Can You Believe What Trump Said To Macron!

Every European leader who wants to save his country should quit EU as soon as possible.

‘NGO ships will only see Italy on postcards’: Italy's Salvini vows to keep ports closed all summer
There will be a NEW EU and Russia will be a member. Ain't NOBODY big eough to take on the Islamic flooding of Europe BUT Russia.
Russia has several million Muslims living in Russia and controls more in their satellite states. So does China.
------------------------------------- controlling the muslims is good and i don't know about Russia but China does a pretty good job of controlling its quighers [sp] or 'muslims from what i hear Moonglow ,
Every European leader who wants to save his country should quit EU as soon as possible.

‘NGO ships will only see Italy on postcards’: Italy's Salvini vows to keep ports closed all summer
There will be a NEW EU and Russia will be a member. Ain't NOBODY big eough to take on the Islamic flooding of Europe BUT Russia.
Russia has several million Muslims living in Russia and controls more in their satellite states. So does China.
------------------------------------- controlling the muslims is good and i don't know about Russia but China does a pretty good job of controlling its quighers [sp] or 'muslims from what i hear Moonglow ,
The Ughyars and Chinese have been fighting since the sixteenth century.
Every European leader who wants to save his country should quit EU as soon as possible.

‘NGO ships will only see Italy on postcards’: Italy's Salvini vows to keep ports closed all summer
There will be a NEW EU and Russia will be a member. Ain't NOBODY big eough to take on the Islamic flooding of Europe BUT Russia.
Russia has several million Muslims living in Russia and controls more in their satellite states. So does China.
------------------------------------- controlling the muslims is good and i don't know about Russia but China does a pretty good job of controlling its quighers [sp] or 'muslims from what i hear Moonglow ,
The Ughyars and Chinese have been fighting since the sixteenth century.
------------------------------- thanks for the info , so the 'chinese' know what they are dealing with . If they are smart the 'chinese' oughta put an end to their problem in the 'chinese' way eh Moonglow .
Every European leader who wants to save his country should quit EU as soon as possible.

‘NGO ships will only see Italy on postcards’: Italy's Salvini vows to keep ports closed all summer
There will be a NEW EU and Russia will be a member. Ain't NOBODY big eough to take on the Islamic flooding of Europe BUT Russia.
Russia has several million Muslims living in Russia and controls more in their satellite states. So does China.
------------------------------------- controlling the muslims is good and i don't know about Russia but China does a pretty good job of controlling its quighers [sp] or 'muslims from what i hear Moonglow ,
The Ughyars and Chinese have been fighting since the sixteenth century.
------------------------------- thanks for the info , so the 'chinese' know what they are dealing with . If they are smart the 'chinese' oughta put an end to their problem in the 'chinese' way eh Moonglow .
After five hundred years you would think the Chinese way would have already been done, but we are dealing with a religion...
There will be a NEW EU and Russia will be a member. Ain't NOBODY big eough to take on the Islamic flooding of Europe BUT Russia.
Russia has several million Muslims living in Russia and controls more in their satellite states. So does China.
------------------------------------- controlling the muslims is good and i don't know about Russia but China does a pretty good job of controlling its quighers [sp] or 'muslims from what i hear Moonglow ,
The Ughyars and Chinese have been fighting since the sixteenth century.
------------------------------- thanks for the info , so the 'chinese' know what they are dealing with . If they are smart the 'chinese' oughta put an end to their problem in the 'chinese' way eh Moonglow .
After five hundred years you would think the Chinese way would have already been done, but we are dealing with a religion...
-------------------------------------------- 'chinese' will probably overcome eventually . What do the 'chinese' care if its a supposed religion .
Highway in Calais, France.
Building 12ft. tall fences along highways, complete with razor wire, to keep migrants from attacking/hijacking cars and trucks.


Its a good idea. All the European countries should get out of the EU.

It hasn't worked for shit.
The idea of an European Union sounded great on paper.

Then the big government bureaucrats with their oppressive and liberty robbing regulations and the crazy Left Wingers and their stupid ideas on equality and global warming and all that bullshit turned it into a mess.
I agree with Trump. Regain your Nations. Don't be bound by a foreign court. Don't take orders from Brussels. Determine your own Destiny. And give the Globalist a quick kick in the ass.
Victor Orban, President of Hungary :” In recent years Soros’ NGOs encompassed all determinant levels of decision making process. They act like activists of Agitation & Propaganda Department of the late Communist party. Soros’ soldiers want to determine for us what we should do. For so long the things were so simple: a human being was a man or a woman. A mother, a father, Hungarian, German or Russian, Christian or Muslim. Now they want to drag us into a world where these natural and clear concepts are definitely missing. That world has no sure boundaries. It’s not clear who’s a man or a woman, what a family is, what it means to be Hungarian and Christian. They qualify families as unnecessary, nations as outdated.

My dear friends, let’s speak clearly! Migration is not the goal but an instrument for a Soros plan. “

I have a lot of respect for Mr. Orban, a true leader of his country, protecting and serving the interests of HIS people, not corrupt Elites!
Last edited:
This is Germany...........Merkle is under fire.........


They have created the Chaos by design...............To enrage a continent........
i say that its to REPLACE or to DIMINISH the Owners or the People of a Continent .
Putin's goals:

Fragment Western Alliance
Break down European Union
Undermine American popularity and sphere of influence.

Trump's rhetoric and actions are:

Alienating our closest allies
Trashing NATO
Advocates break down of European Union
Undermines American popularity and sphere of influence.

Probably just a coincidence :rolleyes:
Putin's goals:

Fragment Western Alliance
Break down European Union
Undermine American popularity and sphere of influence.

Trump's actions are leading to:

Fragment Western Alliance
Break down European Union
Undermine American popularity and sphere of influence.

Probably just a coincidence :rolleyes:
Liberal goals...........

Change the Demographics of the United States with a flood of illegals who vote for them.
Create more dependence on daddy government day care.
And then force their ideology down everyone's throats via immigrant voting.

Why they hate securing the border.........screwing up their plan.
Putin's goals:

Fragment Western Alliance
Break down European Union
Undermine American popularity and sphere of influence.

Trump's actions are leading to:

Fragment Western Alliance
Break down European Union
Undermine American popularity and sphere of influence.

Probably just a coincidence :rolleyes:
Liberal goals...........

Change the Demographics of the United States with a flood of illegals who vote for them.
Create more dependence on daddy government day care.
And then force their ideology down everyone's throats via immigrant voting.

Why they hate securing the border.........screwing up their plan.


Anything non-bullshit to respond to the fact that Putin and Trump seem to be joined at the hip?
President Trump's suggestion to French President Emmanuel Macron that he should lead France out of the European Union is emblematic of why President Trump isn't responsible enough to lead America. The European Union is an alliance that brings dramatic positive economic benefit to hundreds of millions of people living in European Union Countries; one example of this is that if you didn't have the European Union you wouldn't have the euro the European Union common currency each of the countries using the euro would have to resort to their own national currency which in many cases would result in the country's currency being of dramatic less value than the euro meaning the buying power for people of that country would be much less and so their standard of living would be much less! Anyone with common sense knows that if France left the European Union it would create a domino effect of countries leaving the EU thus resulting in the European Union collapsing. A U.S. President advocating for this result is acting reprehensible beyond words!

Such behavior by President Trump is a red flag that he is not responsible enough to lead the U.S. to solve America's trade problem. There is no skill set that one can acquire from books like the "Art Of The Deal" to bring about the ending of the outrageous trade deficit with China it cannot reliably be done with the President's current tool box. America needs Congressional legislation signed into law that not only widens the President's powers giving him more than thread bare authority based on a stretch for national security concerns but expansive power on imposing tariffs and quotas to solve this problem and not a discretionary duty to solve trade imbalance problems but a mandatory duty, American workers and their families deserve nothing less!
The entire purpose of the EU was or is too destroy the economic power of the USA by forming a more powerful economic union. This would work, except that these very countries are losing their identities, which is what trump alluded too.
President Trump's suggestion to French President Emmanuel Macron that he should lead France out of the European Union is emblematic of why President Trump isn't responsible enough to lead America. The European Union is an alliance that brings dramatic positive economic benefit to hundreds of millions of people living in European Union Countries; one example of this is that if you didn't have the European Union you wouldn't have the euro the European Union common currency each of the countries using the euro would have to resort to their own national currency which in many cases would result in the country's currency being of dramatic less value than the euro meaning the buying power for people of that country would be much less and so their standard of living would be much less! Anyone with common sense knows that if France left the European Union it would create a domino effect of countries leaving the EU thus resulting in the European Union collapsing. A U.S. President advocating for this result is acting reprehensible beyond words!

Such behavior by President Trump is a red flag that he is not responsible enough to lead the U.S. to solve America's trade problem. There is no skill set that one can acquire from books like the "Art Of The Deal" to bring about the ending of the outrageous trade deficit with China it cannot reliably be done with the President's current tool box. America needs Congressional legislation signed into law that not only widens the President's powers giving him more than thread bare authority based on a stretch for national security concerns but expansive power on imposing tariffs and quotas to solve this problem and not a discretionary duty to solve trade imbalance problems but a mandatory duty, American workers and their families deserve nothing less!
The EU is a cesspool of piss and shit
Russia has several million Muslims living in Russia and controls more in their satellite states. So does China.
------------------------------------- controlling the muslims is good and i don't know about Russia but China does a pretty good job of controlling its quighers [sp] or 'muslims from what i hear Moonglow ,
The Ughyars and Chinese have been fighting since the sixteenth century.
------------------------------- thanks for the info , so the 'chinese' know what they are dealing with . If they are smart the 'chinese' oughta put an end to their problem in the 'chinese' way eh Moonglow .
After five hundred years you would think the Chinese way would have already been done, but we are dealing with a religion...
-------------------------------------------- 'chinese' will probably overcome eventually . What do the 'chinese' care if its a supposed religion .
Religion is not against the law in China, but trying to preach to other Chinese for conversion and it will get you killed.
Putin's goals:

Fragment Western Alliance
Break down European Union
Undermine American popularity and sphere of influence.

Trump's actions are leading to:

Fragment Western Alliance
Break down European Union
Undermine American popularity and sphere of influence.

Probably just a coincidence :rolleyes:
Liberal goals...........

Change the Demographics of the United States with a flood of illegals who vote for them.
Create more dependence on daddy government day care.
And then force their ideology down everyone's throats via immigrant voting.

Why they hate securing the border.........screwing up their plan.


Anything non-bullshit to respond to the fact that Putin and Trump seem to be joined at the hip?
That is a matter of opinion.............Your side pushed the envelope too far and now you don't like it when the other side steps up and says enough.

The demographics of this nation are changing..........and it is by design.........

Now back to your regular scheduled BS.
Putin's goals:

Fragment Western Alliance
Break down European Union
Undermine American popularity and sphere of influence.

Trump's rhetoric and actions are:

Alienating our closest allies
Trashing NATO
Advocates break down of European Union
Undermines American popularity and sphere of influence.

Probably just a coincidence :rolleyes:
------------------------------------ GOOD , Its called working together . Where you from , with a name like AntonToo , i figure that YOU are a foreinger AntonToo .

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