Can you be smarter than even “God”?

Can you be smarter than even "God"?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • No

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • God is not real, so it's N/A.

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters
That is utter horseshit.

I've taught Sunday school in a Southern Baptist church. That is a completely false narrative you have up there, and reflects a complete ignorance of what Christianity is all about. You misinterpret it, then pass judgement on US because we don't fulfill YOUR misinterpretation.
Southern Baptists are the biggest haters there are
They are the ones who hate gays, fought against Civil Rights and demand the death penalty
And, originally, Democrats. LOL
for the last 50 years......staunch Republicans

Lying again, huh shitflinger?

You telling me Southern Baptists vote Democrat?

You are a bigger moron than you let on

Most Southern Baptists are BLACK, you drooling retard. Are you saying most black people are Republicans?
When did this place turn into such a hate christian forum ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
It's not about hating Christianity; it's about recognising that Christianity does more harm, than good. There is a poster here who will happily come, and list all of the things that Christianity has "done" in order to "advance" western civilisation. Unfortunately most of those things humans would have done without Christianity. We know this, because many of those advances were also attained in the East, under non-Christian influences. Also, it must be remembered that for everything that Christianity "accomplished", it did so along side a culture of conquest, blood, terror, and death.

No one can deny that many good things have grown out of western civilisation while under the yolk of Christianity. However, it is easily arguable that those things could have been accomplished without Christianity, and with a great deal less bloodshed.
By any objective measure Christianity has been the greatest force for good in the history of mankind. What has atheism done for mankind besides murder 200 million people in the 20th century?
It sure long as we ignore the Inquisition, the jailing, and killing of any scientist during the middle ages who dared top suggest something that opposed Christian dogma, the Conquistadors, the Crusades. Other than that, Christianity has been brilliant.
When did this place turn into such a hate christian forum ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
It's not about hating Christianity; it's about recognising that Christianity does more harm, than good. There is a poster here who will happily come, and list all of the things that Christianity has "done" in order to "advance" western civilisation. Unfortunately most of those things humans would have done without Christianity. We know this, because many of those advances were also attained in the East, under non-Christian influences. Also, it must be remembered that for everything that Christianity "accomplished", it did so along side a culture of conquest, blood, terror, and death.

No one can deny that many good things have grown out of western civilisation while under the yolk of Christianity. However, it is easily arguable that those things could have been accomplished without Christianity, and with a great deal less bloodshed.
By any objective measure Christianity has been the greatest force for good in the history of mankind. What has atheism done for mankind besides murder 200 million people in the 20th century?
It sure long as we ignore the Inquisition, the jailing, and killing of any scientist during the middle ages who dared top suggest something that opposed Christian dogma, the Conquistadors, the Crusades. Other than that, Christianity has been brilliant.

Another hate filled retard weighs in.

So, Isaac Newton was "jailed?" You did say "any" did you not? The "inquisition" though deplorable, killed less in 200 years than the beloved of FDR, Josef Stalin did in a good month. The Crusades were a response to Islamic aggression and the colonization of Europe by Islam.

As is the case with most leftists, the problem isn't what you don't know, it's that what you do simply isn't so.

The leftist rewrite of history is unadulterated bullshit.
When did this place turn into such a hate christian forum ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
It's not about hating Christianity; it's about recognising that Christianity does more harm, than good. There is a poster here who will happily come, and list all of the things that Christianity has "done" in order to "advance" western civilisation. Unfortunately most of those things humans would have done without Christianity. We know this, because many of those advances were also attained in the East, under non-Christian influences. Also, it must be remembered that for everything that Christianity "accomplished", it did so along side a culture of conquest, blood, terror, and death.

No one can deny that many good things have grown out of western civilisation while under the yolk of Christianity. However, it is easily arguable that those things could have been accomplished without Christianity, and with a great deal less bloodshed.
By any objective measure Christianity has been the greatest force for good in the history of mankind. What has atheism done for mankind besides murder 200 million people in the 20th century?

You have issues with cause and effect

Christians kill in the name of Christianity and to force their faith on others
People who are atheist may kill but not to force atheism

The key is theocracy. Constantine hijacked the Christian faith as the emperor of Rome, even though he was not a Christian. From then on, all sorts of abuses were inflicted on people under state rule.

However, Jesus said that his kingdom is not of this world. He could not have made it any clearer that Constantine was in error.

Before this time Christianity was a rather benign religion that suffered immense persecution. Constantine probably saw the persecution and the way the religion was spreading like wild fire and simply wanted to "hop aboard" in order to promote his military and political ambitions.

Shrug, it worked.
I would take issue with your slight revisionism. You are correct that the 1st century Christianity was relatively benign. I would also agree that it was a persecuted religion. I would not agree that it was "spreading like wild fire". In fact, I would submit that the vast expansion of the Christos Cult didn't occur until after Constantine got involved, and demonstrated to its leaders how much easier it is to spread a theology through extermination, and military subjugation. .Once Constantin e demonstrated how much easier it was to ":Spread the Good News" through the use of "Convert, or die", well, Christianity found the way to explode its membership.
When did this place turn into such a hate christian forum ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
It's not about hating Christianity; it's about recognising that Christianity does more harm, than good. There is a poster here who will happily come, and list all of the things that Christianity has "done" in order to "advance" western civilisation. Unfortunately most of those things humans would have done without Christianity. We know this, because many of those advances were also attained in the East, under non-Christian influences. Also, it must be remembered that for everything that Christianity "accomplished", it did so along side a culture of conquest, blood, terror, and death.

No one can deny that many good things have grown out of western civilisation while under the yolk of Christianity. However, it is easily arguable that those things could have been accomplished without Christianity, and with a great deal less bloodshed.
By any objective measure Christianity has been the greatest force for good in the history of mankind. What has atheism done for mankind besides murder 200 million people in the 20th century?
It sure long as we ignore the Inquisition, the jailing, and killing of any scientist during the middle ages who dared top suggest something that opposed Christian dogma, the Conquistadors, the Crusades. Other than that, Christianity has been brilliant.

Another hate filled retard weighs in.

So, Isaac Newton was "jailed?" You did say "any" did you not? The "inquisition" though deplorable, killed less in 200 years than the beloved of FDR, Josef Stalin did in a good month. The Crusades were a response to Islamic aggression and the colonization of Europe by Islam.

As is the case with most leftists, the problem isn't what you don't know, it's that what you do simply isn't so.

The leftist rewrite of history is unadulterated bullshit.
Nope. Isaac Newton came later. I said any during the middle ages, who contradicted the Church dogma. Giordano Bruno was. Copernicus was. Galileo was. You really do need to learn your history.
When did this place turn into such a hate christian forum ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
It's not about hating Christianity; it's about recognising that Christianity does more harm, than good. There is a poster here who will happily come, and list all of the things that Christianity has "done" in order to "advance" western civilisation. Unfortunately most of those things humans would have done without Christianity. We know this, because many of those advances were also attained in the East, under non-Christian influences. Also, it must be remembered that for everything that Christianity "accomplished", it did so along side a culture of conquest, blood, terror, and death.

No one can deny that many good things have grown out of western civilisation while under the yolk of Christianity. However, it is easily arguable that those things could have been accomplished without Christianity, and with a great deal less bloodshed.
By any objective measure Christianity has been the greatest force for good in the history of mankind. What has atheism done for mankind besides murder 200 million people in the 20th century?
It sure long as we ignore the Inquisition, the jailing, and killing of any scientist during the middle ages who dared top suggest something that opposed Christian dogma, the Conquistadors, the Crusades. Other than that, Christianity has been brilliant.

Another hate filled retard weighs in.

So, Isaac Newton was "jailed?" You did say "any" did you not? The "inquisition" though deplorable, killed less in 200 years than the beloved of FDR, Josef Stalin did in a good month. The Crusades were a response to Islamic aggression and the colonization of Europe by Islam.

As is the case with most leftists, the problem isn't what you don't know, it's that what you do simply isn't so.

The leftist rewrite of history is unadulterated bullshit.
The "inquisition" though deplorable, killed less in 200 years than ...

after the christians were killing for 200 years, in fact since their beginning in the late 4th century to modern times, people like Stalin and Mao were just making up for lost time ....

the tyrants of the 20th century were active only short periods of time before the reformers were able to take control, equating modern history to the past is disingenuous at best.
When did this place turn into such a hate christian forum ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
It's not about hating Christianity; it's about recognising that Christianity does more harm, than good. There is a poster here who will happily come, and list all of the things that Christianity has "done" in order to "advance" western civilisation. Unfortunately most of those things humans would have done without Christianity. We know this, because many of those advances were also attained in the East, under non-Christian influences. Also, it must be remembered that for everything that Christianity "accomplished", it did so along side a culture of conquest, blood, terror, and death.

No one can deny that many good things have grown out of western civilisation while under the yolk of Christianity. However, it is easily arguable that those things could have been accomplished without Christianity, and with a great deal less bloodshed.
By any objective measure Christianity has been the greatest force for good in the history of mankind. What has atheism done for mankind besides murder 200 million people in the 20th century?
It sure long as we ignore the Inquisition, the jailing, and killing of any scientist during the middle ages who dared top suggest something that opposed Christian dogma, the Conquistadors, the Crusades. Other than that, Christianity has been brilliant.

Another hate filled retard weighs in.

So, Isaac Newton was "jailed?" You did say "any" did you not? The "inquisition" though deplorable, killed less in 200 years than the beloved of FDR, Josef Stalin did in a good month. The Crusades were a response to Islamic aggression and the colonization of Europe by Islam.

As is the case with most leftists, the problem isn't what you don't know, it's that what you do simply isn't so.

The leftist rewrite of history is unadulterated bullshit.
Nope. Isaac Newton came later. I said any during the middle ages, who contradicted the Church dogma. Giordano Bruno was. Copernicus was. Galileo was. You really do need to learn your history.

Yes, the Catholics indeed jailed certain scientists. But then again Charles the Great with Alcuin of York led the Carolingian Renaissance, a time of great scientific advancement. Continuing through Charlemagne, the West rediscovered the Greek and Roman sciences. This was 8 to 900 AD, Middle Ages by any account. Gerard of Cremonia was sponsored by the Vatican. William of Occam in the 14th century toward the end of the Middle Ages gave us Occam's Razor, a standard in logic to this day.

Your hatred of Christians does not alter reality.
It's not about hating Christianity; it's about recognising that Christianity does more harm, than good. There is a poster here who will happily come, and list all of the things that Christianity has "done" in order to "advance" western civilisation. Unfortunately most of those things humans would have done without Christianity. We know this, because many of those advances were also attained in the East, under non-Christian influences. Also, it must be remembered that for everything that Christianity "accomplished", it did so along side a culture of conquest, blood, terror, and death.

No one can deny that many good things have grown out of western civilisation while under the yolk of Christianity. However, it is easily arguable that those things could have been accomplished without Christianity, and with a great deal less bloodshed.
By any objective measure Christianity has been the greatest force for good in the history of mankind. What has atheism done for mankind besides murder 200 million people in the 20th century?
It sure long as we ignore the Inquisition, the jailing, and killing of any scientist during the middle ages who dared top suggest something that opposed Christian dogma, the Conquistadors, the Crusades. Other than that, Christianity has been brilliant.

Another hate filled retard weighs in.

So, Isaac Newton was "jailed?" You did say "any" did you not? The "inquisition" though deplorable, killed less in 200 years than the beloved of FDR, Josef Stalin did in a good month. The Crusades were a response to Islamic aggression and the colonization of Europe by Islam.

As is the case with most leftists, the problem isn't what you don't know, it's that what you do simply isn't so.

The leftist rewrite of history is unadulterated bullshit.
Nope. Isaac Newton came later. I said any during the middle ages, who contradicted the Church dogma. Giordano Bruno was. Copernicus was. Galileo was. You really do need to learn your history.

Yes, the Catholics indeed jailed certain scientists. But then again Charles the Great with Alcuin of York led the Carolingian Renaissance, a time of great scientific advancement. Continuing through Charlemagne, the West rediscovered the Greek and Roman sciences. This was 8 to 900 AD, Middle Ages by any account. Gerard of Cremonia was sponsored by the Vatican. William of Occam in the 14th century toward the end of the Middle Ages gave us Occam's Razor, a standard in logic to this day.

Your hatred of Christians does not alter reality.
LOL! You admit that I'm right, then accuse me of "altering reality with my hatred".

You're adorable.
after the christians were killing for 200 years, in fact since their beginning in the late 4th century to modern times, people like Stalin and Mao were just making up for lost time ....

the tyrants of the 20th century were active only short periods of time before the reformers were able to take control, equating modern history to the past is disingenuous at best.

Whether there is any scant truth to your claim or not, the question was the Inquisition, a specific event. The point is that even in 200 years the very WORST of the Christians were not even a hint of the brutality of the leftist humanists.

No one murders with such abandon as Atheists. One Pol Pot out shadows the brutality and evil of every pope in history. One Mao inflicts more suffering and death than the Roman church over 17 centuries. One Stalin shows a depth of depravity incalculable based on the Catholics.
[QUOTE="Czernobog, post: 17006102, member: 51730"

LOL! You admit that I'm right, then accuse me of "altering reality with my hatred".

You're adorable.[/QUOTE]

I "admit you're right" by proving you wrong? :dunno:

We all know of Copernicus and Galileo. Yet they do not represent the typical scholar in Europe. The attempt to craft a narrative based on outliers is disingenuous,
LOL! You admit that I'm right, then accuse me of "altering reality with my hatred".

You're adorable.

I "admit you're right" by proving you wrong? :dunno:

We all know of Copernicus and Galileo. Yet they do not represent the typical scholar in Europe. The attempt to craft a narrative based on outliers is disingenuous,
"Yes, the Catholics indeed jailed certain scientists." Which is what I said. So, yes. You admitted I was right. The jailing of those "certain scientists" (translation: scientists who contradicted the Church), happened after this supposed Renaissance of which you speak. You admit that it happened, and then pretend that it didn't.

Hell, the imprisonment, and execution of Bruno, for heresy, happened in the early 1600's, well after Charles.
Last edited:
after the christians were killing for 200 years, in fact since their beginning in the late 4th century to modern times, people like Stalin and Mao were just making up for lost time ....

the tyrants of the 20th century were active only short periods of time before the reformers were able to take control, equating modern history to the past is disingenuous at best.

Whether there is any scant truth to your claim or not, the question was the Inquisition, a specific event. The point is that even in 200 years the very WORST of the Christians were not even a hint of the brutality of the leftist humanists.

No one murders with such abandon as Atheists. One Pol Pot out shadows the brutality and evil of every pope in history. One Mao inflicts more suffering and death than the Roman church over 17 centuries. One Stalin shows a depth of depravity incalculable based on the Catholics.
The point is that even in 200 years the very WORST of the Christians were not even a hint of the brutality of the leftist humanists.


does it bring back fond memories ... when lying about the historical cause of modern history to satisfy your lack of contrition and the palpatel guilt you disguise when invoking your 4th century book.
When did this place turn into such a hate christian forum ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
It's not about hating Christianity; it's about recognising that Christianity does more harm, than good. There is a poster here who will happily come, and list all of the things that Christianity has "done" in order to "advance" western civilisation. Unfortunately most of those things humans would have done without Christianity. We know this, because many of those advances were also attained in the East, under non-Christian influences. Also, it must be remembered that for everything that Christianity "accomplished", it did so along side a culture of conquest, blood, terror, and death.

No one can deny that many good things have grown out of western civilisation while under the yolk of Christianity. However, it is easily arguable that those things could have been accomplished without Christianity, and with a great deal less bloodshed.
By any objective measure Christianity has been the greatest force for good in the history of mankind. What has atheism done for mankind besides murder 200 million people in the 20th century?

You have issues with cause and effect

Christians kill in the name of Christianity and to force their faith on others
People who are atheist may kill but not to force atheism
How many babies are killed a year done by atheists.
When did this place turn into such a hate christian forum ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
It's not about hating Christianity; it's about recognising that Christianity does more harm, than good. There is a poster here who will happily come, and list all of the things that Christianity has "done" in order to "advance" western civilisation. Unfortunately most of those things humans would have done without Christianity. We know this, because many of those advances were also attained in the East, under non-Christian influences. Also, it must be remembered that for everything that Christianity "accomplished", it did so along side a culture of conquest, blood, terror, and death.

No one can deny that many good things have grown out of western civilisation while under the yolk of Christianity. However, it is easily arguable that those things could have been accomplished without Christianity, and with a great deal less bloodshed.
By any objective measure Christianity has been the greatest force for good in the history of mankind. What has atheism done for mankind besides murder 200 million people in the 20th century?

You have issues with cause and effect

Christians kill in the name of Christianity and to force their faith on others
People who are atheist may kill but not to force atheism
How many babies are killed a year done by atheists.
Babies? None. fetuses are not babies. This is just another, more modern, example of Christian hatred, and the desire to dictate the behaviour of others, including non-Christians, based on their arrogant self-image of moral superiority. Sorry, no adherent of a religion that worships a God who commanded genocide has any business questioning anyone on the "killing of babies".
after the christians were killing for 200 years, in fact since their beginning in the late 4th century to modern times, people like Stalin and Mao were just making up for lost time ....

the tyrants of the 20th century were active only short periods of time before the reformers were able to take control, equating modern history to the past is disingenuous at best.

Whether there is any scant truth to your claim or not, the question was the Inquisition, a specific event. The point is that even in 200 years the very WORST of the Christians were not even a hint of the brutality of the leftist humanists.

No one murders with such abandon as Atheists. One Pol Pot out shadows the brutality and evil of every pope in history. One Mao inflicts more suffering and death than the Roman church over 17 centuries. One Stalin shows a depth of depravity incalculable based on the Catholics.

Hitler was a Christian
Christians slaughtered native people in North America and Australia
When did this place turn into such a hate christian forum ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
It's not about hating Christianity; it's about recognising that Christianity does more harm, than good. There is a poster here who will happily come, and list all of the things that Christianity has "done" in order to "advance" western civilisation. Unfortunately most of those things humans would have done without Christianity. We know this, because many of those advances were also attained in the East, under non-Christian influences. Also, it must be remembered that for everything that Christianity "accomplished", it did so along side a culture of conquest, blood, terror, and death.

No one can deny that many good things have grown out of western civilisation while under the yolk of Christianity. However, it is easily arguable that those things could have been accomplished without Christianity, and with a great deal less bloodshed.
By any objective measure Christianity has been the greatest force for good in the history of mankind. What has atheism done for mankind besides murder 200 million people in the 20th century?

You have issues with cause and effect

Christians kill in the name of Christianity and to force their faith on others
People who are atheist may kill but not to force atheism
How many babies are killed a year done by atheists.
When did this place turn into such a hate christian forum ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
It's not about hating Christianity; it's about recognising that Christianity does more harm, than good. There is a poster here who will happily come, and list all of the things that Christianity has "done" in order to "advance" western civilisation. Unfortunately most of those things humans would have done without Christianity. We know this, because many of those advances were also attained in the East, under non-Christian influences. Also, it must be remembered that for everything that Christianity "accomplished", it did so along side a culture of conquest, blood, terror, and death.

No one can deny that many good things have grown out of western civilisation while under the yolk of Christianity. However, it is easily arguable that those things could have been accomplished without Christianity, and with a great deal less bloodshed.
By any objective measure Christianity has been the greatest force for good in the history of mankind. What has atheism done for mankind besides murder 200 million people in the 20th century?

You have issues with cause and effect

Christians kill in the name of Christianity and to force their faith on others
People who are atheist may kill but not to force atheism
How many babies are killed a year done by atheists.
Babies? None. fetuses are not babies. This is just another, more modern, example of Christian hatred, and the desire to dictate the behaviour of others, including non-Christians, based on their arrogant self-image of moral superiority. Sorry, no adherent of a religion that worships a God who commanded genocide has any business questioning anyone on the "killing of babies".

Yes, and black people are just glorified apes and Jews are vermin and infidels are also subhuman

We get it.
after the christians were killing for 200 years, in fact since their beginning in the late 4th century to modern times, people like Stalin and Mao were just making up for lost time ....

the tyrants of the 20th century were active only short periods of time before the reformers were able to take control, equating modern history to the past is disingenuous at best.

Whether there is any scant truth to your claim or not, the question was the Inquisition, a specific event. The point is that even in 200 years the very WORST of the Christians were not even a hint of the brutality of the leftist humanists.

No one murders with such abandon as Atheists. One Pol Pot out shadows the brutality and evil of every pope in history. One Mao inflicts more suffering and death than the Roman church over 17 centuries. One Stalin shows a depth of depravity incalculable based on the Catholics.

Hitler was a Christian
Christians slaughtered native people in North America and Australia
‘It’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion,” Hitler complained to his pet architect Albert Speer. “Why did it have to be Christianity, with its meekness and flabbiness?” Islam was a Männerreligion—a “religion of men”—and hygienic too. The “soldiers of Islam” received a warrior’s heaven, “a real earthly paradise” with “houris” and “wine flowing.” This, Hitler argued, was much more suited to the “Germanic temperament” than the “Jewish filth and priestly twaddle” of Christianity.
after the christians were killing for 200 years, in fact since their beginning in the late 4th century to modern times, people like Stalin and Mao were just making up for lost time ....

the tyrants of the 20th century were active only short periods of time before the reformers were able to take control, equating modern history to the past is disingenuous at best.

Whether there is any scant truth to your claim or not, the question was the Inquisition, a specific event. The point is that even in 200 years the very WORST of the Christians were not even a hint of the brutality of the leftist humanists.

No one murders with such abandon as Atheists. One Pol Pot out shadows the brutality and evil of every pope in history. One Mao inflicts more suffering and death than the Roman church over 17 centuries. One Stalin shows a depth of depravity incalculable based on the Catholics.

Hitler was a Christian
Christians slaughtered native people in North America and Australia
‘It’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion,” Hitler complained to his pet architect Albert Speer. “Why did it have to be Christianity, with its meekness and flabbiness?” Islam was a Männerreligion—a “religion of men”—and hygienic too. The “soldiers of Islam” received a warrior’s heaven, “a real earthly paradise” with “houris” and “wine flowing.” This, Hitler argued, was much more suited to the “Germanic temperament” than the “Jewish filth and priestly twaddle” of Christianity.

"We are a people of different religions, but we are one. Which faith conquers the other is not the question; rather, the question is whether Christianity stands or falls... We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity … in fact our movement is Christian. We are filled with a desire for Catholics and Protestants to discover one another in the deep distress of our own people."

Speech in Passau 27 October 1928 Bundesarchiv Berlin-Zehlendorf; from Richard Steigmann-Gall (2003). Holy Reich: Nazi conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 60-61.
It's not about hating Christianity; it's about recognising that Christianity does more harm, than good. There is a poster here who will happily come, and list all of the things that Christianity has "done" in order to "advance" western civilisation. Unfortunately most of those things humans would have done without Christianity. We know this, because many of those advances were also attained in the East, under non-Christian influences. Also, it must be remembered that for everything that Christianity "accomplished", it did so along side a culture of conquest, blood, terror, and death.

No one can deny that many good things have grown out of western civilisation while under the yolk of Christianity. However, it is easily arguable that those things could have been accomplished without Christianity, and with a great deal less bloodshed.
By any objective measure Christianity has been the greatest force for good in the history of mankind. What has atheism done for mankind besides murder 200 million people in the 20th century?

You have issues with cause and effect

Christians kill in the name of Christianity and to force their faith on others
People who are atheist may kill but not to force atheism
How many babies are killed a year done by atheists.
Babies? None. fetuses are not babies. This is just another, more modern, example of Christian hatred, and the desire to dictate the behaviour of others, including non-Christians, based on their arrogant self-image of moral superiority. Sorry, no adherent of a religion that worships a God who commanded genocide has any business questioning anyone on the "killing of babies".

Yes, and black people are just glorified apes and Jews are vermin and infidels are also subhuman

We get it.
Wow. I didn't know you harboured such hatred for other races. See, there is a difference between dehumanizing different races of actual people, and insisting that a potential person is equivalent to an actual person. If fetuses are people, then we need to start including them on tax rolls, letting them apply for handgun pe3rmits, and give to them all of the other rights, and privileges that we give to actual people. You want to pretend that fetuses are people only so that you can dictate what women can, and cannot do with their own bodies. It's just another example of Christian arrogance, and intolerance.

Again, you worship a god who commanded genocide. Why pretend that you give a shit about "killing babies"?

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