Can you tell us why you support Trump over democrats?

If you’re planning on collecting taxes properly, it’s a very bad thing. Your population isn’t getting smaller.
I couldn't care less about a Canadian's opinion on how to collect taxes "properly".
Your fucked-up government is locking bank accounts of people protesting vaccine mandates.
Mow your own fucking yard, CanadaKaren.
Yep. The Dems have phukked-up five-ways-to-Sunday. But you left-out the reversal of Roe-v-Wade. That's your 500-lb gorilla in the room. Ask most women.

Not my circus and not my monkeys. I'm not a LibProg. Merely vigorously and passionately anti-Rump. Big difference. Run him again at your very great risk.
Thats what you hope. Roe v Wade didnt sway as far as you hoped for. People are pissed about economy. Roe will not turn that many with an economy from hell.
Ace you better look a little closer, we are set to gain three more senators and two more Governors in 2022. Trying to sell bullshit I see. There will be no buyers in the people who have a clue.
Take a look at the polls moonbat. Unless you cheat you are fucked.
Take a look at the polls moonbat. Unless you cheat you are fucked.
Hey idiot, that is what the polls are saying. I love it when some moonbeam comes on here and uses something that is 100% against what they are saying. Now that is dumb. Latest polls say we will gain 4 seats in the senate and 2 governors. If women come out to vote big time, we will have the presidency, the house and the senate and a majority of governors. If they don't, we will still gain 2 governors and gain in the senate. How bad is the right wing, well in off election over the last 20 elections, gains were made in 18 of the 20 elections for the party that is out of office. So you losers are in sad shape. You aren't going to gain nothing except in the house. If women come out in force, you won't gain there either.
Love it when these idiots come on with their facts ,that are 100% wrong and they are trying to build their whole case with that bullshit. Comedy at its best.
Hey idiot, that is what the polls are saying. I love it when some moonbeam comes on here and uses something that is 100% against what they are saying. Now that is dumb. Latest polls say we will gain 4 seats in the senate and 2 governors. If women come out to vote big time, we will have the presidency, the house and the senate and a majority of governors. If they don't, we will still gain 2 governors and gain in the senate. How bad is the right wing, well in off election over the last 20 elections, gains were made in 18 of the 20 elections for the party that is out of office. So you losers are in sad shape. You aren't going to gain nothing except in the house. If women come out in force, you won't gain there either.
We shall see huh. Good luck you gonna need it. And a whole lot of dead voters.
except democrats pray that democracy fails so their socialist dictators iike biden can rule their idiots without interference

Seriously? If you believe that you are truly delusional.

Here's a dose of reality for ya:

Biden is the freely and fairly elected President of the U.S.A.

If you believe anything else you are just another one of Putin's useful idiots!
It seems like an interesting question. Anyone want to give it a try. Is there any democrat that you could support.
I have never voted for a Democrat in my life and have no intentions of ever voting for one.

Probably 75% of the Republicans I have voted for turned out to be RINOs and helped the Democrats with the Liberal agenda of destruction.

There is really only one party and that is the Party of Big Government. The Democrats are the bat shit crazy branch and the Republicans are the more moderate branch.

Occasionally we will get a good Republican, like Trump, who will do the right things for this country. We never get a good Democrat. They are all assholes.
We shall see huh. Good luck you gonna need it. And a whole lot of dead voters.
We shall see huh. Good luck you gonna need it. And a whole lot of dead voters.
Nothing to see, you said the polls showed that the hate party was going to be a big winner , the fact is they show the opposite , this should be a automatic for you haters , 18 out of the last 20 time the party that is out of party in midterm election win, gee I wonder why you had such a crash. they found out what scum the repugs are and vote for the other party because you scumbags are just that ugly and hated.
Seriously? If you believe that you are truly delusional.

Here's a dose of reality for ya:

Biden is the freely and fairly elected President of the U.S.A.

If you believe anything else you are just another one of Putin's useful idiots!
These people are idiots , the commie attack is the automatic give away that you are dealing with a idiot. There isn't enough socialist Marxist or communist in this country to fill a thimble, only in the mind of the microbes.
Can you tell us why you support Trump over democrats?

Democrats are the party of sodomy (gay marriage), the party of pedophile teachers/groomers, the party of socialism, the party of open borders
Democrats destroyed our energy independence and now gas is through the roof
Democrats are the party now of full infanticide, they support killing a baby at the time of birth
Democrats are the party or Marxist/Fascist fake show trials and fraudulent impeachments,

Millions of illegal immigrants flooding into the country, record gas prices, soaring inflation, a recession, empty store shelves, American citizens still left behind in Afghanistan,

Democrats are no longer just fellow Americans with a different opinion, they are the enemy of Freedom.


30 Good Things President Trump Has Done for America

"It might be a refreshing change to recall some of the remarkable, nation-changing good things that Trump has accomplished for America. Here is my personal list."

1. Judges: Trump has appointed two Supreme Court justices, 53 federal appellate judges, and 146 District Court judges (as well as two judges for the Court of International Trade) who have been confirmed by the Senate so far. In addition, 64 more have been appointed and are awaiting Senate confirmation. All of them are committed to interpreting the Constitution and laws according to the original meaning of the words, rather than according to what a modern liberal judge thinks the law should have said.

As an evangelical Christian, I am glad to see that Trump’s two Supreme Court appointments have already been responsible for highly significant cases that increase religious freedom, such as the decisions (1) to allow state aid that is given to non-religious schools to be given also to religious schools (Montana decision); (2) to protect the right of religious schools to hire and fire employees based on the school’s religious convictions; and (3) to allow religious groups to be exempt from government regulations that would otherwise cause them to violate their consciences in matters of birth control (and, by implication, probably in matters of abortion and same-sex marriage, but that has not yet been tested).

2. Historic tax cuts and deregulation: After eight years of high unemployment and meager growth under President Obama’s administration, the Trump tax cuts of 2017 and Trump’s extensive canceling of excessive government regulations on businesses have given a tremendous boost to the American economy. An estimated 25,000 pages of regulations have been canceled, resulting in a savings of $3,100 per household per year. Another result of tax cuts combined with deregulation has been the addition of thousands of new jobs, so that unemployment (before the coronavirus crisis) fell to the lowest point in 50 years, and unemployment among African-American and Hispanic workers was the lowest it has ever been in history.

On election day, 2016 (11-8-16), the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 18,332.74.

This afternoon (8-21-20 at 2:29 p.m.) it stands at 27, 898.82, which is an increase of 52% in 3.5 years, even including several months of the coronavirus epidemic. This is remarkable.

These economic changes affect ordinary people’s everyday lives, not just wealthy people. Tens of thousands of people who were unemployed have recovered the dignity of steady employment (including getting paid during the coronavirus crisis). Millions of ordinary Americans whose retirement savings are partially invested in the stock market (including my wife and me) are finally receiving some protection and even growth in their savings.

3. Building a stronger U.S. military: Reversing the massive budget cuts that had seriously weakened our military under the Obama administration, President Trump has increased military spending by nearly $150 billion per year from $605 billion in 2016 to $750 billion, steadily rebuilding U.S. military readiness.

4. Protecting unborn babies: Numerous executive orders have increasingly restricted government funding for abortions (such as the reinstatement of the Mexico City policy). On February 22, 2019, the Trump administration announced that it would not allow organizations that provide referrals for abortions to receive federal family-planning money, which implies a cut in funding for Planned Parenthood (the nation’s largest abortion provider) unless they perform abortions in a separate facility and not refer patients to it. And on May 2, 2019, the Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services issued a new rule protecting healthcare workers who decline on the basis of conscience or religious conviction to participate in procedures such as abortion or assisted suicide. Trump was the first president ever to personally attend the pro-life March for Life in Washington, D.C. on January 24, 2020.

5. Expanding educational freedom: President Trump appointed Betsy DeVos, one of America’s leading advocates for greater school choice, to be Secretary of Education, resulting in rising support for charter schools, taxpayer-funded vouchers, and tax credits for private-school vouchers, programs aimed at expanding options for parents looking beyond traditional public schools as she brings attention to them.

6. Standing with Israel: Reversing President Obama’s repeated marginalization and shunning of Israel, President Trump has reaffirmed our commitment to support and defend Israel. He decisively moved the United States Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel. He has welcomed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House several times and has repeatedly reaffirmed our support for Israel. I recently read in the Jerusalem Post a statement that Israel has never had a better friend in the White House than Donald Trump.

7. Negotiating a historic agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates: On August 13, 2020, President Trump announced that Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) had come to a historic agreement to establish full diplomatic relations between the two countries, including the establishment of permanent embassies and the beginning of direct airline flights between the two countries. This is important because Dubai, the largest city in the UAE, is the leading financial center in the Middle East and plays a paramount role in world air travel and tourism. The agreement will “strengthen regional checks on Iranian power.” It also has the potential to set a pattern for future agreements establishing peaceful relations between Israel and other Arab countries in the Middle East.

8. Actually building a border wall: President Trump has relentlessly battled against Democratic stonewalling and liberal federal judges to build an effective, secure border wall along more than 200 miles of our southern border, and it could possibly reach as much as 450 miles by the end of 2020. Critics object that most of this construction is simply replacing old barriers that were already in place, but they fail to recognize that the government’s first priority has been to secure the highest traffic areas, and in many of those areas the old fence was not up to the job. An effective border wall is absolutely necessary to keep our nation secure and to gain some control over an immigration crisis that has spiraled out of control. It won’t put an end to all illegal immigration, but eventually it will likely stop over 95 percent of people who try to enter on foot.

This is important because once the American people feel that the border is secure, it will be much easier to gain the political consensus necessary for a humane and just solution regarding the undocumented immigrants who are already here, and for widespread support for the legal entry of large numbers of immigrants who will contribute much value to this great nation.

9. Comprehensive immigration reform proposals : President Trump has proposed and worked for sensible, comprehensive reform of our broken immigration system that would change our policy on legal immigration from a system based on extended family connections and randomness to a system based on merit, so that we prioritize admitting people who will be most likely to contribute positively to American society (as well as those who are escaping from genuine threats to their lives in their homelands).

10. Religious freedom and freedom of conscience: President Trump’s administration has repeatedly and continually worked to defend religious freedom, and his Justice Department has defended religious freedom in numerous court cases, such as supporting the case of Colorado cake designer Jack Phillips at the Supreme Court (Phillips faced massive fines for politely declining to design a cake celebrating a same-sex wedding), and the right of faith-based organizations not to be required to provide access to abortifacients through their health care plans, overturning the Obamacare HHS regulation that had forced them to do so.

In addition, in the first year of Trump’s presidency, the Department of Justice issued a strongly-worded, 25-page memorandum detailing exceptionally strong protections for religious liberty.
I support Trump over democrats because he did a great job as POTUS and was cheated out of a second term. Plus he belongs to the party that isn't promoting the woke, marxist/socialist/communist agenda.
Ideally, I'd prefer a small gov, libertarian leaning, fiscal conservative, like Rand Paul.

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