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Can you block economic recovery and still call yourself "Patriotic"?

The Democrats had the house, the presidency AND a fillibuster proof senate. Now, in those two years, did the Democrats REPEAL the Bush tax cuts? No, of course not. Why? Even maroons know that raising taxes in a bad economy is the wrong thing to do so the Democrats did not even speak of repealing the Bush tax cuts. They did however, pass Obamacare, a tax increase in its own right.

Now that they do not have the votes, they want a 'balanced approach.' Yet, they absolutely SHRIEK at the idea of corporations sitting on cash reserves. 2,600 pages of legislation in the Obamacare nightmare that no one even read, let alone understands the impact of yet, and the Democrats want corporations to spend like there's no tomorrow?

Here's what the board of corporations are looking at and YOU tell me why they aren't spending. Obamacare... No one knows, understands, or even has the slightest idea how it will affect the bottom line. AND it doesn't even fully kick in until 2014. Is it unconstitutional or will it become law? And if it does become law, what about the tax increases and how that will affect even small businesses?

Europe and their socialist economies are crumbling under the weight of entitlements. The only stable one at the moment? Germany. But they can't bail out the other 13 members by themselves. The Euro and the dollar are joined at the hip my friends. Riots in the streets of England, France is nervously eyeing how to lower their "giveaways" without burning to the ground and Itally is going day-to-day. Portugal, Spain, and the list goes on and on. All with their own very serious issues.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are little better than junk bond status, despite the fact that Barney Frank for years told us how "solid" they were (Perhaps because his boyfriend was involved?). Trillions in dollars of bad mortgages floating around. Will take years and trillions to sort that mess out.

The national debt sits at 14 Trillion dollars and we are STILL spending 4 BILLION dollars a day MORE than we take in. The recent debt compromise didn't do squat to address the spending. And you absolutely KNOW that Obama's jobs bill that he will introduce in September will have another trillion dollars in freaking stiumlus spending attached. Money that we don't have and will have to borrow from someone. A tax increase would be almost pallatable IF that increase went to PAY OFF the debt, but it won't. Obama and the Democrats in Congress want MORE spending that will more than eat up any increase in revenue.

So what's the bottom line? Sit on your cash brother. Put it into SAFE securities or overseas accounts and wait. Surely the 2012 elections will give the country a clear and concise direction. That is exactly what is happening and I can't say as I blame them. Wait and see attitude because their is no LEADER, no DIRECTION coming from Washington. Nada, zip...

And as a side note... Three statutes of Ronald Reagan has been erected in three separate European capitals this summer. At each dedication a cry for leadership from Washington of the type that Ronald Reagan provided at a critical point in history. I wish...
The Democrats had the house, the presidency AND a fillibuster proof senate. Now, in those two years, did the Democrats REPEAL the Bush tax cuts? No, of course not. Why? Even maroons know that raising taxes in a bad economy is the wrong thing to do so the Democrats did not even speak of repealing the Bush tax cuts. They did however, pass Obamacare, a tax increase in its own right.

Now that they do not have the votes, they want a 'balanced approach.' Yet, they absolutely SHRIEK at the idea of corporations sitting on cash reserves. 2,600 pages of legislation in the Obamacare nightmare that no one even read, let alone understands the impact of yet, and the Democrats want corporations to spend like there's no tomorrow?

Here's what the board of corporations are looking at and YOU tell me why they aren't spending. Obamacare... No one knows, understands, or even has the slightest idea how it will affect the bottom line. AND it doesn't even fully kick in until 2014. Is it unconstitutional or will it become law? And if it does become law, what about the tax increases and how that will affect even small businesses?

Europe and their socialist economies are crumbling under the weight of entitlements. The only stable one at the moment? Germany. But they can't bail out the other 13 members by themselves. The Euro and the dollar are joined at the hip my friends. Riots in the streets of England, France is nervously eyeing how to lower their "giveaways" without burning to the ground and Itally is going day-to-day. Portugal, Spain, and the list goes on and on. All with their own very serious issues.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are little better than junk bond status, despite the fact that Barney Frank for years told us how "solid" they were (Perhaps because his boyfriend was involved?). Trillions in dollars of bad mortgages floating around. Will take years and trillions to sort that mess out.

The national debt sits at 14 Trillion dollars and we are STILL spending 4 BILLION dollars a day MORE than we take in. The recent debt compromise didn't do squat to address the spending. And you absolutely KNOW that Obama's jobs bill that he will introduce in September will have another trillion dollars in freaking stiumlus spending attached. Money that we don't have and will have to borrow from someone. A tax increase would be almost pallatable IF that increase went to PAY OFF the debt, but it won't. Obama and the Democrats in Congress want MORE spending that will more than eat up any increase in revenue.

So what's the bottom line? Sit on your cash brother. Put it into SAFE securities or overseas accounts and wait. Surely the 2012 elections will give the country a clear and concise direction. That is exactly what is happening and I can't say as I blame them. Wait and see attitude because their is no LEADER, no DIRECTION coming from Washington. Nada, zip...

And as a side note... Three statutes of Ronald Reagan has been erected in three separate European capitals this summer. At each dedication a cry for leadership from Washington of the type that Ronald Reagan provided at a critical point in history. I wish...

What two years? From when to when? Because I do not believe the window you speak of is that wide.
The Democrats had the house, the presidency AND a fillibuster proof senate. Now, in those two years, did the Democrats REPEAL the Bush tax cuts? No, of course not. Why? Even maroons know that raising taxes in a bad economy is the wrong thing to do so the Democrats did not even speak of repealing the Bush tax cuts. They did however, pass Obamacare, a tax increase in its own right.

Now that they do not have the votes, they want a 'balanced approach.' Yet, they absolutely SHRIEK at the idea of corporations sitting on cash reserves. 2,600 pages of legislation in the Obamacare nightmare that no one even read, let alone understands the impact of yet, and the Democrats want corporations to spend like there's no tomorrow?

Here's what the board of corporations are looking at and YOU tell me why they aren't spending. Obamacare... No one knows, understands, or even has the slightest idea how it will affect the bottom line. AND it doesn't even fully kick in until 2014. Is it unconstitutional or will it become law? And if it does become law, what about the tax increases and how that will affect even small businesses?

Europe and their socialist economies are crumbling under the weight of entitlements. The only stable one at the moment? Germany. But they can't bail out the other 13 members by themselves. The Euro and the dollar are joined at the hip my friends. Riots in the streets of England, France is nervously eyeing how to lower their "giveaways" without burning to the ground and Itally is going day-to-day. Portugal, Spain, and the list goes on and on. All with their own very serious issues.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are little better than junk bond status, despite the fact that Barney Frank for years told us how "solid" they were (Perhaps because his boyfriend was involved?). Trillions in dollars of bad mortgages floating around. Will take years and trillions to sort that mess out.

The national debt sits at 14 Trillion dollars and we are STILL spending 4 BILLION dollars a day MORE than we take in. The recent debt compromise didn't do squat to address the spending. And you absolutely KNOW that Obama's jobs bill that he will introduce in September will have another trillion dollars in freaking stiumlus spending attached. Money that we don't have and will have to borrow from someone. A tax increase would be almost pallatable IF that increase went to PAY OFF the debt, but it won't. Obama and the Democrats in Congress want MORE spending that will more than eat up any increase in revenue.

So what's the bottom line? Sit on your cash brother. Put it into SAFE securities or overseas accounts and wait. Surely the 2012 elections will give the country a clear and concise direction. That is exactly what is happening and I can't say as I blame them. Wait and see attitude because their is no LEADER, no DIRECTION coming from Washington. Nada, zip...

And as a side note... Three statutes of Ronald Reagan has been erected in three separate European capitals this summer. At each dedication a cry for leadership from Washington of the type that Ronald Reagan provided at a critical point in history. I wish...

What two years? From when to when? Because I do not believe the window you speak of is that wide.

Barrack Obama was elected President in 2008 and sworn into office in January 2009. The Democrats took the House and the Senate in November of 2008 and had a fillibuster proof Senate from January 2009 until January 2011, when the Republican majority was sworn in after the midterms in 2010.

So, believe it or not, the Democrats had complete and utter control of the government for two years. All the Republicans could do was protest in the media.

The Democrats did not repeal the Bush tax cuts and wouldn't even talk about it during those two years. They spent their time crafting 2,600 pages of legislation that they never read and trying to find those "shovel ready" infrastructure projects that Obama kept talking about. Oh, and they never passed a budget either. We're going on 900+ days without a budget as well.

..... crickets chirping.......
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Democracy - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
noun \di-ˈmä-krə-sē\
Definition of DEMOCRACY
1 a: government by the people; especially: rule of the majority b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

We do not have a rule by the majority or a government by the people. We have the rule of law in which the will of the majority is tempered by a Constituiton. It is called a constituitonal republic. You might look it up some time.


TruthDoesNotMatter has already lost this argument many times... however... it does not stop the bitch from dusting it off and bringing it back out over and over and over again... she's a persistent idiot
To accept he nitwittedness of the OP, I'd have to accept that there is genuine economic recovery... which there is not.
To accept he nitwittedness of the OP, I'd have to accept that there is genuine economic recovery... which there is not.

I never have and never will put country over party.

That's messed up TM... But we already knew that.

There you have the level of debate of your typical con.

Just LIE about what the other guy said.

TM, how come you can lie and say "righties" will never put country over party but if someone does it to you (when it is true lol) you call it a lie?

Where have you ever put country before party? Links plz.
They never have and never will put country over party.

Two up, no recommendations. Two "fails". Not entirely unexpected.
here you go!!cut taxes so consumers have more of their own money to invest and spend on goods that are made by producers that will hire people to keep up with the increase in production do to the higher demand for said goods....employe's that will pay income taxes!![libbs should love that]...drill baby drill to lower the cost of production,travel and shipping to free up more capital!!....AND MOST IMPORTANTLY VOTE THE COMMUNIST PARTY OUT OF OFFICE IN 2012...no libbs means good economy!!

You know that cutting taxes is finite. Taxes pay for this government. With no taxes at all there would be no government. Would you want to drive your family around in a car built without regulations? On roads with no speed limits along side anyone who wants to drive? Or eat food that isn't inspected? Are you sure you've thought this all the way through?
What this country needs isn't more tax cuts or more corporate subsidies. It needs jobs.

High taxes suppresses job creation, dumbass. Read an economics book.

We know there is a "skills" gap. This has been referenced many times in several threads.

Blame the failed government schools and teachers unions.

They're slashing everything in the budget, to try to survive. Liberals created bloated governments with out of control spending when times were good, and now the chickens are coming home to roost.

That's right - he's an anti-white, anti-american leftwing extremist who is bent on destroying the country - why WOULDN'T anyone want him to fail?

All the bridge repair money went to educating, imprisoning, and giving free health care to the illegal alien invaders leftwingers have rolled out the welcome mat for.

If you got your Great Leader to stop springing scary new nutcase taxes and regulations on them, maybe they'd take a risk and hire someone.

Even if they keep Obama from being re-elected, they still say government can't do anything.

No, they said government can't run every fucking detail of everyone's life.

How will Republicans get Americans to vote for them?

Simple - ask them the question "Do you want to spend another four years like the last four years? Yes or no."

Start with "We currently have the lowest taxes in decades" and your argument falls apart. Oops.
What this country needs isn't more tax cuts or more corporate subsidies. It needs jobs.

We know there is a "skills" gap. This has been referenced many times in several threads.

We know Republicans are slashing education in state after state.

We know Republicans, even before he was sworn in, have said they want this president to fail.

We had a bridge fall down into a river during rush hour and we know that unless we fix our bridges, it won't be the last.

We know our electrical grid is old and failing.

We know our roads have potholes.

We know corporations are sitting on piles of cash.

We know millions of Americans are out of work.

We know Democrats have presented a vision of how to get out of this mess.

We know Republicans have said government can't do anything.

Republicans have said they will block anything this president tries to do.

Even if they keep Obama from being re-elected, they still say government can't do anything.

How will Republicans get Americans to vote for them? So far, we've heard Obama doesn't love this country and corporations are people. If you follow the Republicans plan of ending Medicare, ending Social Security, defunding the Federal Government, removing regulations, taxs for the wealthy, subsidies for companies, slash education and so on.

What's left? What are they going to run one? Clearly everyone sees that just cutting the deficit does nothing without revenue coming in from either a tax increase or taxes from new jobs being created.

The only strategy can't possibly be, "I hope he fails". Because the next question is, "Then what?"

Too bad USMB Republicans can't just answer the question instead of crying, "We don't want to end Medicare". Even telling them, "A voucher program is not Medicare". Or we don't want to end Social Security. Look at what is happening in the stock market. Thank God only some of my 401 is there. And to deny those other things? Why bother? It's what the fight is all about. You might as well deny the Moon.
Lets see, obamaturd and the dimwits have been spending this country into economic collapse and you still think they are patriotic. Wrong. The republicans are the more reasonable ones.
What this country needs isn't more tax cuts or more corporate subsidies. It needs jobs.

We know there is a "skills" gap. This has been referenced many times in several threads.

We know Republicans are slashing education in state after state.

We know Republicans, even before he was sworn in, have said they want this president to fail.

We had a bridge fall down into a river during rush hour and we know that unless we fix our bridges, it won't be the last.

We know our electrical grid is old and failing.

We know our roads have potholes.

We know corporations are sitting on piles of cash.

We know millions of Americans are out of work.

We know Democrats have presented a vision of how to get out of this mess.

We know Republicans have said government can't do anything.

Republicans have said they will block anything this president tries to do.

Even if they keep Obama from being re-elected, they still say government can't do anything.

How will Republicans get Americans to vote for them? So far, we've heard Obama doesn't love this country and corporations are people. If you follow the Republicans plan of ending Medicare, ending Social Security, defunding the Federal Government, removing regulations, taxs for the wealthy, subsidies for companies, slash education and so on.

What's left? What are they going to run one? Clearly everyone sees that just cutting the deficit does nothing without revenue coming in from either a tax increase or taxes from new jobs being created.

The only strategy can't possibly be, "I hope he fails". Because the next question is, "Then what?"

Too bad USMB Republicans can't just answer the question instead of crying, "We don't want to end Medicare". Even telling them, "A voucher program is not Medicare". Or we don't want to end Social Security. Look at what is happening in the stock market. Thank God only some of my 401 is there. And to deny those other things? Why bother? It's what the fight is all about. You might as well deny the Moon.
so....higher taxes on business owners,forced health care,high fuel prices[won't drill] ect...will create jobs??

rdean is going to corner the market on solar panels and rickshaws and all the money he makes, he's going to give it away. :clap2:
funny how libbs can not give us a plan to create jobs!!:razz::razz:

Liberals have given several plans. I have to admit it's difficult fighting both the recession and the Republicans.

Maybe if Obama came out for tax cuts for the wealthy, Republicans would insist on raising their taxes?
Liar. Dimwits have NOT come up with any plans. Stimulus failed. Healthcare law is nothing more than gov't. take over for control. Obamaturd and the dimwits; BIG FAIL!!!
What this country needs isn't more tax cuts or more corporate subsidies. It needs jobs.

High taxes suppresses job creation, dumbass. Read an economics book.

Blame the failed government schools and teachers unions.

They're slashing everything in the budget, to try to survive. Liberals created bloated governments with out of control spending when times were good, and now the chickens are coming home to roost.

That's right - he's an anti-white, anti-american leftwing extremist who is bent on destroying the country - why WOULDN'T anyone want him to fail?

All the bridge repair money went to educating, imprisoning, and giving free health care to the illegal alien invaders leftwingers have rolled out the welcome mat for.

If you got your Great Leader to stop springing scary new nutcase taxes and regulations on them, maybe they'd take a risk and hire someone.

No, they said government can't run every fucking detail of everyone's life.

How will Republicans get Americans to vote for them?

Simple - ask them the question "Do you want to spend another four years like the last four years? Yes or no."

Start with "We currently have the lowest taxes in decades" and your argument falls apart. Oops.

We have the highest regulation in decades. We have the looniest president in decades. As for taxes, "low" is a relative term. We have the worst recession in decades, and the taxes might have to go lower to spark a recovery. Instead, the clueless obamanistas who don't know any more economics than YOU do want to RAISE taxes - probably the single most insane thing you could do in a near-depression.
My dream is that one day people will realize that paying your taxes is patriotic.

And that people who are against paying their taxes are anti-American.

The fire department and the police department and the post office and the school system and the EPA and Social Security and Medicare and the interstate highway system and the Hoover Dam and NASA and Seal Team Six are all good things, and they are paid for with our taxes.

So if the super wealthy have to pay a little higher tax rate than the working poor, so be it.

What is more important, that American children get an education, that our people get healthcare, that roads and bridges get fixed, that advanced materials research be done, that our military be supplied with the best equipment, that old people be taken care of, that our debt be paid down, that food and water be safe, that our environment be clean, or that a billionaire gets a new yacht?
Two up, no recommendations. Two "fails". Not entirely unexpected.
here you go!!cut taxes so consumers have more of their own money to invest and spend on goods that are made by producers that will hire people to keep up with the increase in production do to the higher demand for said goods....employe's that will pay income taxes!![libbs should love that]...drill baby drill to lower the cost of production,travel and shipping to free up more capital!!....AND MOST IMPORTANTLY VOTE THE COMMUNIST PARTY OUT OF OFFICE IN 2012...no libbs means good economy!!

You know that cutting taxes is finite. Taxes pay for this government. With no taxes at all there would be no government. Would you want to drive your family around in a car built without regulations? On roads with no speed limits along side anyone who wants to drive? Or eat food that isn't inspected? Are you sure you've thought this all the way through?

And who is it that's said we should have "no taxes"?

Listen, just because citizens call for responsible fiscal policy and a government that isn't bloated and inefficient doesn't mean that they want to get rid of all taxes and all rules and regulations. That's fear mongering on your part. You want people to believe that if ANY regulations are revoked that ALL regulations will be. It's a ridiculous argument to make.

We have a terrible tax code that needs to be fixed.

We have too many ill thought out regulations that harm our competitiveness in a global economy.

Our government is too large, too wasteful, and more interested in maintaining their own power than in what is good for the US.

We have unfunded entitlement programs that will bankrupt us in just a short period of time if we don't reform them.
My dream is that one day people will realize that paying your taxes is patriotic.

And that people who are against paying their taxes are anti-American.

The fire department and the police department and the post office and the school system and the EPA and Social Security and Medicare and the interstate highway system and the Hoover Dam and NASA and Seal Team Six are all good things, and they are paid for with our taxes.

So if the super wealthy have to pay a little higher tax rate than the working poor, so be it.

What is more important, that American children get an education, that our people get healthcare, that roads and bridges get fixed, that advanced materials research be done, that our military be supplied with the best equipment, that old people be taken care of, that our debt be paid down, that food and water be safe, that our environment be clean, or that a billionaire gets a new yacht?

What's really important is that we have an economy healthy enough to pay for all those wonderful things. This isn't about billionaires getting a new yacht. That's more class warfare blather designed to deflect attention from our real problems. This is about people like you who still think we can tax and spend our way to prosperity. I'm sorry but that's a pipe dream. This really isn't complicated. Raising taxes in this economy will make things worse. Let's cut spending. Let's cut idiotic regulations. Let's get big government out of the way of the Private Sector and let the Private Sector do what it does best...make money...hire workers...and grow the economy. And yes...some rich people are going to get even richer when that happens. I know you Progressives hate when that happens but you're going to have to learn to get over it.
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My dream is that one day people will realize that paying your taxes is patriotic.

And that people who are against paying their taxes are anti-American.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Okay, the next time people have to, eg, give up on the idea of sending their kid to college because of the trainloads of cash they have to send to washington to finance the next leftwing porkulus, they should hum "god bless america", get misty images in their mind of the statue of liberty and the washington monument, and then fork it over. :D


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