Can you tell us why you support Trump over democrats?

We’ll Trump ain’t no “small government fiscal conservative” so…
He could be better on that front, for sure.
But, seriously, just comparing him speaking to Biden speaking, there's a huge gap in cognitive function.
Biden isn't all there.
You can gaslight and deny this all you'd like, but honest, perceptive adults can see the obvious.
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Any vote for a Democrat short of Jusus Christ is a vote for corruption, destruction and opposite day. The Democrats must not have power.

Who presided over the last three economic crashes???? It wasn't the Democrats.

Who presided over the WORST covid response in the WORLD. It wasn't the Democrats.

And yet Republicans blame Democrats for every failure of Republican cut and spend policies, the failed wars Republicans start, and the destruction of the American middle class since Reagan destroyed the union movement that built the American middle class.
Have you not paid attention to the dumpster fire of the past year and a half of democrat control? Need I say more?

What "dumpster fire would that be"? The pandemic in now under control. Everyone in American who wants a job, has a job. You're no longer at war, other than your assistance with the Ukraine.

There still a HUGE amount of garbage kicking around from the Trump Administration, to be cleaned up. First and foremost is voting rights for all. Keeping abortion safe and legal. But nothing has been done on the trade front as Biden dealt with covid, Afghanistan, the Ukraine, gas prices, and getting his legislative agenda passed. This is affecting supply lines, as well as having the tariff's increase prices to the American consumers.

Trump's "interim deal" with China only required China to go back to the 2017 import levels of American grains. 5 years of pain and bankruptcy for American farmers to get back to where they were in 2017. And you wonder why Trump presided over 7 large corporate bankruptcies.
Have you not paid attention to the dumpster fire of the past year and a half of democrat control? Need I say more?
The last guy is a private citizen and still a dumpster fire getting raided, subpoenaed, pleading the fifth… holy shit show Batman.

Biden on the other hand..

No, he FIRED that many employees. IRS budgets and staff have been falling since 2012, and as the number of employees has falled, so have the number of audits for the highest income earners.
And you think that's a bad thing, from your hovel up in Canada?
No, he FIRED that many employees. IRS budgets and staff have been falling since 2012, and as the number of employees has falled, so have the number of audits for the highest income earners.
Trump FIRED 87,000 IRS employees? Got a link on that? Smaller budgets equals smaller government, get a fricken clue.
Democraps are a cancer on this nation. Til I see them return to JFK Dems. Well they can just kiss this.


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