Can You Smell The Desperation?

The snowflakes in power are pissed off that TRUMP derailed their gravy train.

They figured Hillary would replace Obama, and the fleecing of America would continue.

That didn't happen, so they are trying anything they can to remove Trump from office.

I understand why those in power want Trump out of office....I don't understand the useful idiots helping the corrupt keep power.

There's never been a more corrupt person to hold the office of president than Trump.
Please list THE FACTS and Evidence of your Accusations that President Trump is the most corrupt president to ever hold office.

Did he sell Uranium to Russians?
Did he give money to Iran to buy Our Uranium from Russia?

There must be something he did, like accept $64 Million for a book deal from a Russian Backed Publishing company...
Or $145 Million donation to their foundation from The Russians after selling our Uranium to them.

I'll get the popcorn and wait for you to put on your little show.

He is colluding with Russia, supposedly, yet he publicly asked the Russians to release Hillary's deleted 33,000 e-mails.

Snowflakes are just hilarious.

Just 4 years ago, Obama said Putin was NOT a threat. Was Obama STUPID or CORRUPT? It's one of the 2.

The question I asked is:

Do you believe Obama's Chief of Intelligence Clapper when he said, "There is No Evidence that was ever found of The Trump Team Colluding with Russia!"

Do you also believe him when he said, "There were no wire taps in Trump Tower."

That is where Flynn's phone call took place, so how did The Washington post get a transcript of a private call in Trump Tower?

Trump has access to all FISA warrants. Let him produce the one(s) that authorized wiretapping HIS phones.
The criminal conspiracy known as the MSM is also coming unglued. The media doesn't know which way to jump. Should they continue with the NY Times fake news narrative that the justice dept obtained wiretap evidence against Trump regarding Russian hacking or should they pretend that the story was based on speculation rather than leaks? Once more Trump outfoxed them.
There's never been a more corrupt person to hold the office of president than Trump.
Please list THE FACTS and Evidence of your Accusations that President Trump is the most corrupt president to ever hold office.

Did he sell Uranium to Russians?
Did he give money to Iran to buy Our Uranium from Russia?

There must be something he did, like accept $64 Million for a book deal from a Russian Backed Publishing company...
Or $145 Million donation to their foundation from The Russians after selling our Uranium to them.

I'll get the popcorn and wait for you to put on your little show.

He is colluding with Russia, supposedly, yet he publicly asked the Russians to release Hillary's deleted 33,000 e-mails.

Snowflakes are just hilarious.

Just 4 years ago, Obama said Putin was NOT a threat. Was Obama STUPID or CORRUPT? It's one of the 2.

The question I asked is:

Do you believe Obama's Chief of Intelligence Clapper when he said, "There is No Evidence that was ever found of The Trump Team Colluding with Russia!"

Do you also believe him when he said, "There were no wire taps in Trump Tower."

That is where Flynn's phone call took place, so how did The Washington post get a transcript of a private call in Trump Tower?

I don't believe or disbelieve either statement.
If you are waiting to be told what you believe or don't believe you're a Lemocrat.

Neither statement is supported by factual, substantive evidence. Why would I then take a position on either?
I believe the Russian-Wingers refuse to believe anything or anybody if it relates to a Trump fuck up of any kind.
Please list THE FACTS and Evidence of your Accusations that President Trump is the most corrupt president to ever hold office.

Did he sell Uranium to Russians?
Did he give money to Iran to buy Our Uranium from Russia?

There must be something he did, like accept $64 Million for a book deal from a Russian Backed Publishing company...
Or $145 Million donation to their foundation from The Russians after selling our Uranium to them.

I'll get the popcorn and wait for you to put on your little show.

He is colluding with Russia, supposedly, yet he publicly asked the Russians to release Hillary's deleted 33,000 e-mails.

Snowflakes are just hilarious.

Just 4 years ago, Obama said Putin was NOT a threat. Was Obama STUPID or CORRUPT? It's one of the 2.

The question I asked is:

Do you believe Obama's Chief of Intelligence Clapper when he said, "There is No Evidence that was ever found of The Trump Team Colluding with Russia!"

Do you also believe him when he said, "There were no wire taps in Trump Tower."

That is where Flynn's phone call took place, so how did The Washington post get a transcript of a private call in Trump Tower?

I don't believe or disbelieve either statement.
If you are waiting to be told what you believe or don't believe you're a Lemocrat.

Neither statement is supported by factual, substantive evidence. Why would I then take a position on either?

Because Clapper said so. And since he is a DemGod, you need to make an evaluation if the pronouncements from his throne or truthful or not.

Do you believe Clapper who was Obama's Intelligence Chief?

If Obama had the balls to show his face in public and said the same thing, would you believe him?
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I believe the Russian-Wingers refuse to believe anything or anybody if it relates to a Trump fuck up of any kind.
The question being posed here, which all of you Cretans are avoiding answering is,

Do you believe Clapper?
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He is colluding with Russia, supposedly, yet he publicly asked the Russians to release Hillary's deleted 33,000 e-mails.

Snowflakes are just hilarious.

Just 4 years ago, Obama said Putin was NOT a threat. Was Obama STUPID or CORRUPT? It's one of the 2.

The question I asked is:

Do you believe Obama's Chief of Intelligence Clapper when he said, "There is No Evidence that was ever found of The Trump Team Colluding with Russia!"

Do you also believe him when he said, "There were no wire taps in Trump Tower."

That is where Flynn's phone call took place, so how did The Washington post get a transcript of a private call in Trump Tower?

I don't believe or disbelieve either statement.
If you are waiting to be told what you believe or don't believe you're a Lemocrat.

Neither statement is supported by factual, substantive evidence. Why would I then take a position on either?

Because Clapper said so. And since he is a DemGod, you need to make an evaluation if the pronouncements from his throne or truthful or not.

that is the worst fucking logical fallacy I think I've ever heard on this forum, and goddam, that's a high bar to clear.
I believe the Russian-Wingers refuse to believe anything or anybody if it relates to a Trump fuck up of any kind.

Obama being one of the "RUSSIAN WINGERS", correct?

Romney said Putin was bad, Obama said Romney was wrong.

Obama already had his tongue WAY up Putin's butthole.
I believe the Russian-Wingers refuse to believe anything or anybody if it relates to a Trump fuck up of any kind.
The question being posed here, which all of you Cretans are avoiding answering is, do you believe Clapper?

Clapper is irrelevant.

That is not the question I asked.

Clapper was The Chief Intelligence Officer for The Obama Administration.

He said categorically that "There was no evidence found whatsoever that The Trump Team colluded with Russia to impact The Election."

He also said that "There was no wire tapping at Trump Tower."

Do you believe Clapper?
The question I asked is:

Do you believe Obama's Chief of Intelligence Clapper when he said, "There is No Evidence that was ever found of The Trump Team Colluding with Russia!"

Do you also believe him when he said, "There were no wire taps in Trump Tower."

That is where Flynn's phone call took place, so how did The Washington post get a transcript of a private call in Trump Tower?

I don't believe or disbelieve either statement.
If you are waiting to be told what you believe or don't believe you're a Lemocrat.

Neither statement is supported by factual, substantive evidence. Why would I then take a position on either?

Because Clapper said so. And since he is a DemGod, you need to make an evaluation if the pronouncements from his throne or truthful or not.

that is the worst fucking logical fallacy I think I've ever heard on this forum, and goddam, that's a high bar to clear.

Simple Question.
The sweating reek of the Alt Right's desperation fouls the neighborhoods of America.

On what grounds would dems try to impeach Trump? He hasn't committed perjury in a federal court, as did Bill Clinton. I think this is wishful thinking on your part.
The sweating reek of the Alt Right's desperation fouls the neighborhoods of America.

On what grounds would dems try to impeach Trump? He hasn't committed perjury in a federal court, as did Bill Clinton. I think this is wishful thinking on your part.
It's been about seven or weeks, and he is already stumbling into rocky ground. :lol: He has been quiet for three days. Let's see what happens.

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