Can You Smell The Desperation?

Public Announcement For Lefties:

If you don't want Phucking Schooled, then don't ask The Teacher a Dumbass Question.

Now, go to the principle's office and explain yourselves.
The Dem's Stalinesque\McCarthyism Like Witch Hunt is coming undone and with it, Dems are coming unglued.

They were bat shit crazy and lying their little commie mouths off in typical fashion before and that was quite entertaining, but The Rabies really set in once Trump called them out on wire tapping.

Now these sick foaming at the mouth disease ridden dogs are off the chain.

When you decide to go to war against America as a political party, expect to take some heavy casualties, lefty.

Not that you had any mental health to begin with in the first place, but it's clear your mental health is deteriorated.

I have some suggestions for you.

1.) Get rabies shots.
2.) Get checked for Parvo & Lime disease.
3.) Go to Putin's Obedience for Bad Dogs Training Center.
4.) Up your Prozac Prescription
5.) Institutionalize yourselves.
6.) Get checked for heart worm, if they can actually find your heart, that is....

Or maybe just go on a Vision Quest and find Jesus and come back to us as a normal rational human being who loves his country, loves God, and loves his neighbors.

Another republican Christian who does not follow the teachings of Jesus. I love the hypocrites.

And exactly what would you know about "Christian Principles"?

Let me give you a quick and painful lesson then!

Did you know Jesus said that while he was not with us, for the disciples to buy a sword, and a carry money with them?

You see.... when The Kingdom is "with us" we can afford to be gracious and merciful without reserve, but when it is not with us, we must be aware of The Evil that is around us, and protect ourselves from it.

Luke 22:36

35 Then Jesus asked them, “When I sent you out without purse or bag or sandals, did you lack anything?” “Nothing,” they answered.

36“Now, however, He told them, “the one with a purse should take it, and likewise a bag; and the one without a sword should sell his cloak and buy one.

And below here this follows under the title of

How To Deal With LIBERALS.

Titus 1: 12-16

12 As one of their own prophets has said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.”

13 This testimony is true. Therefore rebuke them sternly, so that they will be sound in the faith,

14 and will pay no attention to Jewish myths or to the commands of men who have rejected the truth.…

15 To the pure, all things are pure; but to the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure. Indeed, both their minds and their consciences are defiled!

16 They profess to know God, but they deny Him by their actions. They are detestable, disobedient, and unfit for any good deed.

Cherry picker:

Matthew 25:34-40New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)

34. Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’ 37. Then the righteous will answer him and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38. When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39. When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?’ 40. And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’


Matthew 7:6

6 Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.

Are you sure you want to get in to this kind of battle with me Lefty Cretans?

How fitting that your Avatar "Penelope" is of Titus who persecuted Jews & Christians Mercilessly, and destroyed the Jerusalem Temple.

Please don't lecture me, when you hold such a murderous tyrant in such high esteem who crucified Jews & Christians, and boiled them in oil and fed their children to Roman Dogs, and made their parents watch.

A.D. 70 Titus Destroys Jerusalem
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Public Announcement For Lefties:

If you don't want Phucking Schooled, then don't ask The Teacher a Dumbass Question.

Now, go to the principle's office and explain yourselves.
Thank you for sharing the note the Principle gave you the last time you talked in class.
The snowflakes in power are pissed off that TRUMP derailed their gravy train.

They figured Hillary would replace Obama, and the fleecing of America would continue.

That didn't happen, so they are trying anything they can to remove Trump from office.

I understand why those in power want Trump out of office....I don't understand the useful idiots helping the corrupt keep power.
The Dem's Stalinesque\McCarthyism Like Witch Hunt is coming undone and with it, Dems are coming unglued.

They were bat shit crazy and lying their little commie mouths off in typical fashion before and that was quite entertaining, but The Rabies really set in once Trump called them out on wire tapping.

Now these sick foaming at the mouth disease ridden dogs are off the chain.

When you decide to go to war against America as a political party, expect to take some heavy casualties, lefty.

Not that you had any mental health to begin with in the first place, but it's clear your mental health is deteriorated.

I have some suggestions for you.

1.) Get rabies shots.
2.) Get checked for Parvo & Lime disease.
3.) Go to Putin's Obedience for Bad Dogs Training Center.
4.) Up your Prozac Prescription
5.) Institutionalize yourselves.
6.) Get checked for heart worm, if they can actually find your heart, that is....

Or maybe just go on a Vision Quest and find Jesus and come back to us as a normal rational human being who loves his country, loves God, and loves his neighbors.

Is there a grownup version of your post that you could put up?
The snowflakes in power are pissed off that TRUMP derailed their gravy train.

They figured Hillary would replace Obama, and the fleecing of America would continue.

That didn't happen, so they are trying anything they can to remove Trump from office.

I understand why those in power want Trump out of office....I don't understand the useful idiots helping the corrupt keep power.

There's never been a more corrupt person to hold the office of president than Trump.
The snowflakes in power are pissed off that TRUMP derailed their gravy train.

They figured Hillary would replace Obama, and the fleecing of America would continue.

That didn't happen, so they are trying anything they can to remove Trump from office.

I understand why those in power want Trump out of office....I don't understand the useful idiots helping the corrupt keep power.

There's never been a more corrupt person to hold the office of president than Trump.
Please list THE FACTS and Evidence of your Accusations that President Trump is the most corrupt president to ever hold office.

Did he sell Uranium to Russians?
Did he give money to Iran to buy Our Uranium from Russia?

There must be something he did, like accept $64 Million for a book deal from a Russian Backed Publishing company...
Or $145 Million donation to their foundation from The Russians after selling our Uranium to them.

I'll get the popcorn and wait for you to put on your little show.
Public Announcement For Lefties:

If you don't want Phucking Schooled, then don't ask The Teacher a Dumbass Question.

Now, go to the principle's office and explain yourselves.
Thank you for sharing the note the Principle gave you the last time you talked in class.

Geez you suck at this. But I laughed at your impotent effort.
Then again, you are probably used to laughter when you put yourself on display like that.
Public Announcement For Lefties:

If you don't want Phucking Schooled, then don't ask The Teacher a Dumbass Question.

Now, go to the principle's office and explain yourselves.
Thank you for sharing the note the Principle gave you the last time you talked in class.

Geez you suck at this. But I laughed at your impotent effort.
Then again, you are probably used to laughter when you put yourself on display like that.
You are a second grader when it comes to this, yes, TOT.

But, as your school teachers tell you, stop talking, start listening, think about what you are hearing, then go home and think about it some more before embarrassing yourself.
The snowflakes in power are pissed off that TRUMP derailed their gravy train.

They figured Hillary would replace Obama, and the fleecing of America would continue.

That didn't happen, so they are trying anything they can to remove Trump from office.

I understand why those in power want Trump out of office....I don't understand the useful idiots helping the corrupt keep power.

There's never been a more corrupt person to hold the office of president than Trump.
Please list THE FACTS and Evidence of your Accusations that President Trump is the most corrupt president to ever hold office.

Did he sell Uranium to Russians?
Did he give money to Iran to buy Our Uranium from Russia?

There must be something he did, like accept $64 Million for a book deal from a Russian Backed Publishing company...
Or $145 Million donation to their foundation from The Russians after selling our Uranium to them.

I'll get the popcorn and wait for you to put on your little show.

lol, this idiot asks for facts and evidence. Irony of the year!
The snowflakes in power are pissed off that TRUMP derailed their gravy train.

They figured Hillary would replace Obama, and the fleecing of America would continue.

That didn't happen, so they are trying anything they can to remove Trump from office.

I understand why those in power want Trump out of office....I don't understand the useful idiots helping the corrupt keep power.

There's never been a more corrupt person to hold the office of president than Trump.
Please list THE FACTS and Evidence of your Accusations that President Trump is the most corrupt president to ever hold office.

Did he sell Uranium to Russians?
Did he give money to Iran to buy Our Uranium from Russia?

There must be something he did, like accept $64 Million for a book deal from a Russian Backed Publishing company...
Or $145 Million donation to their foundation from The Russians after selling our Uranium to them.

I'll get the popcorn and wait for you to put on your little show.

He is colluding with Russia, supposedly, yet he publicly asked the Russians to release Hillary's deleted 33,000 e-mails.

Snowflakes are just hilarious.

Just 4 years ago, Obama said Putin was NOT a threat. Was Obama STUPID or CORRUPT? It's one of the 2.
The snowflakes in power are pissed off that TRUMP derailed their gravy train.

They figured Hillary would replace Obama, and the fleecing of America would continue.

That didn't happen, so they are trying anything they can to remove Trump from office.

I understand why those in power want Trump out of office....I don't understand the useful idiots helping the corrupt keep power.

There's never been a more corrupt person to hold the office of president than Trump.
Please list THE FACTS and Evidence of your Accusations that President Trump is the most corrupt president to ever hold office.

Did he sell Uranium to Russians?
Did he give money to Iran to buy Our Uranium from Russia?

There must be something he did, like accept $64 Million for a book deal from a Russian Backed Publishing company...
Or $145 Million donation to their foundation from The Russians after selling our Uranium to them.

I'll get the popcorn and wait for you to put on your little show.

He is colluding with Russia, supposedly, yet he publicly asked the Russians to release Hillary's deleted 33,000 e-mails.

Snowflakes are just hilarious.

Just 4 years ago, Obama said Putin was NOT a threat. Was Obama STUPID or CORRUPT? It's one of the 2.

The question I asked is:

Do you believe Obama's Chief of Intelligence Clapper when he said, "There is No Evidence that was ever found of The Trump Team Colluding with Russia!"

Do you also believe him when he said, "There were no wire taps in Trump Tower."

That is where Flynn's phone call took place, so how did The Washington post get a transcript of a private call in Trump Tower?
Public Announcement For Lefties:

If you don't want Phucking Schooled, then don't ask The Teacher a Dumbass Question.

Now, go to the principle's office and explain yourselves.
Thank you for sharing the note the Principle gave you the last time you talked in class.

Geez you suck at this. But I laughed at your impotent effort.
Then again, you are probably used to laughter when you put yourself on display like that.
You are a second grader when it comes to this, yes, TOT.

But, as your school teachers tell you, stop talking, start listening, think about what you are hearing, then go home and think about it some more before embarrassing yourself.

So you do get laughed at when you show your little Barak Obama to your dates.

Thanks for confirming that.
The Dem's Stalinesque\McCarthyism Like Witch Hunt is coming undone and with it, Dems are coming unglued.

They were bat shit crazy and lying their little commie mouths off in typical fashion before and that was quite entertaining, but The Rabies really set in once Trump called them out on wire tapping.

Now these sick foaming at the mouth disease ridden dogs are off the chain.

When you decide to go to war against America as a political party, expect to take some heavy casualties, lefty.

Not that you had any mental health to begin with in the first place, but it's clear your mental health is deteriorated.

I have some suggestions for you.

1.) Get rabies shots.
2.) Get checked for Parvo & Lime disease.
3.) Go to Putin's Obedience for Bad Dogs Training Center.
4.) Up your Prozac Prescription
5.) Institutionalize yourselves.
6.) Get checked for heart worm, if they can actually find your heart, that is....

Or maybe just go on a Vision Quest and find Jesus and come back to us as a normal rational human being who loves his country, loves God, and loves his neighbors.

Can You Smell The Desperation?

Absolutely !

the Russian-Wingers are starting stupid shit threads JUST like this one intended to do nothing more than deflect attention away from Trump and his sorry, incompetent ass.
The Dem's Stalinesque\McCarthyism Like Witch Hunt is coming undone and with it, Dems are coming unglued.

They were bat shit crazy and lying their little commie mouths off in typical fashion before and that was quite entertaining, but The Rabies really set in once Trump called them out on wire tapping.

Now these sick foaming at the mouth disease ridden dogs are off the chain.

When you decide to go to war against America as a political party, expect to take some heavy casualties, lefty.

Not that you had any mental health to begin with in the first place, but it's clear your mental health is deteriorated.

I have some suggestions for you.

1.) Get rabies shots.
2.) Get checked for Parvo & Lime disease.
3.) Go to Putin's Obedience for Bad Dogs Training Center.
4.) Up your Prozac Prescription
5.) Institutionalize yourselves.
6.) Get checked for heart worm, if they can actually find your heart, that is....

Or maybe just go on a Vision Quest and find Jesus and come back to us as a normal rational human being who loves his country, loves God, and loves his neighbors.

Can You Smell The Desperation?

Absolutely !

the Russian-Wingers are starting stupid shit threads JUST like this one intended to do nothing more than deflect attention away from Trump and his sorry, incompetent ass.

Ahh...more Lefty Cretans coming out of the woodwork to defend Waldo?

Where's Waldo?

A good dose of distraction is in order. What the Lemocrats are offering isn't news. It's nonsense with no basis in reality.
The snowflakes in power are pissed off that TRUMP derailed their gravy train.

They figured Hillary would replace Obama, and the fleecing of America would continue.

That didn't happen, so they are trying anything they can to remove Trump from office.

I understand why those in power want Trump out of office....I don't understand the useful idiots helping the corrupt keep power.

There's never been a more corrupt person to hold the office of president than Trump.
Please list THE FACTS and Evidence of your Accusations that President Trump is the most corrupt president to ever hold office.

Did he sell Uranium to Russians?
Did he give money to Iran to buy Our Uranium from Russia?

There must be something he did, like accept $64 Million for a book deal from a Russian Backed Publishing company...
Or $145 Million donation to their foundation from The Russians after selling our Uranium to them.

I'll get the popcorn and wait for you to put on your little show.

He is colluding with Russia, supposedly, yet he publicly asked the Russians to release Hillary's deleted 33,000 e-mails.

Snowflakes are just hilarious.

Just 4 years ago, Obama said Putin was NOT a threat. Was Obama STUPID or CORRUPT? It's one of the 2.

The question I asked is:

Do you believe Obama's Chief of Intelligence Clapper when he said, "There is No Evidence that was ever found of The Trump Team Colluding with Russia!"

Do you also believe him when he said, "There were no wire taps in Trump Tower."

That is where Flynn's phone call took place, so how did The Washington post get a transcript of a private call in Trump Tower?

I don't believe or disbelieve either statement.
The snowflakes in power are pissed off that TRUMP derailed their gravy train.

They figured Hillary would replace Obama, and the fleecing of America would continue.

That didn't happen, so they are trying anything they can to remove Trump from office.

I understand why those in power want Trump out of office....I don't understand the useful idiots helping the corrupt keep power.

There's never been a more corrupt person to hold the office of president than Trump.
Please list THE FACTS and Evidence of your Accusations that President Trump is the most corrupt president to ever hold office.

Did he sell Uranium to Russians?
Did he give money to Iran to buy Our Uranium from Russia?

There must be something he did, like accept $64 Million for a book deal from a Russian Backed Publishing company...
Or $145 Million donation to their foundation from The Russians after selling our Uranium to them.

I'll get the popcorn and wait for you to put on your little show.

He is colluding with Russia, supposedly, yet he publicly asked the Russians to release Hillary's deleted 33,000 e-mails.

Snowflakes are just hilarious.

Just 4 years ago, Obama said Putin was NOT a threat. Was Obama STUPID or CORRUPT? It's one of the 2.

The question I asked is:

Do you believe Obama's Chief of Intelligence Clapper when he said, "There is No Evidence that was ever found of The Trump Team Colluding with Russia!"

Do you also believe him when he said, "There were no wire taps in Trump Tower."

That is where Flynn's phone call took place, so how did The Washington post get a transcript of a private call in Trump Tower?

He is part of the INTELLIGENCE community and he already ADMITTEDLY lied to Congress about METADATA collection.

He should not be a source for anything that requires anyone to "TRUST" him.
The Dem's Stalinesque\McCarthyism Like Witch Hunt is coming undone and with it, Dems are coming unglued.

They were bat shit crazy and lying their little commie mouths off in typical fashion before and that was quite entertaining, but The Rabies really set in once Trump called them out on wire tapping.

Now these sick foaming at the mouth disease ridden dogs are off the chain.

When you decide to go to war against America as a political party, expect to take some heavy casualties, lefty.

Not that you had any mental health to begin with in the first place, but it's clear your mental health is deteriorated.

I have some suggestions for you.

1.) Get rabies shots.
2.) Get checked for Parvo & Lime disease.
3.) Go to Putin's Obedience for Bad Dogs Training Center.
4.) Up your Prozac Prescription
5.) Institutionalize yourselves.
6.) Get checked for heart worm, if they can actually find your heart, that is....

Or maybe just go on a Vision Quest and find Jesus and come back to us as a normal rational human being who loves his country, loves God, and loves his neighbors.

Can You Smell The Desperation?

Absolutely !

the Russian-Wingers are starting stupid shit threads JUST like this one intended to do nothing more than deflect attention away from Trump and his sorry, incompetent ass.

The craziness of the RWnut collective position on an issue is always proportionate to the amount of posting they do on it. The more ridiculous their view, the more they post.

That's why the wiretapping issue is now a tsunami of RWnut posts and threads.
The snowflakes in power are pissed off that TRUMP derailed their gravy train.

They figured Hillary would replace Obama, and the fleecing of America would continue.

That didn't happen, so they are trying anything they can to remove Trump from office.

I understand why those in power want Trump out of office....I don't understand the useful idiots helping the corrupt keep power.

There's never been a more corrupt person to hold the office of president than Trump.
Please list THE FACTS and Evidence of your Accusations that President Trump is the most corrupt president to ever hold office.

Did he sell Uranium to Russians?
Did he give money to Iran to buy Our Uranium from Russia?

There must be something he did, like accept $64 Million for a book deal from a Russian Backed Publishing company...
Or $145 Million donation to their foundation from The Russians after selling our Uranium to them.

I'll get the popcorn and wait for you to put on your little show.

He is colluding with Russia, supposedly, yet he publicly asked the Russians to release Hillary's deleted 33,000 e-mails.

Snowflakes are just hilarious.

Just 4 years ago, Obama said Putin was NOT a threat. Was Obama STUPID or CORRUPT? It's one of the 2.

The question I asked is:

Do you believe Obama's Chief of Intelligence Clapper when he said, "There is No Evidence that was ever found of The Trump Team Colluding with Russia!"

Do you also believe him when he said, "There were no wire taps in Trump Tower."

That is where Flynn's phone call took place, so how did The Washington post get a transcript of a private call in Trump Tower?

I don't believe or disbelieve either statement.
If you are waiting to be told what you believe or don't believe you're a Lemocrat.

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