Can you admit it’s a witch hunt yet?

Can you admit Mueller’s investigation is a witch hunt?

  • Yes it’s obvious

  • No it’s all about Russia

  • Not sure...

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But trump had sex!!!!
Like Bill Clinton?

Their hypocrisy is stifling.
At least Bill didn't use campaign funds to pay for it.
How do you know Trump did?

Oh for chrissake....
Michael Cohen's audio.
Listen to it.
When he admitted to breaking campaign finance laws by donating too much money?

YOu're really not that stupid, are you?

Mr. Cohen made the statement as he pleaded guilty Tuesday to eight criminal charges, including campaign-finance violations. He said he paid $130,000 to adult-film actress Stephanie Clifford, known professionally as Stormy Daniels, and coordinated a $150,000 payment by the publisher of the National Enquirer to former Playboy model Karen McDougal.""""

Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty, Says Trump Told Him to Pay Off Women
When he admitted to breaking campaign finance laws by donating too much money?
I have listened to the tape. Trump never "admitted" anything. Sorry that you think you "got him" but neither Mueller nor you do. There is no hope for "impeachment" and Obama was fined for campaign violations too.
Far from a witch hunt

Mueller is getting results
I recall that the witch trials of innocent women got results too...drowning, hanging, etc.

Yes, and the method for those witch trials is very much how Trump runs the GOP and the White House: Just make shit up and stupid people in MAGA hats will believe you.

Robert Mueller provided a little more than that to convict Manafort -----20 pages to be exact.
Read it and STFU:

READ: Mueller's list of evidence in Manafort trial
Far from a witch hunt

Mueller is getting results
I recall that the witch trials of innocent women got results too...drowning, hanging, etc.

Where are all the innocents in the trump “witch hunt “?

Lol. They were all chanting “lock her up “ in Hillary’s witch hunt . Seems like karma is coming around !

I bet Hillary is loving this, House of Trump's Cards falling down.
Far from a witch hunt

Mueller is getting results
I recall that the witch trials of innocent women got results too...drowning, hanging, etc.

Where are all the innocents in the trump “witch hunt “?

Lol. They were all chanting “lock her up “ in Hillary’s witch hunt . Seems like karma is coming around !

I bet Hillary is loving this, House of Trump's Cards falling down.
She warned us
Far from a witch hunt

Mueller is getting results
I recall that the witch trials of innocent women got results too...drowning, hanging, etc.

Where are all the innocents in the trump “witch hunt “?

Lol. They were all chanting “lock her up “ in Hillary’s witch hunt . Seems like karma is coming around !

I bet Hillary is loving this, House of Trump's Cards falling down.
She warned us

Yes, she did, numerous times.
I am no fan of her and didn't want to vote for her.
But I could see that it was far better for this country to have the Clintons back in the OO than have it hurling towards a constitutional crisis as it is now.
Trump is totally out of control and distracted by the Mueller investigation and the guilty pleas and trials of his OLD FRIENDS and cohorts.
He has no fucking business being in the White House. None.
They answer to Republican leadership
Funny...I think they answer to the TDS voices in their heads.
Funny....I think Trump supporters' heads are completely empty.
Even Jeff Sessions knows what Trumpanzees fucking deny, deny, deny.

They are so full of shit. The nerve to complain about witch hunts when Trump wallowed in the whole email “lock her up “ witch hunt of Hillary .

One poster in this thread had the nerve to claim “2 wrongs don’t make a right”.
They answer to Republican leadership
Funny...I think they answer to the TDS voices in their heads.
Funny....I think Trump supporters' heads are completely empty.
Even Jeff Sessions knows what Trumpanzees fucking deny, deny, deny.

They are so full of shit. The nerve to complain about witch hunts when Trump wallowed in the whole email “lock her up “ witch hunt of Hillary .

One poster in this thread had the nerve to claim “2 wrongs don’t make a right”.
Quit falling down the well

...and still no Russian connection
Just make shit up and stupid people in MAGA hats will believe you.
MAGA hat people are sticking by the President. WAKE UP CALL for libtards!
Trump's job approval rating unfazed by Paul Manafort conviction, Michael Cohen guilty plea: Polls Trump's job approval rating unfazed by Paul Manafort conviction, Michael Cohen guilty plea: Polls
%%% close to the same but Republicans losing voters

Trump also got elected in light of the class action lawsuit for defrauding Trump University subscribers to the tune of $35,000,000.
In light of blatant racist comments in his announcement to run for office.
In light of the Hollywood Access audio tape.
In light of refusing to release his tax returns.
All this poll tells me is people are just really fucking stupid and will believe what they want to believe.


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