Canada Blocks Helping Poor Kids Because They Don’t Parrot Homo Agenda

It was in direct response to you telling me to get out of the way. Would you like me to post the definition of irrelevant for you? I dont mind a bit.
BTW, mr self awareness, you crying all over this thread about individuality and subjective beliefs has my computer enveloped in a sea of salty tears.
If it shorts out, i do accept paypal.
It was irrelevant. There is nothing collectivist about this. That's just one of the 50 cent words you have on a hotkey for when the urge to throw a little hissy takes you.
Oh shit LOL
You might need an entire dictionary..
Grown man typing fake "LOL"s on the internet = frustrated
fake LOLs? LOL you try to sound so smart that you sound like a fucking moron. Just something to think about.
Yes, fake LOL s. No, I do not believe for a second that you are laughing. In fact, I find it more likely that you are red-faced and frustrated, screaming every word as you type it. And your impotent anger makes you say stupid things, like calling the protection of the individual rights of LGBT "collectivist". Damn that was stupid.
The MOVEMENT is collectivist, genius. I was responding to what YOU said. Do you know how forums and typical conversation works?
I always laugh when people try to sound so fucking intelligent then exercise fallacies like how random people on the internet actually feel.
You big fake.
You homos dragged your sexual perversion into the issue.
haha, idiot-boy lies to himself on a public message board. That's a form of masturbation, I believe. No, it is clear that most of those fighting for the individual rights of LGBT people are not, in fact, LGBT. But little sissies like you have to tell yourselves these lies out loud, in order to justify your bullshit to yourselves.

Why so embarrassed? Just be honest and say, "Because i think Baby Jesus says so", and then shut the fuck up. No need to twist yourselves into little pretzels trying to concoct every stupid idea under the Sun for why you behave as you do. Just be honest.
what individual rights are you talking about? How, specifically, are they oppressed? I mean, for your strong terminology, they must be getting hung in the town square, right?
what individual rights are you talking about? How, specifically, are they oppressed?
well, we had to pass laws to prevent them from being discriminated against for housing, education, medical care, employment, etc. Then we had to pass laws protecting them from being targeted for violence. Now we're battling over the law that prevents businesses from discriminating against them, and we are having battles over laws that use religious criteria to prevent them from adopting children. And we had to pass a law allowing them to be married.

But hey, can't think of a thing otherwise.... jesus man, pick up a fucking newspaper once in a while...
If don't accept our peter puffers, we will kill Christmas.

The gay agenda cant survive without brainwashing kids at an early age. Its up to parents to teach their children about this unnatural immoral disease.
what individual rights are you talking about? How, specifically, are they oppressed?
well, we had to pass laws to prevent them from being discriminated against for housing, education, medical care, employment, etc. Then we had to pass laws protecting them from being targeted for violence. Now we're battling over the law that prevents businesses from discriminating against them, and we are having battles over laws that use religious criteria to prevent them from adopting children. And we had to pass a law allowing them to be married.

But hey, can't think of a thing otherwise.... jesus man, pick up a fucking newspaper once in a while...
4/5 of that shit isnt about individual rights for them. Its about taking rights from other people. No one has a right to other peoples shit.
So, basically, just more ignorant rhetoric that rapes the meaning of words.
The MOVEMENT is collectivist, genius.
No it isn't, and what a stupid thing to say. It would only be collectivist if its goals were collectivist. Just shut up, you're embarrassing yourself.
You are... what a stupid retreat on your part ... "it's collectivist, because it's a movement!".... So, any movement is collectivist. How about, the quasi-libertarian bullshit "anti-collectivist movement"? Wait, but now they are collectivists! uh oh, better get a mop for TN Harley's brains.... his special dictionary has led him into another paradox...
The MOVEMENT is collectivist, genius.
No it isn't, and what a stupid thing to say. It would only be collectivist if its goals were collectivist. Just shut up, you're embarrassing yourself.
You are... what a stupid retreat on your part ... "it's collectivist, because it's a movement!".... So, any movement is collectivist. How about, the quasi-libertarian bullshit "anti-collectivist movement"? Wait, but now they are collectivists! uh oh, better get a mop for TN Harley's brains.... his special dictionary has led him into another paradox...
this is fun. I see your face is getting red and you punching your dog in the nuts.
4/5 of that shit isnt about individual rights for them. Its about taking rights from other people.
Yes, I weep for the loss of your "right" to refuse marriage to gay people. I weep for the loss of your "right" to refuse them employment, or housing, or adoption, or medical care. Damn you are so full of shit.
What does giving a poor kid a Christmas gift have to with homosexuality?

I have no idea. You’ll have to ask a leftist.

Yet more evidence the left hate the poor.

Canadian Schools Cancel Operation Christmas Child over Organization’s Stance on Homosexuality
Excellent choice. They can engage in charity without having to go through a bigoted organization of religious fetishists. The schools policoes are the moral and correct policies, while those of the charity are immoral and incorrect. So, the right thing to do would be for the charity to eliminate its bronze age bigotry from its policies.
And what charity is that?
Oh wait, Homo lovers don’t do charity for the poor, they just crap on them.

Atrophied sphincter muscles?
4/5 of that shit isnt about individual rights for them. Its about taking rights from other people.
Yes, I weep for the loss of your "right" to refuse marriage to gay people. I weep for the loss of your "right" to refuse them employment, or housing, or adoption, or medical care. Damn you are so full of shit.
I am all for gays being able to marry solely because our bloated govt got involved. I dont believe in institutional discrimination. I do believe, however, in the individuals right to discriminate.
I do have a right to my private property despite what you statists come up in the world of empty rhetoric. And so does everyone else.
4/5 of that shit isnt about individual rights for them. Its about taking rights from other people.
Yes, I weep for the loss of your "right" to refuse marriage to gay people. I weep for the loss of your "right" to refuse them employment, or housing, or adoption, or medical care. Damn you are so full of shit.
I am all for gays being able to marry solely because our bloated govt got involved. I dont believe in institutional discrimination. I do believe, however, in the individuals right to discriminate.
I do have a right to my private property despite what you statists come up in the world of empty rhetoric. And so does everyone else.
Fascinating. So, you support every measure I mentioned, but are somehow compelled to throw a fit anyway. Weird!
4/5 of that shit isnt about individual rights for them. Its about taking rights from other people.
Yes, I weep for the loss of your "right" to refuse marriage to gay people. I weep for the loss of your "right" to refuse them employment, or housing, or adoption, or medical care. Damn you are so full of shit.
When you lie like that you really look desperate. And you are you know.
4/5 of that shit isnt about individual rights for them. Its about taking rights from other people.
Yes, I weep for the loss of your "right" to refuse marriage to gay people. I weep for the loss of your "right" to refuse them employment, or housing, or adoption, or medical care. Damn you are so full of shit.
When you lie like that you really look desperate. And you are you know.
Lie... how? Use your words, like a big boy.

Desperate? Uh..... you might want to check the scoreboard.... it's fools like you who are piling up the losses. what you are witnessing and crybabying about endlessly is a sprint to the goal line.
4/5 of that shit isnt about individual rights for them. Its about taking rights from other people.
Yes, I weep for the loss of your "right" to refuse marriage to gay people. I weep for the loss of your "right" to refuse them employment, or housing, or adoption, or medical care. Damn you are so full of shit.
When you lie like that you really look desperate. And you are you know.
Lie... how? Use your words, like a big boy.
Your post I quoted was mostly all lies. How? You know how, you are a liar.
4/5 of that shit isnt about individual rights for them. Its about taking rights from other people.
Yes, I weep for the loss of your "right" to refuse marriage to gay people. I weep for the loss of your "right" to refuse them employment, or housing, or adoption, or medical care. Damn you are so full of shit.
When you lie like that you really look desperate. And you are you know.
Lie... how? Use your words, like a big boy.
Your post I quoted was mostly all lies. How? You know how, you are a liar.
Lies... how? use your words, like a big boy.
4/5 of that shit isnt about individual rights for them. Its about taking rights from other people.
Yes, I weep for the loss of your "right" to refuse marriage to gay people. I weep for the loss of your "right" to refuse them employment, or housing, or adoption, or medical care. Damn you are so full of shit.
I am all for gays being able to marry solely because our bloated govt got involved. I dont believe in institutional discrimination. I do believe, however, in the individuals right to discriminate.
I do have a right to my private property despite what you statists come up in the world of empty rhetoric. And so does everyone else.
Fascinating. So, you support every measure I mentioned, but are somehow compelled to throw a fit anyway. Weird!
My statement was clear. How do you still manage to muck it up?
4/5 of that shit isnt about individual rights for them. Its about taking rights from other people.
Yes, I weep for the loss of your "right" to refuse marriage to gay people. I weep for the loss of your "right" to refuse them employment, or housing, or adoption, or medical care. Damn you are so full of shit.
I am all for gays being able to marry solely because our bloated govt got involved. I dont believe in institutional discrimination. I do believe, however, in the individuals right to discriminate.
I do have a right to my private property despite what you statists come up in the world of empty rhetoric. And so does everyone else.
Fascinating. So, you support every measure I mentioned, but are somehow compelled to throw a fit anyway. Weird!
My statement was clear. How do you still manage to muck it up?
He's a liar like all regressive stains.
4/5 of that shit isnt about individual rights for them. Its about taking rights from other people.
Yes, I weep for the loss of your "right" to refuse marriage to gay people. I weep for the loss of your "right" to refuse them employment, or housing, or adoption, or medical care. Damn you are so full of shit.
I am all for gays being able to marry solely because our bloated govt got involved. I dont believe in institutional discrimination. I do believe, however, in the individuals right to discriminate.
I do have a right to my private property despite what you statists come up in the world of empty rhetoric. And so does everyone else.
Fascinating. So, you support every measure I mentioned, but are somehow compelled to throw a fit anyway. Weird!
My statement was clear. How do you still manage to muck it up?
He's a liar like all regressive stains.
I dont think he does it on purpose. I just think he is stupid as shit.

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