Canada's middle class Is better than ours. This is despite...

5 is a god damn lie. If you are a working canadian making around $100k you pay approximately .54 cents of every dollar for that healthcare that you can't use for up to a year when it is a serious procedure needed. Canada has treated citizens so bad for so long now the lives of our cattle would be an improvement for them.

Bullshit. And I say this as a Canadian. Canadians outlive Americans by an average of nearly 3 years. That's how bad our healthcare is. And we pay a lot less for our healthcare insurance than you. Our full coverage family plan with supplemental and basic coverage was less than $3000 per year.
Wait a minute. You did not address the 54% tax rate the average Canadian pays.....
As far as life expectancy is concerned, who cares. We have 10 times the population. The two cannot be compared.
Your avg life expectancy has nothing to do with whether or not your country has single payer and ours does not.
US cities have a much higher violent crime rate. We are populated with a percentage of our population that engage is foolish irresponsible behavior. We cover 50 times the vehicle miles of Canada,.
Why do you bother posting here? What goes on in the US is none of your business.

What goes on in the US is very much our business. If your economy sneezes, our economy wakes up with a recession. I lost the best job I every had because of W's global economic meltdown.

The average middle class Canadian does not pay 54% tax rate. Average tax rate is 30.5%, which is what I pay. Our highest tax rate is 33% on income over $200M.

Canadian income tax rates for individuals - current and previous years

Tax Freedom Day in Canada was June 6th, as determined by the Fraser Institute for all taxes paid by Canadians to all levels of government. So no Canadians, are not paying paying 54% of their income in taxes. Another right wing lie, but thanks for playing.

If you factor in health care costs, Canadians pay less for taxes and health care, than Americans. Our tax dollars are spent on health, education and infrastructure, not wars and corporate welfare.
Global meltdown? BULLSHIT....From a Canadian friend of mine, Canada's economy was relatively unscathed. Your government unlike ours DOES not monetize it's debt. The CDN federal government did not interfere with the real estate market. Stop blaming others for your job problems....
Canada taxes are confiscatory...Canadian income tax rates for individuals - current and previous years
No it isn't.....There's a border there. Two separate and distinct governments. Two separate distinct economies.......Your politics has nothing to do with ours..
Lastly, you can't vote in our elections....So butt out....Concerning our country, you no right to an opinion....

The word is "relatively". Certain segments of the economy got hit hard, one of them being big real estate firms. The large Toronto law firm, Fraser Beatty, which had been open since the late 1800's, closed its doors. My lawyer had a $220 million dollar deal with a US buyer, signed in October 2008, that died during the due diligence period, because US banks weren't funding real estate. The lawyer had three full-time clerks and two secretaries. I had the least seniority of the 5. I'm told, by more than one person, that he begged to keep me. Our firm laid off 10% of their support staff.

Commericial real estate and corporate mergers took a huge hit as banks tightened up. And companies were understandably nervous about moving or making any big investments. In 2008 and 2009 every law firm on Bay Street, tightened their belts, especially in their corporate/commercial and real estate departments. And many went out of business or merged.
So?.....You boss made a deal. The deal fell through.
That's what happens when risks are taken.
That's life.
Did you really expect the real estate bubble to never burst?
Making your claim that you there in Canada have the right to mind our business here in the States, false......
Bullshit. And I say this as a Canadian. Canadians outlive Americans by an average of nearly 3 years. That's how bad our healthcare is. And we pay a lot less for our healthcare insurance than you. Our full coverage family plan with supplemental and basic coverage was less than $3000 per year.
Wait a minute. You did not address the 54% tax rate the average Canadian pays.....
As far as life expectancy is concerned, who cares. We have 10 times the population. The two cannot be compared.
Your avg life expectancy has nothing to do with whether or not your country has single payer and ours does not.
US cities have a much higher violent crime rate. We are populated with a percentage of our population that engage is foolish irresponsible behavior. We cover 50 times the vehicle miles of Canada,.
Why do you bother posting here? What goes on in the US is none of your business.

What goes on in the US is very much our business. If your economy sneezes, our economy wakes up with a recession. I lost the best job I every had because of W's global economic meltdown.

The average middle class Canadian does not pay 54% tax rate. Average tax rate is 30.5%, which is what I pay. Our highest tax rate is 33% on income over $200M.

Canadian income tax rates for individuals - current and previous years

Tax Freedom Day in Canada was June 6th, as determined by the Fraser Institute for all taxes paid by Canadians to all levels of government. So no Canadians, are not paying paying 54% of their income in taxes. Another right wing lie, but thanks for playing.

If you factor in health care costs, Canadians pay less for taxes and health care, than Americans. Our tax dollars are spent on health, education and infrastructure, not wars and corporate welfare.
Global meltdown? BULLSHIT....From a Canadian friend of mine, Canada's economy was relatively unscathed. Your government unlike ours DOES not monetize it's debt. The CDN federal government did not interfere with the real estate market. Stop blaming others for your job problems....
Canada taxes are confiscatory...Canadian income tax rates for individuals - current and previous years
No it isn't.....There's a border there. Two separate and distinct governments. Two separate distinct economies.......Your politics has nothing to do with ours..
Lastly, you can't vote in our elections....So butt out....Concerning our country, you no right to an opinion....

The word is "relatively". Certain segments of the economy got hit hard, one of them being big real estate firms. The large Toronto law firm, Fraser Beatty, which had been open since the late 1800's, closed its doors. My lawyer had a $220 million dollar deal with a US buyer, signed in October 2008, that died during the due diligence period, because US banks weren't funding real estate. The lawyer had three full-time clerks and two secretaries. I had the least seniority of the 5. I'm told, by more than one person, that he begged to keep me. Our firm laid off 10% of their support staff.

Commericial real estate and corporate mergers took a huge hit as banks tightened up. And companies were understandably nervous about moving or making any big investments. In 2008 and 2009 every law firm on Bay Street, tightened their belts, especially in their corporate/commercial and real estate departments. And many went out of business or merged.
So?.....You boss made a deal. The deal fell through.
That's what happens when risks are taken.
That's life.
Did you really expect the real estate bubble to never burst?
Making your claim that you there in Canada have the right to mind our business here in the States, false......

How is posting my opinion on an internet message board, interfering in your business. If you people had half an ounce of business sense, you wouldn't be voting Republican.
Wait a minute. You did not address the 54% tax rate the average Canadian pays.....
As far as life expectancy is concerned, who cares. We have 10 times the population. The two cannot be compared.
Your avg life expectancy has nothing to do with whether or not your country has single payer and ours does not.
US cities have a much higher violent crime rate. We are populated with a percentage of our population that engage is foolish irresponsible behavior. We cover 50 times the vehicle miles of Canada,.
Why do you bother posting here? What goes on in the US is none of your business.

What goes on in the US is very much our business. If your economy sneezes, our economy wakes up with a recession. I lost the best job I every had because of W's global economic meltdown.

The average middle class Canadian does not pay 54% tax rate. Average tax rate is 30.5%, which is what I pay. Our highest tax rate is 33% on income over $200M.

Canadian income tax rates for individuals - current and previous years

Tax Freedom Day in Canada was June 6th, as determined by the Fraser Institute for all taxes paid by Canadians to all levels of government. So no Canadians, are not paying paying 54% of their income in taxes. Another right wing lie, but thanks for playing.

If you factor in health care costs, Canadians pay less for taxes and health care, than Americans. Our tax dollars are spent on health, education and infrastructure, not wars and corporate welfare.
Global meltdown? BULLSHIT....From a Canadian friend of mine, Canada's economy was relatively unscathed. Your government unlike ours DOES not monetize it's debt. The CDN federal government did not interfere with the real estate market. Stop blaming others for your job problems....
Canada taxes are confiscatory...Canadian income tax rates for individuals - current and previous years
No it isn't.....There's a border there. Two separate and distinct governments. Two separate distinct economies.......Your politics has nothing to do with ours..
Lastly, you can't vote in our elections....So butt out....Concerning our country, you no right to an opinion....

The word is "relatively". Certain segments of the economy got hit hard, one of them being big real estate firms. The large Toronto law firm, Fraser Beatty, which had been open since the late 1800's, closed its doors. My lawyer had a $220 million dollar deal with a US buyer, signed in October 2008, that died during the due diligence period, because US banks weren't funding real estate. The lawyer had three full-time clerks and two secretaries. I had the least seniority of the 5. I'm told, by more than one person, that he begged to keep me. Our firm laid off 10% of their support staff.

Commericial real estate and corporate mergers took a huge hit as banks tightened up. And companies were understandably nervous about moving or making any big investments. In 2008 and 2009 every law firm on Bay Street, tightened their belts, especially in their corporate/commercial and real estate departments. And many went out of business or merged.
So?.....You boss made a deal. The deal fell through.
That's what happens when risks are taken.
That's life.
Did you really expect the real estate bubble to never burst?
Making your claim that you there in Canada have the right to mind our business here in the States, false......

How is posting my opinion on an internet message board, interfering in your business. If you people had half an ounce of business sense, you wouldn't be voting Republican.

If you people had half an ounce of business sense, you wouldn't be voting Republican.

And if you they had one-hundredth of an ounce of business sense, they wouldn't be voting Democrat.
How is posting my opinion on an internet message board, interfering in your business. If you people had half an ounce of business sense, you wouldn't be voting Republican.

Right, because everybody knows that lowering taxes on businesses, getting rid of regulations and not creating more intrusive ones on businesses, and burdening them with things like Commie Care or the otherwise fines are just bad for business.

What's good for business is making them pay more in taxes, creating more restrictions, and talking about them in public like they were public enemy number one.
How is posting my opinion on an internet message board, interfering in your business. If you people had half an ounce of business sense, you wouldn't be voting Republican.

Right, because everybody knows that lowering taxes on businesses, getting rid of regulations and not creating more intrusive ones on businesses, and burdening them with things like Commie Care or the otherwise fines are just bad for business.

What's good for business is making them pay more in taxes, creating more restrictions, and talking about them in public like they were public enemy number one.
We have the shittiest economy since the 1930s. Maybe worse. Growth has never exceeded 3% in any year of Obama's presidency. Businesses are hoarding money because they dont know when they'll be targeted by his thugs next. Business investment, the real driver of the economy, has fallen off a cliff. Even Bernie and Hillary talk about the bad economy and how they'll fix it. That is an admission of failure anywhere.
We need the real GOP, not the RINO assholes who want to be dealmakers, to get in and repeal about 99% of whatever Obama has instituted. Only then will the economy pick up and this countrywill be strong.
How is posting my opinion on an internet message board, interfering in your business. If you people had half an ounce of business sense, you wouldn't be voting Republican.

Right, because everybody knows that lowering taxes on businesses, getting rid of regulations and not creating more intrusive ones on businesses, and burdening them with things like Commie Care or the otherwise fines are just bad for business.

What's good for business is making them pay more in taxes, creating more restrictions, and talking about them in public like they were public enemy number one.

If American businesses are so overburdened with taxes and regulations, why are they among the most profitable companies in the world?

Even though minimum wages are higher in Canada, as are energy costs, taxes and corporations are highly regulated, American companies like Walmart, McDonalds etc. manage to turn a profit here.

If government funded healthcare is such a burden on companies, why did the USA try to have Canadian government funded health care declared a unfair advantage to Canadian employers in the NAFTA negotiations?
this from the Huffington Post bashing Canadian Healthcare, when liberal rag bashes Canada you know it has to be bad..LOL

'Free' Health Care in Canada Costs More Than It's Worth

I guess it depends on who you ask.

We get a lot of Canadian truck drivers here in Cleveland, and when we are waiting to get unloaded, I always bring up healthcare.

Younger and middle-aged drivers can't say enough about the Canadian system. They swear they could never have it better. The older drivers tell a different story.

Long waiting times for serious treatments and surgeries. Same goes for rehab and follow-ups. One driver told me that as many problems and expenses that we have in the US with our system, keep it. He said the Canadian system is the best until you get older. Then you pay for all that convince and no cost treatments.

As a Canadian who has lived in the States for 20 years, I would tell you this - the US has the best medical care in the world for those who can pay for it. Because most Americans can pay for it through their health insurance, most Americans have better care than most Canadians. However, if an American loses their healthcare, most will be worse off than a Canadian.

It's better for someone in the lower middle-class and lower to be in Canada and it's better for someone in the upper middle-class and higher to be in America. If you are in the middle-class, it all depends on whether you have health insurance.

Canada provides a pretty good level of care to its citizens as a whole but it lacks cutting edge new treatments. America is way ahead in innovation.

As a final note, despite the grumblings, Canadian socialized medicine is very popular in Canada. Polls have put approval amongst Canadians at 80% or higher. Canadians definitely do not want American medical care.
How is posting my opinion on an internet message board, interfering in your business. If you people had half an ounce of business sense, you wouldn't be voting Republican.

Right, because everybody knows that lowering taxes on businesses, getting rid of regulations and not creating more intrusive ones on businesses, and burdening them with things like Commie Care or the otherwise fines are just bad for business.

What's good for business is making them pay more in taxes, creating more restrictions, and talking about them in public like they were public enemy number one.

If American businesses are so overburdened with taxes and regulations, why are they among the most profitable companies in the world?

Even though minimum wages are higher in Canada, as are energy costs, taxes and corporations are highly regulated, American companies like Walmart, McDonalds etc. manage to turn a profit here.

If government funded healthcare is such a burden on companies, why did the USA try to have Canadian government funded health care declared a unfair advantage to Canadian employers in the NAFTA negotiations?

American companies are more profitable because they are generally better run and in better industries.

Canadian companies are concentrated in finance and commodity businesses, which are generally lower margin businesses. The American economy is driven more by consumer, technology and healthcare businesses, which are higher margin businesses.

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