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Can you block economic recovery and still call yourself "Patriotic"?

funny how libbs can not give us a plan to create jobs!!:razz::razz:

Liberals have given several plans. I have to admit it's difficult fighting both the recession and the Republicans.

Maybe if Obama came out for tax cuts for the wealthy, Republicans would insist on raising their taxes?

Plan A: Spend More Money

Plan B: Spend More Money
What this country needs isn't more tax cuts or more corporate subsidies. It needs jobs.
Cut taxe rates(especially the corporate tax) and jobs will be created when people are willing to spend again
We know there is a "skills" gap. This has been referenced many times in several threads.
And what has caused this? The useless education sytem championed by dems?
We know Republicans are slashing education in state after state.
Proof? Even in New Jersey after modest cuts most schools get $9000.00 per pupil
We know Republicans, even before he was sworn in, have said they want this president to fail.
Proof? Only Rush said this from what I remember.
We had a bridge fall down into a river during rush hour and we know that unless we fix our bridges, it won't be the last.
Maybe if the politicians, from both parties stopped using money meant for fixing the roads it wouldn't have happened.
We know our electrical grid is old and failing.
True but Obama and the dems haven't ever mentioned this.
We know our roads have potholes.
Again, both parties are at fault
We know corporations are sitting on piles of cash.
Most corporations are small companies and don't have any extra money. And with Obama strangleing these with regulation after regulation it is making it impossible to grow.
We know millions of Americans are out of work.
Shame Obama doesn't really care about them. Hell he isn't going to bring up a "plan" until after his vacation.
We know Democrats have presented a vision of how to get out of this mess.
No we don't as they have never put any plan on the table. Just talk.
We know Republicans have said government can't do anything.
They said the government can not create jobs. What it can do is get the hell out of the way instead of making it harder on businesses.
Republicans have said they will block anything this president tries to do.
No they didn't. They will block things that will make things worse though. And thank God. Obama has done enough damage.
Even if they keep Obama from being re-elected, they still say government can't do anything.

How will Republicans get Americans to vote for them? They will vote against Obama just like Obama won because people were voting against Bush So far, we've heard Obama doesn't love this country and corporations are people. If you follow the Republicans plan of ending Medicare, ending Social Security, defunding the Federal Government, removing regulations, taxs for the wealthy, subsidies for companies, slash education and so on.
Mostly lies and opinion hereWhat's left? What are they going to run one? Clearly everyone sees that just cutting the deficit does nothing without revenue coming in from either a tax increase or taxes from new jobs being created.
How can we see such when it has never been done?
The only strategy can't possibly be, "I hope he fails". Because the next question is, "Then what?"
More lies and opinion
Too bad USMB Republicans can't just answer the question instead of crying, "We don't want to end Medicare". Even telling them, "A voucher program is not Medicare". Or we don't want to end Social Security. Look at what is happening in the stock market. Thank God only some of my 401 is there. And to deny those other things? Why bother? It's what the fight is all about. You might as well deny the Moon.

A voucher program is far better than the alternative.
And isn'r SS suposed to be our money? Why can't I take that money and use it how I want?
The dems are still in power so the stock market is on them if you want to play that game.
They never have and never will put country over party.

Was this message approved by move on? They bought and paid for democrats and said so.

I also dont recall any democrat refute it either.

Which party has the super delegates worm?
What this country needs isn't more tax cuts or more corporate subsidies. It needs jobs.

We know there is a "skills" gap. This has been referenced many times in several threads.

We know Republicans are slashing education in state after state.

We know Republicans, even before he was sworn in, have said they want this president to fail.

We had a bridge fall down into a river during rush hour and we know that unless we fix our bridges, it won't be the last.

We know our electrical grid is old and failing.

We know our roads have potholes.

We know corporations are sitting on piles of cash.

We know millions of Americans are out of work.

We know Democrats have presented a vision of how to get out of this mess.

We know Republicans have said government can't do anything.

Republicans have said they will block anything this president tries to do.

Even if they keep Obama from being re-elected, they still say government can't do anything.

How will Republicans get Americans to vote for them? So far, we've heard Obama doesn't love this country and corporations are people. If you follow the Republicans plan of ending Medicare, ending Social Security, defunding the Federal Government, removing regulations, taxs for the wealthy, subsidies for companies, slash education and so on.

What's left? What are they going to run one? Clearly everyone sees that just cutting the deficit does nothing without revenue coming in from either a tax increase or taxes from new jobs being created.

The only strategy can't possibly be, "I hope he fails". Because the next question is, "Then what?"

Too bad USMB Republicans can't just answer the question instead of crying, "We don't want to end Medicare". Even telling them, "A voucher program is not Medicare". Or we don't want to end Social Security. Look at what is happening in the stock market. Thank God only some of my 401 is there. And to deny those other things? Why bother? It's what the fight is all about. You might as well deny the Moon.

Well, I for one hope he fails but I've got some news for you, this is gonna suck. We have reached the end of the line and we can't play hid the debt anymore. Time to pay the fiddler. We're going to have to make some cuts and go through the depression we so rightfully deserve.


National Debt was a bigger share of the GDP after WW2.

You are correct however after WWII people came home they had money that they had earned while at war and the ability to go to school. The manufacturing sector was hot as well with all of the production it was a matter of retooling factories. What is happening now? Where do you expect the growth to come from? After WWII we were set up to grow. What is going to expand now? We've already got too many houses and they are all overvalued, demand for jobs has gone overseas because our standard of living out paces the developing world by as much as 30-40:1.

There are times that you can go into debt and it doesn't necessarily mean that you can't pull out of it but the problem now is that most of the things that would pull us out of a tailspin are in no position to make a pull. We can't look to expansion, we can't look to production, the world is getting easier to access and the demand for labor/production in the country is just not there.

What industry do you see saving us? The auto industry? The tech industry? We have one industry that could save us and it could do it in a hurry. The traditional energy sector, that's right O&G... but it won't happen. We're going to try to use corn,sun and some pixie dust to make it. Wake me when that is over because E-85 is an inefficient fuel that is just shooting up the price for corn around the world. Solar power is only efficient for certain purposes and well actually pixie dust might have a better shot than the first too.

We're screwed man.

What this country needs isn't more tax cuts or more corporate subsidies. It needs jobs.

We know there is a "skills" gap. This has been referenced many times in several threads.

We know Republicans are slashing education in state after state.

We know Republicans, even before he was sworn in, have said they want this president to fail.

We had a bridge fall down into a river during rush hour and we know that unless we fix our bridges, it won't be the last.

We know our electrical grid is old and failing.

We know our roads have potholes.

We know corporations are sitting on piles of cash.

We know millions of Americans are out of work.

We know Democrats have presented a vision of how to get out of this mess.

We know Republicans have said government can't do anything.

Republicans have said they will block anything this president tries to do.

Even if they keep Obama from being re-elected, they still say government can't do anything.

How will Republicans get Americans to vote for them? So far, we've heard Obama doesn't love this country and corporations are people. If you follow the Republicans plan of ending Medicare, ending Social Security, defunding the Federal Government, removing regulations, taxs for the wealthy, subsidies for companies, slash education and so on.

What's left? What are they going to run one? Clearly everyone sees that just cutting the deficit does nothing without revenue coming in from either a tax increase or taxes from new jobs being created.

The only strategy can't possibly be, "I hope he fails". Because the next question is, "Then what?"

Too bad USMB Republicans can't just answer the question instead of crying, "We don't want to end Medicare". Even telling them, "A voucher program is not Medicare". Or we don't want to end Social Security. Look at what is happening in the stock market. Thank God only some of my 401 is there. And to deny those other things? Why bother? It's what the fight is all about. You might as well deny the Moon.

You want answers? Fine...

"What this country needs isn't more tax cuts or more corporate subsidies. It needs jobs."

Well, duh! And what creates jobs? Raising taxes and cutting corporate subsidies? You progressives seem to think so. It's part of "your" strategy of trying to blame the Private Sector for the economy languishing. What this country NEEDS is to cut the corporate tax rate and stop passing or threatening to pass legislation like Cap & Trade that prompt businesses to build factories overseas. I'm sorry but you're not going to get significant job creation in the US until corporations once again see us as business friendly...something that this Administration SO doesn't do.

Here's a news flash for you...

When President Obama comes back next week with his "long awaited" jobs plan, it's going to contain a request for another huge stimulus for "infrastructure". He's going to tell us THAT is what will bring the country out of this recession and put people back to work. The only problem with that concept is that infrastructure jobs aren't something that can be done quickly. As we learned with his last debacle with "shovel ready" jobs, they take a long time to materialize. If Rdean will recall in the last Obama stimulus those shovel ready infrastructure projects were taking much longer than we were led to believe. Because no jobs were being created...Obama's people panicked and told them to spend the allotted money on whatever could be done FAST. So instead of fixing bridges and schools the bulk of that money was spent repaving roads. Now they want to do the same thing all over again? There is an old saying that one definition of insanity is someone repeating the same actions over and over again and expecting a different outcome.

"We know Democrats have presented a vision of how to get out of this mess. We know Republicans have said government can't do anything."

I'm sorry, Rdean but I think I missed the Democratic "vision" of how we're going to get of the mess. I did catch the whole stimulus thing that they "said" would do that. I watched as they wasted a trillion dollars on that while unemployment went up and the economy continued to languish. Now President Obama is about to ask for another stimulus to do the same things that failed last time. Is THAT your vision? Pardon my bluntness but that isn't a "vision"...that is a "mirage". What Republicans have said is that government isn't the answer to this problem. After two and a half years of government failure it's time for government to back off and let the Private Sector do what it is good at...creating jobs and driving the economy.

"How will Republicans get Americans to vote for them? So far, we've heard Obama doesn't love this country and corporations are people. If you follow the Republicans plan of ending Medicare, ending Social Security, defunding the Federal Government, removing regulations, taxs for the wealthy, subsidies for companies, slash education and so on."

It's a pretty simple concept actually. The Republicans will get Americans to vote for them if they do one very simple thing...propose fiscal sanity. Stop runaway spending. Reform entitlements before they go insolvent. Get rid of burdensome regulations and reform the tax code to make it understandable and equitable.

The Democrats will attempt to get Americans to vote for them by trying to scare them or appeal to their greed. They will (as you continually do) accuse Republicans of trying to "end" Medicare and Social Security to scare all the old folks. They will have the total support of the public sector union folks that know only too well that their Cadillac benefit plans are going to disappear if Democrats lose. Those union folks will be out en mass like they were in Wisconsin trying to maintain the status quo even though it's quite obvious that the status quo isn't sustainable.

"What's left? What are they going to run one? Clearly everyone sees that just cutting the deficit does nothing without revenue coming in from either a tax increase or taxes from new jobs being created."

You're not going to get additional revenue coming in unless you stimulate the economy and raising taxes is not going to do that. I know for some unknown reason you STILL think tax increases are the answer here but even Christina Romer, who's a dyed in the wool Keynesian came out last Sunday and said she didn't recommend raising any taxes at this moment because of the weakness of the economy. If SHE isn't recommending tax raises then why are you?
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Democracy - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
noun \di-ˈmä-krə-sē\
Definition of DEMOCRACY
1 a: government by the people; especially: rule of the majority b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

We do not have a rule by the majority or a government by the people. We have the rule of law in which the will of the majority is tempered by a Constituiton. It is called a constituitonal republic. You might look it up some time.

Can you block economic recovery and still call yourself "Patriotic"?

You can call yourself whatever you want.

However, you might have trouble convincing those who are paying attention that you're truly patriotic
Can you block economic recovery and still call yourself "Patriotic"?

You can call yourself whatever you want.

However, you might have trouble convincing those who are paying attention that you're truly patriotic

I'm curious...who would you consider to be blocking economic recovery here...a group of people who keep trying to pass legislation to make it more expensive to do business here...or a group of people who keep trying to cut government spending and keep that money in the private sector?
They never have and never will put country over party.

You and Brietbart believe in the cons historically failed ideas so much you have to lie about what the opposition says.

Thanks for outing yourself

Historically failed ideas??

WOW Barry's ideas ain't working to well.

Guess his are historical failures as well.

Oh wait. I forgot. He's a Dem. Never mind.
One thing is certain.

What this country needs isn't more tax cuts or more corporate subsidies. It needs jobs.

We know there is a "skills" gap. This has been referenced many times in several threads.

We know Republicans are slashing education in state after state.

We know Republicans, even before he was sworn in, have said they want this president to fail.

We had a bridge fall down into a river during rush hour and we know that unless we fix our bridges, it won't be the last.

We know our electrical grid is old and failing.

We know our roads have potholes.

We know corporations are sitting on piles of cash.

We know millions of Americans are out of work.

We know Democrats have presented a vision of how to get out of this mess.

We know Republicans have said government can't do anything.

Republicans have said they will block anything this president tries to do.

Even if they keep Obama from being re-elected, they still say government can't do anything.

How will Republicans get Americans to vote for them? So far, we've heard Obama doesn't love this country and corporations are people. If you follow the Republicans plan of ending Medicare, ending Social Security, defunding the Federal Government, removing regulations, taxs for the wealthy, subsidies for companies, slash education and so on.

What's left? What are they going to run one? Clearly everyone sees that just cutting the deficit does nothing without revenue coming in from either a tax increase or taxes from new jobs being created.

The only strategy can't possibly be, "I hope he fails". Because the next question is, "Then what?"

Too bad USMB Republicans can't just answer the question instead of crying, "We don't want to end Medicare". Even telling them, "A voucher program is not Medicare". Or we don't want to end Social Security. Look at what is happening in the stock market. Thank God only some of my 401 is there. And to deny those other things? Why bother? It's what the fight is all about. You might as well deny the Moon.

You want answers? Fine...

"What this country needs isn't more tax cuts or more corporate subsidies. It needs jobs."

Well, duh! And what creates jobs? Raising taxes and cutting corporate subsidies? You progressives seem to think so. It's part of "your" strategy of trying to blame the Private Sector for the economy languishing. What this country NEEDS is to cut the corporate tax rate and stop passing or threatening to pass legislation like Cap & Trade that prompt businesses to build factories overseas. I'm sorry but you're not going to get significant job creation in the US until corporations once again see us as business friendly...something that this Administration SO doesn't do.

Here's a news flash for you...

When President Obama comes back next week with his "long awaited" jobs plan, it's going to contain a request for another huge stimulus for "infrastructure". He's going to tell us THAT is what will bring the country out of this recession and put people back to work. The only problem with that concept is that infrastructure jobs aren't something that can be done quickly. As we learned with his last debacle with "shovel ready" jobs, they take a long time to materialize. If Rdean will recall in the last Obama stimulus those shovel ready infrastructure projects were taking much longer than we were led to believe. Because no jobs were being created...Obama's people panicked and told them to spend the allotted money on whatever could be done FAST. So instead of fixing bridges and schools the bulk of that money was spent repaving roads. Now they want to do the same thing all over again? There is an old saying that one definition of insanity is someone repeating the same actions over and over again and expecting a different outcome.

"We know Democrats have presented a vision of how to get out of this mess. We know Republicans have said government can't do anything."

I'm sorry, Rdean but I think I missed the Democratic "vision" of how we're going to get of the mess. I did catch the whole stimulus thing that they "said" would do that. I watched as they wasted a trillion dollars on that while unemployment went up and the economy continued to languish. Now President Obama is about to ask for another stimulus to do the same things that failed last time. Is THAT your vision? Pardon my bluntness but that isn't a "vision"...that is a "mirage". What Republicans have said is that government isn't the answer to this problem. After two and a half years of government failure it's time for government to back off and let the Private Sector do what it is good at...creating jobs and driving the economy.

"How will Republicans get Americans to vote for them? So far, we've heard Obama doesn't love this country and corporations are people. If you follow the Republicans plan of ending Medicare, ending Social Security, defunding the Federal Government, removing regulations, taxs for the wealthy, subsidies for companies, slash education and so on."

It's a pretty simple concept actually. The Republicans will get Americans to vote for them if they do one very simple thing...propose fiscal sanity. Stop runaway spending. Reform entitlements before they go insolvent. Get rid of burdensome regulations and reform the tax code to make it understandable and equitable.

The Democrats will attempt to get Americans to vote for them by trying to scare them or appeal to their greed. They will (as you continually do) accuse Republicans of trying to "end" Medicare and Social Security to scare all the old folks. They will have the total support of the public sector union folks that know only too well that their Cadillac benefit plans are going to disappear if Democrats lose. Those union folks will be out en mass like they were in Wisconsin trying to maintain the status quo even though it's quite obvious that the status quo isn't sustainable.

"What's left? What are they going to run one? Clearly everyone sees that just cutting the deficit does nothing without revenue coming in from either a tax increase or taxes from new jobs being created."

You're not going to get additional revenue coming in unless you stimulate the economy and raising taxes is not going to do that. I know for some unknown reason you STILL think tax increases are the answer here but even Christina Romer, who's a dyed in the wool Keynesian came out last Sunday and said she didn't recommend raising any taxes at this moment because of the weakness of the economy. If SHE isn't recommending tax raises then why are you?

Great post OS.

Deany seems to forget that the private sector is the engine that runs the economy. Not the Govt.

If buisness is sputtering then the economy is sputtering.

Common sense would tell anyone to improve the economy a stable sound business environment is needed. That ain't happening at this point in time.

I will be interested to hear Barry's ideas on how to get this sputtering economy going. Heres' hoping he's got a least a modicom of common sense.
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What this country needs isn't more tax cuts or more corporate subsidies. It needs jobs.

High taxes suppresses job creation, dumbass. Read an economics book.

We know there is a "skills" gap. This has been referenced many times in several threads.

Blame the failed government schools and teachers unions.

We know Republicans are slashing education in state after state.

They're slashing everything in the budget, to try to survive. Liberals created bloated governments with out of control spending when times were good, and now the chickens are coming home to roost.

We know Republicans, even before he was sworn in, have said they want this president to fail.

That's right - he's an anti-white, anti-american leftwing extremist who is bent on destroying the country - why WOULDN'T anyone want him to fail?

We had a bridge fall down into a river during rush hour and we know that unless we fix our bridges, it won't be the last.

All the bridge repair money went to educating, imprisoning, and giving free health care to the illegal alien invaders leftwingers have rolled out the welcome mat for.

We know corporations are sitting on piles of cash.

If you got your Great Leader to stop springing scary new nutcase taxes and regulations on them, maybe they'd take a risk and hire someone.

Even if they keep Obama from being re-elected, they still say government can't do anything.

No, they said government can't run every fucking detail of everyone's life.

How will Republicans get Americans to vote for them?

Simple - ask them the question "Do you want to spend another four years like the last four years? Yes or no."

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