Zone1 Can you be member of the "White Race" if you have literally a brown skin

An old definition of "gypsy" says they are "dark-skinned caucasian people" i guess caucasian as in white race. Do they have a "Europid appearance eventhough they have a darker skin and hair colour"?

What do Americans think?

My mum, me and my grandparents....

In the free State of Florida plenty of white people have brown skin. It’s called a tan.
I think it is clear what Im saying. Are you dumb?

There was no one else that didnt look like a Gypsy.

And no I'm far from dumb,I quit high school and still managed to retire at 46.
How about you?
What do you do for a living or have you ever had a job?
I also made flight hardware for the Aerospace industry including parts for the F-22 Raptor when it was a prototype.
Whats been the highlight of your career?
There was no one else that didnt look like a Gypsy.

And no I'm far from dumb,I quit high school and still managed to retire at 46.
How about you?
What do you do for a living or have you ever had a job?
I also made flight hardware for the Aerospace industry including parts for the F-22 Raptor when it was a prototype.
Whats been the highlight of your career?

You have to read again what I said. And "looking like a gypsy" or "looking like this or that" doesnt mean you are a gypsy or not a gypsy, that is also a very broad spectrum, and two dont need to look alike but both look somehow "gypsy" i can find you probably a dutch chancellor or president who looks somewhat like a gypsy, or could make people believe he is one, i know there were such austrian chancellors actors etc. very "unscientific" way of observing or labling things. i said that ethnic eastern europeans are not roma, and why in germany they equal a roma look with eastern european, that this is ignorant, ask any eastern european about it. You have to read it again what i said.
You have to read again what I said. And "looking like a gypsy" or "looking like this or that" doesnt mean you are a gypsy or not a gypsy, that is also a very broad spectrum, and two dont need to look alike but both look somehow "gypsy" i can find you probably a dutch chancellor or president who looks somewhat like a gypsy, or could make people believe he is one, i know there were such austrian chancellors actors etc. very "unscientific" way of observing or labling things. i said that roma ethnic eastern europeans are not roma, and why in germany they equal a roma look with eastern european, that this is ignorant, ask any eastern european about it. You have to read it again what i said.

As I've already said,you and your family resemble mexicans and could pass as one if you didnt talk.
As I've already said,you and your family resemble mexicans and could pass as one if you didnt talk.

Depends on the mexican look, that is also a broad spectrum. You can range from almost fully atztec to almost fully spanish and everything inbetween.
As I've already said,you and your family resemble mexicans and could pass as one if you didnt talk.

I might resemble one, I might resemble many things too or other things. Charles Bronson was a Lithuanian American actor who was known to resemble a Native North American Indian right? But he was a Northern European. I doubt I belong to the "hispanic" category

A) I dont have Spanish DNA
B) I dont have Native American or African DNA
C) I dont speak Spanish, nor have cultural ties to Spain etc.

Very different category but on the first sight I might pass as one, but if you had to lable me or I had to lable myself I would not check hispanic, would make no sense. Now if someone brings out a description of me he could say I look hispanic or a hispanic looking guy.
Depends on the mexican look, that is also a broad spectrum. You can range from almost fully atztec to almost fully spanish and everything inbetween.

I live in Texas so I know the different looks of mexicans.
You have the real mexican natives who are short and squat and generally pretty ugly then you have those that are the descendants of spaniards some of whom have blue eyes and lighter skin are taller and can be quite good looking.
I might resemble one, I might resemble many things too or other things. Charles Bronson was a Lithuanian American actor who was known to resemble a Native North American Indian right? But he was a Northern European. I doubt I belong to the "hispanic" category

A) I dont have Spanish DNA
B) I dont have Native American or African DNA
C) I dont speak Spanish, nor have cultural ties to Spain etc.

Very different category but on the first sight I might pass as one, but if you had to lable me or I had to lable myself I would not check hispanic, would make no sense. Now if someone brings out a description of me he could say I look hispanic or a hispanic looking guy.

I never said you were a mexican only that you could pass as one so bringing up Charles Bronson is pointless.
I live in Texas so I know the different looks of mexicans.
You have the real mexican natives who are short and squat and generally pretty ugly then you have those that are the descendants of spaniards some of whom have blue eyes and lighter skin are taller and can be quite good looking.

Spain is a country with the highest percent of brown eyes in Europe, or one of the European countries with highest percent of Brown eyes, so labling spanish as blue eyed, is also pretty romanticised and wrong. Some do of course, but very few.
I never said you were a mexican only that you could pass as one so bringing up Charles Bronson is pointless.

So basically you say I look like a native american, thats what you try to say? I dont really believe that to be correct. Maybe only because of the dark hair.
I don't really understand as to what your problem is or what you are trying to get at.

I am a German and race is not a topic in Germany, unless you might hit into some racist or wannabe Nazi.
You've just understood the problem...
You've just understood the problem...

Race is always a topic for me, just two weeks ago I was asked if i will get dark brown in summer, and that I look "mexican" maybe they do not say race, but other words like ethnicity, culture, nationality etc. but it has alot to do with characteristics like skin colour, features, eye hair colour. so if you say "foreign culture" you mean someone with another skin colour.
We know that DNA shows Morti and Alvin the NY Chipmunk are closely related .
First ever badlly obese chipmunks, possily Mexican but more likely from Vanuatu?

c.c Morti
Somehow I don't think Mort would do too well in Vanuatu...

Mother, Jewish. Father, danish. No idea is she's a religious Jew or
Besides, ethnicity and race aren't the same. Both her parents are white
Oh. She can't be Jewish then...

Spain is a country with the highest percent of brown eyes in Europe, or one of the European countries with highest percent of Brown eyes, so labling spanish as blue eyed, is also pretty romanticised and wrong. Some do of course, but very few.

Do you live in mexico?
Of course you dont. It's real easy just go watch some mexican weather girl clips or go to mexico yourself and you'll see them.
So basically you say I look like a native american, thats what you try to say? I dont really believe that to be correct. Maybe only because of the dark hair.

No I didnt say that and I dont even know how you came to that conclusion.
I did say mexican natives which are considered mexican indians but they look nothing like native Americans
Mexican native indians were short and squat and damn ugly.
You obviously have no clue what you're talking about.
No I didnt say that and I dont even know how you came to that conclusion.
I did say mexican natives which are considered mexican indians but they look nothing like native Americans
Mexican native indians were short and squat and damn ugly.
You obviously have no clue what you're talking about.

You have no clue because mexican indians are native americans, just like apache or others from northamerica, but they differ within eatch other too but they are broadly "american indians" just like native americans, they are native americans, that you dont know that is strange for a guy who built space rockets. Tribes further down like in brasil are also native americans, they differ by sub-group etc. but they are american indians all of them. So you say im a mexican indian? That is what you say? Right? And why do you say that they are "ugly"? Do you also say im "short, squat and ugly"? Or where is the similarity? Do you say i have atztec features and im short and ugly?
Do you live in mexico?
Of course you dont. It's real easy just go watch some mexican weather girl clips or go to mexico yourself and you'll see them.

I think there are similarities and differences between Gypsies and Mexican Indians. I do not think you mean that we look "Spanish like the Spaniards from Europe" but you rather mean we look Atztec or Mayan or something like that. I do not think generally they do look alike, certainly not in groups, but there are similarities and differences. I mean you could call them all "brown race" but that is also a broad category.
You have no clue because mexican indians are native americans, just like apache or others from northamerica, but they differ within eatch other too but they are broadly "american indians" just like native americans, they are native americans, that you dont know that is strange for a guy who built space rockets. Tribes further down like in brasil are also native americans, they differ by sub-group etc. but they are american indians all of them. So you say im a mexican indian? That is what you say? Right? And why do you say that they are "ugly"? Do you also say im "short, squat and ugly"? Or where is the similarity? Do you say i have atztec features and im short and ugly?

Sorry mort..native mexican indians are the descendants of the Aztecs,Olmecs,Zapotec and the Mayans. Then the Spaniards showed up and mainly through bringing smallpox they almost wiped the native population out.

There's an old joke...When does a mexican become a Spaniard....when he marries your sister. I'm going to assume I've already gave you enough information to figure out the punch line.
But who knows......

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