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Can You Be Anti-Vax While Taking Vaccines At The Same Time??

You, of course, are the Czar of USMB Misinformation

Your pals in the Mossad have tried to end my survival. They are zero for 17....

Hopefully your employer forces you to vax. If not, may you be excluded from all concerts, sporting events, movies and your favorite retailers until you wise up. You can just stay home, complain and spread your non-science agenda to anyone who’ll listen ;)
Their are a lot of people out there questioning if they should of took the first jabs .....many just rolled up thier sleeves ...

So yes
You, of course, are the Czar of USMB Misinformation

Your pals in the Mossad have tried to end my survival. They are zero for 17....
Titans coach vrable just got it....


Vrable is FULLY VAXED.....
Just like with algore's fraud, color fudge charts, yummy.....

"Asked if he was vaccinated against COVID-19 or not, Fox News host Tucker Carlson declined to answer, comparing the question of an individual's vaccination status to asking if someone has HIV. Carlson said it was a "super vulgar personal question" to ask if someone has received their COVID vaccine.

Carlson has never disclosed whether or not he's been vaccinated. A Fox News spokesperson pointed Newsweek's request for comment to previous statements made by the anchor, including one from April, in which he told the audience, "I've had a million vaccines in my life as we all have. I think vaccines are great."

So, can you be all anti-vax and push any and every anti-vax conspiracy; even tho you have been vaccinated yourself?? -- Or is it just a grift and that grift would be ruined if you publicly tell people you have been vaxed??

Well here is a newsflash -- every show host on Fox has been vaccinated...the owner of Fox himself was among the first people to be vaxxed......he jumped Trump in the "waiting to be vaccinated" line....Sure, you can have hesitation about the vaccine....in fact you can do a complete 180 and talk about how despite over 600 thousand people dying from COVID proves that COVID is no big deal because that is only a small percentage -- while also claiming that a .00000001% of people dying from a vaccine means it is the more dangerous than COVID......you would look dumb, but you can still do it....

However, the reason Fox and these other right wing pundits push anti-vax propaganda is because they also think you are dumb..and they profit from it...
Yes, you can have cancer and be anti cancer.
You can be vaccinated and be against either the vaccines or the mandates.

I know Christians who lean Conservative but are anti govt and consider all govt in any form to be an abuse of force which they believe is against God/the Bible where Romans 13 does not apply.

I had an Atheist friend who taught Free Grace and forgiveness the same as Christians believe, but did not believe in any religion with God/Jesus.

I have "prochoice" friends who believe in rights to health care and reproductive care "through govt" while arguing not to have govt decide or regulate these things.

Any combination of beliefs is possible.
Bullshit. Having been vaxed or not is a public health issue and is everyones business. Actually, asking if you have a comunicable disease is also the business of everyone who you come in contact with, but they are still not the same thing. But asking about HIV is stupid and inappropriate unless you plan to get down with them

There are lots of personal and valid reason people can't or shouldn't get vaxed.
^ No there aren’t :)

Yes there are many who regret their vaccination.
For example, ME!
The first Moderna was insignificant, but the 2nd made me sicker than I had ever been in my life, and I would never have done it if I had even suspected how bad, painful, and long lasting it was going to be, (sick for 3 weeks).
You can ask anyone anything and it's not a HIPPA violation. There is no obligation to answer that question.

What is a ventilation is your doctor giving out your information without your permission

But it is also illegal to DEMAND medical information.
All medical information is automatically private and can not be demanded by anyone without a court order or specific law, (like the Hawaii quarantine),
Your vaccine status is public information, like it or not

  1. Is It a HIPAA Violation to Ask Someone's COVID-19 ...

    Jun 15, 2021 · Asking someone about their COVID-19 vaccination status does not violate HIPAA. There would only be a HIPAA violation if covered entities—who are required to comply with its privacy standards and rules—disclose vaccination status without authorization. It’s still up to you whether you want to share your COVID-19 vaccination status or not.

No medical history is public information, and it is illegal to obtain it by coercion.
It is not illegal to ask, but it is illegal to try to coerce through denial of service.
The only exception is if you get a court order or pass legislation like Hawaii's quarantine law.
I don't see what's so vulgar about it.

I was taking a few college courses years ago and I was asked if I had an MMR vaccine and didn't get my knickers in a twist over it..

Schools are authorized by law to be able to ask and deny.
Businesses open to the public are not.
In today's world truth is what you personally believe is truth and screw what anybody else says.

My entire family has been vaccinated. Both shots. Waiting for availability of the third does. And the fourth when that's recommended.

I've been vaccinated against lots of things and the protection has worked.

But I do believe nobody should be forced to vaccinate. I especially believe liberals should not get the vaccines as that will help the world get rid of their genetic inferiority more quickly.

Exception: Long established precedent of requiring vaccinations for those enrolling in public schools. It was proven to work with many once common childhood diseases - some of which had much higher mortality rates than does Xiden's Chinese Purchase (XCP). But there is the option for anyone not wishing to be vaccinated to home school or enroll in a private school where vaccination is not required.

But to create a second-class citizenship?

Not hardly.

If we go down that two-class route where does it end: If you're second class because you're not vaccinated is it not also OK to introduce other qualifications? Maybe your skin color? Maybe your gender? Maybe your religion? Where does it end? Do we bring back black only/white only/yellow/brown only drinking fountains. Or maybe we just go back to men/women toilets? (Hey.,..wait a minute there!)?

How about voting based on class:

Had no shots? NO vote.
Had 1 shot? 1/3 vote.
Had 2 shots? 2/3 vote
Had 3 shots? ONE vote

Think we're not headed in that direction?

Seek help before it's too late.

You disagree Billy Boy?. Please elaborate. What exactly do you disagree with? Are you and Blaylock so intelectualy limited and so inarticulate that you cant actually explain your position?

CC https://www.usmessageboard.com/members/bob-blaylock.55534/

Reasons for not getting a particular vaccination could be due to thousands of different reasons, like a compromised immune system, pregnancy, religious or political beliefs, etc.
So business owners are not qualified to impose their beliefs on others, without legislation or judgement.
Of course Tucker has been vaxxed. He's not stupid!
But he makes big money playing the anti-vaxxers. They can just pretend he's one of them.

And that's assuming that most of the anti-vaxxers aren't really vaxxed themselves? Heh!
Yes there are many who regret their vaccination.
For example, ME!
The first Moderna was insignificant, but the 2nd made me sicker than I had ever been in my life, and I would never have done it if I had even suspected how bad, painful, and long lasting it was going to be, (sick for 3 weeks).

Aha - Tis Dr Rigby again I presume. I don't know about your experience. Maybe you should have called in some Horsey dewormer and hydroxychloroquine? :lol:
Reasons for not getting a particular vaccination could be due to thousands of different reasons, like a compromised immune system, pregnancy, religious or political beliefs, etc.
So business owners are not qualified to impose their beliefs on others, without legislation or judgement.
A compromized immune system is a reason for getting the vaxx.
Pregnacy? There is no evidence that it endangers n unborn child
Religion? I don't buy it. Just stay home inyour basement. Your beliefs are not a reason to endanger others
Political beliefs? Give me a fucking break !

Business owners are not imposing their beliefs. They are keeping their employees and customers safe as they have a right and obligation to do

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