Can You Believe What Trump Said To Macron!

Putin's goals:

Fragment Western Alliance
Break down European Union
Undermine American popularity and sphere of influence.

Trump's actions are leading to:

Fragment Western Alliance
Break down European Union
Undermine American popularity and sphere of influence.

Probably just a coincidence :rolleyes:
Liberal goals...........

Change the Demographics of the United States with a flood of illegals who vote for them.
Create more dependence on daddy government day care.
And then force their ideology down everyone's throats via immigrant voting.

Why they hate securing the border.........screwing up their plan.


Anything non-bullshit to respond to the fact that Putin and Trump seem to be joined at the hip?
That's only in your head. It's what your handlers tell you.

Whats in my head only? What of what I said is not true about Trump being on the same page with Putin?
None of it. It's all CNN talking points i.e. mindless drivel.
That's only in your head. It's what your handlers tell you.

Whats in my head only? What of what I said is not true about Trump being on the same page with Putin?
A majority of people LIKE dead muslims.

There are almost 2 billion Muslims in the world.

The only ones that want to see innocent people killed just because of their religion are insane lunatics like you.
At least 5% being radical.........which is a very low estimate of reality............Do the math.

So we've want 95% moderates dead because of 5% radicals?

And btw Amish are radical, lets kill them while we are at it too :rolleyes:
Why you edited your little Drama Queen post after I had already responded to the one liner.

Now I must revise and extend my remarks............

To the 95% remark...........put your dogs on a leash and put them into submission...........or GTF out of the way when we come for them...................
Whats in my head only? What of what I said is not true about Trump being on the same page with Putin?
A majority of people LIKE dead muslims.

There are almost 2 billion Muslims in the world.

The only ones that want to see innocent people killed just because of their religion are insane lunatics like you.
At least 5% being radical.........which is a very low estimate of reality............Do the math.

Amish are radical, lets kill them while we are at it too :rolleyes:
Why look at the troll me the last time they crucified someone on the cross........beheaded someone and put their head on a pike.........put a man in a cage and covered him in gasoline to burn him alive..........buried a woman up to her neck and stoned her to death because she was raped.............lined up men, women, children next to a ditch and shot each and everyone of them as they fell into the ditch .......covered in lime and buried with a dozier........raped little girls to death .....................................

Can you show me the Amish doing so..............I'm supposed to take the chance that one of the immigrants is one of them and allow them here............I DON'T THINK SO..............

I dunno, Kathy Griffen may have been feeling a bit Amish a few months ago.
If it is true that 95% of muslims are peaceful and only 5% are radical, then all muslim countries would be peaceful. The thought that 5% of muslims could control 95% of muslims and do so worldwide is absurd. The fact is that once muslims become in significant numbers they become violent and supportive of the violence in others.
If it is true that 95% of muslims are peaceful and only 5% are radical, then all muslim countries would be peaceful. The thought that 5% of muslims could control 95% of muslims and do so worldwide is absurd. The fact is that once muslims become in significant numbers they become violent and supportive of the violence in others.
It was a very low estimate.............for a math equation........even at that number it is a significant threat.
The European Union makes countries give away their sovereignty and autonomy
EU was originally a Globalist project to make it easy to manipulate 28 countries by just controlling Brussels.

BTW, look at European main "leaders" Macron, May, Merkel, Jean-Claude Juncker: not only they all are Soros' or Rothschild's puppets but they also DO NOT have children. They DON'T GIVE A SH*T about what happens with EU in just a few decades.

The European Union always was a CIA project, as Brexiteers discover

Euro-federalists financed by US spy chiefs

It served its purpose at the time I suppose.
In regards to fighting Muslim extremist...........I don't group all of France into the group of Macron.........regarding immigration policy.......

They have been fighting the Radicals in Africa.........To that I give Credit where it is due.............

It is not a blanket statement against the French.

Lets start....

I actually live in the EU and travel extensively through work.

Muslims in EU are usually due to colonisation in the past. That is why you have Indians and Pakistians in UK, Algerian in France, Turk s in Germany.....

In the UK the Muslims are getting more westernised every generation especially the women... I work with a lot of Muslim Women, a lot of them drink and have a good time just like everyone else...

Immigration is down 90% as the wars are ending in ME. Fair few are returning home, here is a tip, a Syrian usually likes living in Syria...

UK is having buyers remorse about Brexit but can't seem to figure how to get the toothpaste back in the tube...

Germany is still pro immigration and there crime rates are down from previous low numbers... Merkle's problems is around an unstable coalition she is trying to manage...

France has an immigration problem and it has next to nothing to do with EU but France... France have had a policy of ghettoising there immigration populations and the second and third generation are resenting not being considered fully French... This is a horrendous policy which was and is criticised rightly by any sane person. But there people are descendants of Algeria.

Italy has a problem and it is recent... They took in 600,000 refugees in the last few years and unlike Germany don't have the economy to have them working but the EU are sitting down and sharing that load with Italy so no country gets over burdened....

Sorry but a lot of the issues you are looking at have been hyped but mainstream Europe is happy enough...
Liberal goals...........

Change the Demographics of the United States with a flood of illegals who vote for them.
Create more dependence on daddy government day care.
And then force their ideology down everyone's throats via immigrant voting.

Why they hate securing the border.........screwing up their plan.


Anything non-bullshit to respond to the fact that Putin and Trump seem to be joined at the hip?
-------------------------------------- USA and Russia should get together when and where it is advantageous to the USA Anton .

Foreign subversion of American elections IS NOT ADVANTAGEOUS to us.
EU breakdown IS NOT ADVANTAGEOUS to us
Alienating our western allies IS NOT ADVANTAGEOUS to us.
Getting too cozy with Russia, a country that is run by a corrupt quasi-authoritarian oligarchy with vastly divergent values from our is NOT ADVANTAGEOUS to us.
----------------------------------------------------------- WHO is US ---, And if President Trump thinks that getting together with the Russians is good then its ok with me . I generally don't like 'europeOns' for the last 20 - 30 years or so . I consider them to be SOFTIES and they aren't even 'western europeOns' anymore with their immigration of a foreign and alien culture . Trump is in charge , we elected him to be in charge so he decides Antontoo .

In other words whatever Trump does is good is by you.

There is a name for people with this mindset - a TOOL.

It seems there are a lot of those on this site.

Anything non-bullshit to respond to the fact that Putin and Trump seem to be joined at the hip?
-------------------------------------- USA and Russia should get together when and where it is advantageous to the USA Anton .

Foreign subversion of American elections IS NOT ADVANTAGEOUS to us.
EU breakdown IS NOT ADVANTAGEOUS to us
Alienating our western allies IS NOT ADVANTAGEOUS to us.
Getting too cozy with Russia, a country that is run by a corrupt quasi-authoritarian oligarchy with vastly divergent values from our is NOT ADVANTAGEOUS to us.
----------------------------------------------------------- WHO is US ---, And if President Trump thinks that getting together with the Russians is good then its ok with me . I generally don't like 'europeOns' for the last 20 - 30 years or so . I consider them to be SOFTIES and they aren't even 'western europeOns' anymore with their immigration of a foreign and alien culture . Trump is in charge , we elected him to be in charge so he decides Antontoo .

In other words whatever Trump does is good is by you.

There is a name for people with this mindset - a TOOL.

It seems there are a lot of those on this site.
----------------------------------------- and YOU , the 'mother' of a 'kitty' , you shouldn't be taken seriously Kittymom .
Lets start....

I actually live in the EU and travel extensively through work.

Muslims in EU are usually due to colonisation in the past. That is why you have Indians and Pakistians in UK, Algerian in France, Turk s in Germany.....

In the UK the Muslims are getting more westernised every generation especially the women... I work with a lot of Muslim Women, a lot of them drink and have a good time just like everyone else...

Immigration is down 90% as the wars are ending in ME. Fair few are returning home, here is a tip, a Syrian usually likes living in Syria...

UK is having buyers remorse about Brexit but can't seem to figure how to get the toothpaste back in the tube...

Germany is still pro immigration and there crime rates are down from previous low numbers... Merkle's problems is around an unstable coalition she is trying to manage...

France has an immigration problem and it has next to nothing to do with EU but France... France have had a policy of ghettoising there immigration populations and the second and third generation are resenting not being considered fully French... This is a horrendous policy which was and is criticised rightly by any sane person. But there people are descendants of Algeria.

Italy has a problem and it is recent... They took in 600,000 refugees in the last few years and unlike Germany don't have the economy to have them working but the EU are sitting down and sharing that load with Italy so no country gets over burdened....

Sorry but a lot of the issues you are looking at have been hyped but mainstream Europe is happy enough...
------------------------------ i was correct , i've said for a long time that you are a 'euro' of some type CTed . I mean , just the name is a dead giveaway . Anyway , its nice that you like the imported Alien culture that you will have to share society and power with . How is yer muslim 'mayor' of 'londonistan' doing CowboyTed ?? [chuckle]
Lets start....

I actually live in the EU and travel extensively through work.

Muslims in EU are usually due to colonisation in the past. That is why you have Indians and Pakistians in UK, Algerian in France, Turk s in Germany.....

In the UK the Muslims are getting more westernised every generation especially the women... I work with a lot of Muslim Women, a lot of them drink and have a good time just like everyone else...

Immigration is down 90% as the wars are ending in ME. Fair few are returning home, here is a tip, a Syrian usually likes living in Syria...

UK is having buyers remorse about Brexit but can't seem to figure how to get the toothpaste back in the tube...

Germany is still pro immigration and there crime rates are down from previous low numbers... Merkle's problems is around an unstable coalition she is trying to manage...

France has an immigration problem and it has next to nothing to do with EU but France... France have had a policy of ghettoising there immigration populations and the second and third generation are resenting not being considered fully French... This is a horrendous policy which was and is criticised rightly by any sane person. But there people are descendants of Algeria.

Italy has a problem and it is recent... They took in 600,000 refugees in the last few years and unlike Germany don't have the economy to have them working but the EU are sitting down and sharing that load with Italy so no country gets over burdened....

Sorry but a lot of the issues you are looking at have been hyped but mainstream Europe is happy enough...
------------------------------ i was correct , i've said for a long time that you are a 'euro' of some type CTed . I mean , just the name is a dead giveaway . Anyway , its nice that you like the imported Alien culture that you will have to share society and power with . How is yer muslim 'mayor' of 'londonistan' doing CowboyT ?? [chuckle]
Wow! I always thought Brokeback was American!
In regards to fighting Muslim extremist...........I don't group all of France into the group of Macron.........regarding immigration policy.......

They have been fighting the Radicals in Africa.........To that I give Credit where it is due.............

It is not a blanket statement against the French.

Mulsims..the gift that keep on giving. This is good practice for when the troops will be needed in Paristan and Toulouseabad and Strasbourgrabia.

"What is the choice? Interbreeding. The goal is racial interbreeding. And volunteerism will not do it"

For you liberal slower types "rape" is the only option besides "voluntary interbreeding" that I can think of.

Last edited:
The last time you saw Paris? Rest assured you will never see that Paris again.
french muslim.png

President Trump's suggestion to French President Emmanuel Macron that he should lead France out of the European Union is emblematic of why President Trump isn't responsible enough to lead America. The European Union is an alliance that brings dramatic positive economic benefit to hundreds of millions of people living in European Union Countries; one example of this is that if you didn't have the European Union you wouldn't have the euro the European Union common currency each of the countries using the euro would have to resort to their own national currency which in many cases would result in the country's currency being of dramatic less value than the euro meaning the buying power for people of that country would be much less and so their standard of living would be much less! Anyone with common sense knows that if France left the European Union it would create a domino effect of countries leaving the EU thus resulting in the European Union collapsing. A U.S. President advocating for this result is acting reprehensible beyond words!

Such behavior by President Trump is a red flag that he is not responsible enough to lead the U.S. to solve America's trade problem. There is no skill set that one can acquire from books like the "Art Of The Deal" to bring about the ending of the outrageous trade deficit with China it cannot reliably be done with the President's current tool box. America needs Congressional legislation signed into law that not only widens the President's powers giving him more than thread bare authority based on a stretch for national security concerns but expansive power on imposing tariffs and quotas to solve this problem and not a discretionary duty to solve trade imbalance problems but a mandatory duty, American workers and their families deserve nothing less!
Trump is right, there should be no EU - its an absolute disaster

Now is beyond time for France, Germany and other major European countries to align themselves more with Russia and the US -- that is the only way you will truly have world peace -- stop trying to marginalize Russia
Whats in my head only? What of what I said is not true about Trump being on the same page with Putin?
A majority of people LIKE dead muslims.

There are almost 2 billion Muslims in the world.

The only ones that want to see innocent people killed just because of their religion are insane lunatics like you.
At least 5% being radical.........which is a very low estimate of reality............Do the math.

So we've want 95% moderates dead because of 5% radicals?

And btw Amish are radical, lets kill them while we are at it too :rolleyes:

If we're going to start that, how about we just start with the radical lefties?

Why are you so hellbent on priving me right about you rightwing retards?

This is either a crazy statement or a retard joke.
President Trump's suggestion to French President Emmanuel Macron that he should lead France out of the European Union is emblematic of why President Trump isn't responsible enough to lead America. The European Union is an alliance that brings dramatic positive economic benefit to hundreds of millions of people living in European Union Countries; one example of this is that if you didn't have the European Union you wouldn't have the euro the European Union common currency each of the countries using the euro would have to resort to their own national currency which in many cases would result in the country's currency being of dramatic less value than the euro meaning the buying power for people of that country would be much less and so their standard of living would be much less! Anyone with common sense knows that if France left the European Union it would create a domino effect of countries leaving the EU thus resulting in the European Union collapsing. A U.S. President advocating for this result is acting reprehensible beyond words!

Such behavior by President Trump is a red flag that he is not responsible enough to lead the U.S. to solve America's trade problem. There is no skill set that one can acquire from books like the "Art Of The Deal" to bring about the ending of the outrageous trade deficit with China it cannot reliably be done with the President's current tool box. America needs Congressional legislation signed into law that not only widens the President's powers giving him more than thread bare authority based on a stretch for national security concerns but expansive power on imposing tariffs and quotas to solve this problem and not a discretionary duty to solve trade imbalance problems but a mandatory duty, American workers and their families deserve nothing less!
Trump is right, there should be no EU - its an absolute disaster

Now is beyond time for France, Germany and other major European countries to align themselves more with Russia and the US -- that is the only way you will truly have world peace -- stop trying to marginalize Russia

:rolleyes: you have got to be trolling for mother Russia.
Whats in my head only? What of what I said is not true about Trump being on the same page with Putin?
A majority of people LIKE dead muslims.

There are almost 2 billion Muslims in the world.

The only ones that want to see innocent people killed just because of their religion are insane lunatics like you.
At least 5% being radical.........which is a very low estimate of reality............Do the math.

Amish are radical, lets kill them while we are at it too :rolleyes:
Why look at the troll me the last time they crucified someone on the cross........beheaded someone and put their head on a pike.........put a man in a cage and covered him in gasoline to burn him alive..........buried a woman up to her neck and stoned her to death because she was raped.............lined up men, women, children next to a ditch and shot each and everyone of them as they fell into the ditch .......covered in lime and buried with a dozier........raped little girls to death .....................................

Can you show me the Amish doing so..............I'm supposed to take the chance that one of the immigrants is one of them and allow them here............I DON'T THINK SO..............

What % of 2 Billion Muslims did any of the things you mention?

I’m just saying even amongst extremists, we are talking about VIOLENT extrimists.
President Trump's suggestion to French President Emmanuel Macron that he should lead France out of the European Union is emblematic of why President Trump isn't responsible enough to lead America. The European Union is an alliance that brings dramatic positive economic benefit to hundreds of millions of people living in European Union Countries; one example of this is that if you didn't have the European Union you wouldn't have the euro the European Union common currency each of the countries using the euro would have to resort to their own national currency which in many cases would result in the country's currency being of dramatic less value than the euro meaning the buying power for people of that country would be much less and so their standard of living would be much less! Anyone with common sense knows that if France left the European Union it would create a domino effect of countries leaving the EU thus resulting in the European Union collapsing. A U.S. President advocating for this result is acting reprehensible beyond words!

Such behavior by President Trump is a red flag that he is not responsible enough to lead the U.S. to solve America's trade problem. There is no skill set that one can acquire from books like the "Art Of The Deal" to bring about the ending of the outrageous trade deficit with China it cannot reliably be done with the President's current tool box. America needs Congressional legislation signed into law that not only widens the President's powers giving him more than thread bare authority based on a stretch for national security concerns but expansive power on imposing tariffs and quotas to solve this problem and not a discretionary duty to solve trade imbalance problems but a mandatory duty, American workers and their families deserve nothing less!
Trump is right, there should be no EU - its an absolute disaster

Now is beyond time for France, Germany and other major European countries to align themselves more with Russia and the US -- that is the only way you will truly have world peace -- stop trying to marginalize Russia

:rolleyes: you have got to be trolling for mother Russia.
There will be no world peace without Russia and China being involved -- this is a global economy -- if major world powers are at war with each other, that hurts the economy -- wars are most beneficial to the economy when they are waged against inferior countries like Yemen or Syria

The US just needs to re-structure who gets larger pieces of the pie when it comes to resources -- and that means Russia and China should get their fair share

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