Can you admit it’s a witch hunt yet?

Can you admit Mueller’s investigation is a witch hunt?

  • Yes it’s obvious

  • No it’s all about Russia

  • Not sure...

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Just make shit up and stupid people in MAGA hats will believe you.
MAGA hat people are sticking by the President. WAKE UP CALL for libtards!
Trump's job approval rating unfazed by Paul Manafort conviction, Michael Cohen guilty plea: Polls Trump's job approval rating unfazed by Paul Manafort conviction, Michael Cohen guilty plea: Polls
%%% close to the same but Republicans losing voters

Trump also got elected in light of the class action lawsuit for defrauding Trump University subscribers to the tune of $35,000,000.
In light of blatant racist comments in his announcement to run for office.
In light of the Hollywood Access audio tape.
In light of refusing to release his tax returns.
All this poll tells me is people are just really fucking stupid and will believe what they want to believe.

They answer to Republican leadership
Funny...I think they answer to the TDS voices in their heads.
Funny....I think Trump supporters' heads are completely empty.
Even Jeff Sessions knows what Trumpanzees fucking deny, deny, deny.

They are so full of shit. The nerve to complain about witch hunts when Trump wallowed in the whole email “lock her up “ witch hunt of Hillary .

One poster in this thread had the nerve to claim “2 wrongs don’t make a right”.
Quit falling down the well

...and still no Russian connection

Don't you worry your pretty, tiny little cranium...Mueller's report will change all that.

Why don't you go here and scroll through the 21 pages of evidence, over 500 items, he submitted that put Manafort in jail?
Go ahead, coward...I dare you: READ: Mueller's list of evidence in Manafort trial
It's going to be mind-boggling what Mueller will present when he files an indictment against Trump.

They answer to Republican leadership
Funny...I think they answer to the TDS voices in their heads.
Funny....I think Trump supporters' heads are completely empty.
Even Jeff Sessions knows what Trumpanzees fucking deny, deny, deny.

They are so full of shit. The nerve to complain about witch hunts when Trump wallowed in the whole email “lock her up “ witch hunt of Hillary .

One poster in this thread had the nerve to claim “2 wrongs don’t make a right”.
Quit falling down the well

...and still no Russian connection

Still no wrong doing with Benghazi. Didnt stop the email stuff now did it .

Your argument is “ignore all the Crimes you discover trump And buddies are doin because they aren’t Russian collusion”.
They answer to Republican leadership
Funny...I think they answer to the TDS voices in their heads.
Funny....I think Trump supporters' heads are completely empty.
Even Jeff Sessions knows what Trumpanzees fucking deny, deny, deny.

They are so full of shit. The nerve to complain about witch hunts when Trump wallowed in the whole email “lock her up “ witch hunt of Hillary .

One poster in this thread had the nerve to claim “2 wrongs don’t make a right”.
Quit falling down the well

...and still no Russian connection

Don't you worry your pretty, tiny little cranium...Mueller's report will change all that.

Why don't you go here and scroll through the 21 pages of evidence, over 500 items, he submitted that put Manafort in jail?
Go ahead, coward...I dare you: READ: Mueller's list of evidence in Manafort trial
… And still no Russian connection... as far as Trump goes
...and still no Russian connection
yepers...and that shows it is a witch hunt!

You've seen Mueller's report? You know what the bottom line is for the investigation?
You're a veritable cloud of pixelated methane on this thread.
... and still no Russian connection

You can bleat that all you want.
The person who decides that isn't you and your fellow morons.
Post proof or STFU

...and still no Russian connection
yepers...and that shows it is a witch hunt!

You've seen Mueller's report? You know what the bottom line is for the investigation?
You're a veritable cloud of pixelated methane on this thread.
... and still no Russian connection

You can bleat that all you want.
The person who decides that isn't you and your fellow morons.
...and still no Russian connection
yepers...and that shows it is a witch hunt!

You've seen Mueller's report? You know what the bottom line is for the investigation?
You're a veritable cloud of pixelated methane on this thread.
... and still no Russian connection

You can bleat that all you want.
The person who decides that isn't you and your fellow morons.

Enjoy living in the past. It's your safe space.
yepers...and that shows it is a witch hunt!

You've seen Mueller's report? You know what the bottom line is for the investigation?
You're a veritable cloud of pixelated methane on this thread.
... and still no Russian connection

You can bleat that all you want.
The person who decides that isn't you and your fellow morons.

Enjoy living in the past. It's your safe space.

Says the person that still caught up on the election results
The investigation is being conducted by Republicans
The team Mueller compiled is mostly Democrats not Republicans.

You couldn't name a single person on Mueller's team to save your life.
You're just mouthing bullshit from Alex Jones and Breitbart, parrot.
Most of the deep state do not have names...

Oh jesus, here you go moron.
Deep state, my ass.

Michael Dreeben

Dreeben, the deputy solicitor general overseeing the Department of Justice's criminal docket, is widely regarded as one of the top criminal law experts in the federal government. He is working for Mueller on the investigation part-time as he juggles the DOJ's criminal appellate cases.

Dreeben is best known for having argued more than 100 cases before the Supreme Court — a feat that fewer than 10 other attorneys have accomplished in the high court's history. Peers say his hiring reveals how seriously Mueller is taking the investigation, and how wide-ranging it ultimately could be.

"That Mueller has sought his assistance attests both to the seriousness of his effort and the depth of the intellectual bench he is building," Paul Rosenzweig, a former Homeland Security official and Whitewater investigator, wrote on the Lawfare blog.

More importantly, Michael Dreeben is careful, meticulous, non-partisan, and fair-minded. His loyalty is to the Constitution alone.

Beyond possessing an "encyclopedic" knowledge of criminal law, lawyers who have worked with Dreeben say he also has a gift for anticipating questions his arguments will likely prompt, allowing him to prepare answers accordingly.

"He answers [questions] directly. He answers them completely. And he answers them exquisitely attuned to the concerns that motivated them," Kannon Shanmugam, a partner at the law firm Williams & Connolly who worked with Dreeben at the solicitor general's office, told Law360 last year.

Andrew Weissmann
Associated Press/Pat Sullivan
Weissmann joined Mueller's team after taking a leave of absence from his current job leading the DOJ's criminal fraud unit. He formerly served as general counsel to the FBI under Mueller's leadership.

Weissman also headed up the Enron Task Force between 2002 and 2005, for which he oversaw the prosecutions of 34 people connected to the collapsed energy company, including chairman Kenneth Lay and CEO Jeffrey Skilling.

He spent 15 years as a federal prosecutor in the eastern district of New York, where he specialized in prosecuting mafia members and bosses from the Colombo, Gambino, and Genovese families.

"As a fraud and foreign bribery expert, he knows how to follow the money. Who knows what they will find, but if there is something to be found, he will find it," Emily Pierce, a former DOJ spokeswoman under the Obama administration, told Politico.

Weissman is one of several attorneys in Mueller's team that has donated to Democrats, although he does not appear to have donated in the 2016 election. He gave $2,300 to President Barack Obama's 2008 campaign, and $2,000 to the Democratic National Committee in 2006, according to CNN's review of FEC records.

Jeannie Rhee
Rhee is one of several attorneys to resign from the WilmerHale law firm to join Mueller's investigation.

She also has two years of DOJ experience, serving as deputy assistant attorney general under former Attorney General Eric Holder. She advised Holder and Obama administration officials on criminal law issues, as well as criminal procedure and executive issues, according to WilmerHale's website.

As many critics of Mueller's investigation have pointed out, Rhee represented Hillary Clinton in a 2015 lawsuit that sought access to her private emails. She also represented the Clinton Foundation in a 2015 racketeering lawsuit.

Rhee is also one of the members of Mueller's team under scrutiny for her political donations, and has doled out more than $16,000 to Democrats since 2008, CNN reported. She maxed out her donations both in 2015 and 2016 to Clinton's presidential campaign, giving a total of $5,400.

James Quarles
Quarles is another of Mueller's former WilmerHale colleagues who left the firm to join the special counsel. He is acting as the investigation's point person for communicating with the White House, and has been relaying all of Mueller's requests to the Trump team with increasing frequency, according to The Daily Beast.

Quarles is a well-respected, longtime litigator who served as an assistant special prosecutor in the Watergate investigation early in his career — experience that gives him a significant edge in the Trump-Russia probe, according to colleagues.

"There is nothing comparable to the kind of pressure and obligation that this kind of job puts on your shoulders," Richard Ben-Veniste, one of Watergate's special prosecutors, told CNN. "Having been there before gives [Quarles] the confidence to know how to do it and how to do it right."

Quarles, like other lawyers working on the probe, has also faced scrutiny for donating almost $33,000 to politicians in past years. Although most of the donations went to Democrats — including Obama and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaigns — FEC records show he has also donated small amounts to Republicans such as Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah.

Aaron Zebley
Associated Press/Jeff Chiu
Zebley is a longtime FBI staffer who spent years in the counterterrorism division as a special agent before becoming the agency's chief of staff under Mueller's former leadership.

Between FBI stints, Zebley served as assistant US attorney in the national security and terrorism unit. He then moved to the DOJ's national security division before eventually joining the WilmerHalefirm in 2014. He, like Quarles and Rhee, left his job at the firm to work on Mueller's investigation.

Zebley's early work at the FBI consisted of grueling, complicated investigations into terrorist groups like Al Qaeda — even before 9/11 propelled the organization into infamy. Yet in recent years at WilmerHale, his focus has turned to cybersecurity.

A recent profile in Wired called Zebley a "dogged FBI agent turned prosecutor turned confidant," noting that his tenacity, history of working alongside Mueller, and globetrotting, investigatory experience will be crucial assets for the Trump-Russia probe.

Greg Andres

Greg Andres.
C-SPAN screenshot
Andres joined the investigation on August 1, adding expertise in foreign bribery to Mueller's team.

Andres previously worked at the DOJ between 2010 and 2012, as a deputy assistant attorney general in the department's criminal division. One of the most prominent cases he oversaw was the prosecution of Texas financier Robert Allen Stanford, who ran an $8 billion Ponzi scheme.

He also has chops in prosecuting organized crime, having worked in the US attorney's office in Brooklyn on the criminal cases of several members of the infamous Bonanno family — one of whom was even accused of plotting Andres' murder, according to Reuters.

Most recently, Andres had worked as a white-collar-crime defense attorney for the firm Davis Polk & Wardwell.

Andres told Law360 in a 2016 interview that trial lawyers should always "be confident, straightforward, and well-prepared."

"Judges, juries, and adversaries can sense a lack of conviction and are unforgiving with respect to overstatement or misrepresentation," he added. "Emphasize the strengths of your case but acknowledge and concede the weak facts or legal precedent. Failing to cite adverse authority or hiding bad facts can be devastating."

Zainab Ahmad

Second from right is Assistant US Attorney Zainab Ahmad.
Associated Press/Elizabeth Williams
Ahmad is best known for her counterterrorism experience as an assistant US attorney in the Eastern District of New York — an office famed for its work prosecuting organized crime.

Yet Ahmad, herself, is best known for successfully prosecuting 13 terrorists since 2009 without sustaining a single loss, according to a New Yorker profile.

Ahmad's specialty in prosecuting extraterritorial terrorism cases has meant she has spent much of her time in both American and foreign prisons, interviewing convicted terrorists. One former supervisor told the magazine that Ahmad has likely spend more hours talking to "legitimate Al Qaeda members, hardened terrorist killers," than any other prosecutor in America.

In a 2015 interview with West Point's Combating Terrorism Center, Ahmad said the best way for prosecutors to win over public trust is "to do their job fairly, with an open mind, and with integrity, throughout every stage of the criminal justice process."

"As prosecutors we are taught over and over that our principal aim is to seek justice, not to achieve any particular subsidiary goal in any particular case," she said.

Aaron Zelinsky

Aaron Zelinsky.
YouTube/Maryland Carey Law
Zelinsky came to the Mueller probe in June after a three-year stint in the US attorney's office in Maryland, where he worked under none other than Rod Rosenstein, who is now the deputy attorney general with authority over the Trump-Russia investigation.

Zelinsky has clerked for Judge Thomas Griffith of the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit, a George W. Bush appointee, as well as Justice John Paul Stevens and Justice Anthony Kennedy. He also worked for the State Department under the Obama administration, where he dealt with hostage negotiations.

"He is a professional, non-partisan straight shooter, who worked for Democrats at the State Department … but has probably spent more years working for Republicans," former State Department legal adviser Harold Koh, who supervised Zelinksy, told The New Haven Independent.

"He is an outstanding and fair-minded young prosecutor who will follow the facts and law where they lead. You can count on him to conduct any investigation based on law, not politics."

Kyle Freeny
September 16, 2017 " data-e2e-name="embed-container" data-media-container="embed" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px;">
View image on Twitter

Josh Gerstein


SCOOP: Meet Trump-Russia prosecutor #17: Jumped from "Wolf of Wall Street" money laundering case to Mueller team

10:19 AM - Sep 16, 2017
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Freeny is one of the most recently discovered additions to the Mueller probe, joining the team shortly after withdrawing from the Justice Department's highest-profile money-laundering case on June 26, Politico reported.

He had been spearheading the DOJ's effort to seize profits from the film "The Wolf of Wall Street" following allegations that a co-founder of production company Red Granite Pictures, Riza Aziz, had used $64 million worth of stolen assets from the Malaysian government to finance its production. Lawyers for Red Granite Pictures said in a court filing earlier in September that they had reached a settlement with prosecutors.

As Politico reported, Freeny has drawn criticism in the past when she was one of the lawyers defending the Obama administration from a lawsuit that challenged one of Obama's executive actions on immigration. US District Court Judge Andrew Hanen had accused Freeny and her colleagues of misleading him by incorrectly indicating that none of the changes ordered by Obama had taken effect.

As a result, Hanen was prepared to order extra ethics training for many Washington-based DOJ lawyers and impose sanctions on the government and certain individual lawyers who were not specified. But Hanen eventually backed down, and accepted that the lawyers' comments he believed to be misleading were "unintentional" and that they "acted with no intent to deceive the other parties or the Court."

Another aspect about Freeny likely to draw ire from Mueller's critics are her political donations to Democrats, which consist of $250 donations to each of Obama's presidential campaigns, and $250 to Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign, according to Politico.

Andrew Goldstein
Associated Press/Mark Lennihan
Before jumping to the Mueller probe, Goldstein led the public corruption unit in the US Attorney's office in the Southern District of New York, where he worked under Preet Bharara, the federal prosecutor who was famously fired by Trump in March after refusing to resign.

During his tenure at the Southern District of New York, Goldstein helped prosecute New York Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, a Manhattan Democrat, on federal corruption charges. Goldstein also has experience in prosecuting money laundering and asset forfeiture cases, The New York Times reported.

Elizabeth Prelogar
Prelogar is a lawyer on loan to the Mueller probe from the US solicitor general's office. Prelogar is fluent in Russian, according to The National Law Journal, and was a Fulbright scholar in Russia after graduating from Emory College. Prelogar also clerked for Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan.

"Like Michael Dreeben, she is a person of superb intellect and deep integrity," former solicitor general Donald Gerrilli, who hired Prelogar in 2014, told the Law Journal. "She can be counted on to call it as she sees it.

Brandon Van Grack
Van Grack worked in the US Attorney's office for the Eastern District of Virginia, where he helped prosecute national security, espionage, and international crime cases.

"It would absolutely make sense that a small team like this would want him at their core because of how impossible it is not to get along with him," Josh Geltzer, a former colleague of Van Grack and executive director of Georgetown Law's Institute for Constitutional Advocacy, told The Daily Beast.

Adam Jed
Jed is the only lawyer on Mueller's team to have never worked as a prosecutor, according to The Daily Beast. Instead, Jed has experience as an appellate lawyer in the Justice Department's civil division.

Scott Meisler
Meisler worked mostly in the Justice Department's criminal division since 2009 as an appellate lawyer, specializing in cases that involved search warrants and seizure, as well as mail fraud, wire fraud, and money laundering.

He joined Mueller's team in June 2017, Mueller's spokesman Peter Carr told Reuters.

Rush Atkinson
Atkinson was a trial attorney for more than four years in the Securities and Financial Fraud Unit of the Justice Department's criminal division, according to his LinkedIn account.

Before that, Atkinson also worked in the DOJ's national security division. Samuel Rascoff, one of Atkinson's law professors at New York University, said in 2010 that Atkinson represented "the best of the new generation of national security lawyers."

Brian Richardson
Richardson joined Mueller's team in July 2017, shortly after clerking for Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer.

He has appeared in court alongside Weissmann, Andres, and Freeny as recently as February 2018, when the Dutch lawyer Alex van der Zwaan pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, CNN reported.

Ryan Dickey
Dickey joined Mueller's team in November 2017, after working for years as an assistant US attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia, specializing in cybercrimes and fraud, according to ABC News.

Dickey also worked in the Justice Department's Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section. Most notably, he helped prosecute the Romanian hacker Marcel Lazăr Lehel, who went by the screen name Guccifer and pleaded guilty to hacking email and social media accounts belonging to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, among other prominent figures.

Uzo Asonye
Asonye is an assistant US attorney with experience prosecuting embezzlement and bribery cases. He joined Mueller's team in May 2018 to serve as the local counsel in Manafort's trial in the Eastern District of Virginia, according to ABC News.

Asonye's LinkedIn shows that in addition to his role as assistant US attorney, he has also worked at the law firm O'Melveny and Myers in its white collar defense and corporate investigations group.
The investigation is being conducted by Republicans
The team Mueller compiled is mostly Democrats not Republicans.

You couldn't name a single person on Mueller's team to save your life.
You're just mouthing bullshit from Alex Jones and Breitbart, parrot.
Most of the deep state do not have names...

Oh jesus, here you go moron.
Deep state, my ass.

Michael Dreeben

Dreeben, the deputy solicitor general overseeing the Department of Justice's criminal docket, is widely regarded as one of the top criminal law experts in the federal government. He is working for Mueller on the investigation part-time as he juggles the DOJ's criminal appellate cases.

Dreeben is best known for having argued more than 100 cases before the Supreme Court — a feat that fewer than 10 other attorneys have accomplished in the high court's history. Peers say his hiring reveals how seriously Mueller is taking the investigation, and how wide-ranging it ultimately could be.

"That Mueller has sought his assistance attests both to the seriousness of his effort and the depth of the intellectual bench he is building," Paul Rosenzweig, a former Homeland Security official and Whitewater investigator, wrote on the Lawfare blog.

More importantly, Michael Dreeben is careful, meticulous, non-partisan, and fair-minded. His loyalty is to the Constitution alone.

Beyond possessing an "encyclopedic" knowledge of criminal law, lawyers who have worked with Dreeben say he also has a gift for anticipating questions his arguments will likely prompt, allowing him to prepare answers accordingly.

"He answers [questions] directly. He answers them completely. And he answers them exquisitely attuned to the concerns that motivated them," Kannon Shanmugam, a partner at the law firm Williams & Connolly who worked with Dreeben at the solicitor general's office, told Law360 last year.

Andrew Weissmann
Associated Press/Pat Sullivan
Weissmann joined Mueller's team after taking a leave of absence from his current job leading the DOJ's criminal fraud unit. He formerly served as general counsel to the FBI under Mueller's leadership.

Weissman also headed up the Enron Task Force between 2002 and 2005, for which he oversaw the prosecutions of 34 people connected to the collapsed energy company, including chairman Kenneth Lay and CEO Jeffrey Skilling.

He spent 15 years as a federal prosecutor in the eastern district of New York, where he specialized in prosecuting mafia members and bosses from the Colombo, Gambino, and Genovese families.

"As a fraud and foreign bribery expert, he knows how to follow the money. Who knows what they will find, but if there is something to be found, he will find it," Emily Pierce, a former DOJ spokeswoman under the Obama administration, told Politico.

Weissman is one of several attorneys in Mueller's team that has donated to Democrats, although he does not appear to have donated in the 2016 election. He gave $2,300 to President Barack Obama's 2008 campaign, and $2,000 to the Democratic National Committee in 2006, according to CNN's review of FEC records.

Jeannie Rhee
Rhee is one of several attorneys to resign from the WilmerHale law firm to join Mueller's investigation.

She also has two years of DOJ experience, serving as deputy assistant attorney general under former Attorney General Eric Holder. She advised Holder and Obama administration officials on criminal law issues, as well as criminal procedure and executive issues, according to WilmerHale's website.

As many critics of Mueller's investigation have pointed out, Rhee represented Hillary Clinton in a 2015 lawsuit that sought access to her private emails. She also represented the Clinton Foundation in a 2015 racketeering lawsuit.

Rhee is also one of the members of Mueller's team under scrutiny for her political donations, and has doled out more than $16,000 to Democrats since 2008, CNN reported. She maxed out her donations both in 2015 and 2016 to Clinton's presidential campaign, giving a total of $5,400.

James Quarles
Quarles is another of Mueller's former WilmerHale colleagues who left the firm to join the special counsel. He is acting as the investigation's point person for communicating with the White House, and has been relaying all of Mueller's requests to the Trump team with increasing frequency, according to The Daily Beast.

Quarles is a well-respected, longtime litigator who served as an assistant special prosecutor in the Watergate investigation early in his career — experience that gives him a significant edge in the Trump-Russia probe, according to colleagues.

"There is nothing comparable to the kind of pressure and obligation that this kind of job puts on your shoulders," Richard Ben-Veniste, one of Watergate's special prosecutors, told CNN. "Having been there before gives [Quarles] the confidence to know how to do it and how to do it right."

Quarles, like other lawyers working on the probe, has also faced scrutiny for donating almost $33,000 to politicians in past years. Although most of the donations went to Democrats — including Obama and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaigns — FEC records show he has also donated small amounts to Republicans such as Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah.

Aaron Zebley
Associated Press/Jeff Chiu
Zebley is a longtime FBI staffer who spent years in the counterterrorism division as a special agent before becoming the agency's chief of staff under Mueller's former leadership.

Between FBI stints, Zebley served as assistant US attorney in the national security and terrorism unit. He then moved to the DOJ's national security division before eventually joining the WilmerHalefirm in 2014. He, like Quarles and Rhee, left his job at the firm to work on Mueller's investigation.

Zebley's early work at the FBI consisted of grueling, complicated investigations into terrorist groups like Al Qaeda — even before 9/11 propelled the organization into infamy. Yet in recent years at WilmerHale, his focus has turned to cybersecurity.

A recent profile in Wired called Zebley a "dogged FBI agent turned prosecutor turned confidant," noting that his tenacity, history of working alongside Mueller, and globetrotting, investigatory experience will be crucial assets for the Trump-Russia probe.

Greg Andres

Greg Andres.
C-SPAN screenshot
Andres joined the investigation on August 1, adding expertise in foreign bribery to Mueller's team.

Andres previously worked at the DOJ between 2010 and 2012, as a deputy assistant attorney general in the department's criminal division. One of the most prominent cases he oversaw was the prosecution of Texas financier Robert Allen Stanford, who ran an $8 billion Ponzi scheme.

He also has chops in prosecuting organized crime, having worked in the US attorney's office in Brooklyn on the criminal cases of several members of the infamous Bonanno family — one of whom was even accused of plotting Andres' murder, according to Reuters.

Most recently, Andres had worked as a white-collar-crime defense attorney for the firm Davis Polk & Wardwell.

Andres told Law360 in a 2016 interview that trial lawyers should always "be confident, straightforward, and well-prepared."

"Judges, juries, and adversaries can sense a lack of conviction and are unforgiving with respect to overstatement or misrepresentation," he added. "Emphasize the strengths of your case but acknowledge and concede the weak facts or legal precedent. Failing to cite adverse authority or hiding bad facts can be devastating."

Zainab Ahmad

Second from right is Assistant US Attorney Zainab Ahmad.
Associated Press/Elizabeth Williams
Ahmad is best known for her counterterrorism experience as an assistant US attorney in the Eastern District of New York — an office famed for its work prosecuting organized crime.

Yet Ahmad, herself, is best known for successfully prosecuting 13 terrorists since 2009 without sustaining a single loss, according to a New Yorker profile.

Ahmad's specialty in prosecuting extraterritorial terrorism cases has meant she has spent much of her time in both American and foreign prisons, interviewing convicted terrorists. One former supervisor told the magazine that Ahmad has likely spend more hours talking to "legitimate Al Qaeda members, hardened terrorist killers," than any other prosecutor in America.

In a 2015 interview with West Point's Combating Terrorism Center, Ahmad said the best way for prosecutors to win over public trust is "to do their job fairly, with an open mind, and with integrity, throughout every stage of the criminal justice process."

"As prosecutors we are taught over and over that our principal aim is to seek justice, not to achieve any particular subsidiary goal in any particular case," she said.

Aaron Zelinsky

Aaron Zelinsky.
YouTube/Maryland Carey Law
Zelinsky came to the Mueller probe in June after a three-year stint in the US attorney's office in Maryland, where he worked under none other than Rod Rosenstein, who is now the deputy attorney general with authority over the Trump-Russia investigation.

Zelinsky has clerked for Judge Thomas Griffith of the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit, a George W. Bush appointee, as well as Justice John Paul Stevens and Justice Anthony Kennedy. He also worked for the State Department under the Obama administration, where he dealt with hostage negotiations.

"He is a professional, non-partisan straight shooter, who worked for Democrats at the State Department … but has probably spent more years working for Republicans," former State Department legal adviser Harold Koh, who supervised Zelinksy, told The New Haven Independent.

"He is an outstanding and fair-minded young prosecutor who will follow the facts and law where they lead. You can count on him to conduct any investigation based on law, not politics."

Kyle Freeny
September 16, 2017 " data-e2e-name="embed-container" data-media-container="embed" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px;">
View image on Twitter

Josh Gerstein


SCOOP: Meet Trump-Russia prosecutor #17: Jumped from "Wolf of Wall Street" money laundering case to Mueller team

10:19 AM - Sep 16, 2017
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Freeny is one of the most recently discovered additions to the Mueller probe, joining the team shortly after withdrawing from the Justice Department's highest-profile money-laundering case on June 26, Politico reported.

He had been spearheading the DOJ's effort to seize profits from the film "The Wolf of Wall Street" following allegations that a co-founder of production company Red Granite Pictures, Riza Aziz, had used $64 million worth of stolen assets from the Malaysian government to finance its production. Lawyers for Red Granite Pictures said in a court filing earlier in September that they had reached a settlement with prosecutors.

As Politico reported, Freeny has drawn criticism in the past when she was one of the lawyers defending the Obama administration from a lawsuit that challenged one of Obama's executive actions on immigration. US District Court Judge Andrew Hanen had accused Freeny and her colleagues of misleading him by incorrectly indicating that none of the changes ordered by Obama had taken effect.

As a result, Hanen was prepared to order extra ethics training for many Washington-based DOJ lawyers and impose sanctions on the government and certain individual lawyers who were not specified. But Hanen eventually backed down, and accepted that the lawyers' comments he believed to be misleading were "unintentional" and that they "acted with no intent to deceive the other parties or the Court."

Another aspect about Freeny likely to draw ire from Mueller's critics are her political donations to Democrats, which consist of $250 donations to each of Obama's presidential campaigns, and $250 to Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign, according to Politico.

Andrew Goldstein
Associated Press/Mark Lennihan
Before jumping to the Mueller probe, Goldstein led the public corruption unit in the US Attorney's office in the Southern District of New York, where he worked under Preet Bharara, the federal prosecutor who was famously fired by Trump in March after refusing to resign.

During his tenure at the Southern District of New York, Goldstein helped prosecute New York Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, a Manhattan Democrat, on federal corruption charges. Goldstein also has experience in prosecuting money laundering and asset forfeiture cases, The New York Times reported.

Elizabeth Prelogar
Prelogar is a lawyer on loan to the Mueller probe from the US solicitor general's office. Prelogar is fluent in Russian, according to The National Law Journal, and was a Fulbright scholar in Russia after graduating from Emory College. Prelogar also clerked for Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan.

"Like Michael Dreeben, she is a person of superb intellect and deep integrity," former solicitor general Donald Gerrilli, who hired Prelogar in 2014, told the Law Journal. "She can be counted on to call it as she sees it.

Brandon Van Grack
Van Grack worked in the US Attorney's office for the Eastern District of Virginia, where he helped prosecute national security, espionage, and international crime cases.

"It would absolutely make sense that a small team like this would want him at their core because of how impossible it is not to get along with him," Josh Geltzer, a former colleague of Van Grack and executive director of Georgetown Law's Institute for Constitutional Advocacy, told The Daily Beast.

Adam Jed
Jed is the only lawyer on Mueller's team to have never worked as a prosecutor, according to The Daily Beast. Instead, Jed has experience as an appellate lawyer in the Justice Department's civil division.

Scott Meisler
Meisler worked mostly in the Justice Department's criminal division since 2009 as an appellate lawyer, specializing in cases that involved search warrants and seizure, as well as mail fraud, wire fraud, and money laundering.

He joined Mueller's team in June 2017, Mueller's spokesman Peter Carr told Reuters.

Rush Atkinson
Atkinson was a trial attorney for more than four years in the Securities and Financial Fraud Unit of the Justice Department's criminal division, according to his LinkedIn account.

Before that, Atkinson also worked in the DOJ's national security division. Samuel Rascoff, one of Atkinson's law professors at New York University, said in 2010 that Atkinson represented "the best of the new generation of national security lawyers."

Brian Richardson
Richardson joined Mueller's team in July 2017, shortly after clerking for Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer.

He has appeared in court alongside Weissmann, Andres, and Freeny as recently as February 2018, when the Dutch lawyer Alex van der Zwaan pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, CNN reported.

Ryan Dickey
Dickey joined Mueller's team in November 2017, after working for years as an assistant US attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia, specializing in cybercrimes and fraud, according to ABC News.

Dickey also worked in the Justice Department's Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section. Most notably, he helped prosecute the Romanian hacker Marcel Lazăr Lehel, who went by the screen name Guccifer and pleaded guilty to hacking email and social media accounts belonging to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, among other prominent figures.

Uzo Asonye
Asonye is an assistant US attorney with experience prosecuting embezzlement and bribery cases. He joined Mueller's team in May 2018 to serve as the local counsel in Manafort's trial in the Eastern District of Virginia, according to ABC News.

Asonye's LinkedIn shows that in addition to his role as assistant US attorney, he has also worked at the law firm O'Melveny and Myers in its white collar defense and corporate investigations group.
...And everyone of them are cowardly crooks

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