Can you also speak a dialect beside your standard language?

Can you also speak a dialect beside your standard language?

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Born, raised, and lived most my life in the South, and can speak with an impeccable Texas drawl. But having lived in Wisconsin for the last 15 years, I can speak with a perfect Wisconsin accent too, and say words like "bubbler", "yous guys", "stop 'n go lights", "ya hey", "believe you me", "ya know?", "uff-da", and "how's by you".
You understand that there is a difference between languages and dialects, yes?
Can you also speak a dialect beside your standard language?
I can speak several.
My best one is Urban Language.

Example: Call the po-lice. Some motherf*cker stole my f*cking wallet. If you axe me, I think it was some jive ass n****r who hit me over the head when I was locking the door to my crib. I didn't see the motherf*cker because he caught me from behind.
No...I live in America so I have no need to learn other languages.
English is the language of business all over the world.

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