you act like a dick. Looks like I read you right the first time, didn't I?

I chastised you for acting like a dick. You were right, Rightwinger was mistaken, and I backed you up. But you're such a dick, you can't even handle having a liberal agree with you. :cuckoo:

I was a "dick" because I said I wasn't going to let you steer the conversation off the point.

You were a "dick" by insulting me.

Then you chastised me for being a dick, while you acted like a dick.

Whether I'm a dick or not is up to the beholder. But the hypocrisy is clearly on you.
Uh, no. Having an affair does not establish a pattern of conduct of sexual harassment. Try again.

It does when the person reports to you...

Any civilian employer would have fired Clinton for what he did, and the military would have brought him up on charges if he were in the service.

Bullshit. She didn't report to him, he didn't have authority over her, there was never any question that she was unwilling, and no, it you don't necessarily get fired for having an affair with someone who reports to you, and no, the military doesn't necessarily bring people up on charges.

It was a witch hunt. They tried the Travel Office, they tried Whitewater, they tried Paula Jones, they tried Vince Foster, all to get at any candidate who had the temerity to get elected against the will of the GOP. I don't know what happened with Paula Jones, but I do know that she did exactly the things that would get you in a knot, except she was accusing Clinton.
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I like how you chastise me while you act like a dick. Looks like I read you right the first time, didn't I?

I chastised you for acting like a dick. You were right, Rightwinger was mistaken, and I backed you up. But you're such a dick, you can't even handle having a liberal agree with you. :cuckoo:

I was a "dick" because I said I wasn't going to let you steer the conversation off the point.

You were a "dick" by insulting me.

Then you chastised me for being a dick, while you acted like a dick.

Whether I'm a dick or not is up to the beholder. But the hypocrisy is clearly on you.

I was backing you up. You were factually correct. Rightwinger was factually mistaken. You're welcome.
Uh, no. Having an affair does not establish a pattern of conduct of sexual harassment. Try again.

It does when the person reports to you...

Any civilian employer would have fired Clinton for what he did, and the military would have brought him up on charges if he were in the service.

Bullshit. She didn't report to him, he didn't have authority over her, there was never any question that she was unwilling, and no, it you don't necessarily get fired for having an affair with someone who reports to you, and no, the military doesn't necessarily bring people up on charges.

It was a witch hunt. They tried the Travel Office, they tried Whitewater, they tried Paula Jones, they tried Vince Foster, all to get at any candidate who had the temerity to get elected against the will of the GOP. I don't know what happened with Paula Jones, but I do know that she did exactly the things that would get you in a knot, except she was accusing Clinton.

Hey, I've already said, Sexual Harrassment is bullshit. If you want to play lumberjack, you got to hold up your end of the log.

The military doesn't bring up people on charges UNLESS someone complains. But the rules on fraternization are pretty severe. Guys have lost their careers for less than what Clinton did. I would suggest you look up the case of Sergeant Major of the Army Eugene McKinney.

So can't feel really sorry for Clinton given that he's supported the abuse of other men under his goofy attempts to suck up to the Feminazis. It's practical gender treachery. We need to revoke his "Man Card". :badgrin:

Oh, how is it you are ABSOLUTELY SURE Anita Dunghill is telling the truth, but you aren't sure what Paula Jones was talking about?
Hey, I've already said, Sexual Harrassment is bullshit. If you want to play lumberjack, you got to hold up your end of the log.

Translation: You have to accept Joe's personal experience as universal, or he'll complain that you're breaking the rules.

The military doesn't bring up people on charges UNLESS someone complains. But the rules on fraternization are pretty severe. Guys have lost their careers for less than what Clinton did. I would suggest you look up the case of Sergeant Major of the Army Eugene McKinney.

Absolutely right. But that's not exactly what you said, is it? You made a great proclamation.

I do have more faith in what Hill said, but I've never said I was sure that Jones was lying. In fact, it's the only story about Clinton that the right wingers pushed that might possibly be true. However, it doesn't fit Clinton's pattern. His pattern was that he hit on women, and sometimes they slept with him. Other women have come forward about Thomas, telling the same kinds of stories about his behavior.

Hill came forward after being subpoenaed, Jones came forward after being recruited. If that were reversed, you'd be talking about it no end, now wouldn't you? :)
The military doesn't bring up people on charges UNLESS someone complains. But the rules on fraternization are pretty severe. Guys have lost their careers for less than what Clinton did. I would suggest you look up the case of Sergeant Major of the Army Eugene McKinney.

Absolutely right. But that's not exactly what you said, is it? You made a great proclamation.

I do have more faith in what Hill said, but I've never said I was sure that Jones was lying. In fact, it's the only story about Clinton that the right wingers pushed that might possibly be true. However, it doesn't fit Clinton's pattern. His pattern was that he hit on women, and sometimes they slept with him. Other women have come forward about Thomas, telling the same kinds of stories about his behavior.

Hill came forward after being subpoenaed, Jones came forward after being recruited. If that were reversed, you'd be talking about it no end, now wouldn't you? :)

I hope that you are not so naive that you think that HIll's actions weren't anything OTHER than a political hit piece because their attempts to "Bork" Thomas had failed, they were going to "Tower" him. That's what the Democrats said. "We are going to Bork and Tower him."

It EXACTLY fit Clinton's pattern. Kathleen Willey, Juanita Brodderick, others- all said he made unwanted sexual advances. He didn't "hit" on women, he assaulted them.

All Thomas was accused of was making off-color comments around the office.
I hope that you are not so naive that you think that HIll's actions weren't anything OTHER than a political hit piece because their attempts to "Bork" Thomas had failed, they were going to "Tower" him. That's what the Democrats said. "We are going to Bork and Tower him."

It EXACTLY fit Clinton's pattern. Kathleen Willey, Juanita Brodderick, others- all said he made unwanted sexual advances. He didn't "hit" on women, he assaulted them.

All Thomas was accused of was making off-color comments around the office.

Like Newt, you believe that words have no real meaning. You just throw them around. Naive is the example here. Hill may have been subpoenaed for political reasons, but that doesn't make her testimony politically driven. Please think about the difference and respond intelligently instead of just typing out some shit and then realizing later that you missed the point.

Kathleen Willey asked people to lie to back up her story.

Here's her accusing the Clintons of murdering her husband.

Kathleen Willey suspects Clintons murdered husband

Juanita Broaddrick has repeatedly changed her claims.

Juanita Broaddrick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't know of any other woman claiming that Clinton assaulted them, and I paid a lot of attention to the story. Who are they?
yup, all these women were lying.

And when Anita Hill's co-workers said she was lying, they were paid off.

It's amazing how you put your mind into pretzels to defend your reality.

Even Clinton's own staff made sure he was never in a car alone with a woman. That's telling in and of itself, but that's exactly what Leon Panetta said in his memoir...
A projection he used to waste $787 billion, yeah, we can beat him up over that.

Except it wasn't wasted. You're being ridiculous, pretending that because they missed a projection, the stimulus did no good.

They also missed the fact that the Bush administration basically lied about how big the problem was. It was probably one of the most deceptive administrations in history. They seem to have forgotten George W. Bush's favorite fag prostitute reporter, Jeff Gannon. Or the fact that the Bush administration was paying journalists to do phony stories in the media. Or that they took out part of the 9/11 report that pointed to the Saudis.

So many deceptions..sheesh..hard to keep track! :D

No kidding. One of the most amazing con jobs ever, in a serious of con jobs by the Bush team, and it's forgotten.
Except it's not forgotten, not by me and/or thinking people like me.

Bush will NEVER live down the reputation of being THE WORST President in America's history.

The collossal failure, the corruption, the ineptitude...what a flop.

We must NEVER forget. Hammer him at all times, because his RW goons are always working to attempt to re-write history. You see them always talking about how because of Bush Osama was killed, etc., etc., etc.

NEVER forget! It's HAMMER TIME!!!!


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