Can you be smarter than even “God”?

Can you be smarter than even "God"?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • No

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • God is not real, so it's N/A.

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters

God's infinite foreknowledge has predestined you to Heaven or Hell already.
We can't bring forward that god has "infinite foreknowledge" or else of course he would have spoken up and agreed with Scientific Humanism's "no slavery" belief, obviously!

He does not have "foreknowledge", just the knowledge that barbaric men had in barbaric times (slavery is cool, kill gays, women need to shut up in church, women are inferior to men and only worth half a man, etc.) So we believe god was just created by men of those days (not women, by the way.) When a particular unique god cares about us enough to provide a court-room level of evidence that he's more real than the other 5000 gods, then we will consider him being real. Until then, he's not WORTHY of our worship.

Now that you have made yourself a god, what will you do to "save" mankind?

What's the plan Stan?
Nope, not a god, just more ethical than one.
I have a hunch that you are too - let me ask you this question to find out - Votto, which is more moral, throwing Jews into a "lake of fire", or throwing them into ovens?

God's judgment is just because he has all knowledge.

Looking back at Sodom, what would you do to a town that raped any foreigners coming into their city when they are their own law in their own city?

What would you do to the Canaanites who sacrificed their children to pagan gods?

And this is just a small bit as to how evil they were. My guess is that they were far worse.

What would you do to Nazi's who participated in the Holocaust?

Two can play at this game.

I have encountered various evil in my life, and I understand it. It must be snuffed out, but how?

With rocks:

If a new husband accuses his wife of not being a virgin, and her parents can not provide hard evidence otherwise, the new bride must be taken to the doorway of her dad's house and men from the neighborhood throw rocks at her until she is dead.

But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you.

Deuteronomy 22:20​
No god worth worshipping would be ok with this policy - no god worth worshipping would let this ethical filth get into the main book about him - clearly.
We can't bring forward that god has "infinite foreknowledge" or else of course he would have spoken up and agreed with Scientific Humanism's "no slavery" belief, obviously!

He does not have "foreknowledge", just the knowledge that barbaric men had in barbaric times (slavery is cool, kill gays, women need to shut up in church, women are inferior to men and only worth half a man, etc.) So we believe god was just created by men of those days (not women, by the way.) When a particular unique god cares about us enough to provide a court-room level of evidence that he's more real than the other 5000 gods, then we will consider him being real. Until then, he's not WORTHY of our worship.

Now that you have made yourself a god, what will you do to "save" mankind?

What's the plan Stan?
Nope, not a god, just more ethical than one.
I have a hunch that you are too - let me ask you this question to find out - Votto, which is more moral, throwing Jews into a "lake of fire", or throwing them into ovens?

God's judgment is just because he has all knowledge.

Looking back at Sodom, what would you do to a town that raped any foreigners coming into their city when they are their own law in their own city?

What would you do to the Canaanites who sacrificed their children to pagan gods?

And this is just a small bit as to how evil they were. My guess is that they were far worse.

What would you do to Nazi's who participated in the Holocaust?

Two can play at this game.

I have encountered various evil in my life, and I understand it. It must be snuffed out, but how?

With rocks:

If a new husband accuses his wife of not being a virgin, and her parents can not provide hard evidence otherwise, the new bride must be taken to the doorway of her dad's house and men from the neighborhood throw rocks at her until she is dead.

But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you.

Deuteronomy 22:20​
No god worth worshipping would be ok with this policy - no god worth worshipping would let this ethical filth get into the main book about him - clearly.

Lots of people disagree.

You still fail to offer others hope. What is the hope you offer? I think you will find that this works better than trying to tear others down to make yourself look bigger.
We can't bring forward that god has "infinite foreknowledge" or else of course he would have spoken up and agreed with Scientific Humanism's "no slavery" belief, obviously!

He does not have "foreknowledge", just the knowledge that barbaric men had in barbaric times (slavery is cool, kill gays, women need to shut up in church, women are inferior to men and only worth half a man, etc.) So we believe god was just created by men of those days (not women, by the way.) When a particular unique god cares about us enough to provide a court-room level of evidence that he's more real than the other 5000 gods, then we will consider him being real. Until then, he's not WORTHY of our worship.

Now that you have made yourself a god, what will you do to "save" mankind?

What's the plan Stan?
Nope, not a god, just more ethical than one.
I have a hunch that you are too - let me ask you this question to find out - Votto, which is more moral, throwing Jews into a "lake of fire", or throwing them into ovens?

God's judgment is just because he has all knowledge.

Looking back at Sodom, what would you do to a town that raped any foreigners coming into their city when they are their own law in their own city?

What would you do to the Canaanites who sacrificed their children to pagan gods?

And this is just a small bit as to how evil they were. My guess is that they were far worse.

What would you do to Nazi's who participated in the Holocaust?

Two can play at this game.

I have encountered various evil in my life, and I understand it. It must be snuffed out, but how?

With rocks:

If a new husband accuses his wife of not being a virgin, and her parents can not provide hard evidence otherwise, the new bride must be taken to the doorway of her dad's house and men from the neighborhood throw rocks at her until she is dead.

But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you.

Deuteronomy 22:20​

Jesus would disagree. He showed favor to a woman caught in adultery who should have been stoned under Mosaic law. He said to them, He who is without sin cast the first stone, and they all left ashamed. Jesus then proceeded to deliver her from her sins because he knew she was a slave to them.
I personally have never understood why Christians, who claim to worship a man killed for preaching not to follow the "Law", insist on lugging that same law back and forth to church every Sunday.
Now that you have made yourself a god, what will you do to "save" mankind?

What's the plan Stan?
Nope, not a god, just more ethical than one.
I have a hunch that you are too - let me ask you this question to find out - Votto, which is more moral, throwing Jews into a "lake of fire", or throwing them into ovens?

God's judgment is just because he has all knowledge.

Looking back at Sodom, what would you do to a town that raped any foreigners coming into their city when they are their own law in their own city?

What would you do to the Canaanites who sacrificed their children to pagan gods?

And this is just a small bit as to how evil they were. My guess is that they were far worse.

What would you do to Nazi's who participated in the Holocaust?

Two can play at this game.

I have encountered various evil in my life, and I understand it. It must be snuffed out, but how?

With rocks:

If a new husband accuses his wife of not being a virgin, and her parents can not provide hard evidence otherwise, the new bride must be taken to the doorway of her dad's house and men from the neighborhood throw rocks at her until she is dead.

But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you.

Deuteronomy 22:20​

Jesus would disagree. He showed favor to a woman caught in adultery who should have been stoned under Mosaic law. He said to them, He who is without sin cast the first stone, and they all left ashamed. Jesus then proceeded to deliver her from her sins because he knew she was a slave to them.

It's been my experience that those in the US that claim to be 'Christians' carry a huge bag of rocks and they will not only cast the first stone they'll go back over and over to fill up the bag but will also call on their neighbors to build a stone factory to keep everything supplied with stones.

That's the old America. In the new America, we tax the stone factory out of business to pay half the population to sit at home and fornicate and buy our stones from China with which to stone fornicators.
Maybe you should stop reading the Bible literally. .......
So can we both agree that Scientific Humanism was CORRECT in believing that THIS story should also not be taken literally, ding, and is just a metaphor for, say rebirth (but is not literally true)?
a magic man is born in a "virgin birth", can walk on water, will magically return after being dead thousands of years, and magically give people who simply "believe in him" (but not others) "eternal life" up in an invisible magic place in the sky.

Can we agree that it's interesting, but like other unscientific things in the Bible, not to be taken literally, like you seem to be (smartly) advising? Can we agree to be intellectually consistent like Scientific Humanism teaches?
do you believe that the laws of nature are such that beings that know and create will eventually arise given enough time and the right conditions?
That's too broad of a question to give a great answer to, I'm afraid. Sorry.
Then you are not much of a scientific humanist if you don't know anything about science.

You only have two choices. Either you believe that beings that know and create arose through a special creative act of God or they arose through natural processes. Which is it?

If you believe that beings that know and create arose through natural processes then you must believe that occurred through the laws of nature, right?
2 Nephi 9:28
28 O that cunning plan of the evil one! O the vainness, and the frailties, and the foolishness of men! When they are learned they think they are wise, and they hearken not unto the counsel of God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their wisdom is foolishness and it profiteth them not. And they shall perish.

Romans 1:21-22
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Now that you have made yourself a god, what will you do to "save" mankind?

What's the plan Stan?
Nope, not a god, just more ethical than one.
I have a hunch that you are too - let me ask you this question to find out - Votto, which is more moral, throwing Jews into a "lake of fire", or throwing them into ovens?

God's judgment is just because he has all knowledge.

Looking back at Sodom, what would you do to a town that raped any foreigners coming into their city when they are their own law in their own city?

What would you do to the Canaanites who sacrificed their children to pagan gods?

And this is just a small bit as to how evil they were. My guess is that they were far worse.

What would you do to Nazi's who participated in the Holocaust?

Two can play at this game.

I have encountered various evil in my life, and I understand it. It must be snuffed out, but how?

With rocks:

If a new husband accuses his wife of not being a virgin, and her parents can not provide hard evidence otherwise, the new bride must be taken to the doorway of her dad's house and men from the neighborhood throw rocks at her until she is dead.

But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you.

Deuteronomy 22:20​

Jesus would disagree. He showed favor to a woman caught in adultery who should have been stoned under Mosaic law. He said to them, He who is without sin cast the first stone, and they all left ashamed. Jesus then proceeded to deliver her from her sins because he knew she was a slave to them.
I personally have never understood why Christians, who claim to worship a man killed for preaching not to follow the "Law", insist on lugging that same law back and forth to church every Sunday.

I've been disillusioned by some Christians as well. Some are just pretenders and others just screw up really, really bad. In fact, Peter, the head of the soon to be church, denied his master 3 times.

But what I can tell you is, I've known a few Christians that walked the walk and these are people I'd seen change after their conversion before my very eyes. Sure, they screwed up a few times as well but they matured and it was a beautiful thing.
When did this place turn into such a hate christian forum ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
It's not about hating Christianity; it's about recognising that Christianity does more harm, than good. There is a poster here who will happily come, and list all of the things that Christianity has "done" in order to "advance" western civilisation. Unfortunately most of those things humans would have done without Christianity. We know this, because many of those advances were also attained in the East, under non-Christian influences. Also, it must be remembered that for everything that Christianity "accomplished", it did so along side a culture of conquest, blood, terror, and death.

No one can deny that many good things have grown out of western civilisation while under the yolk of Christianity. However, it is easily arguable that those things could have been accomplished without Christianity, and with a great deal less bloodshed.
When did this place turn into such a hate christian forum ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
It's not about hating Christianity; it's about recognising that Christianity does more harm, than good. There is a poster here who will happily come, and list all of the things that Christianity has "done" in order to "advance" western civilisation. Unfortunately most of those things humans would have done without Christianity. We know this, because many of those advances were also attained in the East, under non-Christian influences. Also, it must be remembered that for everything that Christianity "accomplished", it did so along side a culture of conquest, blood, terror, and death.

No one can deny that many good things have grown out of western civilisation while under the yolk of Christianity. However, it is easily arguable that those things could have been accomplished without Christianity, and with a great deal less bloodshed.
By any objective measure Christianity has been the greatest force for good in the history of mankind. What has atheism done for mankind besides murder 200 million people in the 20th century?
Yet only a few Christian denominations follow it, mostly the Fundie ones, and even they cherry-pick from it. Example; it's okay to hate gays while eating a Shrimp Po'boy or Pulled Pork BBQ sandwich, drinking a keg of beer, voting for adulterous leaders and yelling "God damn!" whenever their team misses a field goal.

That is utter horseshit.

I've taught Sunday school in a Southern Baptist church. That is a completely false narrative you have up there, and reflects a complete ignorance of what Christianity is all about. You misinterpret it, then pass judgement on US because we don't fulfill YOUR misinterpretation.
Southern Baptists are the biggest haters there are
They are the ones who hate gays, fought against Civil Rights and demand the death penalty
And, originally, Democrats. LOL
for the last 50 years......staunch Republicans

Lying again, huh shitflinger?

You telling me Southern Baptists vote Democrat?

You are a bigger moron than you let on
When did this place turn into such a hate christian forum ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
It's not about hating Christianity; it's about recognising that Christianity does more harm, than good. There is a poster here who will happily come, and list all of the things that Christianity has "done" in order to "advance" western civilisation. Unfortunately most of those things humans would have done without Christianity. We know this, because many of those advances were also attained in the East, under non-Christian influences. Also, it must be remembered that for everything that Christianity "accomplished", it did so along side a culture of conquest, blood, terror, and death.

No one can deny that many good things have grown out of western civilisation while under the yolk of Christianity. However, it is easily arguable that those things could have been accomplished without Christianity, and with a great deal less bloodshed.
By any objective measure Christianity has been the greatest force for good in the history of mankind. What has atheism done for mankind besides murder 200 million people in the 20th century?

You have issues with cause and effect

Christians kill in the name of Christianity and to force their faith on others
People who are atheist may kill but not to force atheism

God's infinite foreknowledge has predestined you to Heaven or Hell already.
We can't bring forward that god has "infinite foreknowledge" or else of course he would have spoken up and agreed with Scientific Humanism's "no slavery" belief, obviously!

He does not have "foreknowledge", just the knowledge that barbaric men had in barbaric times (slavery is cool, kill gays, women need to shut up in church, women are inferior to men and only worth half a man, etc.) So we believe god was just created by men of those days (not women, by the way.) When a particular unique god cares about us enough to provide a court-room level of evidence that he's more real than the other 5000 gods, then we will consider him being real. Until then, he's not WORTHY of our worship.

Now that you have made yourself a god, what will you do to "save" mankind?

What's the plan Stan?
Nope, not a god, just more ethical than one.
I have a hunch that you are too - let me ask you this question to find out - Votto, which is more moral, throwing Jews into a "lake of fire", or throwing them into ovens?

God's judgment is just because he has all knowledge.

No, god is an idiot, the Bible says the sun revolves around the EARTH.

We can't bring forward that god has "infinite foreknowledge" or else of course he would have spoken up and agreed with Scientific Humanism's "no slavery" belief, obviously!

He does not have "foreknowledge", just the knowledge that barbaric men had in barbaric times (slavery is cool, kill gays, women need to shut up in church, women are inferior to men and only worth half a man, etc.) So we believe god was just created by men of those days (not women, by the way.) When a particular unique god cares about us enough to provide a court-room level of evidence that he's more real than the other 5000 gods, then we will consider him being real. Until then, he's not WORTHY of our worship.

Now that you have made yourself a god, what will you do to "save" mankind?

What's the plan Stan?
Nope, not a god, just more ethical than one.
I have a hunch that you are too - let me ask you this question to find out - Votto, which is more moral, throwing Jews into a "lake of fire", or throwing them into ovens?

God's judgment is just because he has all knowledge.

No, god is an idiot, the Bible says the sun revolves around the EARTH.


I've already asked him this question and he refuses to answer.
When did this place turn into such a hate christian forum ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
It's not about hating Christianity; it's about recognising that Christianity does more harm, than good. There is a poster here who will happily come, and list all of the things that Christianity has "done" in order to "advance" western civilisation. Unfortunately most of those things humans would have done without Christianity. We know this, because many of those advances were also attained in the East, under non-Christian influences. Also, it must be remembered that for everything that Christianity "accomplished", it did so along side a culture of conquest, blood, terror, and death.

No one can deny that many good things have grown out of western civilisation while under the yolk of Christianity. However, it is easily arguable that those things could have been accomplished without Christianity, and with a great deal less bloodshed.
By any objective measure Christianity has been the greatest force for good in the history of mankind. What has atheism done for mankind besides murder 200 million people in the 20th century?

You have issues with cause and effect

Christians kill in the name of Christianity and to force their faith on others
People who are atheist may kill but not to force atheism

The key is theocracy. Constantine hijacked the Christian faith as the emperor of Rome, even though he was not a Christian. From then on, all sorts of abuses were inflicted on people under state rule.

However, Jesus said that his kingdom is not of this world. He could not have made it any clearer that Constantine was in error.

Before this time Christianity was a rather benign religion that suffered immense persecution. Constantine probably saw the persecution and the way the religion was spreading like wild fire and simply wanted to "hop aboard" in order to promote his military and political ambitions.

Shrug, it worked.
And, originally, Democrats. LOL
You telling me Southern Baptists vote Democrat?

You are a bigger moron than you let on
Yes. More so in the past than now, but still yes.

Religious Landscape Study

U.S. religious groups and their political leanings
White evangelical Protestants also voted heavily Republican in 2012 (79% for Romney), which mirrors the leanings of many of the largest evangelical denominations. Members of the Church of the Nazarene are overwhelmingly likely to favor the GOP (63% Republican vs. 24% Democrat), as are the Southern Baptist Convention (64% vs. 26%) and the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (59% vs. 27%), among other evangelical churches. (In our survey, members of these groups can be of any race or ethnicity, while exit polls report totals for white evangelicals in particular.)
...People who are atheist may kill but not to force atheism
You know that's wrong. Stalin and Mao both sought to stamp out religion and impose an atheistic culture.

USSR anti-religious campaign (1928–1941) - Wikipedia
The USSR anti-religious campaign of 1928–1941 was a new phase of anti-religious persecution in the Soviet Union following the anti-religious campaign of 1921–1928. The campaign began in 1929, with the drafting of new legislation that severely prohibited religious activities and called for a heightened attack on religion in order to further disseminate atheism. This had been preceded in 1928 at the fifteenth party congress, where Joseph Stalin criticized the party for failure to produce more active and persuasive anti-religious propaganda. This new phase coincided with the beginning of the forced mass collectivization of agriculture and the nationalization of the few remaining private enterprises.

Many of those who had been arrested in the 1920s would continue to remain in prison throughout the 1930s and beyond.

The main target of the anti-religious campaign in the 1920s and 1930s was the Russian Orthodox Church, which had the largest number of faithful. Nearly all of its clergy, and many of its believers, were shot or sent to labour camps. Theological schools were closed, and church publications were prohibited.[1] More than 85,000 Orthodox priests were shot in 1937 alone.[2] Only a twelfth of the Russian Orthodox Church's priests were left functioning in their parishes by 1941.[3]

In the period between 1927 and 1940, the number of Orthodox Churches in the Russian Republic fell from 29,584 to less than 500.
And, originally, Democrats. LOL
You telling me Southern Baptists vote Democrat?

You are a bigger moron than you let on
Yes. More so in the past than now, but still yes.

Religious Landscape Study

U.S. religious groups and their political leanings
White evangelical Protestants also voted heavily Republican in 2012 (79% for Romney), which mirrors the leanings of many of the largest evangelical denominations. Members of the Church of the Nazarene are overwhelmingly likely to favor the GOP (63% Republican vs. 24% Democrat), as are the Southern Baptist Convention (64% vs. 26%) and the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (59% vs. 27%), among other evangelical churches. (In our survey, members of these groups can be of any race or ethnicity, while exit polls report totals for white evangelicals in particular.)
White evangelical Protestants also voted heavily Republican in 2012 (79% for Romney),

Your point?
White evangelical Protestants also voted heavily Republican in 2012 (79% for Romney),

Your point?
Two points:
1) You are wrong.
2) You are not mature enough to admit it.

You telling me Southern Baptists vote Democrat?

You are a bigger moron than you let on
Yes. More so in the past than now, but still yes.

Religious Landscape Study

U.S. religious groups and their political leanings
White evangelical Protestants also voted heavily Republican in 2012 (79% for Romney), which mirrors the leanings of many of the largest evangelical denominations. Members of the Church of the Nazarene are overwhelmingly likely to favor the GOP (63% Republican vs. 24% Democrat), as are the Southern Baptist Convention (64% vs. 26%) and the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (59% vs. 27%), among other evangelical churches. (In our survey, members of these groups can be of any race or ethnicity, while exit polls report totals for white evangelicals in particular.)

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