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Can you block economic recovery and still call yourself "Patriotic"?

and when we are doing well, we are ignoring all that crap out of the Fed and Washington and going about our own damn busines. They are the ones going along for the ride at that point. So quit giving the a'holes all the power and quit looking to them for the solutions.
and when we are doing well, we are ignoring all that crap out of the Fed and Washington and going about our own damn busines. They are the ones going along for the ride at that point. So quit giving the a'holes all the power and quit looking to them for the solutions.

Who's looking to them for solutions? I just want them to stop printing money. I'm mostly concerned about the members of the printing press unions. They absolutely have to be working 40hr days. I don't know how, but the almighty government has figured out a way.

What this country needs isn't more tax cuts or more corporate subsidies. It needs jobs.

We know there is a "skills" gap. This has been referenced many times in several threads.

We know Republicans are slashing education in state after state.

We know Republicans, even before he was sworn in, have said they want this president to fail.

We had a bridge fall down into a river during rush hour and we know that unless we fix our bridges, it won't be the last.

We know our electrical grid is old and failing.

We know our roads have potholes.

We know corporations are sitting on piles of cash.

We know millions of Americans are out of work.

We know Democrats have presented a vision of how to get out of this mess.

We know Republicans have said government can't do anything.

Republicans have said they will block anything this president tries to do.

Even if they keep Obama from being re-elected, they still say government can't do anything.

How will Republicans get Americans to vote for them? So far, we've heard Obama doesn't love this country and corporations are people. If you follow the Republicans plan of ending Medicare, ending Social Security, defunding the Federal Government, removing regulations, taxs for the wealthy, subsidies for companies, slash education and so on.

What's left? What are they going to run one? Clearly everyone sees that just cutting the deficit does nothing without revenue coming in from either a tax increase or taxes from new jobs being created.

The only strategy can't possibly be, "I hope he fails". Because the next question is, "Then what?"

Too bad USMB Republicans can't just answer the question instead of crying, "We don't want to end Medicare". Even telling them, "A voucher program is not Medicare". Or we don't want to end Social Security. Look at what is happening in the stock market. Thank God only some of my 401 is there. And to deny those other things? Why bother? It's what the fight is all about. You might as well deny the Moon.

Democrats present visions and make speeches, how do visions and speeches help?
and when we are doing well, we are ignoring all that crap out of the Fed and Washington and going about our own damn busines. They are the ones going along for the ride at that point. So quit giving the a'holes all the power and quit looking to them for the solutions.

Who's looking to them for solutions? I just want them to stop printing money. I'm mostly concerned about the members of the printing press unions. They absolutely have to be working 40hr days. I don't know how, but the almighty government has figured out a way.


So where the hell is all that money they been printing? It sure is not circulating in the economy.

It went to re capitalizing the failing banks. Therefore (as witnessed in real life) there has been no inflation except as realized in the energy markets due to the same banks using speculative positons to gouge the market.
What this country needs isn't more tax cuts or more corporate subsidies. It needs jobs.

We know there is a "skills" gap. This has been referenced many times in several threads.

We know Republicans are slashing education in state after state.

We know Republicans, even before he was sworn in, have said they want this president to fail.

We had a bridge fall down into a river during rush hour and we know that unless we fix our bridges, it won't be the last.

We know our electrical grid is old and failing.

We know our roads have potholes.

We know corporations are sitting on piles of cash.

We know millions of Americans are out of work.

We know Democrats have presented a vision of how to get out of this mess.

We know Republicans have said government can't do anything.

Republicans have said they will block anything this president tries to do.

Even if they keep Obama from being re-elected, they still say government can't do anything.

How will Republicans get Americans to vote for them? So far, we've heard Obama doesn't love this country and corporations are people. If you follow the Republicans plan of ending Medicare, ending Social Security, defunding the Federal Government, removing regulations, taxs for the wealthy, subsidies for companies, slash education and so on.

What's left? What are they going to run one? Clearly everyone sees that just cutting the deficit does nothing without revenue coming in from either a tax increase or taxes from new jobs being created.

The only strategy can't possibly be, "I hope he fails". Because the next question is, "Then what?"

Too bad USMB Republicans can't just answer the question instead of crying, "We don't want to end Medicare". Even telling them, "A voucher program is not Medicare". Or we don't want to end Social Security. Look at what is happening in the stock market. Thank God only some of my 401 is there. And to deny those other things? Why bother? It's what the fight is all about. You might as well deny the Moon.

Democrats present visions and make speeches, how do visions and speeches help?

Quantum Windbag,

At least you are honest. Dems/ Republicans. What is the difference really?
here you go!!cut taxes so consumers have more of their own money to invest and spend on goods that are made by producers that will hire people to keep up with the increase in production do to the higher demand for said goods....employe's that will pay income taxes!![libbs should love that]...drill baby drill to lower the cost of production,travel and shipping to free up more capital!!....AND MOST IMPORTANTLY VOTE THE COMMUNIST PARTY OUT OF OFFICE IN 2012...no libbs means good economy!!

You know that cutting taxes is finite. Taxes pay for this government. With no taxes at all there would be no government. Would you want to drive your family around in a car built without regulations? On roads with no speed limits along side anyone who wants to drive? Or eat food that isn't inspected? Are you sure you've thought this all the way through?

Deany do you think your neighborhood grocer is out to hurt you by selling you rotten fruit? Why do you think that? It sounds like you're paranoid, like the government is the only thing standing between you and a world that wants to hurt you

That's it, when you're as dumb as a stump, like deany, the fruit flies scare you...
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and when we are doing well, we are ignoring all that crap out of the Fed and Washington and going about our own damn busines. They are the ones going along for the ride at that point. So quit giving the a'holes all the power and quit looking to them for the solutions.

Who's looking to them for solutions? I just want them to stop printing money. I'm mostly concerned about the members of the printing press unions. They absolutely have to be working 40hr days. I don't know how, but the almighty government has figured out a way.


So where the hell is all that money they been printing? It sure is not circulating in the economy.

It went to re capitalizing the failing banks. Therefore (as witnessed in real life) there has been no inflation except as realized in the energy markets due to the same banks using speculative positons to gouge the market.

You are correct. Essentially nothing has changed. We have continued the bubble. If banks started lending money right now, who would they lend to? A lot of people can't afford to get out of their homes. We have only gone through the first round of foreclosures if you ask me. Part of what was propping up the market was the first time buyers tax credit but that's gone, so what now? Well now we wait for either the home prices to plummet (which would be good in the long run) or the banks start loaning insane amounts of money but who are they going to loan money to? Inflation will hit if they start loaning money, if they don't we'll hit the depression the economy has been begging for for the last 3 years and then we can begin a real recovery. There is nothing, other than inflation, that can really account for the mini recovery in the stock market either. In short, I think we're hosed either way.

You know that cutting taxes is finite. Taxes pay for this government. With no taxes at all there would be no government. Would you want to drive your family around in a car built without regulations? On roads with no speed limits along side anyone who wants to drive? Or eat food that isn't inspected? Are you sure you've thought this all the way through?

And who is it that's said we should have "no taxes"?

Listen, just because citizens call for responsible fiscal policy and a government that isn't bloated and inefficient doesn't mean that they want to get rid of all taxes and all rules and regulations. That's fear mongering on your part. You want people to believe that if ANY regulations are revoked that ALL regulations will be. It's a ridiculous argument to make.

We have a terrible tax code that needs to be fixed.

We have too many ill thought out regulations that harm our competitiveness in a global economy.

Our government is too large, too wasteful, and more interested in maintaining their own power than in what is good for the US.

We have unfunded entitlement programs that will bankrupt us in just a short period of time if we don't reform them.

You keep saying what we have. I wouldn't mind a few examples. Without examples, you are just spewing right wing talking points. And they better be good ones.

What out of the "right wing talking points" I supposedly "spewed" do you disagree with?

That our tax code is a mess? Go read it and then come back and tell me it's fine the way it is...I dare you.

That we have too many regulations? Last year we passed a record 43 major new regulations adding (according to the General Accounting Office) approximately 28 billion dollars in cost along to taxpayers...which added to existing regulations brought the cost to approximately 1.75 trillion dollars annually.

That our government is wasteful? Do I even have to argue that?

That our unfunded entitlements will bankrupt us in the very near future if we don't reform them? I suppose I could depress everyone by taking the time to show the projections for that. Suffice it to say that the main reason we got downgraded by S&P was that they view our current course with entitlements as unsustainable.

Now if you'd REALLY like to argue that I'm spewing right wing talking points then I'd love to see you refute ANYTHING that I've posted above. I don't think you'll even make an attempt however because all of them are about as obvious as the nose on your face.
"Well, I for one hope he fails but I've got some news for you, this is gonna suck. We have reached the end of the line and we can't play hid the debt anymore. Time to pay the fiddler. We're going to have to make some cuts and go through the depression we so rightfully deserve."

Speak for your damn self! I don't rightfully deserve no damn depression. In fact, I know few who do. Maybe youu been lazy and living off the man but most of us have not. If you been sitting back and hoping the stock market was gonna be your holy grail then you got another mind set to go to. Nah, you been suckin up the koolaid and are stuck in the general Wall Street mentality. Hell look around ya, pick up a paint brush, a hammer or whatever the obvious need is and get to f'in work. Quit lookin at China, the Euro or whatever the neighbors are doin and focus on the need in front of your face. That is what God honors and that is where prosperity lies.
"Well, I for one hope he fails but I've got some news for you, this is gonna suck. We have reached the end of the line and we can't play hid the debt anymore. Time to pay the fiddler. We're going to have to make some cuts and go through the depression we so rightfully deserve."

Speak for your damn self! I don't rightfully deserve no damn depression. In fact, I know few who do. Maybe youu been lazy and living off the man but most of us have not. If you been sitting back and hoping the stock market was gonna be your holy grail then you got another mind set to go to. Nah, you been suckin up the koolaid and are stuck in the general Wall Street mentality. Hell look around ya, pick up a paint brush, a hammer or whatever the obvious need is and get to f'in work. Quit lookin at China, the Euro or whatever the neighbors are doin and focus on the need in front of your face. That is what God honors and that is where prosperity lies.

I have a job. It isn't about wall street. We have no options left, that is the problem. We've been living in debt both as individuals and as a country for the better part of 60 years and the economy has tried to correct itself and we've refused to let it. Even borrowing money is virtually free. The need is for me to get into politics and I'm working on it. Kind of prohibited by my job now, but I'm working that angle too.

Maybe deserve is a harsh word by the way, but it is coming. When I'm saying there isn't a need for work I don't think you understand what I'm saying. There is labor to be done, sure... but we don't have anywhere near the labor requirement in the private sector that we did in the 50's.


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