Can you please change my user name

Breaking Bad was bad ass...............We enjoyed that series.............
My favorite scene was when Walt went up to that drug lords apartment to get his money after they beat up his partner and took his dope. So he gets up there and he holds up this huge rock in front of the guy's face and say's, "Is this what you want? Well, I want my money!"

And that drug dealer reply's, "What makes you think the same thing that happened to your partner, won't happen to you?"

And Walt picks up that rock, holds it in front of that guys face and say's, "Because THIS ain't meth!"

Then he turns around and throws it at the back wall and the whole apartment explodes and blows the air conditioner right out into the street.

Then he picks up a real bag of meth and threatens the guy with it! "Give me my money! Give me my money!"

That was too fuckin' funny!
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You can change your user name yourself. Re register and PM a Mod to purge your old account.
No! No name change for you! Get out!


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Wouldn't it have been easier to simply PM a mod or admin to ask them if it can be done?

That is entirely too simple...and doesn't garner much attention. Truth be known, I don't think purging of old accounts is the practice here. That would fuck up the logic path in too many threads.

I'm guessing he's ashamed of some of the things he's said in threads that are no longer editable and ha wants to remove the evidence. Prolly got a new girlfriend that might not approve of his past comments.
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Wouldn't it have been easier to simply PM a mod or admin to ask them if it can be done?

That is entirely too simple...and doesn't garner much attention. Truth be known, I don't think purging of old accounts is the practice here. That would fuck up the logic path in too many threads.

I'm guessing he's ashamed of some of the things he's said in threads that are no longer editable and ha wants to remove the evidence. Prolly got a new girlfriend that might not approve of his past comments.

Never underestimate the power of poontang on a man's behavior.

"You wrote that stupid shit?!?! What, are you nuts? You sleep on the couch tonight!!! Don't touch me!!!"
Wouldn't it have been easier to simply PM a mod or admin to ask them if it can be done?

That is entirely too simple...and doesn't garner much attention. Truth be known, I don't think purging of old accounts is the practice here. That would fuck up the logic path in too many threads.

I'm guessing he's ashamed of some of the things he's said in threads that are no longer editable and ha wants to remove the evidence. Prolly got a new girlfriend that might not approve of his past comments.

Nah, the threads aren't good gossip material at all.

Maybe he wants his NEW character to be scandalous, hmmm...
this thread is the funniest and the best ...such a fun thread ..... so so much fun please be nice ok?:D
so much fun!!!!! somebody who is so funny is worth a lot...

I like funny people!:D I really do..... better than....


than anything else including that ! :lol:

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