Can you say...COUP? Homeland Security preparing for civil conflict


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
The number of bullets purchased by the DHS now adds up to a staggering 1.4 billion over the last six months alone. Although all those bullets won’t be delivered at once, the DHS’ commitment to purchasing such an arsenal of ammo is both worrying and ironic given that Americans are being harassed and treated with suspicion for buying a couple of boxes of ammo at their local gun store.
Following a barrage of questions about why the federal agency has purchased so many bullets, the DHS has refused to respond and even gone to the lengths of censoring information relating to solicitations for ammunition.
The DHS’ decision back in March to purchase of 450 million rounds of .40-caliber hollow point bullets that are designed to expand upon entry and cause maximum organ damage prompted questions as to why the federal agency required such powerful bullets and in such large quantities merely for training purposes.​
This was followed up by a more recent order for a further 750 million rounds of assorted ammunition, including bullets that can penetrate walls.
The mainstream media responded to the controversy by focusing on a purchase of 174,000 bullets by the Social Security Administration while completely ignoring the fact that the DHS had purchased well over a billion rounds."

» DHS Purchases 200 Million More Rounds of Ammunition Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
yep....DHS was a great fucking idea, wasn't it? Part of the reason I left the GOP. Sounded too KGB to me.
yep....DHS was a great fucking idea, wasn't it? Part of the reason I left the GOP. Sounded too KGB to me.

Well, if the reason you left the GOP was over DHS, and it sounding too KGB, then this should really scare you:

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded. People of all ages, stations, and skills will be asked to serve." - Barack Obama

Sounds to Brownshirt to me.
I'm not ignoring that you fucking idiot. It should have never been invented in the first place....that's ALL I was saying.

as for the "Coup".....I think not so Koshergirl is a fucking lunatic and probably a paid shit I believe that NO one is planning a coup.

God, you people are so fucked up. I hope he takes that into consideration on judgment day.
Cuz the fact that they have faked the anti-Muslim youtube video in order to show the need to limit freedom of speech, and the fact that they're stocking up on ammo is in NO WAY indicative of anything.
So why are they stockpiling ammo this close to the election? Any insight?
So why are they stockpiling ammo this close to the election? Any insight?

Oh....I don't know, hundreds of thousands of pissed off Muslims? Protect the citizenry from people like you if Obama wins? Maybe it was the normal time to order ammo?

It's batshit crazy conspiracy theorists like you and bigreb that gives conservatives. a bad name.
You're nucking help.

If, by some "batboy/aliens ate Elvis" chance that it really happens? I will be the first person to apologize to you. But that's what? a 1:100 billion chance? So, I think I'm safe.
The Muslims were deliberately pissed off by our State Department who wants nothing more than a big uprising to distract from what they're doing here.

The DHS isn't going to use rounds over in the ME. Those are for civilians here.
The Muslims were deliberately pissed off by our State Department who wants nothing more than a big uprising to distract from what they're doing here.

The DHS isn't going to use rounds over in the ME. Those are for civilians here.

Do you have ANY...any at all mind you....proof of that? just have your own paranoia...and a few links from fellow whackaloons.
crazy, isn't it? This mentality is also part of the reason I left. It started with the whole "RINO" thing...because that's where I resided......I voted mostly GOP...but then I was also liberal on other issues, such as labor and individual choices when it came to people's private lives....apparently that wasn't "lockstep" enough for the "NEW" GOP.....I became a RINO, labeled by extremists who took over a legitimate political party, but too much of a bunch of pussies to start one of their own.

So I left....But DHS and the Patriot Act were also big time influences. I'd still just as soon get rid of both of those....
Cuz the fact that they have faked the anti-Muslim youtube video in order to show the need to limit freedom of speech, and the fact that they're stocking up on ammo is in NO WAY indicative of anything.

You're insane.
yep....DHS was a great fucking idea, wasn't it? Part of the reason I left the GOP. Sounded too KGB to me.

Well, if the reason you left the GOP was over DHS, and it sounding too KGB, then this should really scare you:

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded. People of all ages, stations, and skills will be asked to serve." - Barack Obama

Sounds to Brownshirt to me.

that's because you and many others on the 'right' never ever try to search out the truth and just parrot what you were told to say....

HERE is the statement IN CONTEXT:

Here is the relevant portion of what Obama actually said, with the sentences quoted selectively by Broun and others in bold.
Obama, July 2, Colorado Springs, CO: [As] president I will expand AmeriCorps to 250,000 slots [from 75,000] and make that increased service a vehicle to meet national goals, like providing health care and education, saving our planet and restoring our standing in the world, so that citizens see their effort connected to a common purpose.
People of all ages, stations and skills will be asked to serve. Because when it comes to the challenges we face, the American people are not the problem – they are the answer. So we are going to send more college graduates to teach and mentor our young people. We’ll call on Americans to join an energy corps, to conduct renewable energy and environmental clean-up projects in their neighborhoods all across the country.
We will enlist our veterans to find jobs and support for other vets, and to be there for our military families. And we’re going to grow our Foreign Service, open consulates that have been shuttered and double the size of the Peace Corps by 2011 to renew our diplomacy. We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set.
We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded. We need to use technology to connect people to service. We’ll expand USA Freedom Corps to create online networks where American can browse opportunities to volunteer. You’ll be able to search by category, time commitment and skill sets. You’ll be able to rate service opportunities, build service networks, and create your own service pages to track your hours and activities.
This will empower more Americans to craft their own service agenda and make their own change from the bottom up.
Does that sound like a force that could kick down your door in the middle of the night and haul you off to a Gulag or concentration camp? You decide.
– Brooks Jackson : Obama’s ‘National Security Force?’
Redneck patriots stockpiling ammo = protection from tyrant Democrats

DHS stockpiling ammo = imminent threat against redneck patriots

The number of bullets purchased by the DHS now adds up to a staggering 1.4 billion over the last six months alone. Although all those bullets won’t be delivered at once, the DHS’ commitment to purchasing such an arsenal of ammo is both worrying and ironic given that Americans are being harassed and treated with suspicion for buying a couple of boxes of ammo at their local gun store.
Following a barrage of questions about why the federal agency has purchased so many bullets, the DHS has refused to respond and even gone to the lengths of censoring information relating to solicitations for ammunition.
The DHS’ decision back in March to purchase of 450 million rounds of .40-caliber hollow point bullets that are designed to expand upon entry and cause maximum organ damage prompted questions as to why the federal agency required such powerful bullets and in such large quantities merely for training purposes.​
This was followed up by a more recent order for a further 750 million rounds of assorted ammunition, including bullets that can penetrate walls.
The mainstream media responded to the controversy by focusing on a purchase of 174,000 bullets by the Social Security Administration while completely ignoring the fact that the DHS had purchased well over a billion rounds."

» DHS Purchases 200 Million More Rounds of Ammunition Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

This idiocy has been debunked time and again, get it a rest.

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