Zone1 Can you be member of the "White Race" if you have literally a brown skin

I think there are similarities and differences between Gypsies and Mexican Indians. I do not think you mean that we look "Spanish like the Spaniards from Europe" but you rather mean we look Atztec or Mayan or something like that. I do not think generally they do look alike, certainly not in groups, but there are similarities and differences. I mean you could call them all "brown race" but that is also a broad category.

No you dont look like the Spaniards,you more closely resemble the native mexican indians.
That is probably the case, but it is very "ignorant" a eastern european, a middle eastern person and a "hispanic" are three very different things. A Eastern European - if not a Roma looks typically white not less then a german. Only Roma have darker complexion etc. maybe in Germany a Eastern European equals a Roma? A hispanic can be of any race, white black native american or mixed, hispanic is not even a race or latino, actually the term latino is european, latin latino means a roman person, or someone from southern europe like italy, spain, portugal, france etc. Similar as "Spanish" in America or NY means a puerto rican but a Puerto Rican is someone with more or less African DNA, but some could be fully or nearly fully spanish, some could be more SSA like 40% it varies, hispanic is therefore not a race, and in Germany Eastern European and Middle East seems to be not Caucasian but in the US both Eastern European if not Roma and Middle East is Caucasian. So different in the US then in Germany.

Example a Indian Guy Abhinav visits a Roma settlement in Romania and his driver is a Romanian/Eastern European, and then look at him and look at the Roma later. Do you see the differencen and is the Eastern European not White or less White then a German? I mean the real Eastern European not the Romas. Do you know that in Eastern European, there is the word European, do you think they are suppossed to look like saudis are pakistanis? Roma have origins in the Indian subcontinent and they conserved alot of Indian DNA, that is why they have dark complexion, dark hair and exotic features etc. They are not fully Europeans, not Eastern Europeans. So the German classification is just as dumb as the American "hispanic" classification when "hispanic" is actually from europe, or latin originally.

I know several Roma and Sinti in Germany personally - and they look Eastern European or as to what is perceived to be Eastern European in Germany. A Northern Indian not to mention a Tamil has absolutely nothing in common with his appearance in comparison with a typical German aside from a Northern Indian's whitish skin.
Even Germans (I am not talking about Germans with a migration background) can show distinctive differences in features - E.g. a Bavarian like me in comparison to my friend coming from Freesia (North-West Germany).

Due to Europe's history, wars, occupation and raids by e.g Huns, Magyars or Mongols it is understood that there is more or less no such thing as a pure Germanic German especially not in the south where most are of Celtic origin anyway.
And a Hispanic or Latino person with intermixed African heritage is not termed or considered to be a Hispanic, but a Mulatto with Hispanic ancestry.

That a Roma could show/share similar features with an Indian Sikh is understood - since it is likely that the Roma originate from the same genetic pool. However the Roma have spend a thousand years and more in Eastern Europe and therefore have intermixed with Eastern Europeans (Slaves) whilst others might have leaned more towards Endogamy, just like many Jewish people did.

A good Israeli friend of mine is of Italian-Jewish heritage - according to his proven ancestry and Family-name. He can be identified as a Jew simply due to his curly/crimpy hair - which in general a so called typical German/Central European simply doesn't have. Another good friend of mine is an Argentinian Jew - of Spanish heritage - he could pass as a typical Argentinian, but not to those who will reflect upon his nose and his inquisitive character/personal style. (The latter is something that more or less all Jewish people share) and therefore makes them identifiable to those who are learned and interested in this matter.

I still fail to get your agenda or point in this matter.

Are you trying to say - that there are no races and everyone looks alike?
Sorry mort..native mexican indians are the descendants of the Aztecs,Olmecs,Zapotec and the Mayans. Then the Spaniards showed up and mainly through bringing smallpox they almost wiped the native population out.

There's an old joke...When does a mexican become a Spaniard....when he marries your sister. I'm going to assume I've already gave you enough information to figure out the punch line.
But who knows......

Fun fact, mexicans were usually or in most of american history considered legally "white" and had all benefits of being white like marrying white people.

Although most of the Mexican American population was considered white by the Treaty, many continued to face discrimination in the form of Anti-Mexican sentiment, noted in the idea that Mexicans were "too Indian" to be citizens.

I know several Roma and Sinti in Germany personally - and they look Eastern European or as to what is perceived to be Eastern European in Germany. A Northern Indian not to mention a Tamil has absolutely nothing in common with his appearance in comparison with a typical German aside from a Northern Indian's whitish skin.
Even Germans (I am not talking about Germans with a migration background) can show distinctive differences in features - E.g. a Bavarian like me in comparison to my friend coming from Freesia (North-West Germany).

Due to Europe's history, wars, occupation and raids by e.g Huns, Magyars or Mongols it is understood that there is more or less no such thing as a pure Germanic German especially not in the south where most are of Celtic origin anyway.
And a Hispanic or Latino person with intermixed African heritage is not termed or considered to be a Hispanic, but a Mulatto with Hispanic ancestry.

That a Roma could show/share similar features with an Indian Sikh is understood - since it is likely that the Roma originate from the same genetic pool. However the Roma have spend a thousand years and more in Eastern Europe and therefore have intermixed with Eastern Europeans (Slaves) whilst others might have leaned more towards Endogamy, just like many Jewish people did.

A good Israeli friend of mine is of Italian-Jewish heritage - according to his proven ancestry and Family-name. He can be identified as a Jew simply due to his curly/crimpy hair - which in general a so called typical German/Central European simply doesn't have. Another good friend of mine is an Argentinian Jew - of Spanish heritage - he could pass as a typical Argentinian, but not to those who will reflect upon his nose and his inquisitive character/personal style. (The latter is something that more or less all Jewish people share) and therefore makes them identifiable to those who are learned and interested in this matter.

I still fail to get your agenda or point in this matter.

Are you trying to say - that there are no races and everyone looks alike?

He claims he doesnt care about his skin color yet he constantly tries to compare himself to white Europeans.
Why? I guess you and I are left to figure out the reason.
Fun fact, mexicans were usually or in most of american history considered legally "white" and had all benefits of being white like marrying white people.

Although most of the Mexican American population was considered white by the Treaty, many continued to face discrimination in the form of Anti-Mexican sentiment, noted in the idea that Mexicans were "too Indian" to be citizens. native mexican indian.
You really need to stop trying to teach me Texas and mexican history.
I know several Roma and Sinti in Germany personally - and they look Eastern European or as to what is perceived to be Eastern European in Germany. A Northern Indian not to mention a Tamil has absolutely nothing in common with his appearance in comparison with a typical German aside from a Northern Indian's whitish skin.
Even Germans (I am not talking about Germans with a migration background) can show distinctive differences in features - E.g. a Bavarian like me in comparison to my friend coming from Freesia (North-West Germany).

Due to Europe's history, wars, occupation and raids by e.g Huns, Magyars or Mongols it is understood that there is more or less no such thing as a pure Germanic German especially not in the south where most are of Celtic origin anyway.
And a Hispanic or Latino person with intermixed African heritage is not termed or considered to be a Hispanic, but a Mulatto with Hispanic ancestry.

That a Roma could show/share similar features with an Indian Sikh is understood - since it is likely that the Roma originate from the same genetic pool. However the Roma have spend a thousand years and more in Eastern Europe and therefore have intermixed with Eastern Europeans (Slaves) whilst others might have leaned more towards Endogamy, just like many Jewish people did.

A good Israeli friend of mine is of Italian-Jewish heritage - according to his proven ancestry and Family-name. He can be identified as a Jew simply due to his curly/crimpy hair - which in general a so called typical German/Central European simply doesn't have. Another good friend of mine is an Argentinian Jew - of Spanish heritage - he could pass as a typical Argentinian, but not to those who will reflect upon his nose and his inquisitive character/personal style. (The latter is something that more or less all Jewish people share) and therefore makes them identifiable to those who are learned and interested in this matter.

I still fail to get your agenda or point in this matter.

Are you trying to say - that there are no races and everyone looks alike?

Maybe because you are not from Eastern Europe, but if i showed you ie pictures of groups of hungarians, czechs, poles, etc. and contrast them to groups of romani people you would see a difference like day and night, due to intermarriage many romani have a lighter skin tone, but they do not look eastern european.


Romani Gypsy (Im from Novi Becej by birth and I know some of those people even personally)
Fun fact, mexicans were usually or in most of american history considered legally "white" and had all benefits of being white like marrying white people.

Although most of the Mexican American population was considered white by the Treaty, many continued to face discrimination in the form of Anti-Mexican sentiment, noted in the idea that Mexicans were "too Indian" to be citizens.

You seem to know little about Mexican or South-American cultural habits - there are White Hispanics, and others
Usually the White Hispanics belong to the upper and ruling class - and usually don't mix marriage wise with the "others", because they are for whatever reason very proud and fixated onto their European heritage. native mexican indian.
You really need to stop trying to teach me Texas and mexican history.

It says they faced anti-sentiment, but the law was not changed. When it was important (ie you had privileges, benefits they were white) now it doesnt matter at all, but many mexicans check white and hispanic, but those are seperate categories white is race and latino is a ethnicity, they check white for race and latino for ethnicity.
You seem to know little about Mexican or South-American cultural habits - there are White Hispanics, and others
Usually the White Hispanics belong to the upper and ruling class - and usually don't mix marriage wise with the "others", because they are for whatever reason very proud and fixated onto their European heritage.

That is a stereotype, certainly there are white mexicans who marry mexicans who are less white, just like there are white americans who marry less white americans. Americans are also stereotyped as racist and hating interracial but it is not always so.
It says they faced anti-sentiment, but the law was not changed. When it was important (ie you had privileges, benefits they were white) now it doesnt matter at all, but many mexicans check white and hispanic, but those are seperate categories white is race and latino is a ethnicity, they check white for race and latino for ethnicity.

The law also took the side of the Cherokee in the end....chew on that.
And if you knew any mexicans you'd know they're proud of their heritage and would never claim to be gringos.
Maybe because you are not from Eastern Europe, but if i showed you ie pictures of groups of hungarians, czechs, poles, etc. and contrast them to groups of romani people you would see a difference like day and night, due to intermarriage many romani have a lighter skin tone, but they do not look eastern european.


Romani Gypsy (Im from Novi Becej by birth and I know some of those people even personally)

Belief me as a Bavarian - I can quite well differentiate a typical Polish person from a typical Czech.
You can twist it around as much as you want - no one on this planet (aside maybe - just maybe a Roma) would be able to identify a Roma as being a Roma just by looking at him - and more or less no one, would categorize a Roma to be a Central European aka Caucasian. Heck even a typical Sicilian has no similarity with a Northern Italian. Even their Parle Italiano is different.
You seem to know little about Mexican or South-American cultural habits - there are White Hispanics, and others
Usually the White Hispanics belong to the upper and ruling class - and usually don't mix marriage wise with the "others", because they are for whatever reason very proud and fixated onto their European heritage.

And the native mexican indians say whites have a mud culture and aren't purebred like they are.
Of course thats just them trying to lift themselves above an obviously superior society.
Belief me as a Bavarian - I can quite well differentiate a typical Polish person from a typical Czech.
You can twist it around as much as you want - no one on this planet (aside maybe - just maybe a Roma) would be able to identify a Roma as being a Roma just by looking at him - and more or less no one, would categorize a Roma to be a Central European aka Caucasian. Heck even a typical Sicilian has no similarity with a Northern Italian. Even their Parle Italiano is different.

Caucasian or Caucasoid has a wider meaning then central european. Middle East and parts of Central and Southern Asia are also Caucasian.

That is a stereotype, certainly there are white mexicans who marry mexicans who are less white, just like there are white americans who marry less white americans. Americans are also stereotyped as racist and hating interracial but it is not always so.
No absolutely not, but harsh reality in a racial world.
Look at Indians - especially Northern Indians - you will hardly ever find a White Indian marring a lesser White Indian. Their parents rather approve a marriage with an e.g. German or Chinese than that of a lower caste Indian - and the still prevailing Hindu, Sikh and Muslim caste system in India is precisely the thing that keeps providing for White and lesser white Indians.

Have you been to India?

And regarding your other post - Caucasian AFAIK is only used in the USA, not sure about Canada - no one in Germany would designate a typical Armenian, Georgian, Kurd or Azerbaijani as a central European. Even the Iranians aka Persians who invented - used the term Aryan upon themselves - would not be seen or termed a Central European.
No absolutely not, but harsh reality in a racial world.
Look at Indians - especially Northern Indians - you will hardly ever find a White Indian marring a lesser White Indian. Their parents rather approve a marriage with an e.g. German or Chinese than that of a lower caste Indian - and the still prevailing Hindu, Sikh and Muslim caste system in India is precisely the thing that keeps providing for White and lesser white Indians.

Have you been to India?

And regarding your other post - Caucasian AFAIK is only used in the USA, not sure about Canada - no one in Germany would designate a typical Armenian, Georgian, Kurd or Azerbaijani as a central European. Even the Iranians aka Persians who invented - used the term Aryan upon themselves - would not be seen or termed a Central European.

That is generally true. Roma also marry typically other Roma, even within the same sub-group like "tinkers marry tinkers" etc. or some witches marry other witch practicers etc. but that is not always the case, but it is a thumb rule, do you say germans do not typically marry other germans? A german would typically not marry a african or middle eastern person, i know that. Especially not german women, would marry an arab or african man. So that is nothing unusual, or only mexican or indian specific.


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