Canadian Illegally Crossing U.s. Border Gets Arrested, Fined $5k, 'expedited Removal'


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
But of course come across our southern border, and you're allowed to stay.

A Canadian who illegally crossed the border this week was fined $5,000 for breaking U.S. law, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reports. At $5,000 a pop, that could add up to significant revenue if the government fined all those who have illegally entered the U.S.
On the afternoon of Sept. 7, a U.S. Border Patrol agent from the Houlton Sector arrested a 44 year-old male Canadian citizen for illegally entering the United States south of the Notre Dame, Canada border crossing area.
Because the Canadian entered the U.S. without lawful inspection, he was assessed a $5,000 civil penalty under 19 USC 1459 for Failure to Report. He will not have to go through a judicial processand will have approximately 30 days to pay the fine.
The citizen of Canada (Lebanese national) was returned to Canada on an expedited removal via the Woburn, Quebec, port of entry.
A 40 year-old U.S. citizen was also arrested that day on the same charge and assessed the same $5,000 fine before being released on his own recognizance.
If every one of illegal aliens in the U.S. was assessed the same fine and subjected to expedited removal, the government could both solve the immigration problem - and generate a significant amount of revenue as our national debt approaches $12 trillion.
The latest Pew research estimates that there are 11.7 million illegal aliens in the country. At $5,000 each, that would add $58.5 BILLION to the federal coffers.
And, that's just based on the low estimate. According to the chairman of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers, Inc., there are as many as 20 million illegal aliens in the U.S. - and a study by anti-illegal immigration group Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS) says that number could be as high as 38 million.
At 20 million illegal aliens, the government could collect $100 BILLION in fines. And, at 38 million illegal border-crashers, it could generate a whopping $190 BILLION.
A billion here, a billion there, and before you know it, you're talking real money (even in the government).
Just saying...

Canadian Illegally Crossing U.S. Border Gets Arrested Fined 5K Expedited Removal CNS News
Well how the fuck do you like them apples?

I don't. Not one bit. Why would we have such severe penalties if someone enters the country illegally from one side, then practically welcome someone who comes in from the other side ?
The larger problem is how pourous our borders are, both north and south. The border patrol has a section that deals with illegal immigrants called OTM (Other Than Mexican). The illegal immigrants that they do catch that fall under this category are obviously a mixture of central and south american individuals, as well as asians from Canada and.....Muslims from the Middle-East and North Africa. One has to wonder how many Muslim sleeper-cells have managed to slip over our borders.
It's hard for me to understand why any Canadian would come to this shit hole but a 5K fine is unjustified even if you cannot pronounce your vowels eh.

One of these days some Arab, radical Sunni, is coming across that border with a case of kick ass Allah worthy virgin rape material and he's going to blow a giant hole somewhere that won't save the liberal dogs who support this open border bullshit from their inevitable retirement.

If ISIS is to be believed, then it seems logical that such an attack would occur in a blue city or state before November.
1.) It would be racist to treat Mexicans like we treat Canadians.
2.) Mexicans can become clients of the Democrats. The goal here is to get voters and to expand the welfare state. Mexicans serve dual purposes here both valued highly by Democrats.

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