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Can you provide evidence that Obama's policies are the direct reason for the...

As a financial advisor, I'm neck-deep in this stuff every day.

Obama did not just enter office "in a recession". He inherited a truly historic, one-of-a-kind financial disaster that is still playing out globally. Trying to paint this as just another run of the mill recession is an exercise in abject denial or utter ignorance. It took decades of irresponsible spending (both by the government and by consumers) and irresponsible governance (both both ridiculous, dishonest, paid-off, "major" parties) to get us here, and it may damn well take a decade or two to get out of it.

When I hear the Hannitys and Limbaughs of the world (and, by extension, their sheep) pretend that this is just another recession, I know they're not being honest. I don't think most of them understand how close we came to a complete collapse of our ENTIRE financial system, and how deep the roots of this mess remain. But they don't want to understand - they just want to attack "the other guys".

The two silly ends of the spectrum are too busy with their little slap fight to see what's going on.


All of that is true. the question remains: What has the Big 0 done to fix it?
Over 300K people signed up for first time benefits . How is this a gain:cuckoo:

It doesn't take an economic genius to figure out that the economy is losing fewer jobs than we were in 2008 and 2009. We have had months and months of job GAINS.

States cut 49,000 jobs over the past year and localities 210,000, according to an analysis of Labor Department statistics. There are 30,000 fewer federal workers now than a year ago — including 5,300 Postal Service jobs canceled last month.

By contrast, private-sector jobs have increased by 1.6 million over the past 12 months. But the state, local and federal job losses have become a drag on efforts to nudge the nation's unemployment rate down from its painfully high 9.1 percent.


Doesn't help the situation, does it?
But it does take an ignoramus to figure that is really good news when it isnt.

Typically recoveries are robust, with strong job growth. This one isn't.

This wasn't a "typical" recession. We were close to a depression, for crying out loud.

So, we could play the "why aren't companies hiring" game again, but you'll just blame it on the President who is not to blame for why companies aren't hiring.
The housing crisis continues, and few understood how huge it was, causing a huge drag- Thanks Pubs!. And nothing helps more than Pub lies, fear mongering, total obstruction since 2/2010, and the confidence they engender around the world. A disgrace. "Un-american" (TIME)
Over 300K people signed up for first time benefits . How is this a gain:cuckoo:

It doesn't take an economic genius to figure out that the economy is losing fewer jobs than we were in 2008 and 2009. We have had months and months of job GAINS.

States cut 49,000 jobs over the past year and localities 210,000, according to an analysis of Labor Department statistics. There are 30,000 fewer federal workers now than a year ago — including 5,300 Postal Service jobs canceled last month.

By contrast, private-sector jobs have increased by 1.6 million over the past 12 months. But the state, local and federal job losses have become a drag on efforts to nudge the nation's unemployment rate down from its painfully high 9.1 percent.


Doesn't help the situation, does it?
Right...Fewer gubmint bureaucratic parasites draining the already anemic influx of tax revenue is such a drag on the economy.

Here's an idea....Let's make everybody a bureaucrat, send the unemployment rate to 0%, and economic Nirvana will be ours! :rolleyes:

LOL. Just can't get your talking points together can you. Job loss bad and the presidents fault...until its government jobs. ODS.
It doesn't take an economic genius to figure out that the economy is losing fewer jobs than we were in 2008 and 2009. We have had months and months of job GAINS.

States cut 49,000 jobs over the past year and localities 210,000, according to an analysis of Labor Department statistics. There are 30,000 fewer federal workers now than a year ago — including 5,300 Postal Service jobs canceled last month.

By contrast, private-sector jobs have increased by 1.6 million over the past 12 months. But the state, local and federal job losses have become a drag on efforts to nudge the nation's unemployment rate down from its painfully high 9.1 percent.


Doesn't help the situation, does it?
Right...Fewer gubmint bureaucratic parasites draining the already anemic influx of tax revenue is such a drag on the economy.

Here's an idea....Let's make everybody a bureaucrat, send the unemployment rate to 0%, and economic Nirvana will be ours! :rolleyes:

LOL. Just can't get your talking points together can you. Job loss bad and the presidents fault...until its government jobs. ODS.
Where do you think the money comes from to pay bureaucrat slackers, you fool, the tooth fairy?
...increase in unemployment rate during his presidency?

Keep in my mind that Obama said in mid 2009 that he expected the unemployment rate would likely rise to 10% in the next couple of years.

Obama Sees 10% Unemployment Rate, Chides Wall Street Critics - Bloomberg

I don't think it's fair to put all of the blame on Obama simply because he is president.
Obama has created 2.5 million jobs and saved even more. I do agree he could have done more (how much?), but I have yet to be convinced that Obama is the reason why the unemployment rate is as high as it is.

I really am open to answers on this. I want answers that illlustrate how his policies have been detrimental on a national level.

Yeah, well it was Barry's administration in Jan. '09 that claimed the (failed) stimulus would keep unemployment below 8%, and I don't recall our esteemed president calling out his people over it. So he can stick whatever he might have said about unemployment later in the year up his keister.

The fear was great when Obama took office, he did the proper thing by not fanning the flames of fear and had the fear mongers on the right cooperated we might very well be further on the road to recovery. Because the right is bereft of ideas, fear is their greatest tool so any course of action was met with a cacophony of "Socialism", "Marxism" and concerns about the President's birth certificate or religion. The same right which supported tax cuts and two wars off budget now worry about spending. Hypocrisy thy name is Republican.

Only an idiot would have suggested to the American public, "hey folks, it's only just begun. Protect your money, only buy essentials and get all you can out of your bank before it disappears".

Let's be clear, the Great Recession occured on the watch of George W. Bush. The near economic collapse occured in October 2008 before President Obama has been elected and while George W. Bush was still POTUS. The Great Recession has many fathers, but the immutable fact remains - no matter how often the right lies and blames others - on the watch of George W. Bush.

You're right about the timing. The collapse occurred while the Democrats chaired every committee in both houses of Congress.

The Big 0 had 2 years of super majorities to implement everything that he wanted to implement to right the ship and instead sign the failed stimulus and the Socialist programs he desired.

His failed presidency is the direct result of his inability to govern. Nothing more and nothing less.

The fact that you and he are still trying to blame Bush tells anyone with a brain more than needs to be told.

You're pathetic.
Obama has created 2.5 million jobs...

Government cannot create jobs, it can only take them. Any money used by government to hire someone must first be taken OUT of the economy, typically from the most productive and likely-to-hire-others citizens. Then that money gets run through corrupt and inefficient bureaucracies before a dime can be spent on any "stimulus" hiring.

Saying Obama created jobs is like you walking into a grocery store, taking money from the register, then handing it to a homeless guy (less your expenses and whatever fell through that hole in your pocket of course), then calling it stimulus when that homeless guy walks into the grocery store to buy beer. You took the money from the job creator and gave it to the guy least likely to hire anyone. That's job creation for imbeciles.

Um, you misspelled Democrat.
Public college and health costs doubled just under Bush, a well as a Depression and the stupidest wars and health program EVER.- it's going to take a while for Dems to turn around the Raygun/Bush catastrophe. If you want a banana republic, keep voting Pub.

And it's well documented the CofC and the Pubs worked with the Chinese to move jobs. It was SUCH a GREAT idea to get cheaper labor. They just didn't follow thru on education promised here. Pub myopia ALWAYS.
The fear was great when Obama took office, he did the proper thing by not fanning the flames of fear and had the fear mongers on the right cooperated we might very well be further on the road to recovery. Because the right is bereft of ideas, fear is their greatest tool so any course of action was met with a cacophony of "Socialism", "Marxism" and concerns about the President's birth certificate or religion. The same right which supported tax cuts and two wars off budget now worry about spending. Hypocrisy thy name is Republican.

Only an idiot would have suggested to the American public, "hey folks, it's only just begun. Protect your money, only buy essentials and get all you can out of your bank before it disappears".

Let's be clear, the Great Recession occured on the watch of George W. Bush. The near economic collapse occured in October 2008 before President Obama has been elected and while George W. Bush was still POTUS. The Great Recession has many fathers, but the immutable fact remains - no matter how often the right lies and blames others - on the watch of George W. Bush.

I guess you can make the point that the Great Recession did start during W's "watch", Catcher but to blame HIM when the Democrats controlled the House and repeatedly ignored Bush's calls to fix the problems in the housing market especially with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is kind of amusing. How much less severe would this crisis have been if Barney Frank and Chris Dodd hadn't pooh poohed W's concerns as baseless and actually done something about them?

You, "guess" I can make the point that the Great Recession started in on Bush's watch? Off course it did, and Bush as well as many many others knew the housing situtation was not sustainable. To suggest two Democrats has so much power that the POTUS and his economic advisers couldn't do anything is not only disengenuous but borders on mendacity.

Bush wanted war and got it. He sent his entire team out on the Sunday Morning news shows to beat the drums of war - Rice, Rumfeld, Powell, Cheney - all warned of the danger Saddam presented to our nation. Knowing the economy was to be challenged by the housing situation we heard nothing from Bush on the issue.

btw, the Republicans controlled the House from January 1993 until January 2007 and again from January 2011 until today ( the 104th Congress to the 109th Congress, and now the 112th Congress which may go down as the most inept, ineffective and ideological in our nation's history).

The Democrats controlled both houses of Congress from 2006b forward.

What legislation did they bring forward, propose of pass to avoid the upcoming meltdown?
Right...Fewer gubmint bureaucratic parasites draining the already anemic influx of tax revenue is such a drag on the economy.

Here's an idea....Let's make everybody a bureaucrat, send the unemployment rate to 0%, and economic Nirvana will be ours! :rolleyes:

LOL. Just can't get your talking points together can you. Job loss bad and the presidents fault...until its government jobs. ODS.
Where do you think the money comes from to pay bureaucrat slackers, you fool, the tooth fairy?

It is still job loss is it not? You can't whine about job loss while celebrating job loss. That is truly foolish.
LOL. Just can't get your talking points together can you. Job loss bad and the presidents fault...until its government jobs. ODS.
Where do you think the money comes from to pay bureaucrat slackers, you fool, the tooth fairy?

It is still job loss is it not? You can't whine about job loss while celebrating job loss. That is truly foolish.
I'm not whining and money to pay bureaucratic slackers doesn't grow on trees....But I'm also not the one claiming that such jobs are of any sort of economic benefit, leftloons like you are.
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It doesn't take an economic genius to figure out that the economy is losing fewer jobs than we were in 2008 and 2009. We have had months and months of job GAINS.

States cut 49,000 jobs over the past year and localities 210,000, according to an analysis of Labor Department statistics. There are 30,000 fewer federal workers now than a year ago — including 5,300 Postal Service jobs canceled last month.

By contrast, private-sector jobs have increased by 1.6 million over the past 12 months. But the state, local and federal job losses have become a drag on efforts to nudge the nation's unemployment rate down from its painfully high 9.1 percent.


Doesn't help the situation, does it?
But it does take an ignoramus to figure that is really good news when it isnt.

Typically recoveries are robust, with strong job growth. This one isn't.

This wasn't a "typical" recession. We were close to a depression, for crying out loud.

So, we could play the "why aren't companies hiring" game again, but you'll just blame it on the President who is not to blame for why companies aren't hiring.

The deeper the recession the stronger the recovery. Except this time. Because of Barry-O and the Democraps.
LOL. Just can't get your talking points together can you. Job loss bad and the presidents fault...until its government jobs. ODS.
Where do you think the money comes from to pay bureaucrat slackers, you fool, the tooth fairy?

It is still job loss is it not? You can't whine about job loss while celebrating job loss. That is truly foolish.

Sure you can... why would anyone with a brain not cheer the loss of some government paper-pusher who's only purpose is to suck up my tax dollars and catch an attitude anytime they actually may have to do something productive?
You cons are so stuck on this fallacy that just because Obama was president during a weakening economy, that all or most of the blame can be placed on him. Now, I am not saying Obama hasn't contributed to the recession, but I have yet to read if he actually did for sure and to what extent.

None of you could answer my question - which requires a legitimate source of information that explains the connection between Obama and the economy.
That there's the biggie. When President Obama took office, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. We are now gaining jobs. How do you spin that as bad?

There are fewer people working today than when Obama took office. How do you spin that as good?

Actually, no, that's not true. More people are working today than when Obama took office.

If you had bothered to look this up before posting, you would know that.

Top Picks (Most Requested Statistics) : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Number of Americans Employed/Month/year

135,379,000/July 2001..........................Right before 9/11
134,055,000/December/2001................Right after 9/11
145,926,000/December/2006................Democrats take control of Congress
145,596,000/July/2008..........................Right before the Financial Melt Down
143,338,000/December/2008.................Right After the Financial Melt Down
139,206,000/December/2010.................Republicans take majority in the House


You were saying?
...increase in unemployment rate during his presidency?

Keep in my mind that Obama said in mid 2009 that he expected the unemployment rate would likely rise to 10% in the next couple of years.

Obama Sees 10% Unemployment Rate, Chides Wall Street Critics - Bloomberg

I don't think it's fair to put all of the blame on Obama simply because he is president.
Obama has created 2.5 million jobs and saved even more. I do agree he could have done more (how much?), but I have yet to be convinced that Obama is the reason why the unemployment rate is as high as it is.

I really am open to answers on this. I want answers that illlustrate how his policies have been detrimental on a national level.

Define "saved jobs".
Where is the data on these?



The fact is, Obama saved the ENTIRE PLANET, and that EVERYONE with a job today should be very grateful!!!

Yes, Be thankful that he hasn't noticed they still have a job.

This guy is to jobs what Winter is to flowers.
No president has been re-elected with an Unemployment figure over 7.2%. His is way over that when you consider all of those who quit looking. NEXT....

Those who "quit looking" are not included in the number you are referring to. They haven't been included for past presidents either. So why are you starting now?

The difference is that this President has presided over more people giving up hope than any other president since FDR.

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