Can you trust CNN?

Any news outlet that is driven by market share and advertising revenue cannot be trusted. They all strive to be alarmists and circus barkers, holding the attention of the consumers through commercials with promises of provocative news to follow immediately thereafter. It is often that a particularly juicy teaser will precede several commercial breaks before the story is aired.

Our news media is a nothing short of tabloid journalism. National Enquirer headlines, Jerry Springer, Naked and Afraid and stories of three headed alien babies to follow. Stay tuned!

so, you are saying, ALL media, can never be trusted...including blogs and internet media, which also is out to make money?
I'm saying all of them (99.9%) are driven by profits and will stoop to 'headline teasers' to keep the viewers (listeners) tuned in...even the ones that are considered 'honest'.

The degree of honesty varies on a bell shaped curve. I don't know how to determine which few are close to being completely honest or which few are close to being completely fabricated.

I have come to admire Bill O'reilly for his practice of verifying stories to be true before passing them on. Many outlets simply repeat what they hear based on the provocative nature of the story, thereby procreating the lies along with the truths.

Once a commentator tries to deceive me, all respect is lost. Dan Rather can't be trusted, George Stephanopoulos can't be trusted, Chris Matthews can't be trusted, Brian Williams can't be trusted...and now dear little Katie Couric can't be trusted.

I miss Walter Cronkite, Chet Huntley and David Brinkley.
The profit motive is really subordinate to the "educational" element for CNN and MSNBC. They are literally part of the democrat establishment for the most part, and their false opposition, the republicans to a lessor extent. Otherwise, they would fire most of their hosts and all of their "expert" guests. :p Although the very intelligent Ann Coulter is now making appearances on Hardball so they want to see if that makes Hardball less of an embarrassment.

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