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Canada illustrates where the US is headed if Socialists have their way

Anti-Christian Agenda: Canada Cuts Off Christian College and Bible Camp, but Boosts Muslims

Two recent Canadian government decisions are raising concerns about anti-Semitic and anti-Christian bias in Canada.

Christians say Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's insistence on a liberal "values test" has cut government aid to churches but has provided financial help to Muslim groups opposed to the United States and Israel.

Candice Bergen, a member of Parliament from the Conservative Party, challenged the Canadian PM to explain why his government has denied aid to churches that are helping the homeless, but provides money to at least one extremist Muslim group.


Canada Won't Fund Student Summer Jobs Unless Employers Support Transgenderism, Abortion

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Last April, an Alberta Christian summer Bible camp lost out on Canada Summer Jobs funding because it refused to sign a required "values test" in support of abortion.

Now, Bergen says more than $20,000 in taxpayer funds were given to a Muslim group—the Islamic Humanitarian Service group—in 2017, and additional funds from the Canadian Summer jobs program were granted to the organization this year.

She said the group's leader recently spewed hate speech at an Al Quds Day rally in Toronto. "The purpose of it was to incite hatred and it was an anti-Semitic rally against Jews," said MP Bergen.

Also receiving Canada Summer Jobs program funding this year is the Canada Arab Federation and Anatolia Islamic Center, two organizations that were denied funding in the past and criticized for harboring extremist views.

Watch MP Candice Bergen challenge Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about his support of an anti-Semitic Muslim group on the floor of the Canadian House of Commons

Meanwhile, in a 7-2 decision, the Supreme Court of Canada denied law school accreditation for a Christian university.

The court said it is "proportionate and reasonable" to limit the religious rights of Trinity Western University to ensure open access for LGBT students.

The court upheld the right of law societies to refuse accreditation because of the Christian institution's mandatory community covenant requiring a strict code of conduct which includes abstinence from sex outside of heterosexual marriage.

In the majority ruling, justices argued LGBT students would be deterred from attending the law school if required to sign such a covenant. They also suggested those signing the covenant would be at risk of significant harm.

READ: Canada's Trudeau Accused of Running a ‘Totalitarian’ State and Pushing Christians Out of Work

TWU won appeals of lawsuits in British Colombia and Nova Scotia but lost an appeal in Ontario.

The university first presented its school of law proposal to the BC Minister of Advanced Education in June 2012. Approval was granted in December 2013 and law societies from six Canadian provinces gave their approval, but the Law Society of Upper Canada rejected accreditation.

The Law Society of BC later reversed its approval in June 2014 and in December 2014 the BC Minister of Advanced Education revoked consent for the TWU law degree. That's when TWU filed legal action.

TWU responded to the Canada Supreme Court ruling on the university's website stating: "Until now, Canada has encouraged the rich mosaic created by the diversity of views, race, gender, and belief systems. Sadly, the Supreme Court has decided that this does not extend to a law school at Trinity Western University."

A new video about the university was uploaded to the university's website and YouTube entitled, "A lost opportunity for Canadians who seek access to justice." The video describes Trinity Western University as a university "dedicated to the development of leaders who live out their commitment to justice, mercy, and hope."

Dean of Education, Allyson Jule explained, "A lot of our students do come here because of the Christian ethos and one of the key principles of the Christian faith is serving others, loving others as yourself."

The video also features a Muslim student named Haya who says, "We share the same values. Living your life is not just about you. It's about helping everyone around you."

TWU explained that its goal for the law school was to educate law students about serving charities and non-profits. The Christian university states on its website that the "practice of law is about service to clients" and to focus on programs that "prepare people to help people who struggle to pay for legal services."

Trinity Western planned to possibly open the law school in September 2019. Now, after the Canadian Supreme Court ruling, it says the university will "keep finding opportunities to serve."
The government of Canada stipulates that any and all Bible verses that are anti-homosexual are to be removed, and not read as such has been determined by government officials as both dangerous and illegal even in CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS!

Canada Bans Christianity From The Classroom

Unconstitutional. Such a totalitarian move here would surely be met by bullets. That would be a step too far.
Trudeau promotes the Muslims and "gays" undoubtedly as a means to glean votes for his party. This is the ONLY reason Democrats promote the Gay agenda and illegals in the US. I see them all as part of the Anti-Christ, latter day, one world government policies as spelled out in the Bible. And even though Trudeau may laugh at the notion that he is considered a contender for the Anti-Christ ----- he is in fact an antichrist as sure as Hitler was a type of antichrist. Not a good position to be in. And he is so sophisticated and good looking and smart. Just the sort of person people gravitate towards. And then they find they made a BIG MISTAKE! And "enlightened" angel of light....
Trudeau promotes the Muslims and "gays" undoubtedly as a means to glean votes for his party. This is the ONLY reason Democrats promote the Gay agenda and illegals in the US. I see them all as part of the Anti-Christ, latter day, one world government policies as spelled out in the Bible. And even though Trudeau may laugh at the notion that he is considered a contender for the Anti-Christ ----- he is in fact an antichrist as sure as Hitler was a type of antichrist. Not a good position to be in. And he is so sophisticated and good looking and smart. Just the sort of person people gravitate towards. And then they find they made a BIG MISTAKE! And "enlightened" angel of light....
Religion has messed up your mind and now you can't even formulate a proper thought without going off the religious deep end.
Trudeau promotes the Muslims and "gays" undoubtedly as a means to glean votes for his party. This is the ONLY reason Democrats promote the Gay agenda and illegals in the US. I see them all as part of the Anti-Christ, latter day, one world government policies as spelled out in the Bible. And even though Trudeau may laugh at the notion that he is considered a contender for the Anti-Christ ----- he is in fact an antichrist as sure as Hitler was a type of antichrist. Not a good position to be in. And he is so sophisticated and good looking and smart. Just the sort of person people gravitate towards. And then they find they made a BIG MISTAKE! And "enlightened" angel of light....
Religion has messed up your mind and now you can't even formulate a proper thought without going off the religious deep end.
The government has messed up your mind, because they control the schools and control what can and cannot be taught. So you cannot even think for yourself without blaming GOD whom you don't even believe exists.
Trudeau promotes the Muslims and "gays" undoubtedly as a means to glean votes for his party. This is the ONLY reason Democrats promote the Gay agenda and illegals in the US. I see them all as part of the Anti-Christ, latter day, one world government policies as spelled out in the Bible. And even though Trudeau may laugh at the notion that he is considered a contender for the Anti-Christ ----- he is in fact an antichrist as sure as Hitler was a type of antichrist. Not a good position to be in. And he is so sophisticated and good looking and smart. Just the sort of person people gravitate towards. And then they find they made a BIG MISTAKE! And "enlightened" angel of light....
Religion has messed up your mind and now you can't even formulate a proper thought without going off the religious deep end.
The government has messed up your mind, because they control the schools and control what can and cannot be taught. So you cannot even think for yourself without blaming GOD whom you don't even believe exists.
I'm agnostic so not against a god, just that there's no proof of one.

You're totally obsessed with religion, you're as bad as the Taliban.
Trudeau promotes the Muslims and "gays" undoubtedly as a means to glean votes for his party. This is the ONLY reason Democrats promote the Gay agenda and illegals in the US. I see them all as part of the Anti-Christ, latter day, one world government policies as spelled out in the Bible. And even though Trudeau may laugh at the notion that he is considered a contender for the Anti-Christ ----- he is in fact an antichrist as sure as Hitler was a type of antichrist. Not a good position to be in. And he is so sophisticated and good looking and smart. Just the sort of person people gravitate towards. And then they find they made a BIG MISTAKE! And "enlightened" angel of light....
Religion has messed up your mind and now you can't even formulate a proper thought without going off the religious deep end.
The government has messed up your mind, because they control the schools and control what can and cannot be taught. So you cannot even think for yourself without blaming GOD whom you don't even believe exists.
I'm agnostic so not against a god, just that there's no proof of one.

You're totally obsessed with religion, you're as bad as the Taliban.
I'm obsessed with the Holy Spirit. Obviously, I realize GOD is very real, and the Bible is HIS love letter to those that love the LORD.
Trudeau promotes the Muslims and "gays" undoubtedly as a means to glean votes for his party. This is the ONLY reason Democrats promote the Gay agenda and illegals in the US. I see them all as part of the Anti-Christ, latter day, one world government policies as spelled out in the Bible. And even though Trudeau may laugh at the notion that he is considered a contender for the Anti-Christ ----- he is in fact an antichrist as sure as Hitler was a type of antichrist. Not a good position to be in. And he is so sophisticated and good looking and smart. Just the sort of person people gravitate towards. And then they find they made a BIG MISTAKE! And "enlightened" angel of light....
Religion has messed up your mind and now you can't even formulate a proper thought without going off the religious deep end.
The government has messed up your mind, because they control the schools and control what can and cannot be taught. So you cannot even think for yourself without blaming GOD whom you don't even believe exists.
I'm agnostic so not against a god, just that there's no proof of one.

You're totally obsessed with religion, you're as bad as the Taliban.
I'm obsessed with the Holy Spirit. Obviously, I realize GOD is very real, and the Bible is HIS love letter to those that love the LORD.
God didn't write the bible, now you know.
It is accurate to say that God wrote the Bible. According to 2 Timothy 3:16, Scripture is “breathed out” by God. Throughout the Bible, it is obvious that God is being quoted: over 400 times in the Bible, we find the words “thus says the Lord”. The Bible refers to itself as the Word of God dozens of times ( Psalm 119; Proverbs 30:5; Isaiah 40:8; 55:11; Jeremiah 23:29; John 17:17; Romans 10:17; Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12). The Bible is said to proceed from the mouth of God (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4).

However, explaining that God wrote the Bible does not mean He grabbed a pen and some parchment, and physically wrote the text of Scripture. His “writing” of Scripture was not a physical action on His part. Rather, God’s authorship was accomplished through the process of inspiration, as human writers wrote God’s message.

So, it is also accurate to say that inspired men of God wrote the Bible. The doctrine of the inspiration of Scripture essentially teaches that God “superintended” the human authors of the Bible so that their individual styles were preserved but the end result was precisely what God wanted. When Matthew, for example, sat down to write an account of Jesus’ ministry, he relied on his memory (he was an eyewitness to the events he recorded) with help from the Holy Spirit (John 14:26), keeping his intended readership in mind (Matthew wrote for a Jewish audience). The result was the Gospel of Matthew—a narrative full of Matthew’s vocabulary, Matthew’s grammar, Matthew’s syntax, and Matthew’s style. Yet it was God’s Word. The Spirit had so guided Matthew’s writing that everything God wanted to say was said, and nothing was included that God did not intend to say.

Peter described the process of inspiration this way: “Prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:21). The prophet Jeremiah spoke of inspiration almost as a compulsion to write God’s message: “His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot” (Jeremiah 20:9). There was no escaping it; God wanted to communicate, and so Jeremiah had to write.

Not every book of the Bible specifies who wrote it. Example, the author of the book of Hebrews is unknown. For many books of the Bible, there is simply no way to be certain who the human author is. But that doesn’t change what we are certain about, namely, who the Divine Author is.

Famous writers through history have used amanuenses, or secretaries, to produce their literature. The poet John Milton was blind by the age of 44. His entire Paradise Lost was dictated to friends and relatives—anyone who would write for him—and that’s how the entire epic was recorded (a total of 10,550 lines of poetry). Even though Milton himself did not put pen to paper, no one questions that Paradise Lost is his work. We understand the function of an amanuensis. While God did not “dictate” His Word to the human authors, the principle is similar. God, the Ultimate Author of the Bible, used human agents as His “amanuenses,” and the result was the divinely inspired Word of God.
Trudeau promotes the Muslims and "gays" undoubtedly as a means to glean votes for his party. This is the ONLY reason Democrats promote the Gay agenda and illegals in the US. I see them all as part of the Anti-Christ, latter day, one world government policies as spelled out in the Bible. And even though Trudeau may laugh at the notion that he is considered a contender for the Anti-Christ ----- he is in fact an antichrist as sure as Hitler was a type of antichrist. Not a good position to be in. And he is so sophisticated and good looking and smart. Just the sort of person people gravitate towards. And then they find they made a BIG MISTAKE! And "enlightened" angel of light....
Religion has messed up your mind and now you can't even formulate a proper thought without going off the religious deep end.
The government has messed up your mind, because they control the schools and control what can and cannot be taught. So you cannot even think for yourself without blaming GOD whom you don't even believe exists.
Sorry to hear that you are so ignorant that you don't know that you can put your kids into any crazy religious school and teach them any crazy religious crap you want to.
It is accurate to say that God wrote the Bible. According to 2 Timothy 3:16, Scripture is “breathed out” by God. Throughout the Bible, it is obvious that God is being quoted: over 400 times in the Bible, we find the words “thus says the Lord”. The Bible refers to itself as the Word of God dozens of times ( Psalm 119; Proverbs 30:5; Isaiah 40:8; 55:11; Jeremiah 23:29; John 17:17; Romans 10:17; Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12). The Bible is said to proceed from the mouth of God (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4).

However, explaining that God wrote the Bible does not mean He grabbed a pen and some parchment, and physically wrote the text of Scripture. His “writing” of Scripture was not a physical action on His part. Rather, God’s authorship was accomplished through the process of inspiration, as human writers wrote God’s message.

So, it is also accurate to say that inspired men of God wrote the Bible. The doctrine of the inspiration of Scripture essentially teaches that God “superintended” the human authors of the Bible so that their individual styles were preserved but the end result was precisely what God wanted. When Matthew, for example, sat down to write an account of Jesus’ ministry, he relied on his memory (he was an eyewitness to the events he recorded) with help from the Holy Spirit (John 14:26), keeping his intended readership in mind (Matthew wrote for a Jewish audience). The result was the Gospel of Matthew—a narrative full of Matthew’s vocabulary, Matthew’s grammar, Matthew’s syntax, and Matthew’s style. Yet it was God’s Word. The Spirit had so guided Matthew’s writing that everything God wanted to say was said, and nothing was included that God did not intend to say.

Peter described the process of inspiration this way: “Prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:21). The prophet Jeremiah spoke of inspiration almost as a compulsion to write God’s message: “His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot” (Jeremiah 20:9). There was no escaping it; God wanted to communicate, and so Jeremiah had to write.

Not every book of the Bible specifies who wrote it. Example, the author of the book of Hebrews is unknown. For many books of the Bible, there is simply no way to be certain who the human author is. But that doesn’t change what we are certain about, namely, who the Divine Author is.

Famous writers through history have used amanuenses, or secretaries, to produce their literature. The poet John Milton was blind by the age of 44. His entire Paradise Lost was dictated to friends and relatives—anyone who would write for him—and that’s how the entire epic was recorded (a total of 10,550 lines of poetry). Even though Milton himself did not put pen to paper, no one questions that Paradise Lost is his work. We understand the function of an amanuensis. While God did not “dictate” His Word to the human authors, the principle is similar. God, the Ultimate Author of the Bible, used human agents as His “amanuenses,” and the result was the divinely inspired Word of God.
Your god or any god is not part of our government. We have a secular government based on law...not silly religions. Our Founders saw what a disaster that was under groups like the Puritans and wanted no part of that craziness.
Trudeau promotes the Muslims and "gays" undoubtedly as a means to glean votes for his party. This is the ONLY reason Democrats promote the Gay agenda and illegals in the US. I see them all as part of the Anti-Christ, latter day, one world government policies as spelled out in the Bible. And even though Trudeau may laugh at the notion that he is considered a contender for the Anti-Christ ----- he is in fact an antichrist as sure as Hitler was a type of antichrist. Not a good position to be in. And he is so sophisticated and good looking and smart. Just the sort of person people gravitate towards. And then they find they made a BIG MISTAKE! And "enlightened" angel of light....
Religion has messed up your mind and now you can't even formulate a proper thought without going off the religious deep end.
The government has messed up your mind, because they control the schools and control what can and cannot be taught. So you cannot even think for yourself without blaming GOD whom you don't even believe exists.
I'm agnostic so not against a god, just that there's no proof of one.

You're totally obsessed with religion, you're as bad as the Taliban.
I'm obsessed with the Holy Spirit. Obviously, I realize GOD is very real, and the Bible is HIS love letter to those that love the LORD.
That's nice, dear. :itsok:
It is accurate to say that God wrote the Bible. According to 2 Timothy 3:16, Scripture is “breathed out” by God. Throughout the Bible, it is obvious that God is being quoted: over 400 times in the Bible, we find the words “thus says the Lord”. The Bible refers to itself as the Word of God dozens of times ( Psalm 119; Proverbs 30:5; Isaiah 40:8; 55:11; Jeremiah 23:29; John 17:17; Romans 10:17; Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12). The Bible is said to proceed from the mouth of God (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4).

However, explaining that God wrote the Bible does not mean He grabbed a pen and some parchment, and physically wrote the text of Scripture. His “writing” of Scripture was not a physical action on His part. Rather, God’s authorship was accomplished through the process of inspiration, as human writers wrote God’s message.

So, it is also accurate to say that inspired men of God wrote the Bible. The doctrine of the inspiration of Scripture essentially teaches that God “superintended” the human authors of the Bible so that their individual styles were preserved but the end result was precisely what God wanted. When Matthew, for example, sat down to write an account of Jesus’ ministry, he relied on his memory (he was an eyewitness to the events he recorded) with help from the Holy Spirit (John 14:26), keeping his intended readership in mind (Matthew wrote for a Jewish audience). The result was the Gospel of Matthew—a narrative full of Matthew’s vocabulary, Matthew’s grammar, Matthew’s syntax, and Matthew’s style. Yet it was God’s Word. The Spirit had so guided Matthew’s writing that everything God wanted to say was said, and nothing was included that God did not intend to say.

Peter described the process of inspiration this way: “Prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:21). The prophet Jeremiah spoke of inspiration almost as a compulsion to write God’s message: “His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot” (Jeremiah 20:9). There was no escaping it; God wanted to communicate, and so Jeremiah had to write.

Not every book of the Bible specifies who wrote it. Example, the author of the book of Hebrews is unknown. For many books of the Bible, there is simply no way to be certain who the human author is. But that doesn’t change what we are certain about, namely, who the Divine Author is.

Famous writers through history have used amanuenses, or secretaries, to produce their literature. The poet John Milton was blind by the age of 44. His entire Paradise Lost was dictated to friends and relatives—anyone who would write for him—and that’s how the entire epic was recorded (a total of 10,550 lines of poetry). Even though Milton himself did not put pen to paper, no one questions that Paradise Lost is his work. We understand the function of an amanuensis. While God did not “dictate” His Word to the human authors, the principle is similar. God, the Ultimate Author of the Bible, used human agents as His “amanuenses,” and the result was the divinely inspired Word of God.
Your god or any god is not part of our government. We have a secular government based on law...not silly religions. Our Founders saw what a disaster that was under groups like the Puritans and wanted no part of that craziness.
So now we have silly laws based on Socialistic opinion. So what is your point?
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