Canadians Flee The Country In The Fourth Highest Volume In 73 Years


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Easy to understand fleeing a country that is emulating the worst tyrannical governments of the 20th century. Confiscation of your bank accounts without due process, sending people to years in prison for peacefully protesting, etc etc.

But I’m sure they will make up for it by importing Muslims who’ll turn Canada into Iran.

Easy to understand fleeing a country that is emulating the worst tyrannical governments of the 20th century. Confiscation of your bank accounts without due process, sending people to years in prison for peacefully protesting, etc etc.

But I’m sure they will make up for it by importing Muslims who’ll turn Canada into Iran.

I have relatives in Canada. It’s crazy how they would move here in a heartbeat if they could.

Their kids are athletes in American colleges, but that’s just student visas. I can’t believe its not easy for Canadians to come here.
I have relatives in Canada. It’s crazy how they would move here in a heartbeat if they could.

Their kids are athletes in American colleges, but that’s just student visas. I can’t believe its not easy for Canadians to come here.
/----/ Have them travel to Mexico and walk across the US border like everyone else.
/----/ Have them travel to Mexico and walk across the US border like everyone else.
I wish I could get republicans to go along with going after illegal employers. You can go visit Canada any time you want. Just drive across the Detroit bridge. But if you look for a job, Canadian employers won’t hire you
Easy to understand fleeing a country that is emulating the worst tyrannical governments of the 20th century. Confiscation of your bank accounts without due process, sending people to years in prison for peacefully protesting, etc etc.

But I’m sure they will make up for it by importing Muslims who’ll turn Canada into Iran.

Most coming from Ontario. Ontario is a creepy police state. There is evil abound here and I intend to and have been exposing it.

For the record, this has been going on for a very long time, Canada has had the second highest expats around the globe as a percentage of our population for many years now.
considering how many people are leaving the Dominion of Canada, I'm surprised they didn't roll out the red carpet for the thousands of celebrities that wanted to move there after President Trump was elected.
I have relatives in Canada. It’s crazy how they would move here in a heartbeat if they could.

Their kids are athletes in American colleges, but that’s just student visas. I can’t believe its not easy for Canadians to come here.
My understanding is it isn't difficult at all. As long as you aren't a wanted criminal and can be gainfully employed you can apply for a visa and once some time is spent here you can apply for citizenship. Ex mother in law did it that way in the 1970s at least.
I wish I could get republicans to go along with going after illegal employers. You can go visit Canada any time you want. Just drive across the Detroit bridge. But if you look for a job, Canadian employers won’t hire you
/----/ I've always said to go after the people who hire illegals. But democRATs made it illegal to ask employees their status.

Employee Rights | USCIS

Feb 23, 2023 For example, your employer cannot ask you for a U.S. passport or a Green Card. Comply with the Immigration and Nationality Act's anti-discrimination provision.
/----/ I've always said to go after the people who hire illegals. But democRATs made it illegal to ask employees their status.

Employee Rights | USCIS

Feb 23, 2023 For example, your employer cannot ask you for a U.S. passport or a Green Card. Comply with the Immigration and Nationality Act's anti-discrimination provision.
It's not illegal for employers to ask people interviewing for a job for their work papers. Get the fuck out of here.

And did you know this? Read this and tell me it's Democrats fault.

We had an open border with Mexico for several centuries, and "illegal immigration" was never a serious problem. Before Reagan's presidency, an estimated million or so people a year came into the US from Mexico - and the same number, more or less, left the US for Mexico at the end of the agricultural harvest season. Very few stayed, because there weren't jobs for them.

Non-citizens didn't have access to the non-agricultural US job market, in large part because of the power of US labor unions (before Reagan 25% of the workforce was unionized; today the private workforce is about 7% unionized), and because companies were unwilling to hire undocumented workers without valid Social Security numbers.

But Reagan put an end to that. His 1986 amnesty program, combined with his aggressive war on organized labor (begun in 1981), in effect told both employers and non-citizens that there would be few penalties and many rewards to increasing the US labor pool (and thus driving down wages) with undocumented immigrants.

And then there's Bush.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003

So don't blame Democrats when in 1999 we went after 182 and in 2003 Bush only went after 4 companies. FOUR??? No wonder you guys didn't go with Jeb Bush in 2016.

In this powerful new collection of oil paintings and stories, President George W. Bush spotlights the inspiring journeys of America’s immigrants and the contributions they make to the life and prosperity of our nation.
It's not illegal for employers to ask people interviewing for a job for their work papers. Get the fuck out of here.

And did you know this? Read this and tell me it's Democrats fault.

We had an open border with Mexico for several centuries, and "illegal immigration" was never a serious problem. Before Reagan's presidency, an estimated million or so people a year came into the US from Mexico - and the same number, more or less, left the US for Mexico at the end of the agricultural harvest season. Very few stayed, because there weren't jobs for them.

Non-citizens didn't have access to the non-agricultural US job market, in large part because of the power of US labor unions (before Reagan 25% of the workforce was unionized; today the private workforce is about 7% unionized), and because companies were unwilling to hire undocumented workers without valid Social Security numbers.

But Reagan put an end to that. His 1986 amnesty program, combined with his aggressive war on organized labor (begun in 1981), in effect told both employers and non-citizens that there would be few penalties and many rewards to increasing the US labor pool (and thus driving down wages) with undocumented immigrants.

And then there's Bush.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003

So don't blame Democrats when in 1999 we went after 182 and in 2003 Bush only went after 4 companies. FOUR??? No wonder you guys didn't go with Jeb Bush in 2016.

In this powerful new collection of oil paintings and stories, President George W. Bush spotlights the inspiring journeys of America’s immigrants and the contributions they make to the life and prosperity of our nation.
/——-/ READ THIS:

Your employer may not:​

  • Ask for specific documents because of your national origin, ethnicity, immigration or citizenship status, race, color, religion, age, gender, disability, or genetic information, or because of any other protected characteristic. For example, your employer may not:
/——-/ READ THIS:

Your employer may not:​

  • Ask for specific documents because of your national origin, ethnicity, immigration or citizenship status, race, color, religion, age, gender, disability, or genetic information, or because of any other protected characteristic. For example, your employer may not:
This is what happens when corporations own our politicians and write legislation
This is what happens when corporations own our politicians and write legislation
/——/ I have the opposite take. The companies can’t ask for documents but can be charged with hiring illegals. What are they supposed to do?
/——-/ READ THIS:

Your employer may not:​

  • Ask for specific documents because of your national origin, ethnicity, immigration or citizenship status, race, color, religion, age, gender, disability, or genetic information, or because of any other protected characteristic. For example, your employer may not:
It said you can’t be
/——/ I have the opposite take. The companies can’t ask for documents but can be charged with hiring illegals. What are they supposed to do?

I don't think that's the case. I think that said they can't because the person looks like an immigrant. Technicality. It's an excuse for why they don't check.

How does your employer or my employer check our work status? They must be allowed to ask for id. I went to your site and there's lot of things you can't ask but theres also things you must ask. And there were 3 places to go verify.

It's too sloppy. Almost seems to be on purpose. And when we try to get a national registry, I'm sure Republicans put a cabosh on it for whatever reasons they have.

Did you see in 1999 we went after hundreds of companies that year but 2003 Bush only went after 4 companies? Come on! Why can't Republicans ever agree with me and support me when I bring up illegal employers? It's right away with the excuses. You make excuses for employers. Argue for them.

Reminds me of in the 2000's they got you all riled up about how much union workers suck. Then in 2007 Bush sent all those manufacturing jobs overseas. Then it made sense. Demonize the workers.

Well fast forward to 2023, the year of the unions. How many unions went on strike this year and won? That's going to bring all our wages up. Even non union companies will be forced to give their employees raises. If they don't, maybe they'll organize next. This is how America works best!!! MAGA. Thanks Biden. And despite all the problems stocks up, unemployment low and inflation under CHECK.
It said you can’t be

I don't think that's the case. I think that said they can't because the person looks like an immigrant. Technicality. It's an excuse for why they don't check.

How does your employer or my employer check our work status? They must be allowed to ask for id. I went to your site and there's lot of things you can't ask but theres also things you must ask. And there were 3 places to go verify.

It's too sloppy. Almost seems to be on purpose. And when we try to get a national registry, I'm sure Republicans put a cabosh on it for whatever reasons they have.

Did you see in 1999 we went after hundreds of companies that year but 2003 Bush only went after 4 companies? Come on! Why can't Republicans ever agree with me and support me when I bring up illegal employers? It's right away with the excuses. You make excuses for employers. Argue for them.

Reminds me of in the 2000's they got you all riled up about how much union workers suck. Then in 2007 Bush sent all those manufacturing jobs overseas. Then it made sense. Demonize the workers.

Well fast forward to 2023, the year of the unions. How many unions went on strike this year and won? That's going to bring all our wages up. Even non union companies will be forced to give their employees raises. If they don't, maybe they'll organize next. This is how America works best!!! MAGA. Thanks Biden. And despite all the problems stocks up, unemployment low and inflation under CHECK.
/---/ I told you before. I agree with going after employers. And Bush was a RINO catering to the business community. He was wrong.
Americas police apparatus is assisting ours. I am willing to bet that you will look and operate exactly as Canada does today within the next 5-7 years or so unless there is a dramatic shift away from your so-called "allies" and their system. None of which are Republics.
/---/ I told you before. I agree with going after employers. And Bush was a RINO catering to the business community. He was wrong.
Unions used to have power and make government go after illegal employers. That’s when 35% of us belonged to unions. Today 6% of us do
/——/ True, but Unions are responsible for their undoing.

They sure didn't help their cause I'll give you that. Not only did they defend bad behavior and corruption, a lot of them vote Republican. Because they don't realize it's liberals and union that got them the nice pension they are retired on. Or they don't believe Republicans will take theirs away. Boomers gave themselves a lot of nice things now they're in charge they say we can no longer afford to give us what they got. Old union workers are the same. They don't care because they got theirs. Sad.

Let's just say unions made it easier for corporations and Republicans to sell us on sending a lot of manufacturing jobs oveseas. NAFTA was going to happen no matter who was president in 1992. This was the biggest hit on the American middle class.

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