Can win Obama win a debate Against Newt ??

As for Obama winning a debate against Newt.

I see Newt wiping the floor up with Obama.

personally, I don't find the Obama brilliant.
As for Obama winning a debate against Newt.

I see Newt wiping the floor up with Obama.

personally, I don't find the Obama brilliant.

I don't know, but perhaps your outlook doesn't extend past your own nose and your thoughts are a bit pessimistic. It is highly unlikely that even as accomplished as Newt may seem as a speaker that he will 'wipe the floor' with Obama, who has been in office and most likely bled dry mentally and emotionally for four years by a people who are (by a great number) continually and consistently unappeased, discontent, short-sighted, and vastly uninformed...

I stop short at seeing anyone in politics deserving of the public slamming that our beloved freedom of speech allows, so I am no less flawed.
As for Obama winning a debate against Newt.

I see Newt wiping the floor up with Obama.

personally, I don't find the Obama brilliant.

I don't know, but perhaps your outlook doesn't extend past your own nose and your thoughts are a bit pessimistic. It is highly unlikely that even as accomplished as Newt may seem as a speaker that he will 'wipe the floor' with Obama, who has been in office and most likely bled dry mentally and emotionally for four years by a people who are (by a great number) continually and consistently unappeased, discontent, short-sighted, and vastly uninformed...

I stop short at seeing anyone in politics deserving of the public slamming that our beloved freedom of speech allows, so I am no less flawed.

Oh good gawd, spare me
We lived through EIGHT years of the Bush administration seeing SLAMMING.
As for Obama winning a debate against Newt.

I see Newt wiping the floor up with Obama.

personally, I don't find the Obama brilliant.

I don't know, but perhaps your outlook doesn't extend past your own nose and your thoughts are a bit pessimistic. It is highly unlikely that even as accomplished as Newt may seem as a speaker that he will 'wipe the floor' with Obama, who has been in office and most likely bled dry mentally and emotionally for four years by a people who are (by a great number) continually and consistently unappeased, discontent, short-sighted, and vastly uninformed...

I stop short at seeing anyone in politics deserving of the public slamming that our beloved freedom of speech allows, so I am no less flawed.

Oh good gawd, spare me
We lived through EIGHT years of the Bush administration seeing SLAMMING.

We sure did.... It should have us striving for better focus, however, not returning the serve. It seems to deem both parties unworthy of their individual potential.

One thing I am ignorant of is the different party agendas... The working against one another... is what I do not understand. It seems the differences each has could possibly bring the nation, as a whole, together and tighten relationships, accordingly, however... like two proverbial married individuals, the parties seem all too happy to shove one another under a bus in traffic. :dunno:
Not good enough when unemployment is 8.6%.

Lol run on "Your doing ok but it could be better"

Great slogan, i love it.

You should run on the slogan, 8.6%.

Actually the full story is that the the bush recession had unemployment at 10.1% at one point, and obama has brought it down 1.5% while at the same time being prevented from passing any jobs legislation by republicans.

And again, the jobs legislation that obama did pass (sitmulus) was amazingly helpful. The graphs prove it, the stats prove it, CBO proves it.


Just in case you had any doubts, stimulus is stimulative. Textbook econ 101 is still valid. Fiscal expansion is expansionary. Obamas policies have great fundamentals and the stats back them up. simple enough?

If you cant disprove the graphs then you shouldnt talk.

Just in case you had any doubt, debt has to be repaid.

Thanks for changing the subject.

Had the economy been allowed to continually shrink at 8% a quarter, our debt to GDP ratio would actually be much worse.
Because stupid people elected enough Republicans to block him from doing anything brilliant.

you all LOVE democracy until it WORKS AGAINST YA HUH?:badgrin:
and the Obama is brilliant. good gawd people listen to yourselves...

I dunno..killing Osama Bin Laden was pretty brilliant. And it's something Republicans have been blocking for close to eight years. Maybe more...since they blocked Clinton from doing it.

Republicans have been blocking going after Osama Bin Laden? Sallow, this National Enquirer Kool Aid drinking really needs to stop :lol: Try presenting some facts behind your conspiracy theories next time, because no one is THAT gullible to buy this.

Here below is how Bill Clinton handled the capture or kill of Osama Bin Laden. Nothing, concerning Clinton's handling of Osama Bin Laden, suggested Republicans were "blocking" any efforts to go after this known terrorist.

President Bill Clinton turned down at least three offers involving foreign governments to help to seize Osama Bin Laden after he was identified as a terrorist who was threatening America, according to sources in Washington and the Middle East. Clinton himself, according to one Washington source, has described the refusal to accept the first of the offers as "the biggest mistake" of his presidency. The main reasons were legal: there was no evidence that could be brought against Bin Laden in an American court. But former senior intelligence sources accuse the administration of a lack of commitment to the fight against terrorism.

Bin Laden took off from Khartoum on May 18 in a chartered C-130 plane with 150 of his followers, including his wives. He was bound for Jalalabad in easternAfghanistan. On the way the plane refuelled in the Gulf state of Qatar, which hasfriendly relations with Washington, but he was allowed to proceed unhindered. Barely a month later, on June 25, a 5,000lb truck bomb ripped apart the front of Khobar Towers, a US military housing complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. The explosion killed 19 American servicemen. Bin Laden was immediately suspected. Clinton is reported to have admitted how things went wrong in Sudan at a private dinner at a Manhattan restaurant shortly after September 11 last year. According to a witness, Clinton told a dinner companion that the decision to let Bin Laden go was probably "the biggest mistake of my presidency". Clinton could not be reached for comment yesterday, but a former senior White House official acknowledged that the Sudan episode had been a "screw-up".

A second offer to get Bin Laden came unofficially from Mansoor Ijaz, a Pakistani-American millionaire who was a donor to Clinton's election campaign in 1996. On July 6, 2000, he visited John Podesta, then the president's chief of staff, to say that intelligence officers from a Gulf state were offering to help to extract Bin Laden. Details of the meeting are confirmed in an exchange of e-mails between the White House and Ijaz, which have been seen by The Sunday Times.

According to Ijaz, the offer involved setting up an Islamic relief fund to aid Afghanistan in return for the Taliban handing over Bin Laden to the Gulf state. America could then extract Bin Laden from there. The Sunday Times has established that after a fierce internal row about the sincerity of the offer, the White House responded by sending Richard Clarke, Clinton's most senior counter terrorism adviser, to meet the rulers of the United Arab Emirates. They denied there was any such offer. Ijaz, however, maintained that the White House had thereby destroyed the deal, which was to have been arranged only through unofficial channels. Ijaz said that weeks later on a return trip to the Gulf he was taken on a late-night ride into the desert by his contact who told him that Clarke's front-door approach had upset a delicate internal balance and blown the deal. "Your government has missed a major opportunity," here calls being told.

Bill Clinton and Osama Bin Laden
Bill Clinton and Bin Laden – Missed Opportunities UPDATED! | Liberally Conservative
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Actually, the did exactly what they promised. They said they were going to push Obama to pass balanced budgets, and reduce the debt and that's exactly what they are doing.

The thing is, now that the TEA party is there, Obama keeps asking for tax increases he EASILY could have gotten when his party was running everything. So he's the one who is being unreasonable, not the TEA folks.

And, sorry, what "social issue" is the TEA party really pushing? That the government should actually obey the law and not fund Planned Parenthood?

Abortion, planned parenthood, yes, in particular. They did not campaign on social issues. They have not tried to balance the budget. They have not tried to reduce the debt.

What do you call the Balance Budget Amendment? Why is it that the Democrats response to the National debt equates to either "taxing the rich" or "cutting defense spending"? Seems that the Democrats are not willing to push the real issue, CUTTING overall Big Government spending, which is why Obama is not afraid to [once again] throw away tax dollars to spend it on Stimulus II. Democrats are not afraid to raise taxes, but holding liberals to the fire of accountablility and responsiblity with regard to Federal BIG Government entitlement spending, dare we say tackling the REAL big chunk of the Federal Budget through government reform? . . . . now you are asking too much from the left.
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Lol run on "Your doing ok but it could be better"

Great slogan, i love it.

You should run on the slogan, 8.6%.

Actually the full story is that the the bush recession had unemployment at 10.1% at one point, and obama has brought it down 1.5% while at the same time being prevented from passing any jobs legislation by republicans.

And again, the jobs legislation that obama did pass (sitmulus) was amazingly helpful. The graphs prove it, the stats prove it, CBO proves it.

Unemployment never made it to 10% under President George W. Bush's watch, THAT didn't happen until after Obama took office.



The results of Federal Government spending to try and stimulate jobs below:

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This is just wishful thinking.

I think the country is on the wrong track but im voting obama.

Because obama has been preventing from moving it in the direction it needs to go.

Wishful thinking? No, it is reality. More than 70% think we're on the wrong track.
Perhaps when you show me all the other Presidents who won a second term with numbers like that, I'll think Obama might have a chance.
You might find that next to the articles Obama wrote at Law Review.
Good luck! I'll wait here.

Blah, blah, blah. We've already confirmed your lack of political knowledge. Keep moving, Asshat.

Is this why you are incapable of responding to what he just asked? Has this "proof" perhaps become that illusive for you? Come on, you can do a lot better than that.
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This is just wishful thinking.

I think the country is on the wrong track but im voting obama.

Because obama has been preventing from moving it in the direction it needs to go.

Wishful thinking? No, it is reality. More than 70% think we're on the wrong track.
Perhaps when you show me all the other Presidents who won a second term with numbers like that, I'll think Obama might have a chance.
You might find that next to the articles Obama wrote at Law Review.
Good luck! I'll wait here.

Sorry, but the idea that this country is on the wrong track is an illusion perpetrated by the Republican crazies. They've been bitching about Obama since the day after the 2008 election and have done everything in their power -- from outright lying to running interference in Congress -- to keep him from doing anything, and then blaming him for hit all going wrong. It's the damn Republicans who are the freaking idiots who need to be tossed out of office. Newt doesn't stand a chance. He's got more baggage than Marley's Ghost. Thank God. Now if we could only get rid of a good chunk of those idiots Republicans in the House and Senate we'd be so much better off.

It's Obamas policies that have resulted in the increase in both the unemployment and underemployment rates since he took office. It's Obama's spending that is behind the United States losing their AAA rating for the first time in the nation's history. It's Obama looking to "party politics" that resulted in corporations like Solyndra receiving Government funding over common sense financial decision making. He promised in his campaign he can work with a party that shares a different ideological view, and use his "leadership skills" to find common ground. I guess that common ground means bashing the rich and Republicans for not simply offering him an "blank check" so this President can spend whatever he damn well pleases.

Sorry Mr. Obama, if Bush had to work with Democrats to try and fund the War in Iraq . . . you have to ALSO deal with the opposition from a Legislation branch which holds the financial budget strings. just because you are the first black President, doesn't mean Congress can start making exceptions to the rule.
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I don't know, but perhaps your outlook doesn't extend past your own nose and your thoughts are a bit pessimistic. It is highly unlikely that even as accomplished as Newt may seem as a speaker that he will 'wipe the floor' with Obama, who has been in office and most likely bled dry mentally and emotionally for four years by a people who are (by a great number) continually and consistently unappeased, discontent, short-sighted, and vastly uninformed...

I stop short at seeing anyone in politics deserving of the public slamming that our beloved freedom of speech allows, so I am no less flawed.

Oh good gawd, spare me
We lived through EIGHT years of the Bush administration seeing SLAMMING.

We sure did.... It should have us striving for better focus, however, not returning the serve. It seems to deem both parties unworthy of their individual potential.

One thing I am ignorant of is the different party agendas... The working against one another... is what I do not understand. It seems the differences each has could possibly bring the nation, as a whole, together and tighten relationships, accordingly, however... like two proverbial married individuals, the parties seem all too happy to shove one another under a bus in traffic. :dunno:
The problems the country faces can not be solved by a single election. It will take many years to attain the ultimate economic goal of low unemployment and low inflation and no party will control government long enough to institute it's ideological agenda. 70% of the time government control is split between the parties. We can not solve our problems by accomplishing nothing 70% of time and reversing the opposition's accomplishments the remainder of the time.
Lol are you serious?

Lets have a little hypothetical debate right here.

If you were Newt and i was Obama, what would you say to me?
why won't you lift the moratorium on offshore drilling ??

Id probably tell you we ended the moratorium on drilling in the gulf on Oct 12, 2010.


Offshore Moritorium results

Latest Title: Reversing President Obama's Offshore Moratorium Act
Sponsor: Rep Hastings, Doc [WA-4] (introduced 3/29/2011) Cosponsors (69)
Related Bills: H.RES.257
Latest Major Action: 5/17/2011 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 52.
House Reports: 112-69

Latest Title: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1231) to amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to require that each 5-year offshore oil and gas leasing program offer leasing in the areas with the most prospective oil and gas resources, to establish a domestic oil and natural gas production goal, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Reed, Tom [NY-29] (introduced 5/10/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Related Bills: H.R.1231
Latest Major Action: 5/11/2011 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to by recorded vote: 243 - 179 (Roll no. 311).
Latest Action: 5/11/2011 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
House Reports: 112-74

H.R. 1231: Reversing President Obama's Offshore Moratorium Act
112th Congress: 2011-2012

Status: Introduced Mar 29, 2011
Referred to Committee View Committee Assignments
Reported by Committee Apr 13, 2011
Amendments (8 proposed) View Amendments
Passed House May 12, 2011
Senate Vote ...
Signed by President ...
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Shakles gets his butt kicked by a lib, no less.

Embarassing for the far right for sure.
no he should just blame newt for living a live that is the antithesis of everything he espouses now.

Hes a morally bankrupt professional "influencer" that has no ideas of real value, but always thinks hes the most important guy in the room.

Its easy to sound smart in a room with Bachmann, Perry, and Cain. All you have to do is say the same rhetorical nonsense you said the day before and then pause for applause.

I guess he could say "Hope and Change" a few dozen times. Of course it's harder to say that when you have to defend Obama's record the last few years.

20-something months of private sector job growth is a fairly good record.

That's until you look at reports of the overwhelming Underemployment rate and the recent forclosure rates for the last 3 months, which is what the middle class American people really care about.
You should run on the slogan, 8.6%.

Actually the full story is that the the bush recession had unemployment at 10.1% at one point, and obama has brought it down 1.5% while at the same time being prevented from passing any jobs legislation by republicans.

And again, the jobs legislation that obama did pass (sitmulus) was amazingly helpful. The graphs prove it, the stats prove it, CBO proves it.

Unemployment never made it to 10% under President George W. Bush's watch, THAT didn't happen until after Obama took office.



The results of Federal Government spending to try and stimulate jobs below:


Yes im fully aware of how worse it got and the timeline of events.


Wanna know what i see from this graph? It took bush from 2002 until late 2005 to decrease the unemployment rate from 6% to 4.6%, or a decrease of 1.4%. Its taken obama 2 years to accomplish a similar drop.

So you have absolutely no argument on the unemployment rate. Obama has handled a severe recession better than bush handled his recession in 2001, and in a much harsher political climate.

Again, its like you think obama had something to do with the recession. The depth of the recession is the fault of bush. In fact, obama has by every statistical measure made the recession less severe.

And the republicans have fought it ever second.

What has the republicans jobs program ever been? Deregulation? This is one recession you cannot deregulate yourself out of. Tax cuts? Well thats simply growth at the expense budget deficits. Even if your going to use the conservatives ridiculous laffer curve, cutting taxes when theyre already this low is a bad idea.


WOW. Liberal just cited the laffer curve..
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I guess he could say "Hope and Change" a few dozen times. Of course it's harder to say that when you have to defend Obama's record the last few years.

20-something months of private sector job growth is a fairly good record.

That's until you look at reports of the overwhelming Underemployment rate and the recent forclosure rates for the last 3 months, which is what the middle class American people really care about.

And republicans have fought every attempt to clear the housing overhang.

operation twist is a horrible idea right?

Really, what the fuck? Your side demands that he help slow foreclosure rates and then bash him as a socialist every time he tries.
He's also said some things that were astoundingly ridiculous. The whole Bernake "is the most inflationary fed chief in history" thing was completely wrong. And he's been using the racist dog whistle against Obama. And on a number of occassions. That along with saying things like the Ryan plan was social engineering..and then going back on that the very next day. Mentioning that he wants to make Bolton, secretary of state..was comedy gold.

Newt is basically a lecher, both politically and personally.

Wow, so after years of defending Clinton from everything up to rape charges, now you are upset about "lechers".... really?

I smell the fear, man.

Honestly, electing Newt would be great for the howls of anguish we'd hear from the left for eight years...

Clinton's been doing the lobbyist thing, when, exactly?

And when, exactly, did he haul anyone's ass before congress for cheating on his wife? While he was doing very much the same thing?

And how many times has Clinton been married? When did he leave a wife with cancer? How about one he thought wasn't pretty enough to be a President's wife?

Here's a dime. Go buy a clue.

And when, exactly, did he haul anyone's ass before congress for cheating on his wife?

Who did that? When? I must have missed it.

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