Canadian father been arrested for “misgendering” his own 14-year-old child by calling her his “daughter,” referring to her with the pronouns she & her

Schools & government work together against welfare of kids and knowledge of parents:

Canadian father facing prison for opposing daughter's "trans" procedures

So I'm guessing Mom has booted this ingrate to the door. Hence the "apartment". You would think that as a father, he would want to be supportive of his daughter even if he doesn't agree with it. Unfortunately, like most bigots, they can't keep their mouths shut and can't keep their prejudices from their children. If it offends him that greatly, cut off contact with her. She's 14. Liable to change her mind on a whim. Or maybe she won't. Either way, it's his job to be supportive. I will also bet you were aren't getting the whole story here.

"My kid want's to cut his arm off"

"Be supportive"!
As long as it's the little arm without a hand or a foot.
You're the ones with the issue. If it doesn't concern me or affect me directly, live and let live. They aren't hurting me..or you.

Have you no mother, sisters, daughters, nieces, aunts, or other girls or women whose safety and well-being matters to you?

Or do you just not give a shit about them being harmed, in order to pander to the agenda of sick, mentally- and morally-defective degenerates?

Any real man has the instinct to protect women and children. I guess that leaves you out.

View attachment 469209

Again with the fucking restroom example. You people certainly have your hangups. Hey fun fact Bobby, you do understand that an immediate family member or a close friend is more likely to assault one of your examples than a complete
stranger is? Right? And your tough guy act doesn't impress me.
If it doesn't concern me or affect me directly, live and let live
It may not affect you are me directly, until it does, and then it's too late.

I currently don't have a daughter that has to compete athletically with a transgender or share a locker room with a pre-op transgender. If I wait until that happens to complain, I shouldn't be surprised if my complaints fall on deaf ears.
You're the ones with the issue. If it doesn't concern me or affect me directly, live and let live. They aren't hurting me..or you.

Have you no mother, sisters, daughters, nieces, aunts, or other girls or women whose safety and well-being matters to you?

Or do you just not give a shit about them being harmed, in order to pander to the agenda of sick, mentally- and morally-defective degenerates?

Any real man has the instinct to protect women and children. I guess that leaves you out.

View attachment 469209

Again with the fucking restroom example. You people certainly have your hangups. Hey fun fact Bobby, you do understand that an immediate family member or a close friend is more likely to assault one of your examples than a complete
stranger is? Right? And your tough guy act doesn't impress me.
If you don't have any problems with men and women sharing the same public restroom at the same time, we have nothing more to say.
You're the ones with the issue. If it doesn't concern me or affect me directly, live and let live. They aren't hurting me..or you.

Have you no mother, sisters, daughters, nieces, aunts, or other girls or women whose safety and well-being matters to you?

Or do you just not give a shit about them being harmed, in order to pander to the agenda of sick, mentally- and morally-defective degenerates?

Any real man has the instinct to protect women and children. I guess that leaves you out.

View attachment 469209

Again with the fucking restroom example. You people certainly have your hangups. Hey fun fact Bobby, you do understand that an immediate family member or a close friend is more likely to assault one of your examples than a complete
stranger is? Right? And your tough guy act doesn't impress me.
If you don't have any problems with men and women sharing the same public restroom at the same time, we have nothing more to say.

Then why did you bother responding? :auiqs.jpg:
Again with the fucking restroom example. You people certainly have your hangups. Hey fun fact Bobby, you do understand that an immediate family member or a close friend is more likely to assault one of your examples than a complete
stranger is? Right? And your tough guy act doesn't impress me.

Perhaps not, as we are both online, and likely far enough apart geographically that it is unlikely that we will ever meet.

But if it should ever happen that I catch you following my wife, or any other close female acquaintance, into a restroom, you'll find out how tough I can be, if there's a need for me to be so.

Again with the fucking restroom example. You people certainly have your hangups. Hey fun fact Bobby, you do understand that an immediate family member or a close friend is more likely to assault one of your examples than a complete
stranger is? Right? And your tough guy act doesn't impress me.

Perhaps not, as we are both online, and likely far enough apart geographically that it is unlikely that we will ever meet.

But if it should ever happen that I catch you following my wife, or any other close female acquaintance, into a restroom, you'll find out how tough I can be, if there's a need for me to be so.

View attachment 469220

Well Bobby, strut your tough guy act all you want. Again, a close family member or friend is more likely to assault your family member than a complete stranger is.
And I'd caution that one thing I've learned over my lifetime is that you don't go picking fights with just anyone. You never know who you might be dealing with.
Just sayin.
And I'd caution that one thing I've learned over my lifetime is that you don't go picking fights with just anyone. You never know who you might be dealing with.
Just sayin.

You should definitely think about that before you follow someone's wife, daughter, sister, or other female acquaintance into a women's restroom.

Though you surely are not much of an example, there are still plenty of real men out here in the world, who WILL do whatever it takes protect our female relatives and acquaintances from subhuman degenerates such as yourself and those whose side you take against that of actual human beings.

View attachment 469199
Oh Canada!
Leftard role model for the world.

The warrant was issued by a judge for the arrest of a father after calling his biological female child his “daughter,” and referring to her with the pronouns “she” and “her.” Hoogland was found to be in contempt of court.

Hoogland is a father to a gender non-conforming biological female 14-year-old who identifies as transgender and prefers the use of male pronouns. Hoogland has repeatedly called this person his daughter, though the court has forbade it.

Everything is backwards. The people who “believe in science” embrace medieval superstitions. Those who claim to be compassionate are quick to dehumanize others. The culture is so full of fraud that we spent a year “saving lives” by destroying a lot of what made life worth living.

Everything is backwards. The people who “believe in science” embrace medieval superstitions. Those who claim to be compassionate are quick to dehumanize others. The culture is so full of fraud that we spent a year “saving lives” by destroying a lot of what made life worth living.

End time prophesy:

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

We are there...
Schools & government work together against welfare of kids and knowledge of parents:

Canadian father facing prison for opposing daughter's "trans" procedures

So I'm guessing Mom has booted this ingrate to the door. Hence the "apartment". You would think that as a father, he would want to be supportive of his daughter even if he doesn't agree with it. Unfortunately, like most bigots, they can't keep their mouths shut and can't keep their prejudices from their children. If it offends him that greatly, cut off contact with her. She's 14. Liable to change her mind on a whim. Or maybe she won't. Either way, it's his job to be supportive. I will also bet you were aren't getting the whole story here.

Holy fuck, I hope you never breed.

A parent's job isn't to be supportive. A parent's job is to raise their kid.

You're absolutely right, though. The kid is 14 and, as you put it, "liable to change her mind on a whim". What happens when the whole transitioning thing is well underway and she "changes her mind on a whim"?

Look at this:

"Arrest warrant to be served on father this Tuesday for “illegally” discussing details of his daughter’s ordeal."

This guy is facing five years in prison because he talked about his own kid. How the fuck is that reasonable?

Again, my guess is you aren't getting the full story here. Who did he discuss it with "illegally"? And who came to that conclusion that he needed to be sent to jail? Where's the Mom?..or do you not care because that doesn't suit your alt-right narrative?
That's the problem with slanted, opinionated rage sites. They aren't good sources of reliable information.

But, fee free to continue with your moral outrage. Attitudes like yours are the reasons some kids want nothing to do with their parents.


I'm disgusted that a government feels it can step in and dictate what I can and cannot discuss about my own child. I'm even more disgusted that there are cretins like you who seem to support it...

"The court has severely clamped down on public reporting of this ".

The courts. Not the government. Always two sides to every story. And I'll bet the reason they clamped down on this guy is because he made threats. Again, need the full story here. And you're not going to get it from some slanted, alt-right opinion site.
The courts. Not the government.
Uh, courts = government.
I don't believe that I'd get through the day without killing anyone at the school involved with this...
Don't make jokes like that. Given your user name, someone could take your quote out of context and try to get you in trouble or investigated, reported or charged with threats. You can say "clobbered" or something clearly metaphorical or comical, but nothing that can be taken as a real threat to "strangle, kill, shoot" etc.

I would be more careful and revise your wording so it's clear it's not literal.
I don't believe that I'd get through the day without killing anyone at the school involved with this...
Don't make jokes like that. Given your user name, someone could take your quote out of context and try to get you in trouble or investigated, reported or charged with threats. You can say "clobbered" or something clearly metaphorical or comical, but nothing that can be taken as a real threat to "strangle, kill, shoot" etc.

I would be more careful and revise your wording so it's clear it's not literal.

But it is literal.

If my child was subjected to that, yeah, someone's getting killed...
Look at this:

"Arrest warrant to be served on father this Tuesday for “illegally” discussing details of his daughter’s ordeal."

This guy is facing five years in prison because he talked about his own kid. How the fuck is that reasonable
That is not exactly true. The trial in which he can be charged with 5 years term is about publicly discussing the names of the doctors.

He was banned from publicly talking about his daughter, indeed. I think that the main word here is 'publicly'.
That is not exactly true. The trial in which he can be charged with 5 years term is about publicly discussing the names of the doctors.

Since when is saying a doctor's name in public a crime?

He was banned from publicly talking about his daughter, indeed. I think that the main word here is 'publicly'.

Publicly or not, since when is a parent talking about their minor child a crime?

This is more fucked up than a football bat...
I don't believe that I'd get through the day without killing anyone at the school involved with this...
Don't make jokes like that. Given your user name, someone could take your quote out of context and try to get you in trouble or investigated, reported or charged with threats. You can say "clobbered" or something clearly metaphorical or comical, but nothing that can be taken as a real threat to "strangle, kill, shoot" etc.

I would be more careful and revise your wording so it's clear it's not literal.

But it is literal.

If my child was subjected to that, yeah, someone's getting killed...

Dear Canon Shooter
it is illegal to kill someone for this, there is Constitutional
and other laws for DUE PROCESS. Even the state has a lengthy process, even the police
must go through agreed procedures and cannot just shoot someone or kill someone.

It is a felony to make death threats also.

If you do not understand these are crimes,
if you are not competent to distinguish right and wrong,
you can argue for mental or legal incompetence.

If you do understand these are wrong, you can argue
that if someone were to harm your child in this manner,
you FEAR you would go "out of your mind" and go so insane
and out of control that you could harm someone without
your normal sense of respect and compliance with laws.

If you think this would drive you THAT crazy that you
would lose all sense of right and wrong and kill someone while
in an insane state of mind, that is still a sane statement.

But to say you would kill someone and not understand
it is felony just to threaten death, that shows either disrespect
for the law or ignorance, whether out of negligence or willful
reckless disregard or criminal intent or incompetence.

Do you understand the difference?
That is not exactly true. The trial in which he can be charged with 5 years term is about publicly discussing the names of the doctors.

Since when is saying a doctor's name in public a crime?

He was banned from publicly talking about his daughter, indeed. I think that the main word here is 'publicly'.

Publicly or not, since when is a parent talking about their minor child a crime?

This is more fucked up than a football bat...
I dont know. These things per se arent crime, of course. I have a feeling that this article doesn't say the whole story. The devil is in the details, you know.
Dear Canon Shooter
it is illegal to kill someone for this, there is Constitutional
and other laws for DUE PROCESS.

You do realize, don't you, that you're arguing with someone who prefers Canon photographic equipment over Nikon. It stands to reason that his judgement, in general, is going to be very dubious at best.

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